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& DERMAPLAN Juckreiz Ekzem Pflege Creme, 150 Milliliter
DERMAPLAN Juckreiz Ekzem Pflege Creme
Inhalt: 150 Milliliter
Anbieter: EVR Medical Conceptions GmbH
Darreichungsform: Creme
Grundpreis: 100 ml 21,93 &
Art.-Nr. (PZN): 1467740
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medpex App缔美诗 - 企业简介
缔美诗(DMS)国际集团----精选全球医美药妆,量身定制肌肤专家,是中国首家将皮肤科产品引入专业美容的连锁机构,多年来,与法国、德国、澳洲、美国等发达国家的药妆巨头企业进行战略合作,定位于医疗美容和生活美容之间的药妆美肤、整形医院和美容院之间的肌肤修复中心,立志成为消费者皮肤美容的首选品牌,成为美业从业人员的最佳发展平台。 “缔美诗”中文商标寓意“为您缔造美丽人生诗篇”,英文商标【DMS】不仅是缔美诗的中文缩写,更是英文DemaLipid&Membrane&Structure&[皮肤脂质细胞构造]的意思,寓意缔美诗药妆平台的所有产品都是根据人体皮肤科学研发而来,追求品质、安全有效!&
缔美诗 - 企业背景
缔美诗 - 三、企业框架
缔美诗 - 企业历程
? 2008年8月&成立督亿进出口公司,成功代理德国药妆巨头产品; ? 2010年1月年成功,研发出国内唯一的药妆美容肌肤修复系列技术,命名为“缔美诗”,寓意&“缔造美丽人生诗篇”,“缔美诗”品牌正式诞生。& ? 2010年3月&“缔美詩”第一家门店首次呈现在世人面前 经过一年的努力,缔美诗让消费者明白了“药妆是按照制药标准生产的化妆品”,&缔美诗门店也发展到8家 ? 2011年7月成立缔美诗品牌管理有限公司,注册资金500万人民币,缔美诗品牌连锁梦想自此起步; ? 2011年8月缔美诗冠名并承办首届甬城生命美文化节公益活动,得到社会的广泛赞誉 ? 2011年11月缔美诗品牌创始人徐红意受邀到访德国KUHZ公司、德国KOKO公司金光形象图 ? 2011年门店统一形象为“缔美诗肌肤修复专家”,形象门店相继在北京、杭州、温州、重庆等地陆续开出,缔美诗品牌&雏形初现。 ? 2011年12月缔美诗学院正式成立; ? 2012年8月缔美诗再次承办第二届甬城生命美文化节公益活动,受到慈善总会的关注和认可; ? 2012年9月,缔美诗首次参展广州美博会,缔美诗药妆&肌肤修复&的&定位得到美业人士的广泛认同,缔美诗的品牌影响力得到大幅的提升。 ? 2013年4月&&缔美诗优化营销策略,将定位更加精细化,门头形象在“缔美诗肌肤修复专家”基础上加入了客户直接需求&“敏感、痘痘、斑点、皱纹”,缔美诗品牌形象和服务更加贴近顾客,市场知名度及口碑迅速提升。 ? 2013年9月,缔美诗凭借独特的定位及良好的市场知名度,正式受邀进驻高端百货及各大商业广场,如世纪东方广场、万达广场等;同时缔美诗试运行“缔美诗药妆美肤”新业态模式,受到年轻消费者的追捧;& ? 2013年11月成立香港缔美诗国际集团作为集团总部;同时分别在法国和香港设立了技术研发中心; ? 日,隆重举办大型缔美诗双12名媛派对;同时成立【缔美诗爱心基金】并授牌;& 2014年1月缔美诗成立“星光大道”合作伙伴,成为指定美容护肤品牌; ? 2014年3月,缔美诗创始人团队考察澳洲、德国、法国、药妆巨头企业,并达成战略合作协议; ? 2014年5月成立上海缔美诗化妆品有限公司,各大进口药妆品牌纷纷邀请缔美诗成立合作伙伴,缔美诗(中国)正式提出“精选全球医美药妆,量身定制肌肤专家”&的使命,&自此【缔美诗药妆美肤】&连锁正式面向全国招商; ? 2014年7月缔美诗品牌创始人受访“中央电视台影响力对话栏目”;&影响力对话栏目采访 ? 2014年9月缔美诗进驻广州美博会国际品牌馆参展
缔美诗 - ? 企业定位
缔美诗 - & &企业文化
& &缔&-&缔造:创造&,建立,体现企业对待事情的价值;& &美&-&美丽:美好,美貌&,美满,体现企业最美好事物的不断追求;& &诗&-&诗篇:篇章,赞美,体现企业描绘属于我们时代的壮丽诗篇。& &量身缔造您美丽如诗的人生,为您缔造美丽人生诗篇! &&七大原则& 1、亲切的服务;& 2、专业的技术;& 3、努力的学习;& 4、负责的指导;& 5、积极的分享;& 6、团队的荣誉;& 7、个人的成长。& 八大信条& 一、口说好话、心存好意,你就会有福气;& 二、勤劳实干、勇于付出,定有回报;& 三、敬爱家人朋友,善待客户同仁幸福自然相随;& 四、乐于分享、积极喜悦的人事事顺心;& 五、奉献爱心,成就别人将永得平安;& 六、诚实守信,忠诚务实的人必得尊重;& 七、热爱事业、坚持到底,一定成功&;& 八、我要改变自己,因为我是一切的根源。
