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安装+个性化超级权限到Win8右健 微软的Windows 8系统安装使用还算给力,就是激活上有点麻烦可能还会在正式版取消30试用期限,不过这而不是我们今天要讲的Win8技巧,今天win8系统网给大家事带的是非常使的就是在系统右健加上一健获取超级管理员权限功能,这个
  微软的Windows 8系统安装使用还算给力,就是激活上有点麻烦可能还会在正式版取消30试用期限,不过这而不是我们今天要讲的Win8技巧,今天网给大家事带的是非常使的就是在系统右健加上一健&获取超级管理员权限&功能,这个功能用处非常大如你想修改或删除Win8系统下的文件或文件夹会提示你权限不够,还有就是你想浏览都浏览不了超级澹纯聪峦季褪窃诿挥谢袢」芾碓比ㄏ耷胺梦实奶崾尽
  接下来我们就为Widndows 8系统右健加上一个&获取超级管理员权限&功能,下载附件到任意地方而解压出来。双击提示是否接续选是&&然后确定,这样我们就很轻松的把这个功能添加到Windows8系统的右健上了,看看下面的展示图吧!非常简单,非常给力。
  大家都看到效果了吧!相信也有想到我不喜欢这个名字和图标可以改吗?小乐可以告诉你是可以改的,选中我们解压出来的安装文件,点击右健选择编辑或者手动打开记事本然后把解出来的安装文件托到记事本中也可以实现打开。对了要说一下这个自定义图标只有Win8和Win7才支持,如Win XP等系统要第三方软件才可以实现,打开后你会看到这样的字符串&Icon&=&C:\\Windows\\System32\\imageres.dll,-78&,这里的Icon不用我说都知道是什么意思,后面的图标路径,我们可以理解为&图标&的位置为C:\\Windows\\System32\\imageres.dll(这dll包括很多图标信息我们要指定一个,如单一个就不用了直路径就可以)后面的指定参数写法&,-指定那个是&请参考上面的路径。这样我们的DIY工作就可以完成了,安装一下看看效果吧!还没有用上Windows8的快去下载吧Win8系统下载。
  an zhuang + ge xing hua chao ji quan xian dao Win8 you jian
  wei ruan de Windows 8 xi tong an zhuang shi yong hai suan gei li , jiu shi ji huo shang you dian ma fan ke neng hai hui zai zheng shi ban qu xiao 30 shi yong qi xian , bu guo zhe er bu shi wo men jin tian yao jiang de Win8 ji qiao , jin tian win8 xi tong wang gei da jia shi dai de shi fei chang shi de jiu shi zai xi tong you jian jia shang yi jian & huo qu chao ji guan li yuan quan xian & gong neng , zhe ge gong neng yong chu fei chang da ru ni xiang xiu gai huo shan chu Win8 xi tong xia de wen jian huo wen jian jia hui ti shi ni quan xian bu gou , hai you jiu shi ni xiang liu lan dou liu lan bu liao chao ji jiong , kan kan xia tu jiu shi zai mei you huo qu guan li yuan quan xian qian fang wen de ti shi 。
  jie xia lai wo men jiu wei Widndows 8 xi tong you jian jia shang yi ge & huo qu chao ji guan li yuan quan xian & gong neng , xia zai fu jian dao ren yi di fang er jie ya chu lai 。 shuang ji ti shi shi fou jie xu xuan shi & & ran hou que ding , zhe yang wo men jiu hen qing song de ba zhe ge gong neng tian jia dao Windows8 xi tong de you jian shang le , kan kan xia mian de zhan shi tu ba! fei chang jian dan , fei chang gei li 。
  da jia dou kan dao xiao guo le ba! xiang xin ye you xiang dao wo bu xi huan zhe ge ming zi he tu biao ke yi gai ma ? xiao le ke yi gao su ni shi ke yi gai de , xuan zhong wo men jie ya chu lai de an zhuang wen jian , dian ji you jian xuan ze bian ji huo zhe shou dong da kai ji shi ben ran hou ba jie chu lai de an zhuang wen jian tuo dao ji shi ben zhong ye ke yi shi xian da kai 。 dui le yao shuo yi xia zhe ge zi ding yi tu biao zhi you Win8 he Win7 cai zhi chi , ru Win XP deng xi tong yao di san fang ruan jian cai ke yi shi xian , da kai hou ni hui kan dao zhe yang de zi fu chuan &Icon&=&C:\\Windows\\System32\\imageres.dll,-78& , zhe li de Icon bu yong wo shuo dou zhi dao shi shen me yi si , hou mian de tu biao lu jing , wo men ke yi li jie wei & tu biao & de wei zhi wei C:\\Windows\\System32\\imageres.dll( zhe dll bao kuo hen duo tu biao xin xi wo men yao zhi ding yi ge , ru dan yi ge jiu bu yong le zhi lu jing jiu ke yi ) hou mian de zhi ding can shu xie fa & , - zhi ding na ge shi & qing can kao shang mian de lu jing 。 zhe yang wo men de DIY gong zuo jiu ke yi wan cheng le , an zhuang yi xia kan kan xiao guo ba! hai mei you yong shang Windows8 de kuai qu xia zai ba Win8 xi tong xia zai 。
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公司 网站反馈您想针对哪类内容提供网站反馈?选择一个类别网站导航(寻找您需要的内容)网站内容语言质量:网站设计其他请您对此页面做出满意度评价:非常满意比较满意不太满意非常不满意评价:提交X-Mouse Button Control is a free tool for Windows that allows you to re-configure and expand the capabilities of your mouse.
