
Week11笔译群是Scalerstalk旗下的专攻笔译的训练组织,初步设定翻译量目标为十万字。群内活动主要包括每天的每日一句和周六晚上的限时周任务。如果你想提高笔译水平,找到志同道合的小伙伴,请猛戳链接:http://scalers.gitbooks.io/100k-word-translation/content/chapter0.html完成后在A群,B群或C群私信给Kevin或是慧慧,通过审核便可。笔译训练小组目前50人,每两周清退一次不积极参加训练的组员,每进一位,便移除排在末尾的一位。下面是笔译训练群的第十一周(—07.11)训练日志,共包括六个每日一句(英译汉,汉译英)和一个周训练(英译汉,汉译英),均包括原文,参考译文,词汇整理以及相关点评。材料主要来源于外刊,政府工作报告以及笔译教材。DAY701. 英译中The techniques for creating a transgenic animal include the following: 1) picking a foreign gene, 2) placing the foreign gene in a suitable form called a “construct” which guides the insertion of the foreign gene into the animal genome and encourages its expression, and 3) injecting the construct into a single fertilized egg or at the very early embryo stage of the host animal. (本段选自科技文)参考译文转基因动物的培育主要采用以下的技术手段:1)选取一个异体基因;2)把异体基因置于某个合适的“结构体”(译者注:专业术语称plasmid,汉译“质粒”)中,这个结构体能把异体基因导入动物的基因组并能激活基因显现;3)把结构体植入宿主动物的一个单独的受精卵内或宿主动物的发育刚起步的胚胎中。词汇整理create a transgenic animal 培育转基因动物;insertion 插入,嵌入,植入;genome 基因组;encourage its expression 激活基因显现;fertilized egg 受精卵host animal 宿主动物点评(瑶瑶)这些单词可能都认识,可是放到科技文中,选取合适的词语表达就成了问题,比如create, encourage its expression等。另外,我觉得参考译文最后一句翻译的不太好。2. 中译英耗电量从1978年的253亿千瓦增加到了1997年的1980亿千瓦时。农村地区水电站的发电量增加了一倍多,从23亿千瓦时增加到了56亿千万时。参考译文The electricity consumption increased from 25.3 billion KWH in 1978 to 1980 billion KWH in 1997. The generating capacity of hydropower station in rural areas more than doubled, from 2.3 to 5.6 billion KWH.词汇整理耗电量 power/electricity consumption发电量 generating capacity水电站 hydropower station增加了一倍多 more than double点评(瑶瑶)基本没有生词,就看表达是否准确、简洁、流畅。另外,有小伙伴数字换算的时候出错,要注意一下。DAY711. 英译中We know, again, that the blossom precedes and not succeeds the fruit of the apple-tree, but this does not lessen our amazement at the beautiful holiday of a May orchard.(选自《无知常乐》)参考译文另外,我们知道苹果树先开花,后结果,可是五月一旦到来,果园里一片欢闹的花海,我们不是仍然惊为奇观吗?词汇整理blossom n. 花,开花期,花开;vi.开花,兴旺precede v. 在…之前,优于,领先succeed vi. vt.成功,继任,继…之后lessen v. 减少,减轻,变小点评(瑶瑶)后半句but this does not lessen our amazement at the beautiful holiday of a May orchard不太好处理,一句话融合了很多信息,需要理清楚,还要表达得像中国话。译文处理得很好,也符合散文的风格。2. 中译英我爱花,所以也爱养花。可我还没成为养花专家,因为没有功夫去作研究和试验。我只把养花当作生活中的一种乐趣,花开得大小好坏都不计较,只要开花,我就高兴。(选自老舍《养花》)参考译文I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. But, short of time to do research and experiment in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all. I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life. I really don’t care whether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice-looking blossoms. I will be delighted as long as they can blossom.词汇整理hence 因此,所以take to 喜欢,走向,开始从事还没成为养花专家 no gardener at all生活中的一种乐趣 a pleasure of lifeput forth 提出,发表;(植物)长出,放出;put forth efforts 尽力plump vi. vt. (使)丰满,鼓起;adj. 丰满的,圆胖的;n.扑通声点评(瑶瑶)句子很简单,但是翻译的时候看到“所以”就是so,看到“喜欢”就是like,完全想不到hence,take to这些词。“因为没有功夫去作研究和试验”处理为短语做原因状语,看起来比从句要简练、紧凑一些。DAY721. 