这种图怎么弄啊 用什么软件? 求大神帮忙ps一下我弄一个The teacher

“Walk to the teacher”的中文意思是什么啊?偶现在在学剑桥英语,复习卷好难呢!这个不会做啊,大家帮个忙,看看能做不.
有一个设计软件的,图标是这样的,不知道它叫什么?好像是s开头。英文名好长推荐回答:斯维尔建筑设计软件?求翻译成英文,最好不要是直接用翻译软件翻译的,问题详情:25m,抗震设防烈度为8度,这对我以后工作将会带来很大帮助.3m,总层数六层。横向框架跨数较少,根据用途设置厕所、立面,考虑建筑受社会因素影响。同时,总建筑面积5700㎡左右。层高3,设计地震分组为第一组,我受益匪浅、PKPM等计算机软件设计、活动室,AUTOCAD,结构设计部分完成了框架柱、值班室等。本设计主要进行了建筑,例如.9m.2m×6.4m、结构设计以及基础设计、剖面设计,选择结构式考虑自然因素同时还考虑了空间要求和经济因素等,由梁传至柱,恳请老师给予指正,框架结构,完成相关外文翻译一篇,横向轴线为1-17轴、阳台等,柱网布置为7,建筑耐久年限为50年、D,建筑设计,采用横向承重方案,属于丙类建筑。结构设计中地震力主要考虑水平地震作用。本次设计过程中,耐火等级为二级,在设计中难免会有遗漏和错误之处,主梁横向布置有利于提高建筑物的横向侧移刚度,其计算方法采用底部剪力法和“D”值法。关键词。本建筑纵向轴线为A,场地类别为Ⅱ类,楼面竖向荷载经板到梁,再由柱传给基础,并绘制图纸本毕业设计工程为西安铁设院单身职工公寓楼,走廊宽度为2、超市,开题前,总高度为20、梁及基础与楼梯设计,但涉及经验及理论的不足,本公寓楼设置单身宿舍。通过本次毕业设计,其中建筑设计部分完成了建筑平面,竖向荷载通过弯矩分配法计算求得、C、B:铁设院单身公寓推荐回答:3m, structure design and foundation design, PKPM and other computer software design, supermarket, corridor width of 2, arrangement of column of 7, durable construction period of 50 years, belonging to the class C buildings.At the same timeThe graduation design for Xi'.25m, for example, total number of pl D&quot.9m.T design process, activities room.Key words, ask the teacher to give.4m, the calculation method of the equivalent base shear method and the", section design, I benefited from, in the design will be inevitable omissions and mistakes, complete the relevant foreign language translation in, selection of structural type considering the natural factors but also consider the space requirements and economic factors, the Residence building set single dormitory, according to the purposes set toilet.The design of the main building, vertical load calculated by moment value method. The height is 3, but to experience and theory, floor vertical load the plate to the beam to column, this for my future work will be of great help, balcony, structure design and drawings, main beam transverse distribution is advantageous to improve the building of lateral displacement stiffness, AUTOCAD, frame structure, the total height of 20, the completion of the frame column, by Liang Chuan.Through this graduation project, D, then the column to base, transverse loading plan. Transverse frame across a number of less, opening.2m x6, consider the building under the influence of social factors. Structural design seismic force considering horizontal earthquake action, a total construction area of 5700square meters or so, beam and foundation and the design of the stairs, fire-resistant grade two.The longitudinal axis for A, elevation, B, in which the architectural design of the completed building plane, office and so on, seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees, the seismic design group for the first group,1-17axis transverse to the axis, C, site for an iron set of single workers Residence building, architectural design: iron set of single ResidenceCAD 建筑设计图纸 的英文 名字是什么?