缔美诗 - 企业旗下部分品牌
& & 澳洲第一药妆、医学美容权威&&ULTRACEUTICALS尤皙 &&&&法国原装进口&皮肤科医师开方产品&ISISPHAMA伊姿法玛& &&&&德国50年药妆企业&&DR.CLEMENS&德肤氏 &&&&德国知名药妆&&DERMAVIDUALS&(DMSR)& & 美国家庭医生调理级精油品牌&doTERRA&多特瑞 &&&&香港中医世家秘方品牌&本草之光等等
缔美诗 - 品牌特色
& 1、配方完全公开,所有有效成分及安全性须经医学文献和皮肤科临床测试证明,且不含公认的致敏源。& 2、配方精简,基本不含色素,香料,防腐剂及表面活性剂。& 3、有效成分的含量较高,针对性强,比一般保养品功效显著。& 4、研发机构普遍是由专业的医药研究实验室来完成,不会是普通的化妆品研究实验室,根据国家GMP制药标准生产。& 5、与普通化妆品质作用于皮肤表面不同的是药妆品可以深入改善皮肤内部问题。& 6、不管是健康皮肤,还有有敏感、脆弱、受损、皮肤炎症等问题性肌肤者都可以使用。& 7、医院、药房、药妆店、专业美容机构有售,有专业的皮肤顾问指导。
缔美诗 - 品牌技术
& 1、独家CSIRO专利传送技术(将高浓度左旋维他命C包裹于比红血球细胞还细小的超微粒分子中,直接渗透到真皮层,配合无水配方,可防止它于空气中氧化流失,充分稳定左旋维他命C的新鲜和活跃度。) &csiro专利传送技术& 2、Dermalipid&Membrane&Structure人工角质层技术,仿造人体肌肤角质层脂质成分几近相同& .Triglycerides&(vegetable)三酸甘油脂;& .Squalane&(vegetable)&鲨烷;& .Ceramides&3&(from&yeast)&神经酰胺;& .Phytosteroles&(vegetable)&植物固醇;& .Hydrogenated&Phosphatidylcholine&(vegetable)磷脂质,等活性成分所组成,尤其磷脂质更是肌肤角质层组成及重建肌肤天然屏障不可或缺的重要成份。&3、Liposome微脂囊技术&4、Nanoparticle纳米微粒技术&5、五维立体修复专利技术
缔美诗 - 品牌优点
& 1、药妆,不是含药的化妆品,是由皮肤科医师或药学博士参与研发的,按照国际GMP制药标准生产的化妆品;也叫医学护肤品;在发达国家,药妆代表着安全、有效、专业的功能性化妆品。& 2、缔美诗-----医美药妆平台& 精选全球医美药妆&&量身定制肌肤专家 在西方发达国家,消费者可以到药妆品店去购买药妆来直接使用,这种在西方发达国家药妆品店可以直接买到的药妆品叫做大众型药妆;举例:雅漾、薇姿、理肤泉、德国世家、科颜氏、鸥美药妆等;而当消费者的皮肤受到敏感、长痘、长斑等皮肤问题困扰时,就会到皮肤科、美容诊所、专业沙龙等让专业的皮肤科医师或美容顾问经过诊断后配合由皮肤科医生推荐的药妆品来解决皮肤问题,那么这些在专业医美机构销售的药妆品叫做专业型药妆,简称医美药妆;医美药妆的特点是使用要遵医嘱、有效成分含量高、效果明显、基本不做广告。 举例:伊姿法玛ISISPHAMA、、尤皙ULTRACEUTICALS、德肤氏DR.CLEMENS、芯丝翠NEOSTARA、修丽可SKINCEUTICALS等& 3、药妆不但可以解决肌肤问题还可以长期使用?&&& 长期使用激素类药物会使皮肤产生依赖,也会对皮肤造成伤害。 而药妆不会使皮肤产生依赖,因为药妆成分大多来源于天然原料,质地温和,经过严格的产品质量检验控制,且配方完全公开,不添加色素、香料、防腐剂甚至表面活性剂,而有效成分的含量较高,针对性强,功效显著,并通过大量临床测试。
缔美诗 - 品牌服务
& 1、ULTRA&C-左旋维C系列(Ultra&C10&Firming&Serum左旋维C10紧致修护精华液、Even&Skintone&Serum亮透白精华液、Ultra&C23&Firming&Concentrate&左旋维C23极致抗皱修护箱、Ultra&C&Firming&Eye&Cream左旋维C紧致美白眼霜)& 2、ULTRA-维A系列(Ultra&A&Perfecting&Eye&Cream极致维A去纹修护眼霜、Ultra&A&Smoothing&Complex维A抗皱更新精华、Ultra&A&Hydration&Booster维A美肌净肤保湿面膜)& 3、脂质细胞同质修复基础乳(清爽型、滋润型)& 4、细胞同质清洁调理产品(细胞膜同质卸妆乳、深层洁肤露、平衡化妆水、、平衡精露、特殊面膜粉、维他命面膜、长效滋润身体乳、强效保湿滋养乳、细胞活化再生强效滋养面膜、滋润精露、清爽眼胶、油性凝胶)& 5、Liposome微脂囊活性成分(天然保温因子、微脂囊玻尿酸原液、微脂囊传明酸精华液、修护抗敏精华)& 6、Light&eyes&美眼系列(Light&eyes&oark&circle&莹亮紧致眼部精华、Light&eyes&sfp30眼部防晒精华液SPF30、& 