免安装麻将机遥控器器上AIL ELE THR RUD四个开关是什么意思

1.遥控设备的基本内容我们花点时间来谈谈,了解如何操作遥控设备(遥控套装,遥控系统等),以及典型的遥控系统包含哪些基本内容,还有,怎样通过心爱的“战斗套装”的核心部件来获取领人满意的飞行体验。不过,2.4G设备已经取代了&MHz&,这篇文章已经写好了,所以我们只讨论传统意义上的“MHz”而不是“比较稳定可视距离远“的“GHz”。当然,其实“MHz”也好,“GHz”也好,基本内容是一样的。这里的“MHz”和“GHz”指的是遥控设备的工作频率。一般意义上讲,一套完整的遥控设备包括发射机、接收机和舵机。我们需要使用成品电池(封装好的,如3s,4s等),或单节电池(自己组装成电池组)来给这些设备供电,但是,对接收机和电动飞机上的舵机而言,它们一般没有自己的配套电池,因为它们会通过之后才出现的所谓BEC,直接从马达电源上取电。发射机:接收机:舵机:2.通道数和通道频率在RC领域里,“通道”这个常用词,有两种完全不同的意思。第一种意思是指遥控设备和飞机所拥有的“通道数”,在这里“通道”指的是模型里的每一个单独的可操作功能。一个“单通道”的飞机指的是,它只能提供一种可操作功能,如“方向舵机运动”或“马达转动/停转”。两个通道呢,就是方向舵和马达,三通道呢,就是方向舵,马达和升降舵。一个典型的4通遥控飞机会拥有四个最基本的RC功能:方向舵、升降舵、油门和副翼。对飞机的通道数没有严格的规定,它只是单纯地有飞机本身来决定。更复杂的遥控飞机也许会有6、7或8个通道,来操作四个基本RC功能(AIL/ELE/THR/RUD),然后加上可收放的起落架、襟翼(即第二副翼)、降落指示灯、降落伞以及相机操作……“通道“的第二个意思是指RC设备的工作频率。不同的国家会在“MHz”里划分不同的频段,来在法律上规定遥控飞行的工作频率。每个指定的频率通道都有一个编号,并不允许两个(或以上)操作人员同时在这个“频道”上进行飞行控制操作,否则彼此间将会产生信号干扰并导致每一方都有一系列的控制问题。值得注意的是,只有“MHz”的遥控设备需要指定频道,而新兴的2.4G遥控设备使用了不同的技术而不需要指定频道。这是一个伟大的进步,拥有了2.4G遥控设备之后,您就将不用顾虑还有谁在同时操纵飞机,这样就不会有不速之客来干扰你的飞行乐趣了。接下来,我们将介绍典型的遥控设备所包含的基本内容。3.发射机(简写为Tx)发射机,即通称的“控”,指的是一个您拿在手上并用来遥控自己的飞机的“设备”。发射机有几种不同的类型,下图中从左到右分别是传统的4通控、单摇杆3通控(带滑动的马达控制)、两通控,以及两通手柄控(常用在车模中)。在这篇文章中,我们把注意力放在传统的4通控上,因为您在“入魔”时很可能就是从接触它开始的,无论它是MHz还是GHz的。在这里,我们把注意力放在传统的6通控上,因为您在“入魔”时很可能就是从接触它开始的,无论它是MHz还是GHz的。这样的发射机包含两个摇杆和几个微调,而如果它由五个以上的通道,那么它还应该有开关和旋钮。这些功能接口分布在发射机机体的正面和顶部,这样它们就能都落在手指的控制范围内了。这些开关旋钮将用于四个基本通道(重要!再强调一次,AIL/ELE/THR/RUD,即副翼/升降/油门/方向。这是基本常识中的基本常识,以后不再废话。)以外的通道,如可收放起落架和襟翼(百度百科对襟翼的解释:“装在机翼后缘或前缘,可向下偏转或(和)向后(前)滑动,用以增加升力的翼面形装置。”)等,但这些通道也可以用于其它用途(您可以对这些通道进行自定义设置,如通道五可以用来开伞,也可以用来控制云台)。