
调音台上的M和S分别是什么意思 - 爱问知识人
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2491531',
container: s,
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:话筒输入(卡侬) REC:录音输出(双莲花)
答:如果是专业功放的话,平衡(三个针或三个眼儿)方式连接较好!如果调音台只有非平衡(一般是大二芯 标准叫TS)输出,那就接功放的非平衡输入!(看功放后面有没有非...
C/S (Client/Server)结构,即大家熟知的客户机和服务器结构。它是软件系统体系结构,通过它可以充分利用两端硬件环境的优势,将任务合理分配到Clie...
大家还关注MB-7 Mixer
Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer
"The multiband mixing console and VST/AU host."Description&nbsp&nbsp&Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer is a unique plug-in that splits the signal into several frequency bands and lets you mix and process them as if they were separate tracks.
Each band proposes controls that can be found on a mixing console, and more: bypass, mute or solo each band separately to isolate frequencies you want to work on, adjust the gain, the &stereoness& and the position in the stereo field. When manipulating the stereo image, a master mono switch also lets you check mono compatibility.
The plug-in can also operate as a multiband VST, VST3 and Audio Unit host: you can process each band independently with your favorite VST, VST3 or Audio Unit plug-ins! Up to four plug-ins can be loaded on each band, pre or post fader. Latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation.
The plug-in also proposes unique linking and grouping options thanks to our multi-instances technology. You can link bands together within a single instance or between several instances of the plug-in on different tracks. This lets a simple fader control as many bands on as many tracks as you want. This is particularly useful when adjusting the placement or the balance of several competing tracks.
And as usual with Blue Cat Audio, the plug-in provides comprehensive visual feedback to let you know what's exactly going on: for each channel, monitor the spectrum, the in/out levels and the frequency response.
Thanks to its advanced MIDI and automation input capabilities, when combined with , Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer is capable of advanced side-chaining features that really unveils its potential. Check out our
for more details.
If you are looking for a simpler plug-in to host VST, VST3 and Audio Unit plug-ins, please try Blue Cat's . If you are looking for a multiband dynamics processor that can be combined to this plug-in for side chain effects, check out the Blue Cat's . Also, any
is compatible and can be hosted by this plug-in.
Copyright Note: VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
Price: 99 EUR or $129 (excl. VAT)&
Also in Bundles:
/ Typical applications: Multiband levels correction, multiband VST hosting, spectral enhancement, multiband stereo widening, multiband stereo placement, frequency isolation, EQ, spectrum inspection, mastering, spectrum-based side chain effects, apply audio effects to a selected frequency range, VST plug-in bridge.Features
Main Features:
Multiband mixing console: adjust the levels, panning and &stereoness& of each band separately.
Multiband VST, VST3 and Audio Unit Host: insert third party VST, VST3 and AU plug-ins and process each band independently.
External side chain support for sub plug-ins on each band.
Flexible Audio routing: connect sub plug-ins i/o to any audio channel for multi-mono effects or creative side chain.
Pre and post fader VST/VST3/AU plug-in inserts, with full latency compensation.
Up to 7 bands, with crossover filters from 6 to 96 dB/Oct for optimal separation.
Multiple instances linking: group bands within a single instance or between multiple instances of the plug-in. Modify the spectrum on multiple tracks with a single slider.
Bypass, mute, solo on every band.
Mono switch on master for mono compatibility check.
Dual Mode: independent left and right or mid and side channels control.
Complete visual feedback with real time response curves, spectrogram, and levels display for each band.
Side chaining made easy: a unique way to perform multi-band side chain compression, ducking, gating and much more.
Fully customizable modular user interface, with multiple sizes.
No additional latency.
Blue Cat Audio Standards:
Available as:
Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-RTAS, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-DX, Win-RTAS, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-DX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
Native DSP code for optimal performance.
Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
Skinnable and customizable user interface with transparency management.
Automation and MIDI output: record output parameters as automation curves or send MIDI CC messages to other plug-ins for powerful side chain effects.
Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
Full featured integrated presets manager.
Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
Any sample rate supported.
VideosScreenshotsClick on the thumbnail to enlarge.
You can find more skins for this product .User Comments & Reviews[]To add your own comment about this product, please .System Requirements
An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer).
Microsoft Windows
Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.