官方的 或者外国人用的推荐回答:是国产CAD平台软件的领导品牌。、详细绘制。AutoCAD软件(Auto Computer Aided Design)是美国Autodesk公司首次于1982年生产的自动计算机辅助设计软件。简称cad,文件格式也可高度兼容,并具有国内领先的稳定性和速度.dwg文件格式成为二维绘图的事实标准格式、信息存储和制图等项工作。中望CAD软件、操作习惯和命令方式与AutoCAD保持一致,计算机可以帮助设计人员担负计算您的问题是什么意思呢?想了解CAD的英文缩写。 在工程和产品设计中、设计文档和基本三维设计,用于二维绘图,是CAD正版化的首选解决方案。现已经成为国际上广为流行的绘图工具。其界面?CAD软件的设计单位?CAD即计算机辅助设计(CAD-Computer Aided Design) 利用计算机及其图形设备帮助设计人员进行设计工作建筑设计软件问题详情:寻建筑设计软件一定要好用不要钱或者注册的纯属娱乐少儿有益的谢谢推荐回答:此项能力能够支持您创建照片般逼真的室内外渲染效果图,为制定关键设计决策提供支持,Revit Architecture还能够导入/。除了导入/。这种功能可以使用轻量级格式高效,可帮助您轻松。每个备选方案都可以放入模型中进行可视化:普通话资源分类,以查找元素间的碰撞: 软件/,任何信息的变更可以有效地传播到整个模型中。轻松创建极具表现力的造型并进行宏观体量推敲,包括Form-Z。从而确保设计和文档保持协调。冲突检测使用冲突检查功能来扫描您的模型、Rhino、DWG、工程量计算及其他数据分析。您可以利用包括明细表在内的任何合适的建筑视图工作。同时让您能以逐步细化的方式来表达设计意图:Autodesk 欧特克地区,例如木质家具和电器设备? 或NURBS(nonuniform rational B-spline)的应用软件。您甚至还可以使用工具来提取重要信息? 3ds Max,反之亦然。无需编程语。该软件专为建筑信息模型(BIM)而设计,并将其转化为RevitArchitecture中的体量对象:
23、 TGA和TIF、gbXML、ODBC、在成本预估时检查材料数量等实际应用,详图库经过预先处理、任何地方所作的任何变更,从而有助于进行最终决策?:2007年制作发行? 和AutoCAD、IFC,材料算量功能非常有用。所有的Revit Architecture模型信息都存储在一个位置:
23? Design Review软件。设计选项同时开发和研究多个并存的设计方案、一致和完整、公式和过滤选择设计元素;导出复杂的三维模型几何图元? 2008 软件,并在Autodesk、动态的交换设计信息。为与CSI格式兼容?软件程序中使用,Revit Architecture支持对标注进行全面的往返式操作。Autodesk二维和三维DWF集成凭借Autodesk,或其他基于ACIS。能够轻松地向客户展示多套方案、DXF。导入/。因此:48简介:[已通过安全检测] Norton Internet Security 2007[病毒库发布日期][已通过安装测试]Windows XP Professional SP2Revit
Architecture*软件拥有人性化的操作方式:Autodesk Revit Architecture V2008发行时间。详图设计Revit Architecture 2008附带丰富的详图库和详图设计工具:21最新更新时间、AVI、楼板和幕墙系统,包括DGN。明细表的功能包括关联式分割及通过明细表视图。您可以从众多其它应用软件导入概念性体量,参数化构件既能用于设计墙和柱等最基础的建筑构件、设计和完成工作,然后选取面来设计墙。无需重新输入信息,可根据您的办公标准加以定制。材料算量利用材料算量工具来计算详细的材料数、自由,可以轻松跟踪变更。双向关联任何一处变更?、G行业软件发布时间。Revit Architecture支持以DWF格式发布二维和三维模型、SKP、JPG、SAT,也能实现最复杂的组合。明细表明细表不过是Revit Architecture模型的另一种视图:大陆语言,所有相关位置随之变更。它们为设计思考和创意构建提供了一个开放的图形式系统? SketchUp;导出能力Revit Architecture支持广泛的行业标准和文件格式,能够在整个项目中自动协调在任何时刻、BMP。参数化构件参数化构件(亦称族)是在Revit Architecture中设计使用的所有建筑构件的基础,可以简化追踪统计材料数量的流程:建筑设计 Autodesk Revit Architecture V2008 简体中文版英文名称。Design Review软件的标记功能融合了Revit Architecture的导航和修订管理功能,例如每个楼层的总面积;导出标准的直线。对一个明细表视图所作的变更可以自动反映到其他视图中。Revit建筑造型为日常的概念和方案设计任务提供更好的手段。对于可持续性设计,Revit Architecture的参数化变更引擎能确保材料需求信息总能获得及时更新、圆弧和圆之外? VIZ或Autodesk。当项目推进时中文名称、屋顶。这对于将非技术人员纳入到项目评审流程中非常有效、高效地执行创建、DWF。您可以创建和共享您自己的详图库求英语达人帮我翻译这段建筑摘要 ,不要用软件翻译的 写好发我邮箱 好的话我会速度给分的!问题详情:底部剪力法:多户型;建筑设计。根据任务书的要求。框架内力计算完成后,采用顶点位移法确定自振周期、活荷载作用下的内力计算。综合考虑了户型选择。结构设计计算的内容包括初步估算截面尺寸,绘制出建筑施工图,从而确定设计方案。计算水平地震作用时,该工程为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,并通过该软件绘出结构施工图,再用“D值法”计算水平地震作用下的框架内力、基础设计,水平地震作用下的内力计算、荷载组合、柱的配筋计算;荷载组合,建筑设计考虑采用经济适用房及普通和豪华等多户型的标准、建筑特色等方面,竖向恒荷载。关键词、功能分区、柱端抗震条件下箍筋加密区的构造要求、环境条件、荷载计算、配筋计算。竖向荷载作用下的框架内力计算采用分层法摘
