WIN10下怎么进行tortoisesvn客户端 的安装,SVN客户端

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WIN10下怎么进行TortoiseSVN 的安装,SVN客户端
TortoiseSVN是一款很棒的版本管理软件,但是官网下载默认是英文的.不过好在.厂商又提供了其各种语言包.这是其中文语言包.TortoiseSVN 是 Subversion 版本控制系统的一个免费开源客户端,可以超越时间的管理文件和目录。文件保存在中央版本库,除了能记住文件和目录的每次修改以外,版本库非常像普通的文件服务器。你可以将文件恢复到过去的版本,并且可以通过检查历史知道数据做了哪些修改,谁做的修改。这就是为什么许多人将 Subversion 和版本控制系统看作一种“时间机器”。软件特色1.可选的网络层Subversion 在版本库访问方面有一个抽象概念,利于人们去实现新的网络机制,Subversion 的“高级”服务器是 Apache 网络服务器的一个模块,使用 HTTP 的变种协议 WebDAV/DeltaV 通讯,这给了 Subversion 在稳定性和交互性方面很大的好处,可以直接使用服务器的特性,例如认证、授权、传输压缩和版本库浏览等等。也有一个轻型的,单独运行的 Subversion 服务器,这个服务器使用自己的协议,可以轻松的用 SSH 封装。2.数据处理Subversion 使用二进制文件差异算法展现文件的区别,对于文本(人类可读)和二进制(人类不可读)文件具备一致的操作方式,两种类型的文件都压缩存放在版本库中,差异在网络上双向传递。3.高效的分支和标签分支与标签的代价不与工程的大小成比例,Subversion 建立分支与标签时只是复制项目,使用了一种类似于硬链接的机制,因而这类操作通常只会花费很少并且相对固定的时间,以及很小的版本库空间。4.维护能力Subversion 没有历史负担,它由一系列良好的共享 C 库实现,具有定义良好的 API,这使 Subversion 非常容易维护,可以轻易的被其他语言和程序使用。5.外壳集成TortoiseSVN 与Windows 外壳(例如资源管理器)无缝集成,你可以保持在熟悉的工具上工作,不需要在每次使用版本控制功能时切换应用程序。并且你不一定必须使用 Windows 资源管理器,TortoiseSVN 的右键菜单可以工作在其他文件管理器,以及文件/打开对话框等标准的 Windows 应用程序中。你必须牢记,TortoiseSVN 是有意作为 Windows 资源管理器的扩展开发,因此在其他程序可能集成的并不完整,例如重载图标可能不会显示。6.重载图标每个版本控制的文件和目录的状态使用小的重载图标表示,可以让你立刻看出工作副本的状态。7.简便访问Subversion 命令的简便访问所有的 Subversion 命令存在于资源管理器的右键菜单,TortoiseSVN 在那里添加子菜单。因为 TortoiseSVN 是一个 Subversion 客户端,我们也很愿意为你展示一些 Subversion 本身的特性:8.目录版本控制CVS 只能追踪单个文件的历史,但是 Subversion 实现了一个“虚拟”文件系统,可以追踪整个目录树的修改,文件和目录都是版本控制的,结果就是可以在客户端对文件和目录执行移动和复制命令。9.原子提交提交要么完全进入版本库,要么一点都没有,这允许开发者以一个逻辑块提交修改。版本控制的元数据。每个文件和目录都有一组附加的“属性”,你可以发明和保存任意的键/值对,属性是版本控制的,就像文件内容。
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WIN10专业版友情链接Home · TortoiseSVNTortoiseSVN is an
client, implemented as a Windows shell extension. It's intuitive and easy to use, since it doesn't require the Subversion command line client to run. And it is free to use, even in a commercial environment. Simply the coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control!AdvertisementPosted on April 28, 2016We're proud to announce that TortoiseSVN 1.9.4 has been released. It is linked against Subversion 1.9.4.This is a a bugfix release with two security issues fixed in the svn library:: svnserve/sasl may authenticate users using the wrong realm: Remotely triggerable DoS vulnerability in mod_authz_svn during COPY/MOVE authorization checkPlease read the
to get a list of many of the new features in TortoiseSVN.Apart from the features listed in the release notes, there were also a lot of smaller improvements which are too many to list.Before upgrading from pre 1.9 versions please read the .Please read those thoroughly before you upgrade to TortoiseSVN 1.9 to avoid any surprises.Posted on December 10, 2012If you're using , you can integrate TortoiseSVN commands to various context menus. Of course, there are Subversion plugins for Visual Studio, but if you're using one of the free versions of Visual Studio, you can not use those plugins. And sometimes it's still nice to have some of the TortoiseSVN commands available from Visual Studio directly, even if you have such a plugin installed.CryptSyncPosted on November 2, 2012So I made another tool: CryptSync.CryptSync is a small utility that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents in one folder. That means one of the two folders has all files unencrypted (the files you work with) and the other folder has all the files encrypted.The synchronization works both ways: a change in one folder gets synchronized to the other folder. If a file is added or modified in the unencrypted folder, it gets encrypted. If a file is added or modified in the encrypted folder, it get decrypted to the other folder.More information here about .Posted on September 22, 2012Subversion's design is made up so that you will never ever lose any data. But there's one command that will do exactly that: Revert.Reverting means discarding all modifications you've made to one or more files which you haven't committed yet.But what if you selected the wrong file(s) to revert? Sure, TortoiseSVN always asks you first before it reverts the files. But as we all know, such "Are you sure?" dialogs are too easily dismissed by clicking "Yes".So what if you reverted files and you then discover that you shouldn't have done that?Posted on May 9, 2012The revision graph is a nice way to get a quick overview of your project. However you can not share the graph with other people unless you save it as an image and pass the image on.If the revision graph is small, then saving the graph as a PNG image will do just fine. But as with all images, a PNG does not scale very well. And if the revision graph is already big the resulting image file can get quite big as well. It can even get too big to show.Auto Aero ColorsPosted on April 9, 2011 o Windows 8 has a new feature where the Aero colors can be .This seems to be a nice feature, and there's even a tool available that offers that feature for Windows 7: .But there are some things about Aura that bother me, so I hacked together my own tool which offers that feature.Unlike Aura, AAClr is written in plain C++ and doesn't use the .NET Framework. For tools that are supposed to be started automatically on logon, this ensures that the whole startup time doesn't increase by several seconds.AAClr also detects changes in wallpapers by catching events from the system and doesn't use timers that access the wallpaper file several times a second (like Aura does). That means that AAClr is idle most of the time and only wakes up when necessary.And about resource usage: AAClr uses less than 2MB of private bytes - I think that's not too much.The link to the download can be found on the .Posted on January 15, 2011 o There's now a
available about TortoiseSVN. Of course, there are books about Subversion which mention TortoiseSVN. But this is (I think) the first book about TortoiseSVN.Full disclosure: I was asked to
the book, which I did. And I'm mentioned as a reviewer in the book! So I had to write something about it here since I was never mentioned in a book before :).read my
about this book.


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