smartfoxserver 教程2x 怎么运行

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smartfoxserver 2x
摘要: /docs/1x/index.htm?/docs/1x/docPages/config/advanced.htm#6
solq 阅读(202) |
摘要: smartfoxserver 2x serverclose unity client error 解决sfs 断网后 unity 卡死public static void close() { if (smartFox!=null) { smartFox.RemoveAllEventListeners(); smartFox.Disconnect(); //smartFox.GetSocketEngine().KillConnection(); smartFox.Handle...
solq 阅读(763) |
摘要: /solq/SmartFox2_csharp_client_1.04%E6%BA%90%E7%A0%81.rar
solq 阅读(251) |
摘要: Email myEmail = new SFSEmail(&so_&, &&, &Test mail&, &Hello from SFS2X&); try { SmartFoxServer.getInstance().getMailService().sendMail(myEmail); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }xml 配置:config\server.xml &mail.
solq 阅读(157) |
摘要: 1.安装好后,新建JAVA 项目, jdk 为 1.6 导入 SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\ 所有文件,导出自己的扩展。直接导出 src 目录下所有文件就可以了/chanjee/archive//2163820.html下面没有测试过。。。。2.
solq 阅读(356) |
摘要: //y轴对应 unity 的z轴 //必须要重新赋取,不然 用三角函数===============NAN float x1=u.position.x-mu.position.x; float y1=u.position.z-mu.position.z; float c1=mu.position.Distance(u); double a=new Double(x1); ...
solq 阅读(113) |
摘要: 1.静态类,发觉不能共享数据,,简单的解决方法是,复制多一份扩展到\extensions\__lib__\ 目录。。。不过不推荐这样做,因为你每改一次,都要复制一次2.客户端发送请求时,不要指定房间,请看CODE //smartFox.Send(new ExtensionRequest(&mmove&, moveObj, smartFox.LastJoinedRoom)); smartFox.Send(new ExtensionRequest(&move&, moveObj));折腾了很久搞定。。。。不过第二种我没试过用静态数组来保存,,如果你测试成功留
solq 阅读(337) |
摘要: sfs2x unity 解决手机平台接收卡blog:/solq暂时发觉人物行走时,每秒发送的次数太多了,手机处理不过,具体是多少没有测试过。解决方法减少发送频率。if (move_flag && Time.frameCount % 5==0){ move_flag =smartFox.Send(new ExtensionRequest(&move&, new SFSObject(), smartFox.LastJoinedRoom, true)); }不重要的信息最好用 udp 来处理,由于我的水平也有
solq 阅读(352) |
摘要: DFResLoader loader = new DFResLoader(Main.class.getClassLoader());loader.init(new FileInputStream(&D:\\Program Files\\SFS2X-RC1\\SFS2X\\lib\\Lib\\sfs2x-lms.jar&)); long expireTime = 0l;//new Date(, 10, 11).getTime(); ISFSObject license = new SFSObject();lic...
solq 阅读(677) |
摘要: 解决 sfs2 admin tool 找不到扩展你的jar 名要有Extension,如testExtension.jar
solq 阅读(143) |
摘要: void initMongodb() { M try { trace(&\n++++++++++++++++++++++initMongodb++++++++++++++++++++++++\n&); mongo = new Mongo(&localhost&, 10011); DB db = mongo.getDB(&yourdb&); // 从Mongodb中获得名为yourColleection的数据集合,如果该数据集合不存在,Mongodb会为其新建...
solq 阅读(228) |
摘要: &databaseManager active=&true&& &driverName&com.mysql.jdbc.Driver&/driverName& &connectionString&jdbc:mysql:// &userName&root&/userName& &password&kwgkwg&/password& &testSql&&/testSql& &
solq 阅读(598) |SmartFoxServer is a comprehensive SDK for rapidly developing multiplayer games and applications with Adobe Flash/Flex/Air, Unity, HTML5, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Android, Java, Windows 8, C++ and more.
