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智能家居引领时尚 选购也需讲究方法
& & & & & 随着人们对生活质量追求的不断提升,对于住居生活的要求也尤如水涨船高,势不可挡。伴随着智能生活逐步的深入人心,人们开始追逐便捷、舒适的居住环境,所以智能家居也随之成为众多消费者倍受追捧的目标。
& & & & & 现代人越来越注重个性化的生活,尤其是作为加入购房大军的80后的我们,新潮和时尚已经成了我们的代言词。智能家居作为家装部分里面必不可少的一部分,自然也要让它融入到我们的住居生活中来,满足我们的个性化需求。
& & & & & 但是选购智能家居却成了摆在我们面前的难题。目前我国从事智能家居生产厂商的企业众多,市场上产品种类琳琅满目,作为消费者的我们,在选购时难免有点&雾里看花&,无从下手。智能家居市场在我国来说还不算规范,所以在选购时一定要慎重。小编在此总结了几点建议,可以作为您选购智能家居时的略微参考:
& & & & & 明确个性化需求
& & & & & 我们在购买智能家居产品之前一定要明确自己的需求功能是什么,需要哪些个性化的服务。每个家庭对智能生活的要求不同,所以对于智能家居的选购也不同。智能家居的功能可以任意组合,从而满足不同消费者对智能生活的需求。除了必备的功能,如家庭安防系统、报警系统、智能照明系统等部分外,我们还可以根据自己的特殊需要来安装智能家居产品,如家庭娱乐系统、背景音乐系统等,它可以让我们在家中享受到更多的娱乐。
& & & & & 有些消费者喜欢追求功能完美,盲目地安装智能家居,这其实是不明智的选择。因为有些功能是不必要的,只会成为新鲜过后的摆设品。这不仅会使你的智能生活大打折扣,有时候也会带来很多不必要的麻烦。所以建议大家根据自己的实际需求来选购产品,用最少的钱来实现自己最必要的需求。
& & & & & 选择节能环保型产品
& & & & & 时下,节能环保已成为主题词,推动节能成为一种消费潮流和产业趋势,各行各业也都在倡导&节能&、&环保&。作为智能家居生产厂商,为用户提供既好用又节能的产品,更是不容忽视。基于计算机技术和自动化技术的智能家居控制系统,节能环保功能在照明节能中体现的最为突出,可通过各种定时事件管理、感应控制功能、亮度传感器灯光亮度自动检测等核心手段,实现照明节能等。
& & & & & 产品及品牌的选择
& & & & & 在选择产品时主要看的是产品的质量与外观工艺。智能家居产品除了能够带给我们智能的享受,其实好的外观工艺还可以给我们的家庭带来美的视觉享受。有些智能家居产品将重点放在了产品的功能之上而忽略了外表的视觉享受功能,所以这也成为消费者在选购产品时不可忽视的一点。
& & & & & 对于品牌的选择,一定要遵循&货比三家&的原则,选择一家优秀的智能家居品牌厂商是您规避风险的一个良方。因为一个大品牌的厂商,对于产品的质量是有保障的,并且技术也是能够保证的。消费者在选用智能家居时一定要尽可能的选择信誉好、知名度高的品牌。这可以使您放心购买,安心使用。当然,您在选择代理商的时候,也最好以这个为原则。
& & & & & 是否具有远程控制功能
& & & & & 远程控制是指通过遥控器、定时控制器、集中控制器或电话、手机、电脑等来实现各种远距离控制。智能家居就相当于一个家庭的智能控制中心,把家电控制、家庭安防和监控、家庭信息终端以及家庭数字娱乐都整合到一起。因此,在购买时请检验是否可以通过Internet来访问智能终端,并操作体验。
& & & & & 功能是否集成
& & & & & 智能家居集成是利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设备集成。对家庭设备采用的是集中统一控制的方式,所以核心应该是有一个通讯协议,一个系统平台,一个解决方案,相当于电脑的操作系统。而对应的具体产品,如安防产品、监控产品、灯控产品、多媒体产品等,都是可以集成在这一个系统上,通过系统的通讯协议,使各个子系统相互连接,互通信息,操作上可以相互控制。而现在市面上很多都是只具有一个简单的子系统设备产品,也宣传为智能家居,其实是不正确的,这就要求消费者在选购之前与商家作好详细分析,并且产品的兼容性一定要好。
& & & & & 产品售后服务是否周到
& & & & & 对于每个厂商来说,产品的售后服务是企业发展的重要因素。消费者在购买大件消费品时都会非常注重售后服务的质量。尤其是在购买智能家居产品时,这就显的更为重要了。智能家居市场目前在国内还有待规范,每个厂商的售后服务情况也各不相同。所以消费者一定要对这方面了解清楚。
监控系统常见故障有哪些 (一) 在一个监控系统进入调试阶段、试运行阶段以及交付使用..