在MHz发射机的顶部,会有一根可伸缩的天线,而在2.4G设备上,天线会更短,并不能伸缩。它只有6英寸(150cm)长,而MHz天线有3英尺或4英尺长(1英尺=0.3048米)。这是因为2.4G无线电波拥有更多的波长,与之匹配的就是更短的天线了,也因为2.4G技术更为高效。如果这个发射机可进行智能设置,那么它就会有一个LCD(即液晶)屏来显示所有相关信息,如可设置项目、菜单选项、电池电压、计时器等,等。而如果这个发射机没有智能设置功能,那么,它的表面上只会有一个电池电压表或者几个指示灯,而没有任何LCD屏幕。当然,现在的主流控,一般都带LCD显示屏。只有最简单的控是不带LCD显示屏的。6通的MHz智能控的主要功能接口图示如下:在MHz发射机的顶部,会有一根可伸缩的天线,而在2.4G设备上,天线会更短,并不能伸缩。它只有6英寸(150cm)长,而MHz天线有…………在一个4+通道发射机上,两个摇杆中,每一个摇杆的上下摇动和左右摇动都能激活两项功能(如左摇杆上下摇动,控制升降,左摇杆左右摇动,控制副翼)。因为有4个基本通道(还有再废话吗?是哪四个?),所以其他开关和旋钮等功能接口将被标记为其他通道,如CH5,CH6等(“CH”是英文“Channel”,即“通道”的缩写)。其中微调(trim)是一个必备的接口,用于调整飞机的飞行状态,以消除不必要的倾斜。它通过对相关舵面的微量移动,来重设该舵面的中立位(正常情况下,没有风的时候,飞机在空中平稳飞行时,升降舵面应该是水平伸展的,即与机体上表面平行,但有时候因舵机安装误差等原因,升降舵面水平时,机头会向上抬或向下沉,此时只能通过微调来改变升降舵面位置,使机头重新回到水平位置)。在处女航中,微调是必备项,但如果您使用微调的频率太过频繁的话,您需要回去工作室里练习如何调整飞机,目的是为了在后面的飞行中尽量少用微调。当操作员有动作时,如移动摇杆,拨动开关或旋转旋钮,一个无线信号就会从发射机的天线发出,然后被装在飞机上的接收机捕获。这个信号会被直接从接收机传给舵机,然后最终结果就是舵面或油门的比例运动。所谓比例运动,是指,舵面的运动幅度与发射机功能接口上的动作幅度直接关联,如摇杆的轻微移动对应于舵面的小幅转动,而把摇杆挪到最顶部(即不能再往上移动了)时,舵面的转动也到了尽头(不能继续往同一个方向转动了)。除了最基本的玩具控之外,玩家领域里的所有RC发射机都应该是比例控制的。4.接收机(简写为Rx)如下图所示,左边是一个MHz接收机,右边是一个2.4G接收机。如下图所示,左边是一个MHz接收机,右边是一个2.4G接收机。……接收机装在飞机内部,并与舵机和电调(即所谓的ESC,用于电动飞机)通过细细的连接线直连。它的天线是一根细线,从接收机内部引出,并伸到飞机外。MHz接收机的天线一般是两到三英尺长(0.6米至1米左右)。和发射机的天线相对应,MHz接收机和2.4G接收机的天线在长度上也有所差别,即2.4G接收机的天线大概只有一英寸(2.4cm)长!在实际飞行中,原装的MHz接收机的天线是不能被剪短或者“缠短”的,否则该接收机将完全丧失接收发射机信号的能力,而这将会导致灾难性的后果。飞机会很快飞出信号范围,而且完全失控。还用想吗,炸你没商量!和正常的收音机或电视机接收电台或电视信号一样的工作流程(即收到信号,播放节目),RC接收机收到RC发射机的信号后,会把这些信号转给舵机或电调,然后舵机或电调会做出相关的反应。5.舵机上图所示的几种舵机有不同的尺寸、重量和长度。前面已经讲过,在航模飞机中,舵机的数量取决于遥控设备的特性和飞机本身的需求。