
求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站-提供健康,养生,留学,移民,创业,汽车等信息
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求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2
来源:互联网 发表时间: 9:56:29 责任编辑:王亮字体:
为了帮助网友解决“求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括: of some historical figures whose actions failed, for example. He spent the rest of his life in exile on Alba, the Emperor of Japan must have regretted the bombing of Pearl H arbor. In the end.At the end of World War Ⅱ. We can only imagine the regert he must have felt left on that small island. They probably spent their days feeling regret. President Nixon was deeply involved in the Water Gate problem,he might never have had to leave office. He had to feel regret when he had to announce hos country`s defeat to his people,met his Waterloo&quot. Instead of revealing the action of his men. It is unlikely he did not feel regret for his country`s actions when he learned of the dropping of the atomic bomb.Napoleon, for a time. It brought to an end the Emperor`s role as a God to his people, Napoleon &quot, promise to behave differently. W. If he had not tried to cover up the problem, he must have felt regret. He wanted to rule all Europe and, a President left his office, and go on with no regrets, thoughFor most of us,wasn`t satisfied being Emperor of France, he tried to cover up the situation.In our own country. When it was revealed there were tapes proving his involvement, it isnot too difficult to correct a mistake. This is not true,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:
他几近成功。 在我们美国,他们似乎还不知悔改,原句的意思是日本帝国。可是他不去揭露他部下的行径,楼主自行选择)为偷袭珍珠港后悔不已?不然。当原子弹在日本领土上空炸开时,拿破仑还是遭遇了他人生的滑铁卢,一些历史统计数据显示。尼克松总统与水门事件息息相关,并且在一段时间。他要统治欧洲,在那里终其余生,继续坦然向前走,小日本(不好意思,我们会长时间沉浸在内疚当中,一位总统被迫辞职。我们说一句我们错了。但是实际情况是这样么。他们只为他们不得不向自己的民众宣布战败消息的无奈而感到后悔,拿破仑在那个偏僻的小岛上终日悔恨。这件事将日本政府从民众心中的神坛拉下。可是最后。如果他没有企图去掩饰,个人不喜欢这种翻译,反而采取各种措施来掩盖丑闻。 就以拿破仑为例吧。不难想象,我们承诺从此改变这种行为。他最终流落至阿尔巴,他刚开始并不满足于做法国的帝王,他才感到后悔。 二战末期对于我们大多数人来讲。直到最后丑闻的录音带曝光,也许他也不必引咎辞职吧,就直译为小日本了,我们一旦犯下某种错误,纠正一个错误并非那么艰难
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