7、TEEN&DERM祛痘系列(Teen&Derm&Gel青春祛痘洁面凝胶、Teen&Derm&AQUA&青春祛痘洁面爽肤水、Teen&Derm&K控油祛痘修护乳、Teen&Derm&K&Concentrate青春祛痘精华液、TEEN&DERM&MASK舒缓面膜)& 8、RUBORIL红血丝酒糟肌肤系列(Aquaruboril舒缓平衡水、Ruboril&Expert&S&修护舒缓特润乳&、Ruboril&Expert&M修护润肤霜、Ruboril&Expert&50+修红防晒霜)& 9、UNITONE美白祛斑系列(NEOTONE&4&REVEAL&GEL&润颜洁面啫喱、NEOTONE4a-ARBUTIN&熊果苷美白祛斑乳、UNITONE&4&WHITE&PLUS&美白精华液、UNITONE&&SKIN&&LIGHTEING&&亮肤乳)& 10、Sensylia&24小时保湿系列(Sensylia&24Hours&&保湿滋润霜、SENSYLIA&MAKE&UP&REMOVER保湿滋润卸妆洁面啫喱)& 11、驻颜抗衰高端护肤系列(NANO&AGE&护颜紧致滋润精华、NANO&WHITE&&维生素C精华、NANO&PURE&&菁纯护颜精华、NANO&&C&&瞬时焕白精华)& 12、UVEBLOCK防晒系列(SPF30油性皮肤防晒霜、SPF50+防晒护肤乳、防晒抗衰精华乳&SPF50+、运动防晒乳SPF25)&
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In the recent years, utilization of
increased exponentially and customer requirement and quality definitions of power were changed enormously. As the electric energy became an essential part of the daily life, its optimal usage and reliability became important.
have become instrumental for optimizing resources and managing demands, thus making a distribution management system which could handle proper work flows, very critical.
A Distribution Management System (DMS) is a collection of applications designed to monitor & control the entire distribution network efficiently and reliably. It acts as a decision support system to assist the control room and field operating personnel with the monitoring and control of the electric distribution system. Improving the reliability and quality of service in terms of reducing , minimizing outage time, maintaining acceptable frequency and
levels are the key deliverables of a DMS.
Most distribution utilities have been comprehensively using
solutions through their
(OMS) that makes use of other systems like
(IVRS). An outage management system has a network component/connectivity model of the distribution system. By combining the locations of outage calls from customers with knowledge of the locations of the protection devices (such as circuit breakers) on the network, a
is used to predict the locations of outages. Based on this, restoration activities are charted out and the crew is dispatched for the same.