Any DirectX / VST
/ RTAS / AAX compatible host software
(32 or 64 bit).
An Intel processor.
Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11), Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10), Mavericks (10.9), Mountain Lion (10.8), Lion (10.7), Snow Leopard (10.6), or Leopard (10.5).
Any VST / Audio Unit
(32/64-bit) / RTAS / AAX compatible application.
For more information about supported platforms, see our .
Demo Limitations
One single instance of the plug-in per session.
The plug-in is regularly bypassed for a few seconds.
Versions History
VST3 plug-ins hosting.
Fixed VST3 version crash in Wavelab 9.
Fixed issue with parameters precison in VST3 version.
Improved automatic I/O configuration for VST and VST3 versions.
(VST only) Fixed a crash when loading the VST version in Ableton Live.
VST3 plug-in format support, with improved external sidechain compatibility for Cubase and Nuendo.
Fixed a crash with some VST plug-ins using long preset names (SonicCharge Microtonic).
Windows: fixed a crash with some plug-ins that display a modal dialog when opened (Valhalla plug-ins).
Last loaded preset can now be saved directly from the presets menu without having to select the file.
VST: fixed latency compensation reporting in Cubase (no need to re-enable the plug-in to update the latency anymore).
AAX & RTAS: fixed feedback loop that could occur in bypass mode when the plug-in was inserted before another one.
V2.5New Features:
External side chain support: side chain input can be used by sub plug-ins on each band.
Sub plug-ins audio i/o routing: connect the inputs and outputs of each plug-in to any channel (enabling multi-mono or creative side chain usage).
Latency is now compensated for individual channels when a plug-in is processing only a subset of all available channels.
GUI-less plug-ins support: a generic user interface is now provided for VST or AU plug-ins that do not include a graphical editor.
Presets can now be selected using MIDI Program change and bank select messages (can be activated with the presets menu/MIDI Program Change item).
Factory and user skins can now be selected directly from the plug-in menu.
Improved crossovers precision and performance.
Improved presets and session load/save performance (up to 4 times faster in some situations).
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
Fixed issue with Izotope Audio Units that were configured as mono effects on stereo tracks.
Fixed issue with some Audio Unit instruments that did not produce any sound (IK Multimedia, Kontakt...)
Fixed crashes during auto save with Kontakt 5 in Pro Tools 11.
V2.4New Features:
Missing VST plug-ins can now be relocated if not found.
The plug-in now saves missing plug-ins' state so that they can be restored later.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
Fixed issue on Mac when loading sessions created on Windows using VST plug-ins in sub-directories.
Fixing compatibility issues with several plug-ins that used to crash when unloaded (Image Line, MeldaProduction, Catanya...).
VST Plug-in name is now displayed when loaded from a missing VST shell bundle (instead of just the name of the bundle).
(Mac) Fixed randrom crashes when using keyboard shortcuts in the host application to switch between plug-ins or tracks.
(Mac) Fixed crash introduced in 2.3 when trying to load missing VST plug-ins.
(Mac) Fixed crash after closing the editor of an Audio Unit plug-in loaded with SoundRadix's 32Lives.
V2.3New Features:
Audio Unit hosting support: Audio Units can now be loaded into the plug-in on Mac.
Plug-ins can now be cut from a slot for cut/paste operations.
User interface loading or resizing is now faster.
Reduced the size of windows installers.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
Fixed undo/redo compatibility issues with some plug-ins.
(Mac) Fixed random crashes when unloading some plug-ins on Mac (Waves plug-ins for example).
(AAX) Fixed inaccurate transport information reported to sub plug-ins when stopping playback in Pro Tools.
V2.2New Features:
Plug-in instance Renaming: it is now possible to give a name to each instance of a plug-in.
Improved performance of undo tracking when loading presets for plug-ins with many parameters.
Fixes and compatibility improvements:
Fixed keyboard stealing issue in many host applications when sub plug-ins editors are opened (except 32-bit applications on Mac).
Fixed compatibility issue with Pro Tools 9 on Mac (random crashes).
Fixing crashes with some plug-ins requesting information while being opened.
V2.11Plug-ins compatibility improvements:
Improved compatibility with plug-ins that do not support sample rate changes (Nebula).
