苹果手机9.33越狱后cydia无法下载和卸载软件 老提示sub-child process exec/usr/libexec/cydia/cydo

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8.4越狱之后很多锋友都或多或少有碰到一些Cydia的相关问题,这篇整理一下 Cydia 常见的错误警告,方便遇到问题的锋友查询。其实 Cydia 出现红黄字错误时,只要耐心看一下错误提示英文写什麽,多半就能知道问题点出在哪里,究竟是 Cydia 服务器忙碌、软件源错误、版本不支持还是连线超时
●错误:HTTP/1.0 403 OK
通常发生在新越狱工具刚发押螅捎谕碧嗳肆 Cydia 导致伺服器忙碌,所以造成软件无法正常加载。可等待一段时间再重新下载Cydia 软件,或是使用网速较稳定的Wi-Fi连线来安装。●Cydia 白画面无法载入
有可能加入了太多「源」导致载入时崩溃,可删除一些不常用的源来加快载入速度。●Lists directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is missing
partial档遗失,到‘越狱文件系统/var/lib/apt/list’e重新建立 partial 空白文件。●Cydia 图标从主画面不见
可在 Spotlight 输入「Cydia」搜寻,有可能是跑到某一个资料夹e。如果找不到的话,可到 iPhone 的‘设置&通用&还原&还原主屏幕布局’。如果是不小心误删 Cydia 的话,可下载「Cydia deb」档来重新安装。下载链接:●开启 Cydia 载入花很多时间
iPhone语言改英文不需要太高深技巧,只要到「设置&通用&语言与地区&iPhone 语言」里设成「English 英文」,不止 Cydia 载入速度飞快,而且自己的英文还会变好。● 定期更新 Cydia
检查 Cydia 有无 Cydia Substrate、Cydia Translations 和 PreferenceLoader 等重大更新,来修复已知错误和优化载入速度。● 装 Cydia 增强器
到 Cydia 新增「」源,然后搜寻「CydiaEnhancer bokzhe」、「Cydia增加器」或「Cydia加速强」软体安装。(请把0删除)●The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2
检查一下新加入的「软件源」网址是不是英文打错了。●Wow. you exceeded the number of package names this apt is capable
因为 Cydia 软件列表超过 APT 负荷限制,过多软件包无法载入。只要把一些I版源删一删就能解决。也能到「档案系统/private/var/lib/apt/lists/」e将「partial」以外档案全部删除后重开机看看。●Failed to fetch http://软件源网址
表示此软件源关闭或是更改网址,到 Cydia 的「来源」里删除该源即可。●I wasn`t able to locate file for the com 网址
更新或重新载入一次 Cydia 即可。●The requested modifications cannot be applied due to required
这款 Cydia 软件不支援你目前的系统。●因所依赖的软件包未找到或存在冲突软件包,操作无法完成
重新开启 Cydia 来加载软件列表,看能不能找到缺少的软件包。●Depends iOS Firmware&=7(8).0
这款 Cydia软件不支援你目前的 iOS 系统版本。● is not
到 Cydia「来源」e删除 ultrasn0w 源即可,反正现在也用不到。● /stable/Release.gpg POSIX connected
重开 Cydia,或是等一下再试著重新载入。●POSIX: Operation timed out
连接服务器超时,请检查网路连线速度或重开 Cydia。●Hash Sum mismatch
到「档案系统//var/cache/apt/archives」清除 Cydia 缓存,然后重新下载。●Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists
关闭 Cydia 后重开,再次重新载入软件列表。●HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
连接服务器错误,请检查网路连线速度或重开 Cydia。●Some index files failed to download
下载失败,可能软件已经移除,请到 Cydia「来源」e移除出现问号的源。● Duplicate sources.list entry 错误
重}加入已经有的软件源,请删除其中一个源。●Root directory's space is not enough
iPhone 剩馀可用空间不足,无法安装软件。●APP_STORE REDIRECT 弹出广告
开启「档案系统/etc」e的「hosts」档,将下面网址贴在最下面后存档。 a.adorika.n et a. c.gltrkk.n et
127.0.0.●安装 Cydia 软件白图标
到 Cydia 的「已安装」e删除或禁用「libhide」。●Cydia 无法启动、闪退
移除最近安装的 Cydia 软件,或是更新 Cydia Installar 和 Cydia Substrate。●User Unreachable
检查手机网路速度和重新开启 Cydia,有可能是过载问题。●subprocess dpkg-deb control returned error exit status 2
可能是安装软件失败,请检查网路速度然后重新开启 Cydia。●Some index files failed to download
下载失败,请重新下载。●锁机画面出现 Welcome to Cydget!