In parallel with this, distribution utilities began to roll out
(SCADA) systems, initially only at their higher voltage substations. Over time, use of
has progressively extended downwards to sites at lower voltage levels.
DMSs access real-time data and provide all information on a single console at the control centre in an integrated manner. Their development varied across different geographic territories. In the USA, for example, DMSs typically grew by taking Outage Management Systems to the next level, automating the complete sequences and providing an end to end, integrated view of the entire distribution spectrum. In the UK, by contrast, the much denser and more meshed network topologies, combined with stronger Health & Safety regulation, had led to early centralisation of high-voltage switching operations, initially using paper records and schematic diagrams printed onto large wallboards which were 'dressed' with magnetic symbols to show the current running states. There, DMSs grew initially from SCADA systems as these were expanded to allow these centralised control and safety management procedures to be managed electronically. These DMSs required even more detailed component/connectivity models and schematics than those needed by early OMSs as every possible isolation and earthing point on the networks had to be included. In territories such as the UK, therefore, the network component/connectivity models were usually developed in the DMS first, whereas in the USA these were generally built in the GIS.
The typical data flow in a DMS has the
system, the
(ISR) system, Communication (COM) Servers,
(FEPs) & Field Remote Terminal Units (FRTUs).
Reduce the duration of outages
Improve the speed and accuracy of outage predictions.
Reduce crew patrol and drive times through improved outage locating.
Improve the
Determine the crew resources necessary to achieve restoration objectives.
Effectively utilize resources between operating regions.
Determine when best to schedule mutual aid crews.
Increased customer satisfaction
A DMS incorporates IVR and other mobile technologies, through which there is an improved outage communications for customer calls.
Provide customers with more accurate estimated restoration times.
Improve service reliability by tracking all customers affected by an outage, determining electrical configurations of every device on every feeder, and compiling details about each restoration process.
In order to support proper decision making and O&M activities, DMS solutions should support the following functions:
& support tools
Applications for Analytical & Remedial Action
Utility Planning Tools
System Protection Schemes
The various sub functions of the same, carried out by the DMS are listed below:-
Distribution network usually covers over a large area and catering power to different customers at different voltage levels. So locating required sources and loads on a larger GIS/Operator interface is often very difficult. Panning & zooming provided with normal SCADA system GUI does not cover the exact operational requirement. Network connectivity analysis is an operator specific functionality which helps the operator to identify or locate the preferred network or component very easily. NCA does the required analyses and provides display of the feed point of various network loads. Based on the status of all the switching devices such as
(RMU) and/or
that affect the topology of the network modeled, the prevailing network topology is determined. The NCA further assists the operator to know operating state of the distribution network indicating radial mode, loops and parallels in the network.
In territories such as the UK a core function of a DMS has always been to support safe switching and work on the networks. Control engineers prepare switching schedules to isolate and make safe a section of network before work is carried out, and the DMS validates these schedules using its network model. Switching schedules can combine telecontrolled and manual (on-site) switching operations. When the required section has been made safe, the DMS allows a Pemit To Work (PTW) document to be issued. After its cancellation when the work has been finished, the switching schedule then facilitates restoration of the normal running arrangements. Switching components can also be tagged to reflect any Operational Restrictions that are in force.
The network component/connectivity model, and associated diagrams, must always be kept absolutely up to date. The switching schedule facility therefore also allows 'patches' to the network model to be applied to the live version at the appropriate stage(s) of the jobs. The term 'patch' is derived from the method previously used to maintain the wallboard diagrams.
is an integral part of the overall monitoring and control systems for transmission networks. It is mainly aimed at providing a reliable estimate of the system voltages. This information from the state estimator flows to control centers and database servers across the network.
The variables of interest are indicative of parameters like margins to operating limits, health of equipment and required operator action. State estimators allow the calculation of these variables of interest with high confidence despite the facts that the measurements may be corrupted by noise, or could be missing or inaccurate.
Even though we may not be able to directly observe the state, it can be inferred from a scan of measurements which are assumed to be synchronized. The algorithms need to allow for the fact that presence of noise might skew the measurements. In a typical power system, the State is quasi-static. The time constants are sufficiently fast so that system dynamics decay away quickly (with respect to measurement frequency). The system appears to be progressing through a sequence of static states that are driven by various parameters like changes in load profile. The inputs of the state estimator can be given to various applications like , Contingency Analysis, and other applications.