英译中Much genetic engineering goes into the choice of a foreign gene and building a construct. The construct must have promoters to turn on foreign gene expression at its new site within the host animal genome. (本段选自科技文)参考译文基因工程的重头戏在于选择异体基因和培育结构体。这个结构体必须要有启动子,并靠启动子激活异体基因在宿主动物基因组的新部位上的基因显现。词汇整理go into 详述,细查 go into details;进入(某行业);探究promoter 启动子turn on foreign gene expression 激活异体基因显现点评(瑶瑶)还是科技文,要注意术语及专业表达,多查资料。2. 中译英尽管中国改善了收获后的各种环节,但提高效率却还有巨大的潜力。虫害、加工不当、贮藏或运输过程中浪费,这些方面造成的收获后损失可能达到5%-10% ,有时甚至更高。参考译文China has certainly improved its post-harvest processes, but there is still a huge potential for increasing efficiency. Post-harvest losses of (food) crops due to pests, improper treatment, and storage or transportation waste can be in the order of 5%-10%, sometimes even higher.词汇整理收获后的各种环节 post-harvest processesin the order of
按…次序,大约贮藏或运输过程中浪费 storage and transportation waste点评(瑶瑶)这句话不算难,也没有生词,不过可能有的表达想不到,比如收获后post-harvest。DAY731.英译中For most people the word “education” means “school” and “school” conjures up an image of a building with classrooms. But what do people think of when they hear “literacy programs”? Probably nothing.参考译文对大部分人来说,“教育”就意味着“学校”,而一提到“学校”,他们想到的就是大楼里的一间间的教室。但当听到“扫盲计划”的时候,他们会想到什么呢?也许什么都没有。词汇整理conjure sth up ①使浮现于脑海; 使想起: Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads.节食似乎总是让人联想到无穷无尽地天天吃色拉。②魔术般变出〔某物〕: Somehow we have to conjure up another $10,000.我们得想办法再弄到一万美元。literacy programs 扫盲计划;点评(Kevin)句子很简单却依然处理的不好,最令人心塞。比如: “school” conjures up an image of a building with classrooms,我翻译为:“而‘学校’往往令人联想到一个带有教室的建筑。” 意思完整表达出来了,可是对比参考译文:“而一提到‘学校’,他们想到的就是大楼里的一间间的教室。”,差距是不是瞬间产生?2.中译英1952年7月,新中国第一次组队参加了芬兰赫尔辛基举行的第十五届奥运会。此后由于某些国际势力刻意制造“两个中国”,在向当时国际奥委会抗议未果的情况下,中国奥委会被迫于日宣布断绝与国际奥委会的关系。参考译文In July 1952 New China took part in the XV Olympiad in Helsinki, Finland, for the first time. Afterwards, some international forces deliberately created
a “ two China” situation and the then IOC did not correct it, turning a deaf ear to China’s protest. Under these circumstances, on August 19, 1958, the Chinese Olympic Committee was forced to announce that it had decided to sever all ties with the IOC.词汇整理此后 afterwards;国际势力 international forces;刻意地 deliberately;制造“两个中国” create “two China” situation;国际奥委会 IOC:International Olympic Committee;充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to sth;抗议 protest;被迫做某事 be forced to do sth;断绝与某人关系 sever all ties with sb.;点评(Kevin)参考译文中用了好多固定词组,比如turn a deaf ear to, be forced to, under these circumstances, sever all ties with sb.,我们在平时练习遇到时,一定要多总结记忆。DAY741.英译中The number of events increased to 20, and the celebration was spread over several days. Winners of the events were greatly admired and were immortalized in poems and statues.参考译文奥运会比赛项目增加到20项,庆贺仪式要延续数日。人们高度赞誉比赛获胜者,并为他们塑像吟诗,使之名垂千古。词汇整理immortalize〔尤指通过著书、画像等〕使不朽,使名垂千古: The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse. 诗人爱上了她,并以诗歌使她名传后世。spread over several days 延续数日点评(Kevin)注意 spread 应该译为“延续”,我错译为“增加”,大家注意避免我的错误;poems和statues 参考译文在翻译时将它们处理成了动词“塑像吟诗”;2.