刘恺威如何评价颖儿Qt Jambi

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Java desktop development with Qt Jambi
A sophisticated alternative to GUI development with Swing and Java 2D
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By Jeff Hanson
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Qt Jambi is a new and noteworthy alternative to Swing and Java 2D for developing rich, cross-platform desktop-application interfaces. In this article JavaWorld contributor Jeff Hanson introduces the recently released Qt Jambi, explains how it works under the hood, and presents programming examples that will familiarize you with the framework's drag-and-drop API and integrated development tools.Qt Jambi, released in early June 2007, is a development framework that integrates the Java programming language with Trolltech's popular C++ GUI development framework, Qt. Released under a dual open-source/commercial license, Qt Jambi enables Java developers using Java Standard Edition 5.0 (JSE 5.0) and later to leverage the features of the Qt framework. Along with industry-tested cross-platform support, Qt Jambi provides support for GUI development basics such as 2D and 3D graphics, drag-and-drop interobject event messaging, internationalization, SQL database access, XML and TCP/IP network protocols. A Qt Jambi Eclipse plug-in also gives you the option to access the features of Qt Jambi using Eclipse.Download Qt JambiQt Jambi is offered under a dual open source/commercial license. You can download either version from the . The open-source version is provided under the
and comes without support or warranty. Commercial projects are required to use the commercial version of Qt Jambi.Qt Jambi builds on Qt's cross-platform C++ GUI foundation to ease the task of developing native look-and-feel user interfaces for most desktop platforms using Java code. As such, it is an interesting alternative to Swing and Java 2D for Java desktop development. In this hands-on introduction to Qt Jambi you will learn about Qt Jambi's development API and integrated development tools. You will be introduced to Qt Jambi's widget-based GUI framework and learn how to create a project using the Qt Designer. You will also compare Qt Jambi's signals-and-slots event handling mechanism with the Java event listener framework, get a first look at Qt Jambi's graphics rendering system, and see for yourself how it integrates with Eclipse via the Qt Jambi Eclipse plug-in. now if you would like to follow along with the examples. Overview of Qt JambiQt Jambi is a Java-based framework that integrates Trolltech's cross-platform C++ framework for GUI development with the Java programming language. The following features are available when developing Java desktop applications with Qt Jambi:Excellent cross-platform support for 2D and 3D graphicsA unique interobject event communication mechanismInternationalizationSQL database accessSupport for XMLSupport for TCP/IP network protocolsYou can use Qt Jambi with most JVMs (Java virtual machines) subsequent to Java Standard Edition (JSE) 5.0 and Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 5.0. Qt Jambi's tight OS integration enables you to produce Java desktop applications that mimic the native OS look and feel.Qt meets the Java programming languageThe Qt Jambi API provides a thin layer of Java code that interacts with Trolltech's natively compiled C++ libraries. This layer of Java code runs in any Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) framework to communicate with the native C++ libraries.Essentially, Qt Jambi places a Java abstraction layer over Qt's C++ libraries. To address the similarity and overlap between Qt's C++ classes and Java's core classes, Qt Jambi maps the overlapping C++ classes to corresponding Java classes. As a result, you may use standard Java constructs and operators with Qt's native abstractions. You also can intermingle Qt Jambi APIs with non-Qt Java APIs. Table 1 shows the Qt classes that are mapped to equivalent Java core classes.Table 1. Qt classes mapped to equivalent Java classesQt classJava class(es)QCharchar and java.lang.CharacterQHashjava.util.HashMapQListjava.util.ListQMapjava.util.SortedMapQStringjava.lang.StringQThreadjava.lang.ThreadQVectorjava.util.ListThe Qt C++ API depends on an abstract value type QVariant to encapsulate many Qt value types. Because the Java language already provides a common abstract type for all classes (the common Object base class), the Qt Jambi API relies on the Object class wherever Qt C++ relies on QVariant. Qt Jambi maps C++ enums to Java enums to enforce type safety for Qt-Java enums and bit flags.Qt Jambi includes a widget-based GUI framework that takes advantage of platform-specific extensions such as ActiveX, OpenGL, and ClearType. This framework provides native look-and-feel capabilities for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux themes.Widgets in Qt Jambi follow a style-sheet syntax similar to HTML Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), so you can perform minor or widespread customizations by tweaking CSS-style tags and properties. You can also subclass Qt's widgets for even more look-and-feel customization and control.Qt Jambi's GUI framework includes layout management classes that are presented in the Qt Designer tool to simplify layout when building desktop components and applications. Figure 1 shows the Layouts window in the Qt Designer tool.Figure 1. Layouts window in the Qt Designer toolQt Jambi's GUI framework provides APIs for building applications with dockable components. Among other things, you can use this feature to create desktop applications with native look-and-feel docking toolbars.