一个舵机包含一个电路板,一个电子马达,一个反馈电位器,以及一系列尼龙的或金属的部件,全部封装在一个塑料外壳里。中央的转轴引出到顶部,并连接到一个摇臂上。电位器连接到电路板上,并与齿轮相连。电位器基于基本的纠错规则进行工作。从接收机传来的信号由电路板进行解析,逐条地通知舵机往哪个方向转动。舵机会不停转动,直到电位器到达马达停转点所对应的位置。由于联动关系,齿轮和转轴也会跟着转动,从而带动摇臂转动。而摇臂通过细细的金属杆连接到舵面上,所以舵机摇臂的运动将会引发舵面(包括副翼舵面、升降舵面、方向舵面和差动舵面等)上的相应运动。一个舵机通常会有三根线(3芯),分别是电源正极、地和信号线,厂家会用不同颜色来标记这些线(如红色为电源、黑色为地,白色为信号等)。这些线会被引到一个连接头上,这种“平叶片”型连接头(见上图,属于Spektrum/JR类型)十分常见,它会被插入到接收机的相应通道接口。注意到,不同厂家的产品之间存在兼容性问题,虽然您可以对这种常见类型进行必要的修改(如把不同品牌的舵机连到同一个接收机上)。不同的舵机有不同的尺寸和长度,从“轻如鸿毛”到重若“1/4”(因为它们常用于真机1/4尺寸的飞机上)。随着航模飞机的尺寸越变越小,现在“微型”舵机也越来越普及。典型的重量在5克到10克之间。5.数字舵机&相对于传统的模拟舵机,数字舵机能提供更快的相应时间和更强的扭力(如使较大的舵面来抵抗强风,而舵面不会被打下来)。显然,其中也有舵机马达和齿轮的作用在内。我们通过扭矩来测量舵机的力量,单位是盎司/英寸或kg/ cm。扭力表示在制定距离内,从转轴那能输出多大的转动力。如1.6kg/cm的舵机,能在1cm距离外拉动1.6kg的东西。离转轴越远,扭矩越小,例如,到了2cm外,只能拉动0.8kg的东西。另一个相关度量量是舵机转速,表示舵机能以多快的速度转动(如在十分之一秒内转过60度)。舵机类型和数量完全取决于您的飞机和您的需求。6.如何选用遥控设备?关于如何选择遥控设备的问题,现在已经是过多过滥,用户很容易迷失在五花八门的选择当中。但如果您能看透它的话,其实,要做出合适的选择也并非难事。您的预算已经决定了大部分的事情。当然,还有其他因素需要考虑。这里有一些参考意见:MHz还是GHz C无疑是2.4G,MHz的已经不多见了,它们已经被淘汰了。通道数C开始时,选用6通以下的遥控设备或许还凑合。但实际上,通道数取决于您的入魔程度,如果您很快就开始接触复杂的航模项目的话(如FPV),那么,您会发现自己很快就需要一个6通的控了,然后很快,8通的控会成为一个更好的选择。功能和特性-现在的智能控已经超越了初学者的了解范围,但,还是那句话,如果您想玩得更深入更开心的话,您应该选择一个中档以上的控,而非一个最低端的控。手感C这是一个容易被忽略的问题。但如果控的手感不好,相信您很难继续找到您所期待的乐趣。如果您家附近有航模店,那么,建议您亲自到现场试用以确定手感上的选择。信誉C 这里指该品牌的名声和可靠性。时下的航模网店上,东西越来越便宜,已经有太多的选择,从默默无闻的品牌,到主流的品牌。全新的或是二手的-如果您有点银子,建议您还是买新的。买二手的控存在太多的风险,因为您不知道它的历史,您不知道它曾经遭受过怎样的对待,您甚至不知道它是不是偷来的赃物!哪种制式(即美国手还是日本手等)- 这当然由您自己决定。但一般建议选择制式2(即美国手),因为用这种制式的人是最多的。&嗯,到此为止已经简单介绍了遥控设备的基本内容。建议您花点时间来了解您的遥控设备,您肯定能从中受益的。不要光弄弄摇杆而不知道背后的东西!