SmartFoxServer comes with a rich set of features, an impressive documentation set, tens of examples with their source, powerful administration tools and a very active
support forum.
Born in 2004, and evolving continuously since then, today SmartFoxServer is the leading middleware to create large scale multiplayer games, MMOs and virtual communities.
Thanks to its simplicity of use, versatility and performance, it currently powers hundreds of projects all over the world, from small chats and turn-based games to massive virtual worlds and
realtime games.
Enter your email address above and hit &: we'll notify you about important releases and updates, no spam. You can unsubscribe at any time if you wish.
Advanced reporting console for users traffic analysis
Rapid development of multiplayer virtual worlds with SmartFoxServer and the Flash platform
Experience the next generation massive multiplayer platform, with an enhanced architecture and tons of new features
Move SmartFoxServer 2X to the cloud with the Jelastic Platform
Dedicated and semi-dedicated hosting for SmartFoxServer Basic/Pro/2X
December 9th, 2015SmartFoxServer on the International Space Station!
On April 24th 2016, British ESA astronaut Tim Peake will run the full 26.2 miles of the Digital Virgin Money London Marathon from the International Space Station using , live, starting at the same time as the 37,000 runners in Greenwich Park.
RunSocial is powered by SmartFoxServer: we are very proud to be part of this thanks to !
November 24th, 2015Introducing Elastic Licenses!
We are happy to announce that a new licensing model is available for SmartFoxServer 2X, adding new buying options and great deals for game developers and studios of all sizes.
Elastic Licenses allow customers to fine tune their expenditure based on the application traffic and without major costs upfront.
The license is created with an adjustable amount of credit, starting as low as 10EUR, which is consumed based on the maximum CCU configured by the customer.
The maximum CCU can be adjusted at any time via the online manager, making it a breeze to reconfigure the license as the traffic evolves. All this can be done in real-time and without server restarts.
Learn more
detailed overview and a license calculator
with lots of useful information
November 24th, 2015New SFS2X license prices!
In conjunction with the new affordable Elastic Licenses (see related ), we’re also launching discounted prices for all standard SmartFoxServer 2X licenses, allowing you to save up to 33%!
We have also merged the two previous versions of the Analytics addon (Basic and Pro) into one single product called Analytics for SmartFoxServer 2X, which offers all the features of the former at a reduced price. Additionally, when purchased in bundle with SmartFoxServer 2X, there is an extra 100 EUR discount!
to check the updated prices for all the licenses.
November 24th, 2015tvOS support ready
We have just released a new update of the Objective-C/Swift API providing full support for Apple’s latest tvOS. The release also includes a couple of fixes for the iOS and OS X frameworks.
You can download the upgrade from our
To get started please consult our
August 1st, 2015Unity Asset Store
We just updated the SmartFoxServer 2X examples package in the Unity Asset Store:
All examples have been revamped with the new UI system introduced in Unity 4.6 and are now compatible with Unity 5’s WebGL build (except the FPS example, which requires UDP connection).
A new “Advanced Connector” example was added, showing how to deal with protocol encryption introduced in SmartFoxServer 2X v2.10.