中译英显然,这位年轻的密苏里小伙子的远东旅行,开始并没有远大的目标,充其量不过是一个浪漫的青年人的冒险,只是在旅途中的传奇经历确定了他的人生道路,尤其是60年前的那次陕北之行,从此使他与中国革命结下不解之缘。参考译文Obviously this young man’s Far East travel, which was at most an adventure by a romantic young man, was without any great objective at first. It was only his legendary travel experiences, especially the experiences of his visit to the northern part of Shaanxi Province 60 years ago that determined his lifetime cause, thus closely connecting his life with the Chinese revolution.词汇整理远东 Far East;充其量 at most;远大的目标 great objective;旅途中的传奇经历 legendary travel experiences;人生道路 lifetime cause;……与……结下了不解之缘 closely connect sth with sth;点评(Kevin)汉语中的意合常常是靠上下文语境来弥补逻辑和连贯方面的不足来实现的。在汉译英时,应仔细分析,要用英语的语法等语言形式来体现逻辑和连贯关系。比如文中 “只是在旅途中的传奇经历确定了他的人生道路,尤其是60年前的那次陕北之行,从此使他与中国革命结下不解之缘。” 而按照英文逻辑连贯和句法特征,应翻译为”especially the experiences of his visit to the northern part of Shaanxi Province 60 years ago that determined his lifetime cause, thus closely connecting his life with the Chinese revolution. “ 即汉语为:“只是在旅途中的传奇经历,尤其是60年前的那次陕北之行,确定了他的人生道路,从此使他与中国革命结下不解之缘。”DAY751. 英译中When Mitchell attended Smith College after the First World War, she protested vehemently upon being put in the same classroom with a black student. But in the last years of her life she quietly gave scholarship money for students at Morehouse College, one of Atlanta’s best black schools, and also worked to improve conditions in one of the city’s black hospitals.参考译文第一次世界大战结束后,米切尔在史密斯学院上学,当时她曾强烈抗议学校安排她与黑人学生在同一个课堂上课。然而到了晚年,米切尔悄悄地捐钱给亚特兰大当地最好的一所黑人学校——莫豪斯学院的黑人学生,作为他们的奖学金。她还致力于改善当地一家黑人医院的医疗条件。词汇整理Smith College 史密斯学院(美国著名文科学院,位于马萨诸塞州,在美国大学中排名靠前);vehement /'vi?m?nt/ 〔感情或观点〕强烈的,激烈的; (adv)scholarship ①奖学金:
She won a scholarship to Iowa State University. ②学问,学识; 学术研究:
Her latest publication is a fine piece of scholarship. 她最新出版的书是一部优秀的学术著作。the last years of one’s life 某人晚年;点评(Kevin)句子挺简单,处理起来也不难2. 中译英试问一年中有哪一天堪与除夕相比呢?所以才形成了中国一道独特的景观“春运”,即使身在天涯海角,也要在除夕之前赶回家中与亲人团聚,即使遇到今年这样百年未遇的特大雪灾也不例外。参考译文What a single day of the whole year can be compared with the New Year’s Eve in terms of significance? Just for this family reunion, people have created the unique spectacular of
“spring transport peak” in C even if one is so far away from home, he will try his best to rush back home before the New Year’s Eve, nothing even the worst snowstorm in a century that occurred this year can deter their homeward footsteps.词汇整理比得上…… be compared with sth;独特的景观 unique spectacular;春运 spring transport peak;身在天涯海角 one is so far away from home;百年未遇的特大雪灾 nothing even the worst snowstorm in a century;阻止,制止 deter:The security camera was installed to deter people from stealing.回家的脚步 homeward footsteps;点评(Kevin)大家在翻译第一句话“试问一年中有哪一天堪与除夕相比呢?” 时,可能会和我一样,处理成英语后,就丢失了一些汉语中隐含的成分,导致意思表达不到位。一年中哪一天和除夕,比的是重要性,所以翻译成英语就要把汉语中的隐含义翻译出来,即 in terms of significance。DAY76 Week Task1.