js getdocumentbyid.getElementById("s").style.background="url(./images/icons/64/computer.png)&qu

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迷上了代码!document.getElementById(...)为空或不是对象 行:24_百度知道javascript - document.getElementById.style.backgroundImage not working - Stack Overflow
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I want to assign different background images to a div depending on the page's address, so for example, if my url is
I use the following code:
if(document.URL.indexOf("mysubdirectory") &= 0){
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.backgroundImage = "url('bg-wrapper.jpg')";
But it's not working. I even added a bogus document.write command just to make sure the rest of the code was ok and sure enough the bogus line showed up in my browser. Is there something I'm overlooking?
EDIT: Thank you all for your answers - when I use body instead of getElementById("wrapper") in my code, the image shows up, so I doubt it's a path-related issue. I trued adding an onload attribute to the body tag but it's still not working with getElementById. Any ideas?
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.backgroundImage = "url('bg-wrapper.jpg')";
code is correct.
It works fine in this jsfiddle:
Are you sure the image is correct. Remember that the path to the file is relative to the location of the current page. NOT the css directory
Try this, I think the image url is wrong most likely. You probably need a relative path of sorts:
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.backgroundImage = "url('/bg-wrapper.jpg')";
I'm using Chrome 29.0.1547.66 and none of the anwers worked either.
So I tried:
document.getElementById("wrapper").style.backgroundImage = "url(http://media.nu.nl/m/m1fz6dwa6h3w.jpg)";
It worked taking off the quotation marks from the image url.
Here working as well:
Specifying a protocol worked for me in chrome. I couldn't get it to work using the catch all '//'. It had to be 'http://' I'm assuming it must match whatever protocol was used to load the page or iframe.
for example
worked for me.
This works for me:
var pointer =
"url(\'/" + imageArray[imageCounter].toString() + "\')";
document.body.style.backgroundImage = pointer
After spending a bit of time on this, it was the browser's engine parsing the CSS.
No good errors in the console.
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设窗户的高为x,那么宽为(7 - 2x)/3,即
x×(7 - 2x)/3 = 2
(2x - 3)(x - 2) = 0
1、当x = x1时,窗户的高为1.5米,宽为(7 - 2×1.5)/3 = 4/3米
2、当x = x2时,窗户的高为2米,宽为(7 - 2×2)


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