intellij idea 下载的Maven索引更新状态始终是error,无法更新:看下图。

IntelliJ IDEA中Maven插件无法更新索引之解决办法
Maven的仓库、索引中央仓库:目前来说, 是真正的Maven中央仓库的地址,该地址内置在Maven的源码中,其它地址包括著名的,都是镜像。
&localRepository& D:/java/repository&/localRepository&
IntelliJ IDEA利用索引实现自动补全众所周知,由于伟大的中国防火墙,所以在使用IDEA下载Maven仓库索引的时候,要么无法访问,要么就是速度极慢,这对开发人员带来了极大的不便,所以一般公司都用Nexus搭建一个公司内部的私服。同时利用私服更有利于对公司内部开发人员依赖的Jar包版本进行控制。
IntelliJ IDEA中Maven插件配置IntelliJ已经内置了对Maven插件的支持,当然你也可以配置自己的Maven,只需要进入Settings-&Maven-&Maven home directory|User settings file|Local repository配置即可。注意如果使用自己配置的Maven,那么一定要勾选Override,否则配置不生效。
&name&Nexus osc&/name&
&name&Nexus osc&/name&
&name&Nexus osc thirdparty&/name&
&name&local private nexus&/name&
&name&local private nexus&/name&
启动一个Apache Tomcat服务器,在其根目录下建立一个/maven2/.index的虚拟目录(注意:如果你使用的是Windows系统,可能无法建立.index件夹,必须使用DOS命令:mkdir .index),把上述两个文件拷贝至该虚拟目录下
repo1.maven.org注意:为步骤2的Apache Tomcat服务器IP地址。
开源中国镜像存在的问题开源中国镜像不是很稳定,有时候很快下载完成有时候一直处于Resolving dependencies of ...状态而无法下载
&name&Nexus osc thirdparty&/name&
123456789101112131415&?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&&settings xmlns=""
若发现bug或建议,欢迎IntelliJ IDEA 13 is Released! Work Miracles in Java and Beyond | IntelliJ IDEA Blog
Tips & tricks, news, how-to’s about the most intelligent Java IDE
Today we are thrilled to announce that IntelliJ IDEA 13, the next version of our award-winning Java IDE, is finally .
This year the IntelliJ IDEA team worked on building stronger ties with the companies behind many leading development technologies like Android, Spring, Scala and Gradle. As a result, we are able to stay ahead of the curve and bring you the best possible tools to work with these cutting-edge technologies.
Committed to providing the best and earliest support for new technologies to all Java developers, IntelliJ IDEA 13 adopts Java EE 7, the latest version of Oracle’s enterprise Java platform, along with code assistance for CDI 1.1, JSF 2.2, JAX-RS 2.0, Batch Processing and other new specs. There’s also support for the new versions of enterprise application servers such as Glassfish 4, Wildfly 8, Tomcat 8, and others. For a more detailed overview, watch our short .
Spring developers will find the new version more helpful than ever, with the new Spring tool window which helps to easily navigate through the contexts, configured in the project and its beans. With the new tool window you can also browse the MVC controllers and see their URL mappings. IntelliJ IDEA 13 also offers better performance and simplified Spring projects configuration.
One of the most exciting announcements at this year’s Google I/O was the , a new development environment for Android, built on top of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. This influx of passionate Android developers using IntelliJ Platform helps greatly to improve and enrich it with great new features. IntelliJ IDEA 13 is the first major release that reaps the benefits of this collaboration: better code editor and UI designer, easier SQLite database access, and many others.
Another key enhancement in IntelliJ IDEA 13 is refined Gradle support, including improved project synchronization, code completion for dependencies and plugins, quick documentation, and code generation. IntelliJ IDEA 13 is even able to configure Web facet and WAR artifacts automatically based on Gradle files. You can take a look at the Gradle support in this .
User interface
The last year brought IntelliJ IDEA users a darker, s today we have been working hard to make the overall user experience more straightforward and functional: the new Search everywhere action, Presentation and Lens modes, all help finding way around IDE much faster. Plus, the Toolbar and Tool window buttons are hidden by default conserving the valuable screen space. Of course, there’s more: the new light look and feel on Linux (default in Community Edition) and Windows, and Fullscreen mode made available for Linux users.
Accessing data stored in various databases is important part of application development, so IntelliJ IDEA 13 addresses it with improved data handling tools. Simplified configuration of data sources in the Database tools, the new Structure view, handy view and navigate actions for primary and foreign keys in the Table editor, smart code completion for SQL, the new Query filter controls and many more.