Load flow study is an important tool involving
applied to a power system. The load flow study usually uses simplified notations like a single-line diagram and focuses on various forms of
rather than voltage and current. It analyzes the power systems in normal steady-state operation. The goal of a power flow study is to obtain complete voltage angle and magnitude information for each bus in a power system for specified load and generator
and voltage conditions. Once this information is known, real and
flow on each branch as well as generator reactive power output can be analytically determined.
Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem, numerical methods are employed to obtain a solution that is within an acceptable tolerance. The load model needs to automatically calculate loads to match
or forecasted feeder currents. It utilises customer type, load profiles and other information to properly distribute the load to each individual distribution transformer. Load-flow or
are important for planning future expansion of power systems as well as in determining the best operation of existing systems.
Volt-VAR Control or VVC refers to the process of managing voltage levels and reactive power (VAR) throughout the
systems. These two quantities are related, because as reactive power flows over an inductive line (and all lines have some inductance) that line sees a voltage drop. VVC encompasses devices that purposely inject reactive power into the grid to alter the size of that voltage drop, in addition to equipment that more directly controls voltage.
In the legacy grid, there are three primary tools for carrying out voltage management: Load Tap Changers (LTCs), voltage regulators, and capacitor banks. LTCs and voltage regulators refer to transformers with variable turns ratios that are placed at strategic points in a network and adjusted to raise or lower voltage as is necessary. Capacitor banks manage voltage by “generating” reactive power, and have thus far been the primary tools through which true Volt/VAR control is carried out. These large capacitors are connected to the grid in shunt configuration through switches which, when closed, allow the capacitors to generate VARs and boost voltage at the point of connection. In the future, further VVC might be carried out by smart inverters and other distributed generation resources, which can also inject reactive power into a distribution network. A VVC application helps the operator mitigate dangerously low or high voltage conditions by suggesting required action plans for all VVC equipment. The plan will give a required tap position and capacitor switching state to ensure the voltage stays close to its nominal value and thus optimize Volt-VAR control function for the utility.
Beyond maintaining a stable voltage profile, VVC has potential benefits for the ampacity (current-carrying capacity) of power lines. There could be loads that contain reactive components like
(such as ) that strain the grid. This is because the reactive portion of these loads causes them to draw more current than an otherwise comparable, purely resistive load would draw. The extra current can result in heating up of equipment like transformers, conductors, etc. which might then need resizing to carry the total current. An ideal power system needs to control current flow by carefully planning the production, absorption and flow of reactive power at all levels in the system.
Electric Distribution Systems have long stretches of , multiple injection points and fluctuating consumer demand. These features are inherently vulnerable to instabilities or unpredicted system conditions that may lead to critical failure. Instability usually arises from power system oscillations due to faults, peak deficit or protection failures. Distribution
and restoration schemes play a vital role in emergency operation and control in any utility.
An automated Load Shedding Application detects predetermined trigger conditions in the distribution network and performs predefined sets of control actions, such as opening or closing non-critical feeders, reconfiguring downstream distribution or sources of injections, or performing a tap control at a transformer. When a distribution network is complex and covers a larger area, emergency actions taken downstream may reduce burden on upstream portions of the network. In a non-automated system, awareness and manual operator intervention play a key role in trouble mitigation. If the troubles are not addressed quickly enough, they can cascade exponentially and cause major catastrophic failure.
DMS needs to provide a modular automated load shedding & restoration application which automates emergency operation & control requirements for any utility. The application should cover various activities like Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS), limit violation and time of day based load shedding schemes which are usually performed by the operator.
Reliability and quality of
are key parameters which need to be ensured by any utility. Reduced outage time duration to customer, shall improve over all utility reliability indices hence FMSR or automated switching applications plays an important role. The two main features required by a FMSR are: Switching management & Suggested switching plan
The DMS application receives faults information from the SCADA system and processes the same for identification of faults and on running switching ma the results are converted to
by the applications. The action plan includes switching ON/OFF the automatic load break switches / RMUs/Sectionalizer .The action plan can be verified in study mode provided by the functionality .The switching management can be manual/automatic based on the configuration.