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3. Are all products in stock?
Yes, all products on the website are in stock and ready to ship from our warehouse in Southern California.
Sold out items are marked and cannot be ordered.
4. When will my order to ship?
Orders are usually shipped out within 24 hours except on weekends. All orders placed before 8AM Pacific time will ship the same day otherwise they will ship on the next business day.
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For USPS priority, it will usually arrive in 1-3 business days but it is not guaranteed.
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6. What is the warranty on these products?
Due to the nature of RC products, the manufacturers do not offer warranty. We offer a 15 day warranty that covers DOA (Dead On Arrival) and factory defects only.
We do not offer warranty on any products beyond that timeframe.
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We do not accept checks or money orders.
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9. Do you ship to APO/FPO addresses?
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We currently only ship to the US and Canada.
11. Do you have a printed catalog?
We do not offer a print catalog but all items we carry are listed on our website and updated daily.
12. Why was my credit card charged multiple times?
This usually happens when a transaction is declined because of an incorrect address, cvv code, or expiration date. When a transaction is attempted, a temporary authorization may be placed on your card. This occurs when our payment processor is testing to confirm that your credit card account is active and has credit available to accommodate transactions. This can happen with each attempt. If you were declined four times, you may see four temporary authorizations on your card.
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ATM debit cards with a Mastercard or Visa logo sometimes take longer than regular credit cards to remove the transaction.
For this reason, we recommend using a regular credit card when purchasing online.
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You should be aware that all temporary authorization charges will temporarily reduce the account's available credit by the anticipated amount.
For more information, please contact your bank or credit card company about how temporary transactions work and affect you as a credit card holder.
RC Helicopter Questions
4. How do I keep my helicopter from spinning in circles?
In order to properly control your helicopter, the remote must be trimmed during flight to control the spin of the helicopter. Every model has a trim function. It is either a knob in the middle of the remote, two buttons on the top left and right of the remote, or two buttons below the right hand stick. Please refer to your manual for the exact location. If the helicopter spins clockwise turn the knob to the left or press the left trim button(up to 15 times) until the helicopter stabilizes. If the helicopter spins counter-clockwise turn the knob to the right or press the right trim button (up to 15 times) until the helicopter stabilizes.
5. Can I change the battery in my helicopter to a higher voltage or higher milliamp?
You should never put a higher voltage battery than the helicopter was designed to use.
Higher voltage will damage the electronics and may result in fire or serious injury.
For milliamps (mAh), usually you can upgrade to a slightly higher mAh and it will give you slightly longer flight times.
Please remember when upgrading a battery higher mAh means it has more capacity but it is also larger and heavier.
If the battery is too heavy the helicopter will be sluggish and it will take more power to lift the helicopter causing shorter flight times.
It is a tradeoff but in general helicopters like the Esky Belt CP and King series will benefit from a higher mAh battery such as an 1800 or 2200 mAh battery.
Also our Xtreme batteries are designed to give slightly more flight time for 4 channel Esky helicopters. We do not recommend using batteries that are not designed for your helicopter.
6. What is a 3.5 channel gyro helicopter?
The 3.5ch RC helicopter with gyro is similar to standard 3ch helicopter except the 3.5ch RC helicopter has a built in gyroscope that auto adjusts the yaw (left or right tail swing) movement to stabilize the flight. With the gyroscope feature it will be much easier to control your helicopter.
Syma Questions
2. Where is the potentiometer mentioned in the manual and how do I adjust it?
Unfortunately this is a misprint in the Syma manual.
The older models may have had this feature but all current models do not have this feature. The way to adjust the trim is to use the remote.
There are no user configurable controls on the helicopter itself.
3. How do I replace the inner shaft and balance bar?
The Syma models were manufactured to be easy to assemble at the factory but not so easy to unassemble for repair.
Inner Shaft Replacement
First, please make sure the entire shaft needs to be replaced.
In most instances the upper portion holding the balance bar and upper rotors is all that needs to be replaced.
If this is the case just unscrew the 2 screws holding the plastic portion to the metal shaft and transfer the blades, grips, and balance bar from the old part to the new part and screw it back onto the helicopter.