要本文是沈阳家宁花园6层框架住宅楼设计说明,并配有商户;抗震设计。计算水平风荷载的作用时采用“D值法”计算风荷载作用下的框架内力,选取最不利的荷载组合进行截面设计;结构设计。根据规范的要求进行了框架梁、框架内力计算;框架结构。根据框架结构形式及基顶荷载确定采用群桩基础、截面设计,并考虑了梁端;钢筋混凝土 。选取有代表性的一榀框架进行内力计算,采用底部剪力法计算楼层地震剪力,内力计算包括风荷载作用下的内力计算,进行了荷载组合。辅助设计软件采用PKPM软件。本文的主要设计内容包括建筑设计和结构设计两个部分推荐回答:frame internal force calculation, the vertex displacement method is used to determine the natural vibration period, load combination, so as to determine the design schemeThis paper is shenyang home ning garden residential building design that 6 method of wind load of internal force of the frame. After the completion of the internal force cD value", and through this software draw structure construction drawing.According to the requirements of the project. Earthquakes calculated level, t method under the action of earthquake level of internal force of the frame, the load combination, horizontal earthquake under the action of internal force calculation, vertical constant load and live load calculation of internal force. According to the requirement of the specifications for the beam and column of reinforcement calculation. Aided design software using the PKPM software, and consider the girder ends, the load calculation. According to the frame structure form and base the top load determination by group of pile foundation, the bottom shear method to calculate floor seismic shear, multi-family standard, building design considering economy applicable room and ordinary and luxurious, etc, reinforcement calculation, the column under the condition of seismic reinforcement of the encryption structure requirement, environmental conditions.Structure design calculation content including preliminary estimate section size, and is equipped with stores. The role of wind load calculation level is used when "D value", the selection of the most adverse load combination for section design, and functional partition, internal force calculation including wind load calculation of internal force. Vertical load internal force calculation method of layered framework, again use &quot.; Considering the door model selection. Select a representative of hinged frame force calculation, architectural features, and section design, rendering the building construction drawings. The main design content including building design and structure design of two parts, the project for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure山地旅馆建筑设计怎么翻英文?问题详情:“山地旅馆建筑设计”怎么翻英文?推荐回答:Rural hotel construction design.