英译中(239)At the same time there is, perhaps, a special pleasure in re-learning the names of many of the flowers every spring. It is like re-reading a book that one has almost forgotten. Montaigne tells us that he had so bad a memory that he could always read an old book as though he had never read it before. I have myself a capricious and leaking memory. I can read Hamlet itself and The Pickwick Papers as though they were the work of new authors and had come wet from the press, so much of them fades between one reading and another. There are occasions on which a memory of this kind is an affliction, especially if one has a passion for accuracy. But this is only when life has an object beyond entertainment. In respect of mere luxury, it may be doubted whether there is not as much to be said for a bad memory as for a good one. With a bad memory one can go on reading Plutarch and The Arabian Nights all one’s life. Little shreds and tags, it is probable, will stick even in the worst memory, just as a succession of sheep cannot leap through a gap in a hedge without leaving a few wisps of wool on the thorns. But the sheep themselves escape, and the great authors leap in the same way out of an idle memory and leave little enough behind.(选自The Pleasures of Ignorance 《无知常乐》)参考译文倘在每年春天,把许多花卉之名重温一遍,还另有一番风味。那就像把一本差不多忘得一干二净的书再重新念一遍。蒙田说过,他的记忆力很坏,所以他随时都能拿起一本旧书,像从未读过的新书一样地念。我自己的记忆力也漏洞百出、不听使唤,我甚至能拿起《哈姆雷特》和《匹克威克外传》,当作是初登文坛的新作家刚刚印成白纸黑字的作品来念,因为自从上回念过以后,这两部书在我脑子里的印象已经模模糊糊了。这样的记忆力,在某些场合自然让人伤脑筋,尤其当人们渴望精确的时候。不过,在这种时候,人们不仅想得到娱乐,还追求着什么目的。如果只讲享受的话,记忆力坏比记忆力好究竟差到哪里去,还真是大可怀疑呢。记忆力坏的人可以一辈子不断地念着普卢塔克的《英雄传》 和《天方夜谭》,而永远感到新鲜。很可能,最坏的记忆力也难免粘粘连连地留下一星半点的印象,恰如一只只绵羊从篱笆洞里接连通过,总不免在那刺条上留下一丝半缕的羊毛。然而,绵羊终归逃出去了,正像伟大的作家从我们不争气的记忆中消失,所留下的东西简直微不足道。词汇整理a special pleasure 另有一番风味;re-learn 重温;capricious ① (态度或行为)反覆无常的;任性的;②
变化无常的;变幻莫测的;多变的: a capricious climate变化无常的气候;leaking
①(使)漏,(使)渗漏: The roof is leaking. 屋顶在漏水。②〔向报纸、电视台等〕透露,泄露〔秘密〕: The report’s findings had been leaked. 这份报告的调查结果已经泄漏。a capricious and leaking memory 漏洞百出、不听使唤的记忆力;affliction 痛苦,折磨;〔尤指〕病痛:the afflictions of old age 老年时的各种痛苦;in respect of mere luxury 如果只讲享受的话;little shreds and tags 一星半点的东西;hedge 树篱;a few wisps of wool 一丝半缕的羊毛;thorn 荆棘,植物茎上的刺;点评(Kevin)我对自己翻译的这篇散文评价就是,不仅很多地方都在不着边际的瞎扯,而且语言还很土;文中用了好多比喻,弄的人云里雾里。最后理解了,也不太好处理。2.中译英(165)成人教育包括学历教育、扫盲教育和其他针对成人的各种教育。至1999年,全国普通高校已办了871所成人教育学院和大学,800余个函授教育点和成人夜校。自考教育已发展到250多个专业,3000万人获得了大专和本科文凭。参考译文Adult education comprises schooling education, anti-illiteracy education and other programs oriented to adult groups. Up to 1999, there were 871 colleges and universities destined to adult education and some 800 correspondence-based and evening adult education programs launched by common colleges. For higher education examination program for self-taught, there were over 250 disciplines launched under this program and more than 30 million people have got their junior college or bachelor degree.词汇整理包括 comprise: The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
这座房子有两间卧室、一间厨房和一间起居室。(be comprised of 由……构成:The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers.