Please be aware that X-Mouse Button Control is a hobby project.
It is not affiliated with any mouse or trackball device manufacturer.
While I can not guarantee to provide any level of support, I try my best, free time permitting!
XMouse Button Control (XMBC) allows you to create application and window specific profiles. This in turn, allows you to re-configure your mouse behaviour for individual applications or windows.
For each profile you can also configure up to 5 'layers' of different button configurations which you can switch between using hot-keys or mouse buttons.
By default, profiles are automatically activated as the mouse moves over the defined window or application.
This has many uses, for example:
Changing the behaviour of the mouse over certain windows, such as making the mouse wheel change volume when hovering over the system tray or you-tube video.
In games which do not natively support the extended, 4th and 5th mouse buttons, you can map keys to each button.
XMBC allows you to change the behaviour of the mouse buttons and scroll wheel. The extensive list of functions available to map to your mouse buttons includes options such as:
Send any keys using the 'simulated keystrokes' editor
Cording (shifting/combining) buttons perform different actions
Launch any windows application
Clipboard control (Copy/Cut/Paste)
Media control (Play/Pause/Stop/Volume/Mute etc.)
Capture screen (or active window) image to clipboard
Click-Drag [Sticky buttons/keys]
Click-Drag [Sticky buttons/keys]
Various support for specific Windows operating systems, such as Flip3D in Vista, ModernUI/Metro in Windows 8 and Virtual Desktops in Windows 10!
And much, much more!
For more information about using and configuring X-Mouse Button Control,
please check out the new
X-Mouse Button Control currently supports Windows XP,
R2, Vista,
R2, 7, 8, , 2012 R2 and 10.
It was originally designed to run natively on x64 editions of Windows but it is fully supported on 32bit editions too! The installation determines what version is required (x64 or x86) automatically during installation.
Please note that donations are just that. They are not intended to be used to persuade me to add new features or provide extra support - I do as much as I can for free and don't expect donations (although they are appreciated).
You can donate with PayPal using the donate button.
You can also donate using Bitcoin using the QR link or my bitcoin address below:
Installation/Upgrade Information:
The installer will automatically close an existing instance of XMBC so you do not need to close or uninstall an old
version before installing the latest.
XMouse Button&Control is configured to run automatically when you log on to Windows.
This can be changed using MSConfig or the start-up tab in Task Manager on Windows 8 or later.
A mouse and driver that supports 5 buttons.
NOTE: If your mouse has 5 buttons but the 4th and 5th buttons don't do anything
in by default - then XMBC may not be for you. This software relies on
the driver to send the default 4th and 5th mouse button messages which usually default to BACK/NEXT in
browsers and other programs. Having said that you can still remap the standard 2 buttons and scroll wheel.
A compatible version of Microsoft Windows.
X-Mouse Button Control supports all 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) editions of
Windows from Windows XP to 10, including Windows Server editions!
I have moved all the FAQ's to the forum to keep things consistent. Please take a look at
If your question is not answered in the
please take a look through the
and see if your question
has been asked there.If not, sign up and ask away!
Please be aware that I have had many requests for XMouse but unfortunately I have also have far
less time these days to work on it.I am primarily focusing on bugs that stop current functionality
working rather than adding new functionality.
Screenshots (Click to enlarge)
Main Window
Simulated Input
Button Chording
Application Chooser
Window Finder
Settings Tab
Contact me if you have any questions/queries.
Preferably,&sign up and discuss any problems in the
Alternatively you can try emailing me at
but PLEASE be aware that my anti-spam is set quite high so if you don't get a reply PM me on my forum!!
Please note that whilst the author actively runs and tests this software on several machines and different versions of windows,
no warranty or guarantee on the performance of the software or that this software is free from bugs, is provided.
Neither the author nor anyone else involved in the production, testing or delivery of this software shall be liable for
any damages of any type.
All downloads are checked for known viruses at the time of publishing.Open Forum
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Win8如何升级Win10 Win8.1升级Win10图文教程
Win10发布已经不是什么新鲜事了,很多电脑爱好者朋友都体验上了Win10预览版。今天,百事网小编为大家详细介绍下Win8如何升级Win10,适合Win8以及Win8.1的用户。由于Win8/8.1开始支持ISO镜像文件,因此Win8和Win8.1升级Win10就像在电脑上安装软件一样,非常简单,下面是Win8.1升级Win10图文教程,如果您Win8系统,都可以采用这种方式升级。Win8如何升级Win10 Win8.1升级Win10图文教程一、首先下载Win10预览版镜像,下载地址:【】需要注意的是,简体中文Win10预览版分为32位和64位系统,两种版本,如果电脑内存大于4GB,请下载64位版,如果内存不足4GB,选择32位版即可。二、下载镜像后,Win8/8.1用户可以直接双击即可ISO镜像文件打开(Win7用户需要借助虚拟光驱),之后点击双击DVD驱动器目录下的【setup】运行打开,如下图所示。
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