What else is noteworthy:
Improved Git, Mercurial and Subversion tools (including support for Subversion 1.8)
Enhanced debugger
Better performance
Groovy support improvements
Better Scala support with built-in SBT integration
New tools for web development, including JavaScript code coverage, Stylus and Compass support
The new built-in Terminal tool window
CloudFoundry 2.0, OpenShift and Heroku deployment tools
To see the complete list of what’s new in IntelliJ IDEA 13, and to download the edition of your choice, please visit the official .
Both personal and commercial licenses now include 1-year upgrade subscription. For more information on the new pricing and licensing options for IntelliJ IDEA, please visit .
Enjoy the brand new IntelliJ IDEA!
About Andrey Cheptsov
Part-time dreamer. JVM/JavaScript geek. IntelliJIDEA Marketing Manager at JetBrains.
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JetBrains blogsIntelliJ IDEA 12.0.3 更新版发布 - 推酷
IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.3 更新版发布
IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.3 更新版发布了,该版本更多还是 bug 的修复,详情请看
&(Usability Problem)
Export signed APK keyboard usability issue
Android preview does not understand views having custom attributes in selector
Cannot resolve symbol string (in R.string.* reference)
Android app artifact is not zipaligned
Very slow (sluggish) in the XML designer
Code Analysis. Inspection
&(Usability Problem)
Analyze | Inspect Code on a module should make the selected module scope the default choice
&Missing @Deprecated annotation& inspection does not recognize removing @deprecated javadoc tag
Replace constructor with factory method inspection shall have an option so can be ignored on abstract classes
Class extends utility class does not ignore on empty child classes
Unnecessary fully qualified name inspection reports wrongly. again in 12.0.2
`package.html` may be converted to `` inspection doesn't produce any results
Show intention actions (alt-enter) doesn't work (ClassNotFoundException in Inspection-JS)
Compiling Project
Eclipse compiler cannot handle UTF-8 chars
Cannot build artifact for big project - IU 12 Preview
IntelliJ does not respect module jdk/language-level if it is based on eclipse dependencies storage format
Idea can't compile project with JDK8
Creating a Cucumber step definition in Groovy results in AssertionError
Dart: when creating Dart project by template, don't use Tab characters for indentation in generated pubspec.yaml
&(Usability Problem)
Changing of data source level
DB Console skips columns when copying to clipboard
Data Source Properties window, JDBC property descriptions don't match
Wrong task cancel warning on closing different window
IDEA shows incorrect file during Flash/Flex debugging (Flex SDK 4.9)
'Prefer ActionScript Compiler 2.0' options and project-level compiler options are not respected in external compiler mode if the project is stored in *.ipr file format
FlexUnit 0.9 not supported anymore
&arguments& object is not recognized as Array
SWC dependency with 'test' scope overrides dependency with 'compile' scope.
ActionScript: 'Find Usages' doesn't show usages of implementing/overridden methods
Grails 2.1 and Maven Debugging problem
Groovy: Invalid warning &'valueOf' in 'java.lang.Enum
' cannot be applied to '(java.lang.String)'&
Spock: double pipe in table header
Groovy code style: 'next line' for class class declaration bakes anonymous classes
Intention &Convert [] Form to index method& (Before-&After should be swapped)
Incorrect Groovy stubs generated by IDEA in case of varargs and default named arguments
WebStorm puts machine-specific path to application directory to misc.xml
QL: code completion suggests nothing in the injection fragment
IntelliJ does not include Maven transitive dependencies in classpath during rebuild
Output filename mismatch when using in-project dependency with maven classifier
Property precedence is not the same when filtering resources with Maven or with IntelliJ
If Maven project has two resources-folders, neither is copied.
Database connection over SSH tunnel
Before Launch task shows console in &reserved& tab
Freeze by deadlock
Can't report an exception in plugin UI Designer (Core)
'Create Constant Field ...' make not a new line
&Create Constant Field& does not create the correct type.
Project Configuration
&(Usability Problem)
&New Module& does not remember last selected module type
Oracle SQL Dialect: Good code is reported as red
EAP: Code Formatting: table name interpreted as keyword
Open Task - Mark as 'In Progress' not persistent
Task/Jira Connection: All Jira Tasks are marked as resolved
&(Usability Problem)
An option to set regular font size on editor's tab titles
No icons for toolwindows in recent files and switcher
Rendering of Deployment -& Sync screen is broken
User Interface.Darcula
Too light color in application and web deployment editor
Version Control. Git
Force checkout as new local branch — a branch already exists
RelaxNG Compact &as you type validator& may render IntelliJ instance unusable
权限设置: 公开


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