到 Cydia 移除「Cydget」软件或相关 WinterBoard 主题。●GPG error:http://个人源
到 Cydia 的「来源」e删除提示个人源。移除不掉的话,到「文件系统/private/etc/apt/sources.list.d/」里编辑「cydia.list」档删除该毒源。●We apologize for the inconvenience,but SpringBoard has just crashed.
●sub-process gzip received a segmentation fault
到「越狱文件//var/cache/apt/archives」清除 Cydia 缓存,然后重新下载。●无法删除软件 Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code
请到「越狱文件系统/private/var/lib/cydia」e清空 metadata.plist 后存档。●NetDB: Open nodename nor servname provided, or not knownError
请到 iPhone 的「设置&通用&还有&还原网络设置」即可。●Problem With MergeList [file]
重开机后还是出现的话,请删除所有加入的源清单,再依序重新加入。●Error occurred while processing
请删除自行加入的欧美I版源。[ 本帖最后由 K 于
10:43 编辑 ]
(91.69 KB) 10:43
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
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人气值 1126
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
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人气值 728
状态: 离线
财富值 105
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状态: 离线
I wasn't able to locate file for the cydia package.是什么问题?
微信扫一扫关注dospyCydia Download - Install Cydia on any iOS version
Cydia is a third party application which is a substitution for Apple App Store. It allows you to manage your third party applications. Cydia is not a general application which can directly download and inst It has a special way of installing. We provide all Cydia download software and instructions according to your iOS version.
You must know your iOS version before download Cydia to your device. Otherwise, you can ,
Then refer the following guidelines to download Cydia.
Cydia Installer Windows/Mac Download [updated on July 26th, 2016]
You must download the following Windows/Mac toolkits to install Cydia to your iPhone, iPod or iPad. There are no other ways to download the Cydia to your device.
Cydia Download for iOS 9.3.3, iOS 9.3.2, iOS 9.3.1, iOS 9.3, iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.2
Pangu released tool for iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3. But It only works with 64 bit devices defined below. The tool only works with iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5S, iPhone SE, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 1, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, 3, 2 and iPod touch 6G.
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
Tool to download and install Cydia
For Windows Users
Please visit using your iPhone,iPad or iPod / Download windows tool at
Special Note for Mobile Users : Make sure that you use safari browser of your iDevice
Cydia Download for iOS 9.3 / Cydia for iOS 9.3.1 /iOS 9.3.2
All iOS 9.3.x users are requested to update iOS version to iOS 9.3.3, which is the latest version of iOS and follow the cydia installation guide above.
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
For PC Users
Update to iOS 9.3.3 and use iOS 9.3.3 Cydia Installation Tools
Cydia Download for iOS 9.2.1
iOS 9.2.1 users can install cydia using the following tool. It is only for windows and iOS 9.2.1 users should update iOS version to iOS 9.3.3 and use the above iOS 9.3.3 Cydia Installation Guide
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
For Windows Users
” target=”_blank” rel=”iOS 9.2.1 Cydia Installation Guide”>Download iOS 9.2.1 Guide
Cydia Download for iOS 9.2
Cydia can be downloaded to iOS 9.2. But the best thing you can do is, upgrade iOS 9.2 to iOS 9.3.3 and use the above Cydia Installation Guide for iOS 9.3.3
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
For Windows Users
Make sure you visit this page from your iDevice
Windows/Mac users please follow the
on iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.1 running devices.
Cydia Download for iOS 9.1
Cydia can be downloaded to iOS 9.1 running devices by using taig9 online tools.
from your iDevice to download Cydia.
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
For Windows Users
This tool does not install real Cydia on your device. But it installs Cydia alternate with limited features
Cydia Download for iOS 9.0 &#.2
The greatest news for Cydia lovers is, Cydia is available for iOS 9.0, iOS 9.0.1 and iOs 9.0.2. The great Pangu team brings Cydia for iOS 9.0 &#.2 and you need to download Pangu tool from .
For Windows Users
For Mac Users
Will be available soon
Cydia Download for iOS 8.4.1
If you are running on any iOS 8.4.1, you can install Cydia alternate with limited set of features by using semiJB Cydia.