Improved compatibility with synths or effects that internally use VST presets banks: the entire state was not properly restored with the session (Nexus, Korg Legacy series or D16 Sigmund for example).
Other improvements:
Reduced the plug-in's memory usage so that more instances can be used in a session.
Windows VST Installer now remembers where the plug-in was initially installed to simplify upgrades.
V2.1New features:
Bypass and display editor commands are now directly available from buttons in the plug-in slots.
Plug-ins editors can now be restored on open (position on screen is now saved in session and presets), with an option in the preferences to disable restoration.
Copy/paste plug-ins between slots using the system clipboard (you can copy paste between instances, or in different applications).
Copy/paste the plug-in's current state from the presets menu using the system clipboard.
"Center Plug-in Editor" command to bring back plug-ins editors that may be lost on the screen.
Improved support for plug-ins with multiple I/O configurations (the number of channels is now passed to the plug-ins).
(Mac) Inserted plug-ins window do not follow the MB-7 Mixer window anymore.
(Mac) plug-in version number is now available when using "Get Info" in the Finder.
(Mac) RTAS version could cause some GUI issues in Pro Tools with some plug-ins (blank windows).
(Mac) About window does not show up first in the corner of the screen.
(Win) Alt-Click on a control now resets the value to default in Pro Tools, as expected.
V2.04Plug-ins Compatibility Improvements:
Fixed: some reverb plug-ins used to have their tail cut.
Fixed: some VST plug-ins sometimes prevented Pro Tools from exiting (Kontakt 5 for example).
Fixed: when inserting plug-ins with different latencies on different bands, tempo and MIDI events were not always in sync.
V2.03New Features:
Tempo sync support for hosted plug-ins.
AudioSuite support (offline processing) for the AAX version.
Plug-ins Compatibility Improvements:
Some plug-ins that required tempo sync used to crash on load.
Fixed compatibility issues with FabFilter plug-ins.
V2.02New Features:
Added support for plug-ins bundled into a VST Shell.
Bug Fixes:
Some plug-ins used to crash when reloading a Pro Tools session in Pro Tools 11.
V2.01Bug Fixes:
When inserting soft synths in the plug-in, no output was produced when the plug-in was fed with silence.
V2.0New Features:
Brand new, fully customizable user interface:
New look and feel.
Show only what you need.
New color or greyscale overlayed spectrogram view.
Multiple display sizes.
Customizable gain range.
Improved readability.
Animated transitions.
Multiband VST Hosting:
Apply VST effects to a selected frequency range.
Add up to 4 VST plug-ins on each band.
Pre and post fader plug-ins slots.
Integrated latency compensation engine, with real time host reporting.
Optional undo/redo integration.
VST Presets Management.
Bypass inserted plug-ins individually.
New integrated presets manager:
Load/save presets from the plug-in's user interface.
Organize presets with folders.
Customize the default preset.
Exchange presets easily.
Automation range and response curve can now be customized for each parameter (in and out).
Automation and MIDI settings (channel, MIDI learn etc.) are now accessible from the main user interface.
New presets to get started faster.
The windows installer now automatically detects the most appropriate VST install path.
License is now shared between plug-ins types (register only once for all formats).
Improved value display in fine edit window.
Improved parameters display on control surfaces.
Optimizations and Performance Improvements:
Improved parameters precision (now stored as 64-bit).
More compact presets format (uses less space and loads faster).
Smaller binaries on Mac (dropped PowerPC support).
Bug Fixes:
(RTAS) Fixed parameters control with EUCON control surfaces in Pro Tools.
Fixed user interface issues in Final Cut Pro X.
Fixed keyboard stealing issue in Digital Performer 7 on Mac.
Fixed copy/paste keyboard shortcut issues in the registration panel on Mac.
Note: this new version can be installed side by side with the previous version for backward compatibility reasons. Installing this new version won't break your previous projects.
64-bit AAX support for Pro Tools 11.
A "dual channel" version of the plug-in is now available. It can process the left/right or mid/side channels separately.
Output data rate (MIDI CC or automation) can now be customized, from 20 to 500 Hz.
Increased the default output data rate (from 20 to 50 Hz) for smoother side chaining and more precise spectrum display.
Windows: improved settings dialog loading time.
Mac: user interface performance improvement (up to 20% lighter on cpu).
V1.0First release.
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