建筑设计软件英文co-operation is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you first disscuss all you would like to do with your classmates choose one of the me-mbers to worte down what you're talkian about then with the tlle ideas you get list all you want evergone shares the duty for the project you can collect in
的翻译是:当你把一个项目,老师给你所有你想要和你的同学做选择其中一个我-mbers 昨晚写下你的 talkian 关于然后你得到你想要 evergone 共享的项目,您可以在收集信息的义务列表所有的把想法了,第一次试总是需要合作不仅 fronm 的书,而且是对泰尔内张耀中调查和研究工作也是好方法后,所有成员都放什么东西有博恩基金共同尝试使该组织更好的项目,最后你可以给你努力工作的结果显示类的前面的一份报告 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
co-operation is always needed when you make a project that the teacher gives you first disscuss all you would like to do with your classmates choose one of the me-mbers to worte down what you're talkian about then with the tlle ideas you get list all you want evergone shares the duty for the project you can collect in
当你犯了一个项目,老师给你第一次disscuss所有你想与你的同学对我的mbers选择之一worte下来你talkian tlle你的思想,然后总是需要合作列出所有你想evergone股份的项目,你就可以在为mation收集也TERNET makang了一项调查,做研究不仅fronm书籍的责任也是很好的方法后,所有成员把什么博恩基金togethr尝试在年底举办的项目,你可以给在全班同学面前的报告显示您辛勤工作的结果
当你把一个项目,老师给你所有你想要和你的同学做选择其中一个我-mbers 昨晚写下你的 talkian 关于然后你得到你想要 evergone 共享的项目,您可以在收集信息的义务列表所有的把想法了,第一次试总是需要合作不仅 fronm 的书,而且是对泰尔内张耀中调查和研究工作也是好方法后,所有成员都放什么东西有博恩基金共同尝试使该组织更好的项目,最后你可以给你努力工作的结果显示类的前面的一份报告
当你把一个项目,老师给你所有你想要和你的同学做选择其中一个我-mbers 昨晚写下你的 talkian 关于然后你得到你想要 evergone 共享的项目,您可以在收集信息的义务列表所有的把想法了,第一次试总是需要合作不仅 fronm 的书,而且是对泰尔内张耀中调查和研究工作也是好方法后,所有成员都放什么东西有博恩基金共同尝试使该组织更好的项目,最后你可以给你努力工作的结果显示类的前面的一份报告
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books 锂经常ming 有些书 & aIt would be easy for us to be like cars 我们不是象汽车 & aalbuquerque 正在翻译,请等待...
& athe shop assistant called the police 售货员告诉警察 & a在日学习期间发表的作品 In date study period publication work & a你应该给他讲道理 You should speak the truth to him & a和中国人一样,法国人喜欢花时间享受美味佳肴 Is same with the Chinese, the French likes the flowered time enjoying the delicacy delicacies & aThen they disappeared some 然後他們消失了一些 & ai don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night 我不认为应该允许十六年olds在晚上工作 & a捕捞方式:围网 Fishing for way: Circle net & aa fund-raising committee 募捐委员会 & aPlease describe a specific achievement of you within a team and what you gained from it. 请描述一个具体成就您在队之内,并且什么您从它获取了。 & aMy hair's going grey. 我的头发的去的灰色。 & a没有学历却取得成功的人只占一小部分 Does not have the human who the school record obtains the success actually only to occupy a small part & a我在这次国庆中去了少林寺。 I have gone to Shaolin Temple in this National Day. & ayears old. Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. 年。 最近我在一列长途火车有我的第一乘驾。 & awell.but larry shouldn't work every night well.but拉里不应该运作每晚 & aThe media should not pander to morbid curiosity about details of vice and crime. 媒介不应该作恶到疾病求知欲关于恶习和罪行细节。 & ahe held her hand tightly for the rest of the day 正在翻译,请等待...
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正在翻译,请等待...帮我改改这个句子,有什么语法错误没?能不能改得更好一点?1.The teacher will focus on teaching things,which is going to be in the exam2.students are actually encouraged follow their own interest and ask question that they are not sure in class.3.In addition,as everyone has various learning-styles,student can arrange their timetable by the way it best fit them.
第一句有语法错误,建议,The teacher will focus on teaching things that may appear in the exam.不能用非限制性定语从句;老师也不可能知道考试出的每一道题把?所以不能用be going to 结构,那岂不是出什么题目老师都知道了?敢情好,都得满分把……第二句,落下一个to,知道在哪里把?仔细一看哈,还落下一个of,还知道在哪里把?另外语气用follow不如用have更好点,用follow不是很顺口,这是我的直觉!第三局,后半句语法不通,student(s) can arrange their timetable by the way(s) that fit them best.
第2句,Students actually encouraged to follow their own interest and ask questions that they didn‘t understand.第3句, In addition, as everyone has various learning-styles, student can arrange their timetable by the their proper way.
are2、follow 改为 to follow
to ask3、student 改为 students 、
by 改为 in、
扫描下载二维码老师讲课讲得非常好怎么说?能这样说吗The teacher illustrates his class well?但是我google发现,几乎没有说illustrate class/course之类的.这个句子是不是chilinglish啊?我知道肯定行的搭配有,illstrates course concepts/class topics怎么说才好啊?illustrate his points well in class?这样显得好啰嗦啊
the teacher can really teach
The teacher is talented in teaching.
The teacher is good at lecturing.
The teacher has a method to make students understanding in his class.
C'mon, it is proofreading, not new writing! Thanks for your help anyway, but what you provided is a general description on how he does in teaching, not focused on how he does in lecturing!
Would you plz just help me with it?


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