委员会由知名的登山运动员组成。)学历教育 schooling education;扫盲教育 anti-illiteracy/literacy education;针对……oriented to/destined to;函授教育点和成人夜校 correspondence-based and evening adult education programs;普通高校common colleges;自考教育 higher education examination program for self-taught;专业discipline;大专文凭 junior college degree;总之,中国是一个人口众多、经济和文化发展不平衡的大国,教育事业还有待进一步发展,但我们有信心建立起一个与国情相适应的、面向21世纪的教育体制。参考译文As a whole, education in China, the most populous country with extremely unbalanced economic and cultural development, is still an under-cultivated land. However, we have adequate reasons to expect an educational framework compatible with Chinese conditions and oriented to the next millennium.词汇整理总之 as a whole;人口众多的 populous;经济文化发展不平衡 extremely unbalanced economic and cultural development;有待进一步发展 an under-cultivated land;有信心 have adequate reasons to expect;教育体制 educational framework;与……相适应 compatible :The new system will be compatible with existing equipment. 新的系统将与现有的设备相互兼容。中国国情 Chinese conditions;面向 oriented to;点评(Kevin)“有待进一步发展”和“面向21世纪”参考译文处理的好地道,完全没受源语的影响;ScalersTalk ID:scalerstalk本文作者Scalers,游走在口译世界的IT从业者。微信公众号ScalersTalk,网站ScalersTalk成长会回复“VIP”查看.口译100小时训练计划群C  
写在前面的话2016伊始,在ScalersTalk成长会,我们启动了口译通关行动,以及口译基础训练计划。口译Scalers点评:我在上周开始了《ScalersTalk成长会写作集训营启动》,要求参加的同学完成800篇我们在去年10月由成长会伙伴-米粥负责启动了成长会书法小组。现在已经持续行动 24周,如果想加入书法小组,请法语小组是ScalersTalk旗下法语QQ群。群里周一到周五是新材料,周末复盘。如果你也想一起加入我们的话,可以去英语口译ABC群里面找Lydie(34587####)。ScalersCastScalersTalk成长会播客小组出品ScalersCast节目已入驻:荔枝FM 、Scalers点评:在2015年,ScalersTalk成长会完成Python小组完成了《Python核心编ScalersTalk西班牙语朗读小组是西语小伙伴的朗读学习平台。请先到ScalersTalk的A.B.C群布达佩斯华灯初上法语小组Hugin日法语小组是ScalersTalk旗下法语QQ群。群里周本周主要内容优化目标最大间隔最大间隔分类的数学背景核函数核函数使用支持向量机本周主要知识点:一、优化目标二、Scalers点评:在2015年,ScalersTalk成长会完成Python小组完成了《Python核心编序言你现在看到的是成长会口译基础训练日志。口译基础训练项目落在口译基础训练小组,主要以三级口译实务教材为主,哦,你也是德语爱好者?