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Cute Qt(25)
Qt4.5的发布,可以看作是Qt发展史上的又一个重要的里程碑。借此,Qt第一次提出了&Qt EveryWhere&的口号,真正的全速前进走向了大规模的商业应用,开源社区也得到了更加强有力的支持,尤为突出的是Qt的性能得到了很大的提升。用一句话来总结,就是Qt从未充满如此奔放的活力和富有如此强大的号召力。
&&& 由于Qt 4.5版是自Trolltech被NOKIA收购后,Qt发布的首个全新版本,因此显得格外引人注目,在国内外掀起了学习的热潮。Qt 4.5变化较大,在很多方面与以前的Qt4系列有所不同,为了使初学者不致于走弯路,下面就对Qt4.5的变化给大家做一个详细的介绍。
1. 修改授权方式,增加LGPL协议 支持-Qt更开放
&&& Qt4.5增加了对LGPL协议的支持,并继续 支持多种授权协议如GPL、GNU等,这为Qt和KDE的商业应用进一步扫清了障碍。
&&& 首次增加了Qt SDK包,提供了直接安装的版本,在一个单独安装程序内包含了使用 Qt 进行跨平台开发所需的全部工具,其中包含了Qt 库、Qt Creator IDE、Qt 开发工具,并且仍然像以前那样提供二进制的tar包。
3. 大幅度提升性能-Qt更便捷
&&& 性能提升是 Qt 4.5 的主要设计目标之一。通过以重构关键功能、采用全新的插件式图形系统、推出全新的性能基准库-QtBenchLib 等举措,基于 Qt 的应用程序的运行时间性能得到了大幅提高。
&&& 更为详细的性能提升比较,请参见 Qt Labs 上的度量标准。
4. 在X11上的测试平台是Kubuntu
&&& 目前目前在x11上,Qt4.5已在Kubuntu8.04、8.10上验证测试过了,但Qt Software并未提及其它的发行版。所以如果你想在Linux上使用Qt4.5的话,Kubuntu将是一个不错的选择。
5. 区分为32/64位版
&&& 在4.5版以前,Qt是不区分32位和64位版的,这次明确区分了,所以大家在使用时需要注意,你的软硬件平台是否对应支持,不要&张冠李戴&了。
6. 正式支持WinCE
&&& 这个不用多说了,以前发布的版本都是测试版。
7. 支持Symbian上的S60平台
&&& 截至09年5月,Qt发布了Qt for S60 预先发布版 "Garden" ,正式的版本将在09年中发布。
8. 不完全支持MIPS
&&& 大家如果拿到了Qt4.5的SDK,可以注意一下,其名字中均带有 x86字样,经过官方证实,目前Qt4.5在MIPS(比如国产CPU龙芯)上还不能直接使用,要使用的话,需要采用编译的方式安装,并且要修改某些文件的内容,步骤比较繁杂,难度较大。不过已经有网友在龙芯上编译Qt Creator成功,详情可以参见Qt知识库网站。(见附录网址)
9. 在 Mac 上支持 64 位 Cocoa
&&& Qt 4.5 在全新的Mac Cocoa API 基础上对 64 位应用程序开发提供支持,这样 Qt 开发人员就可将需要大量资源的应用程序部署到最新版本的Mac OS (10.5) 上。
10. 升级至WebKit最新版本
&&& 在 Qt 4.5 中,Qt WebKit Integration 现已使用WebKit最新版本,其中包括:
&&& &&& ⑴ 支持 Netscape 插件 (NPAPI),可在您的Qt 应用程序中加入 Flash& 内容
&&& &&& ⑵ 支持 HTML 5,包括缩放、基于 CSS 的动画以及更多功能
&&& &&& ⑶ 集成精简的 SquirrelFish JavaScript 引擎
11. 附加许多新功能
&&& Qt 4.5 引入了许多其他跨框架的新功能,其中包括:
&&& &&& ⑴ 用于 QtScript ECMA 标准 Qt 脚本引擎的全新调试器 (观看视频!)
&&& &&& ⑵ 支持 XSLT,可将 XML 内容转换为 XML、HTML 或其他文本
&&& &&& ⑶ 支持开放文档格式 (.odf)
&&& &&& ⑷ 改进了代理支持
12. Qt Jambi 将交由社区开发
&&& Qt 与 Java 编程语言绑定的最终新功能版 Qt Jambi 4.5.0_01 已经发布,根据NOKIA发表的声明,Qt Jambi 的开发将在一年的维护期结束后停止,以便集中资源进行 Qt 跨平台应用和 UI 框架的开发。为了确保 Qt Jambi 实施的连续性,该项目会在 http://qt.gitorious.org 上保留,社区开发者仍可继续对其进行开发。
&&& 通过这次发布,Nokia确定了Qt Software的发展方向-就是在保持Qt跨平台发展这个主线的同时,能够适应更多&有前景&的软硬件平台,比如Nokia的Symbian操作系统上的S60等,并提供对开发全生命周期提供完整的支持。
&&& 总之一句话,Qt采用了诸多新的举措,努力使得Qt 比以往更开放、更易用以及更便捷。
包含的新功能的详细信息,请查阅 Qt 技术文档。
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(3)(1)(1)(3)(4)(4)(1)(1)(3)(6)(1)(3)(2)(3)(6)(5)(40)(9)Qt Jambi 4.7.1 Beta 3
升级新版后我发现了几个小问题,并且发给Qt Jambi的官方人员了,下次升级应该会解决了
用了很多年Qt Jambi了,真心觉得它在编程工具里一直很出色,希望它能一直强大下去。
虽然Qt Jambi没有其它的编程工具软件那么出名,但我用着很舒服,会一直支持下去的
太感谢了,终于有网站可以下载Qt Jambi了,还没用,试过之后再来评论
很不错!Qt Jambi用户体验做的越来越棒了,我会一直支持下去的!
怎么下载Qt Jambi啊?是高速下载吗?是一款国外软件很想试试啊
最近觉得Qt Jambi很不错!我经常用编程工具!
还在研究Qt Jambi中,很多功能不会用~~
找了好多家网站,终于在这里找到Qt Jambi了
以前这个Qt Jambi大小很小,现在居然都已经49.2MB了


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