available on the website have been updated accordingly to the changes in the examples. 上传我的文档
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官方公共微信主题 : cocos2dx+smartfoxserver2x c++ api 发布安卓工程问题
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 11 CB
威望: 11 点
在线时间: 51(时)
发自: Web Page
cocos2dx+smartfoxserver2x c++ api 发布安卓工程问题&&&
环境:WIN7 64&&&&&&&&&&&&vs2013&&&&&&&&&&&&cocos2dx3.2 &&&&&&&&&&&&smartfoxserver2x c++api&&1.1.5&&&&&&&&&&&&NDK r8e r9d r10b 尝试了多个版本&&&&&&&&&&&&boost 1.49.0 1.52.0 1.53.0 1.55.0&&&&&&&& 新手一个 尝试加载smartfoxserver2x的c++ api到cocos2dx 的工程 连接服务器 并发布为android工程 最后打出apk包使用 cocos new -l cpp xxxx&&在目录下创建cocos2d工程参考教程 加载进vs 写了几句代码连结服务器 模拟器上调试 成功 可以连接 现在问题来了!发布android工程首先在未导入api的情况下 就是默认那个模板 使用 发布android成功发包到真机测试导入api后无法发布 搜索后 参照教程(这个教程是在sfs2x的c++例子的一个叫fullhouse里的一个pdf)首先要编译boost到android
这个链接中的工程按照他的提示 多次更换 ndk版本和boost版本后&&(使用boost 1.53.0 和 ndkr9d)成功启动编译报 ...failed updating 31 targets......skipped 9 targets......updated 10552 targets...ERROR: Failed to build boost for android!Done!尽管仍然编译出了一部分文件 但是缺少了几个库 比如 带thread的这个 因为smartfox的api貌似会用到这个库 因此&&到这里就无法解决了&&由于最后是直接复制生成出的包到cocos2dx的工程下 因此尝试 使用了fullhouse中编译过的boost包(官方包为 boost1.52.0 ndk r8e 生成)按照PDF教程放到cocosdx工程的jni文件夹下 修改android.mk文件添加(对android.mk文件很迷茫 看不懂 只能照着教程改)LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/boostLOCAL_LDLIBS += -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/boost/libLOCAL_LDLIBS += -lboost_system-gcc-mt-1_52 -lboost_thread-gcc-mt-1_52 -lboost_regex-gcc-mt-1_52LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptionsLOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -frtti以及添加smartfox的api 拷贝api文件夹到工程目录android.mk文件添加LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/smartfox/BitswarmLOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/smartfox/ControllersLOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/smartfox/BitswarmLOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/smartfox/Bitswarm等LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \&&&&&&&&&& ../../Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp\&&&&../../libs/smartfox/SmartFox.cpp \&&&&../../libs/smartfox/Bitswarm/BBox/BBClient.cpp \&&&&../../libs/smartfox/Bitswarm/BBox/BBEvent.cpp \&&&&../../libs/smartfox/Bitswarm/BaseController.cpp \等启动 编译&&一开始在smartfox和boost 的cpp文件中报错 按照他的提示修改后(比如需要去掉boost::之类的问题(我也不知道为什么)) 这一步编译过了然后在这里[armeabi] SharedLibrary : libcocos2dcpp.so在这之后开始大量报错(类似于)jni/boost/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt-1_52.a(instances.o):instances.cpp:function vtable for boost::re_detail::parser_buf&char, std::char_traits&char& &: error: undefined reference to 'std::basic_streambuf&char, std::char_traits&char& &::xsgetn(char*, int)'jni/boost/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt-1_52.a(instances.o):instances.cpp:function vtable for boost::re_detail::parser_buf&char, std::char_traits&char& &: error: undefined reference to 'std::basic_streambuf&char, std::char_traits&char& &::underflow()'最后生成失败error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)make.exe: *** [obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1make.exe: Leaving directory `D:/cocosWorkspace/doudizhu/'Traceback (most recent call last):&&File &D:\cocosWorkspace\doudizhu\\, line 159, in &module&&&&&build(opts.ndk_build_param,opts.android_platform,opts.build_mode)&&File &D:\cocosWorkspace\doudizhu\\, line 146, in build&&&&do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root,ndk_build_param,sdk_root,android_platform,build_mode)&&File &D:\cocosWorkspace\doudizhu\\, line 82, in do_build&&&&raise Exception(&Build dynamic library for project [ & + app_android_root +& ] fails!&)Exception: Build dynamic library for project [ D:\cocosWorkspace\doudizhu\ ] fails!请问这是什么问题有什么办法解决吗 或者有什么相关的教程吗
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 11 CB
威望: 11 点
在线时间: 51(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 21 CB
威望: 21 点
在线时间: 16(时)
发自: Web Page
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 12 CB
威望: 12 点
在线时间: 27(时)
发自: Web Page
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