If the inner shaft is bent or has fallen out of the main gear, first remove the main blade/balance bar assembly from the helicopter by unscrewing the screws holding it onto the inner shaft.
After removing the upper blades slide the shaft out from under the helicopter.
If there are landing skids or other compenents in the way, you must remove them first. The gear at the bottom is usually glued onto the shaft.
The shaft can just be pulled off the gear but it requires some force.
To install the new one please use hobby glue or any other type of glue that can resist vibrations.
We suggest using gorilla glue but please make sure to let it set for at least 24 hours before flying.
Balance Bar Replacement
For the balance bar, unless you have a special tool, we recommend using wire snips to cut the old balance bar off.
After cutting off the balance bar, the pin should be easy to remove and the pin can be used to install the new one.
Update: Some of the 2011+ models of Syma helicopters have a screw that can be unscrewed for the balance bar making replacement easier.
4. Problem: S031 or S032 will not respond to the remote.
The new Syma S031 and S032 models have a safety feature to prevent the helicopter from taking off unexpectedly.
To properly initialize the remote, make sure both the remote and the helicopter are off.
Next, make sure the throttle stick (left hand stick) is all the way down.
Turn on the remote, then make sure the helicopter is on a flat level surface and turn on the helicopter.
If the remote is blinking, push the throttle stick quickly up all the way and put it back down all the way immediately.
The helicopter should now be initialized.
5. Problem: S032 moves forwards and backwards too slowly.
The new Syma S032 models have a tail motor speed button on the bottom right hand side of the remote.
Please make sure to toggle this switch to change how fast the helicopter moves forward and back.
6. Problem: My helicopter is missing a connect buckle.
Most of the models we carry on our site only come with 1 connect buckle, this is by design from the factory.
The helicopter may look like there is another connector for the connect buckle but this is so it is easier to assemble so it can be installed in either orientation during manufacturing.
The helicopter is designed to only use one connect buckle.
There are only a few helicopters at this time that come with two but in most cases only one is needed for flight.
7. Problem: The tail propeller does not work.
The tail propeller on 3 channel and 3.5 channel helicopters will only work when the helicopter is in the air
AND the forward or backwards control (up and down on the right hand control stick) is pressed up or down.
If it does not work in the air then it may be defective.
8. Do you have the manual for my Syma model?
Here is a current list of Syma models we have manuals for:
ModelLink to download
S032G 2.4Ghz
S033G 2.4Ghz
9. Problem: Syma Helicopter will not fly or lift off the ground.
Helicopter flight problems can be from many different reasons but here are the most common issues.
1) Check the gears to be sure nothing is blocking them from spinning at full speed.
Common problems are carpet fibers and hair.
2) The next thing to check is the grip set.
To do this you would turn the helicopter off. Then hold onto the gears and try to spin the blades.
If you are able to rotate the blades, your grip set will either need to be tightened, reglued, or replaced. The most common issue is the bottom grip sets on the smaller sized helicopters coming loose.
3) If the above methods do not work, it is most likely the motors or battery.
Motors often wear out after use and if your helicopter has decreased power, it is usually caused by worn out motors that need to be replaced.
Motors should always be replaced in pairs. Make sure to also check the motor wiring for loose or crimped connections.
For batteries, if you have a voltage meter, a fully charged 3.7v battery should read approximately 4 volts.
If it below 3 volts, it is damaged and needs to be replaced.
For a 7.4v battery, a fully charged battery should read aproximately 8 volts. If it below 6 volts, it is damaged and needs to be replaced.
10. How do I check the battery on my helicopter or know when it needs to be replaced?
Batteries should never be swollen or hot.
If they feel puffy or get extremely warm the battery is damaged and needs to be replaced.You should also check the voltage to make sure it is within specs.
To check the battery you must use a voltage meter.
Put the positive lead on the red battery wire and the negative lead on the black battery wire and you should get a voltage reading. A fully charged 3.7v battery should read approximately 4-4.2 volts.
If it below 3 volts, it is damaged and needs to be replaced.