via feeder reconfiguration is an essential application for utilities where they have multiple feeders feeding a load congested area. To balance the loads on a network, the operator re-routes the loads to other parts of the network. A Feeder Load Management (FLM) is necessary to allow you to manage energy delivery in the electric distribution system and identify problem areas. A Feeder Load Management monitors the vital signs of the distribution system and identifies areas of concern so that the distribution operator is forewarned and can efficiently focus attention where it is most needed. It allows for more rapid correction of existing problems and enables possibilities for problem avoidance, leading to both improved reliability and
On a similar note, Feeder Reconfiguration is also used for . Due to several network and operational constraints utility network may be operated to its maximum capability without knowing its consequences of losses occurring. The overall energy losses and revenue losses due to these operations shall be minimized for effective operation. The DMS application utilizes switching management application for this, the losses minimization problem is solved by the optimal power flow algorithm and switching plans are created similar to above function
Distribution Load Forecasting (DLF) provides a structured interface for creating, managing and analyzing load forecasts. Accurate models for electric power load forecasting are essential to the operation and planning of a . DLF helps an electric utility to make important decisions including decisions on purchasing electric power, load switching, as well as infrastructure development.
Load forecasting is classified in terms of different planning durations: short-term load forecasting or STLF (up to 1 day, medium-term load forecasting or MTLF (1 day to 1 year), and long-term load forecasting or LTLF (1-10years). To forecast load precisely throughout a year, various external factors including weathers, , population, per capita
seasons and holidays need to be considered. For example, in the winter season, average
factor could be added as an explanatory variable in addition to those used in the summer model. In transitional seasons such as spring and fall, the transformation technique can be used. For holidays, a holiday effect load can be deducted from the normal load to estimate the actual holiday load better.
have been developed for load forecasting based on various techniques like , , iterative reweighted least-squares, adaptive load forecasting, stochastic time series, ,
and . Amongst these, the most popular STLF were stochastic time series models like ,
(ARIMA) model and other models using fuzzy logic and Neural Networks.
DLF provides
and forecasting capabilities that is configured to address today’s requirements and adapt to address future requirements and should have the capability to produce repeatable and accurate forecasts.
In any integrated energy delivery utility operation model, there are different functional modules like GIS, Billing & metering solution, ERP, Asset management system that are operating in parallel and supports routine operations. Quite often, each of these functional modules need to exchange periodic or real time data with each other for assessing present operation condition of the network, workflows and resources (like crew, assets, etc.). Unlike other power system segments, distribution system changes or grows every day, and this could be due to the addition of a new consumer, a new transmission line or replacement of equipment. If the different functional modules are operating in a non-standard environment and uses custom APIs and database interfaces, the engineering effort for managing shall become too large. Soon it will become difficult to manage the growing changes and additions which would result in making system integrations non- functional. Hence utilities cannot make use of the complete benefit of functional modul the systems may even need to be migrated to suitable environments with very high costs.
As these problems came to light, various standardization processes for inter application data exchanges were initiated. It was understood that a standard based integration shall ease the integration with other functional modules and that it also improves the operational performance. It ensures that the utility can be in a vendor neutral environment for future expansions, which in turn means that the utility can easily add new functional modules on top of existing functionality and easily push or pull the data effectively without having new interface adapters.
IEC 61968 is a standard being developed by the Working Group 14 of Technical Committee 57 of the
and defines standards for information exchanges between electrical distribution system applications. It is intended to support the inter-application integration of a utility enterprise that needs to collect data from different applications which could be new or legacy.
As per IEC 61968, a DMS encapsulates various capabilities like monitoring and control of equipment for power delivery, management processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management, demand-side management, outage management, work management, automated mapping and facilities management. The crux of IEC 61968 standards is the Interface Reference Model (IRM) that defines various standard interfaces for each class of applications. Abstract (Logical) components are listed to represent concrete (physical) applications. For example, a business function like Network Operation (NO) could be represented by various business sub-functions like Network Operation Monitoring (NMON), which in turn will be represented by abstract components like Substation state supervision, Network state supervision, and Alarm supervision.
IEC 61968 recommends that system interfaces of a compliant utility inter-application infrastructure be defined using
(UML). UML includes a set of graphic notation techniques that can be used to create visual models of object-oriented software-intensive systems. The IEC 61968 series of standards extend the
(CIM), which is currently maintained as a UML model, to meet the needs of electrical distribution. For structured document interchange particularly on the Internet, the data format used can be the
(XML). One of its primary uses is information exchange between different and potentially incompatible computer systems. XML is thus well-suited to the domain of system interfaces for distribution management. It formats the message payloads so as to load the same to various messaging transports like SOAP (), etc.
Yih-Fang H Werner, S.; Jing H Kashyap, N.; Gupta, V., "State Estimation in Electric Power Grids: Meeting New Challenges Presented by the Requirements of the Future Grid," Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , vol.29, no.5, pp.33,43, Sept. 2012
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