For iPhone/Pad/iPod Users
Make sure you visit this page from your iDevice
Cydia Download for iOS 8.4 &#.3
If you are running on any iOS version between iOS 8.1.3 &#, you can use the following tool to download and install Cydia to your iDevice. Make sure that you download appropriate tool for your operating system of your PC. Windows users can use TaiG tool and Mac users can use TaiG/PPJailbreak
For Windows Users
For Mac Users
Cydia Download for iOS 8.1.1 &#.2
We don’t recommend installing Cydia to iOS 8.1.1- 8.1.2, Please update your iOS version to the latest iOS version (iOS 8.4) and download the above tool kits to install Cydia to your device
Cydia for iOS 8 – iOS 8.1
There are two ways for the users who runs on iOS 8-8.1. You can update your iOS version to iOS 8.4(Latest at the moment) and use the tools above. Or you can use the below tools without upgrading your iOS version.
For Windows Users
For Mac Users
Cydia Download for iOS 7.0 &#.2 (For iPhone4 Users)
We recommend you to update your device to iOS 8.4 unless you are iPhone4 user. If you are iPhone4 user you can upgrade your device to iOS 7.1.2 and use the following tools to download and install Cydia on your device.
For Windows Users
For Mac Users
Cydia Download for iOS 6 &#.6 (For iPod touch 4 / iPhone 3GS)
Both Windows and Mac users can use p0sixspwn v1.5.3 to install the Cydia for iOS 6.1.3 – iOS 6.1.6 (including 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 6.1.6). These tools install Cydia automatically after the jailbreak process.
For Windows and Mac Users
Cydia for iOS 5.1.1 and below
In this time many users are not using iOS 5.1.1 and below. We recommend to upgrade your iOS version to the latest one
iPad 1/iPod 3G users – Latest iOS version is iOS 5.1.1 for iPad 1/iPod 3G.
Please update your device to iOS 5.1.1. Then find Absinthe, Redsn0w or Snowbreeze jailbreak tool from Google and jailbreak your device to install the Cydia
iPhone 3G/iPod 2G – Tha latest iOS version is iOS 4.2.1 for these users.
Please use Redsn0w or Snowbreeze to jailbreak for the Cydia
Cydia Installer by Pangu
This tool is only for Jailbroken users. You must have jailbroken your device from Pangu9 jailbreak tool to install the Cydia to your device. Tool is only compatible with iOS 9 &#.2
Pangu Cydia Installer is only worthwhile if you have Jailbroken your device using Pangu9 and you have lost your Cydia app accidentally.
Don’t try to download the Cydia to your non-Jailbroken iPhone, iPod or iPad using this Cydia Installer
You must visit this website from your computer to download the “Cydia Installer” tool
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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'苹果手机越狱后怎么备份Cydi|Cydia源地址怎么备份?苹果手机越狱后怎么备份Cydia源地址?_软件下载您所在的位置: >
> Cydia源地址怎么备份?苹果手机越狱后怎么备份Cydia源地址?时间:&&编辑:Moments&&阅读:次Cydia源地址怎么备份?苹果手机越狱后怎么备份Cydia源地址?CSources2对于增加了第三方源的越狱用户来说特别实用,它可以让用户管理和备份你的第三方源,甚至可以关闭这些源而且还不需要彻底删除。安下小编就来演示一下。特别是对于那些添加了很多第三方源的用户,CSources2特别实用。安装这款插件后,在主屏会出现一个应用图标。运行这个图标你就可以看到一个全新的界面,很显然设计并不是这款插件的卖点之一,这次界面的简陋就可见一斑。在这个应用里,你可以点击左上角的“”来增加新的源,大致方法和Cydia里的一样。添加源后,该源就会出现在源的列表中。每一个源都有独立的开关按钮,一旦做出任何变动,可点击左上角的Apply按钮来让Cydia也跟着更新。用户还可以点击源来添加额外的信息,在这里你可以插入注释,对源进行一些描述。值得一提的是,在这里你还可以备份你的源到iCloud,或者是让源包含在iTunes的备份里。右下角的“i”图标可能不是那么明显,但是它可以让你管理备份和进行恢复。如果想要更方便地管理第三方的源,不妨到BigBoss源进行下载,目前售价1.99美元。已支持iOS9及以下越狱系统,暂不支持iOS9.1及以上系统。相关文章11-2402-2503-0410-2711-2303-2111-3001-1507-0310-2806-0111-3002-2508-20相关软件11-20下载周排行下载总排行大小:55.4 MB06-22大小:11.4MB01-19大小:58.1 MB04-22大小:23.4 MB02-17大小:54.9 MB02-03大小:12.1 MB01-29大小:37.2 MB06-21大小:32.3 MB06-21大小:31.7 MB03-22大小:45.9 MB12-18大小:32.2 MB12-01大小:40.0 MB04-08大小:33.85 MB11-18大小:12.3 MB01-07文章周排行文章总排行


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