For a 7.4v battery, a fully charged battery should read aproximately 8-8.4 volts. If it below 6 volts, it is damaged and needs to be replaced.
11. How do you replace a battery that is soldered to the control board on a helicopter?
WARNING: We sell replacement batteries for people who have some knowledge of electrical repairs.
Lipo batteries are dangerous if handled improperly and we will not be held responsible for any damage that may occur.
If you have a soldering iron, you will need to use a pointed tip to solder because the soldering points are very small.
Heat the joint to remove the wires and use a desoldering braid to remove the old solder residue.
Solder the new battery in place.
If you do not have a soldering iron, you can cut the wires from the old battery with enough slack to attach the new battery.
Strip the wires on each side and twist them together and use electrical tape to insulate the connection.
It is not ideal to use this method, but it has been used successfully to repair a helicopter.
12. How do you replace a motor that is soldered to the control board on a helicopter?
WARNING: We sell replacement motors for people who have some knowledge of electrical repairs. We will not be held responsible for any damage that may occur from installation.
If you have a soldering iron, you will need to use a pointed tip to solder because the soldering points are very small.
Heat the joint to remove the wires and use a desoldering braid to remove the old solder residue.
Solder the new motor in place.
If you do not have a soldering iron, you can cut the wires from the old motor with enough slack to attach the new motor.
Strip the wires on each side and twist them together and use electrical tape to insulate the connection.
It is not ideal to use this method, but it has been used successfully to repair a helicopter.
13. Can I fly 2 or more simultaneously?
If the helicopter is infrared, the channels can be changed to fly more than one at a time.
Some models have a, b, and c channels and others only have a and b.
If your remote has a 2 position switch you can only fly 2 at a time and if it has a 3 position switch you can fly up to 3 at a time.
for more information on changing channels, it is for the S107 but applies to all syma mini helicopters.
If the helicopter is radio controlled (has an antenna on remote), it must be on different frequencies to fly simultaneously.
Many of our models only come in one frequency so they will not be able to fly together at the same time.
14. My helicopter keeps wandering in circles or has the &Toilet Bowl Effect&.
How do I fix this?
The toilet bowl effect is usually caused by one of two problems.
The first is the connect buckles are missing or the connect buckle is snapped on too far and has gone past the ball joint it is supposed to sit on.
Please check the connect buckle to make sure that it is there and it is snapped into place and not pressed on too far.
The second problem is the holder on the inner shaft that holds the upper main blade grip may be broken off.
This will cause one blade to sit lower than the other and cause this effect but it is often very hard to see or tell. You may have to remove the main blades
and the grips to check the posts for the grips are there and not broken off.
If one of them is broken it will need to be replaced.
Double Horse Questions
1. What are the default settings for the 9116 Transmitter?
Please note that this remote is a little hard to navigate for the beginner. Below is a table of LEFT ROW, RIGHT ROW, and VALUE. This corresponds to the remotes set up, hold down the MENU button for a few seconds and MODE will blink the value 2 at the bottom, push mode one more time to enter the menu.
SUB will be blinking in one Column and ELEV in the other, use the select button to navigate the menu in the SUB category (i.e. ELEV-AILE-THRO-RUDD). Then push the menu button to go to the next category (D/R) and use the select button again to navigate through this category (i.e. ELEV-AILE-RUDD) just like before, keep doing so to set all values.
Left RowRight RowValueComments
ELEVD/R100%D/R ON "S" IS 40%
AILED/R100%D/R ON "S" IS 40%
RUDDD/R100%D/R ON "S" IS 40%
ELEVREVREVREV stands for Reverse
THROREVNORNOR stands for Normal
ELEVEPA-F100%EPA stands for End Point Adjustment
THROTRI-00%TRI stands for control point adjustment
2. How do I bind the Double Horse 9116?
Double Horse 9116 Binding Procedure
The Double Horse 4 channel 9116 helicopter has one of the most advanced digital 2.4ghz remotes on the market. Due to the many adjustable functions and settings on this remote, binding it can sometimes be a bit tricky.