那就赶紧加入咱们ScalersTalk的德语群吧,在这里,有其他小伙伴和你一起提升口语大家好,这是ScalersTalk行业论坛推出的第27期分享的复盘。第27期我们邀请到了成长会的Yao为大家Scalers 点评:在 2015 年,ScalersTalk 成长会完成 Python 小组完成了 《PyWeek46笔译群是Scalerstalk旗下专攻笔译的训练组织,初步设定翻译量目标为十万字。群内活动主要包ScalersTalk成长会机器学习小组第6周学习笔记Scalers点评:机器学习小组是成长会的内部小组,这ScalersTalk西班牙语朗读小组是西语小伙伴的朗读学习平台。请先到ScalersTalk的A.B.C群Scalers点评:在2015年,ScalersTalk成长会完成Python小组完成了《Python核心编ScalersTalk西班牙语朗读小组是西语小伙伴的朗读学习平台。请先到ScalersTalk的A.B.C群哦,你也是德语爱好者?那就赶紧加入咱们ScalersTalk的德语群吧,在这里,有其他小伙伴和你一起提升口语大家好:自2015年起,ScalersTalk成长会行业论坛已经举办25期了,涉及诸多行业,包括不限于IT、大家好:自2015年起,ScalersTalk成长会行业论坛已经举办25期了,涉及诸多行业,包括不限于IT、写在前面的话2016伊始,在ScalersTalk成长会,我们启动了口译通关行动,以及口译基础训练计划。口译Scalers点评::成长会的算法小组已经启动,这是第5周的学习笔记。写在前面的话: AlgorithmsScalers点评:机器学习小组是成长会的内部小组,这是成长会机器学习小组第3周学习笔记。本周学习情况:本周ScalersTalk听力零阶段小组是ScalersTalk旗下听力狂练小组的子群,在零阶段小组连续十天听写《冬日湖畔》法语小组Lydie—2016年于南法玫瑰之城图卢兹卡法莱里花园法语朗读小组是ScalersTalScalers点评::成长会的算法小组已经启动,这是4周的学习笔记。写在前面的话: Algorithms +Scalers点评:在2015年,ScalersTalk成长会完成Python小组完成了《Python核心编对于个体而言,春节假期意味着休假回家,如果在更宏观的一个角度看,春节相当于一个大型的网络流动时间。平时安守在大家新年好: 虽然对于学生党来说,仍然是寒假好时光,而对于多数工作党而言,今天是开工上班的日子。但是对于成长我们在去年10月由成长会伙伴-米粥负责启动了成长会书法小组。现在已经持续行动13周,如果想加入书法小组,请阅Scalers点评:成长会的算法小组已经启动,这是1-2周的学习笔记。写在前面的话: Algorithms写在前面的话新年伊始,在ScalersTalk成长会,我们启动了口译通关行动,以及口译基础训练计划。口译通关Scalers点评:在2015年,ScalersTalk成长会完成Python小组完成了《Python核心编清木的话:哦,你也是德语爱好者?那就赶紧加入咱们ScalersTalk的德语群吧,在这里,有其他小伙伴和你一Scalers点评:我们在去年10月由成长会伙伴-米粥负责启动了成长会书法小组。现在已经持续行动12周,如果ScalersCastScalersTalk成长会播客小组出品ScalersCast节目已入驻:荔枝FM 、大家好:2016第一个月即将进入尾声,也将迎来我们成长会的第一课。目前成长会的700多位成员的多数已经启动了韩语小组已成立五周,现主要以《高丽大学韩国语(2)》为教材,练习朗读训练。如果你也是非零基础韩语爱好者,那欢法语朗读小组是ScalersTalk 旗下法语QQ群。群里周一到周五是新材料,周末复盘。如果你也想一起加入我这篇文章的来自一个知乎问题“PPT需要设计师设计吗?”的回答,原问题在https://www.zhihu.cscalerstalk游走在口译世界的IT从业者。搞技术,聊英语,玩口译,话学术,谈生活。学习成长,笔耕不辍。热门文章最新文章scalerstalk游走在口译世界的IT从业者。搞技术,聊英语,玩口译,话学术,谈生活。学习成长,笔耕不辍。


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