网站备案号:粤ICP备号-1 经营许可证编号:粤B2- 深圳互联网科技创新企业
太平洋安防网版权所有  互联网违法和不良信息举报中心:1
太平洋安防产业链:DVRs, NVRs & Kits
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DVRs, NVRs & Kits
US$0 - US$1,300
US$0 - US$1,700
Number of Channels
Recording Resolution
Number of Included Cameras
Hard Drive Size
Connection Type
Product Type
Camera Resolution
Night Vision Distance
Camera Viewing Angle
DVRs, NVRs & Kits
Swann&s range of DVR security systems (digital video recorders) and NVR security systems (network video recorders) connect with CCTV security systems, enabling you to record what the CCTV cameras see, and play it back at a later date. Many systems also support
All of Swann&s DVR security systems provide remote viewing, enabling you to view security footage remotely either from a computer, your smartphone or tablet.
DVR security systems are available with between 4 and 16 channels, enabling you to connect up to 16 cameras to your CCTV security system. Dependent on the
these can record at night, outdoors and in HD quality.
Protect your home or business with a Swann home CCTV security system.
1-10 of 88
MSRP: US$799.99
Online Price: US$799.99
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 8 cameras
This product can record up to 3 Megapixels (2048 x 1536 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 2TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 100ft / 30m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 64 degrees
8 Channel 3MP Digital Video Recorder / 3MP Super HD Video Quality / Pre-installed 2TB HDD for longer recording / 8 x 3MP Cameras with excellent night vision / High Def HDMI & VGA output / Smartphone Viewing
Be protected & see every detail in crystal clear super HD
MSRP: US$299.99
Online Price: US$299.99
Add to Cart
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 4 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 1TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
4 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder with pre-installed 500GB HDD / 4 x 720p Day/Night Cameras / SwannLink ‘Peer to Peer’ easy network connection software / VGA & HDMI Output / Web and Smartphone remote viewing / Transfer to external storage via USB or network
Be protected & see every detail in HD
MSRP: US$349.99
Online Price: US$349.99
Add to Cart
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 4 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 1TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
8 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder with pre-installed 1TB HDD / 4 x 720p Day/Night Cameras / SwannLink ‘Peer to Peer’ easy network connection software / VGA & HDMI Output / Web and Smartphone remote viewing / Transfer to external storage via USB or network
Be protected & see every detail in HD
MSRP: US$499.99
Online Price: US$499.99
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 8 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 1TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
8 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder with pre-installed 500GB HDD / 8 x 720p Day/Night Cameras / SwannLink ‘Peer to Peer’ easy network connection software / VGA & HDMI Output / Web and Smartphone remote viewing / Transfer to external storage via USB or network
Be protected & see every detail in HD
MSRP: US$899.99
Online Price: US$899.99
16 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 16 cameras
This kit includes 10 cameras
This product can record up to 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 2TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 100ft / 30m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 90 degrees
16 Channel 1080p Digital Video Recorder with pre-installed 2TB HDD / 10 x 1080p Day/Night Cameras / SwannLink ‘Peer to Peer’ easy network connection software / VGA & HDMI Output / Web and Smartphone remote viewing / Transfer to external storage via USB or network
Be protected & see every detail in HD
MSRP: US$399.99
Online Price: US$399.99
Add to Cart
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 4 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 500GB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
8 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder / Larger, Clearer, Full Screen High Res Video / 500GB HDD / 4 x 720p HD Bullet Cameras / New video camera analytics feature / Easy SwannLink Peer-to-Peer Connectivity / High Def HDMI & VGA output / Live viewing on Internet, Smartphone
MSRP: US$599.99
Online Price: US$599.99
Add to Cart
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 8 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 500GB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
8 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder / Larger, Clearer, Full Screen High Res Video / 500GB HDD / 8 x 720p HD Bullet Cameras / New video camera analytics feature / Easy SwannLink Peer-to-Peer Connectivity / High Def HDMI & VGA output / Live viewing on Internet, Smartphone
MSRP: US$699.99
Online Price: US$699.99
Add to Cart
8 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 8 cameras
This kit includes 8 cameras
This product can record up to 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 2TB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 100ft / 30m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 90 degrees
8 Channel 1080p Digital Video Recorder with pre-installed 2TB HDD / 8 x 1080p Day/Night Cameras / SwannLink ‘Peer to Peer’ easy network connection software / VGA & HDMI Output / Web and Smartphone remote viewing / Transfer to external storage via USB or network
Be protected & see every detail in HD
MSRP: US$249.99
Online Price: US$249.99
Add to Cart
4 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 4 cameras
This kit includes 2 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 500GB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
4 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder / 720p
High Definition Video / Pre-installed 500GB HDD / 2 x 720p Cameras / Clear night vision / High Def HDMI & VGA output / Smartphone Viewing
Be protected & see every detail in 720p HD
MSRP: US$299.99
Special Price
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4 channel unit supports up to a maximum of 4 cameras
This kit includes 4 cameras
This product can record up to 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) Full HD resolution.
Record to the pre-installed 500GB Hard Drive
Camera can see up to 65ft / 20m in the dark
Camera has a field of view up to 55 degrees
4 Channel 720p Digital Video Recorder / 720p
High Definition Video / Pre-installed 500GB HDD / 4 x 720p Cameras / Clear night vision / High Def HDMI & VGA output / Smartphone Viewing
Be protected & see every detail in 720p HD
1-10 of 88
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