There are two things that will prevent you from successfully binding your 9116 remote. One is timing, and the other is throttle position. Due to the advanced features of this remote there are multiple settings that effect the throttle position. Please note that we have all the default settings listed in Question 1.
The first and most common problem is the throttle trim setting that sits vertically adjacent to the throttle stick. Even though the LCD screen indicates that the trim is in the center position, it may not be. This is due to the fact that every bar on the LCD screen indicates 10 position adjustments. In other words, only one bar will appear for every 10 times you adjust the button. This trim MUST be in the center position to properly bind with your helicopter. The only indicator of center position is one long beep as opposed to the short beeps for all other positions.
If this did not help in binding your remote, then some of your settings may have been changed. If this is the case please refer to our Default Settings in Question 1. The menu settings that you will need to pay most attention to are the following:
THRO - SUB - Should be at value:
THRO - REV - Should be at value:
THRO - TRI 0 - Should be at value:
If all of your settings are correct and you are still not able to bind you remote to your 9116 helicopter, it may be due to timing. The correct binding sequence is to first turn on your remote control and then to turn on the power switch to the helicopter. Please keep in mind that from the time you turn on the remote, you only have approximately 4 seconds to turn the helicopter switch on. I advise that you do the whole procedure as fast as possible. Please keep in mind as well that because the 9116 has a built in GYRO the helicopter must be flat on a level surface to properly initialize.
Defa Toys Questions
1. How do I bind the Defa Toys 9025?
To properly sync your 9025 remote control please follow the following procedure:
Make sure both the helicopter and remote are off.
Hold the throttle stick all the way down and to the left corner and hold it there.
While holding that position, turn the power to the transmitter on first and then turn the helicopter power on.
Release the controller stick after 5 seconds and turn the controller and helicopter off.
To operate, just turn the remote on and then the heli and it will bind in approx. 5 seconds.
NOTE: There is a red switch above the battery compartment. The top position is the DEFAULT and the lower position is RESET. It should remain on DEFAULT.
EgoFly Questions
1. How do I change the connect gears on a Hawkspy LT-711?
Remove camera from the bottom
Remove the landing skid
Remove the side screws on both sides that hold the side panels on and remove the tail struts
Take out the 4 screws holding the top half to the bottom half of the frame
The heli will separate into 2 halves
Slide the connect gears off their plastic rods
Do everything in reverse to re-assemble
Careful not to lose the small brass washers on the connect gears
Esky Questions
7. What are the default servo reverser settings for Esky helicopters?
All Esky helicopters come from the factory properly set.
Please do not adjust these settings unless you are aware of what these settings do.
We suggest that you do not change them.
The correct default settings for each model are listed below.
Default servo reverser settings:
4 channel co-axialREVREVNORNOR
6 channel (Belt CP V2, HBK 2/3)NORREVNORREV
8. The Esky simulator software / CD is in another language or does not work.
The simulator software that comes with the helicopter is freeware and openly available on the internet for download. If you are having problems with the software we suggest downloading the latest version from
We do not provide support for this software.
The software was designed to only run on Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP. Currently there is no solution for mac users.
For support and other questions please visit the forums here:
If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, there are workarounds discussed in the forums here: .
If you have FMS already running here is a quick start to get it running.
Go to Controls->Analog Control->Highlight Joystick Interface and click mapping and calibration.
The settings should be as follows for the Esky Simulator Remote:
If you are using the remote that came with your Esky RC Helicopter, the settings should be as follows: (Batteries must be installed and remote turned on):
All INV and EXP checkboxes should be unchecked. Click Calibrate and follow the instructions.
9. What are the gain and proportional controls on the receiver?
The gain increases/decreases the gyro sensitivity and the proportion controls the speed ratio between the upper and lower rotors.
The controls are used to stabilize the helicopter.
If the helicopter's tail seems to wag while it is in the air it means the gain setting is too high and needs to be turned down.
The proportion can be used if your helicopter is spinning to the left and right and the trim does not correct it.
To start you should set both of them to the lowest setting and gradually increase each of them separately in small increments to set it to the correct setting.
10. The helicopter leans left or right or will not stay still in the air even after trimming.
This usually means that the swashplate needs to be leveled.
To start reset all the trims except the throttle(throttle trim should always be down) to the center postion.
Unscrew each servo arm and reset the arms to 90 degrees.
Next, level out the swashplate using the servo control arm linkages.
Snap whichever linkage that needs to be adjusted off the swashplate ball and turn it clockwise to shorten and counterclockwise to lengthen the arm and snap it back on.
Adjust each servo linkage until the swashplate is completely level.
It does not have to be perfect but it should be pretty close to level using your eyes to level it out.
After leveling it out try to fly the helicopter and use the remote's trim tabs to fine tune the helicopter.
11. What is Mode 1 and Mode 2?
Mode 1 means the throttle is on the right hand stick and Mode 2 means the throttle is on the left hand stick.
Mode 2 is the most commonly used configuration in the North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Mode 1 is mainly used in Japan and a few countries in Asia. All of the models we carry are Mode 2.
12. What is the trainer toggle switch and port on my Esky remote?
The 6 channel models all come with a trainer toggle switch on the upper right side of the remote and a trainer port on the back of the remote.
The port is designed to be used when learning to fly with an instructor.
The port on the back can connect to another remote using esky part# 000500.
The instructor can &hand off& the controls to a student transmitter by holding the toggle and get back control by releasing it.
13. What is the idle up toggle switch on my Esky remote?
Idle up is the stunt or 3d flying mode for the transmitter. It is not for beginners and we strongly recommend you read about it thoroughly and learn from someone who has experience flying in 3D mode.
For normal flying, it should be in the N position or away from you.
When idle up is turned on the blades will spin at full throttle the entire time (please be careful). The throttle at center stick will make the pitch of the blades 0 degrees.
The throttle stick all the way up will be max pitch and all the way down will be the min pitch.
Never start idle up from a standstill, it will grind all the teeth off the main gears.
14. What is the gyro switch for on my Esky remote?
The gyro switch controls the mode of the gyro during flight.
When the gyro switch is in the up position(0), it is in heading hold mode and when it is in the down position(1), it is in rate mode.
Heading hold mode tries to keep the helicopter pointing in the same direction (unless it gets input from the user). If the wind or something turns the helicopter, the gyro will correct until it is pointed back to the original direction again.
Rate mode tries to keep the heli from turning without concern for the specific direction it's pointing. If the wind or something turns the helicopter, the gyro will correct only until it stops turning regardless of what direction it ends up pointing.
Heading hold is the more stable of the two so we suggest setting the switch to up or the 0 position.
15. What do the lights mean on my Esky battery charger?
Power indicator- Constantly red light, means the power is connected.
Charging indicator- Green light flashing, means battery is charging.
If the red and green light are flashing this means there is something wrong with the battery. You should purchase a new battery.
If the light is constantly green, the charging has completed.
16. What is the difference between the regular blades and the Xtreme hardened blades?
Xtreme blades have are designed to be stronger and create more lift then the OEM blades.
The increased lift requires less power from the motor giving you slightly extended flying times.
The blades are also much harder and will not shatter on impact giving you more durability in the long run.
17. How do I connect the the Xtreme Direct Drive Tail Motor on a Honeybee FP?
The Xtreme Direct Drive Motor does not come with a mark to denote positive or negative on the motor itself.
For this reason we recommend just soldering the the red and black wires to the tail motor in any order.
After you have finished assembly and if the tail is not spinning in the correct direction, just flip the connector for the tail motor on the 4 in 1 and it should reverse the direction.
KDS Questions
2. KDS Manual Downloads
NameLink to download
KDS 450 QS Manual
KDS 450 SD/BD and FBL Manual
KDS 800 Gyro Manual
40A ESC Manual
KDS K-7XII Transmitter and Receiver Manual
KDS K-7XII Transmitter Default Settings
Hubsan Questions
1. Hubsan Manual Downloads
NameLink to download
Hubsan H101D Manual
Hubsan H107 Manual
Hubsan H107C Manual
Hubsan H301C Manual
Storm RC Questions
1. Storm RC Manual Downloads
NameLink to download
Storm RC X3 350
Storm RC X5 550
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