ws kali没有release文件是什么文件

我对spring-test 和spring-ws-test,几乎没有什么了解,只好按照文档来写spring-ws服务端测试的,这是测试代码:
public class WebserviceTest {
private ApplicationContext applicationC
private MockWebServiceC
public void createClient() {
client = MockWebServiceClient.createClient(applicationContext);
public void holidayTest() {
Source requestPayload = new StringSource(
"&holidayRequest xmlns='/hr/webservice'&" +
"&name&旺财&/name&" +
Source responsePayload = new StringSource(
"&holidayResponse xmlns='/hr/webservice'&" +
"&name&中华田园犬&/name&" +
"&age&5&/age&" +
failed to load applicationcontext
Caused by: class path resource [spring-ws-servlet.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(
... 36 more
public URL getResource(String name) {
if (parent != null) {
url = parent.getResource(name);
url = getBootstrapResource(name);
if (url == null) {
url = findResource(name);
name就是spring-ws-servlet.xml, parent就是Classloader,只是不知道为什么找不到;
我只好把路径修改为@ContextConfiguration("classpath:spring-ws-servlet.xml"),为了能够在classpath下找到这个文件,又把spring-ws-servlet.xml 和hr.xsd文件复制到src/main/resource下面,可能有人会疑惑为什么是复制过去一份,而不是把WEB-INF下的文件转移到src/main/resource下面,因为spring 的默认加载位置就是wWEB-INF下的文件,而我又没有找到读取classpath路径文件的配置,就是这个:
[different] Expected namespace URI '/hr/webservice' but was 'null' - comparing &holidayResponse...& at /holidayResponse[1] to &holidayResponse...& at /holidayResponse[1]
Payload: &holidayResponse&&name&中华田园犬&/name&&age&5&/age&&/holidayResponse&
Source responsePayload = new StringSource(
"&holidayResponse &" +
"&name&中华田园犬&/name&" +
"&age&5&/age&" +
&bean id="messageFactory" class=""/&
&bean id="webServiceTemplate" class=""& &constructor-arg ref="messageFactory"/&
&property name="defaultUri" value="/WebService"/& &/bean&
------axis2 适合数据多
import org.junit.T
import org.springframework.xml.transform.StringS
* Created by nyl
public class SpringClient {
private final WebServiceTemplate client = new WebServiceTemplate();
public void sptingTest() {
StreamSource source =
new StringSource(
"&holidayRequest xmlns='/hr/webservice'&" +
"&name&旺财&/name&" +
JAXBContext unmarshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(HolidayResponse.class);
JAXBResult jaxbResult = new JAXBResult(unmarshaller);
//StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
client.sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(source, jaxbResult);
HolidayResponse holidayResponse = (HolidayResponse) jaxbResult.getResult();
} catch (JAXBException e) {
public WebServiceTemplate() {
* Creates a new {@code WebServiceTemplate} based on the given message factory.
* @param messageFactory the message factory to use
public WebServiceTemplate(WebServiceMessageFactory messageFactory) {
WebServiceTemplate 提供了很多中构造方法,无参构造方法会加载默认的配置(initDefaultStrategies),默认配置如下:
WebServiceTemplate 有很多用于请求的方法
我用的是这个sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(source, result),这些方法的参数请求参数顶级接口Source ,返回数据顶级接口Result,回调方法等;只要根据接口要求,实现子类,放进方法里执行即可。执行结果如下:
HolidayResponse{ name=中华田园犬, age=5}
我认为所有使用http协议的,都能使用httpclient测试。我在学习spring-ws之前遇到了几次webservice的问题,其中一个让我印象深刻,第三方公司给我一个wsdl文件,我根据文件生成客户端代码,发现返回值是boolean类型的数据,但是他给我的soap ui测试截图上,返回的是一个复杂的对象,我以为我客户端代码生成错了,于是尝试了axis 、axis2 、cxf等jar包,生成的返回值都一样,于是我就去看wsdl文件(那时候基本上还看不懂),发现wsdl中返回值就是boolean类型,于是和对接人员沟通希望给出正确的wsdl文件,结果对方不认为wsdl有问题,反正soap ui 测通了,让我自己想办法。于是就有了httpclient调用webservice的经历。
public void httpclientTest() {
CloseableHttpClient closeableHttpClient =
CloseableHttpResponse closeableHttpResponse =
String requestStr = "&soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\" " +
"xmlns:web=\"/hr/webservice\"&" +
"&soapenv:Header/&" +
"&web:holidayRequest&" +
"&web:name&旺财&/web:name&" +
"&/web:holidayRequest&" +
"&/soapenv:Body&" +
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("");
httpPost.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/charset=utf-8");
//httpPost.setHeader("SOAPAction", "hollidayService");
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestStr, "UTF-8");
closeableHttpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
closeableHttpResponse = closeableHttpClient.execute(httpPost);
result = EntityUtils.toString(closeableHttpResponse.getEntity());
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
&SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""&
0 收藏&&|&&2
3 收藏,791
16 收藏,2.8k
1 收藏,403
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '4588196',
container: s,
size: '255,213',
display: 'inlay-fix'
扫扫下载 App各种格式的文件如何打开
ai 用adobe illustratorape 用foorbar2000cdr 用coreldrawcda 用cd播放软件ceb 用方正公司Apabi Readercaj,kdh 用cajviewerdoc,wpd,rtf 用wordDCP 用DcpReader&dxf,dwg 用autoacdGB 用ReadBook或电子小说阅读器&html,htm,asp mht,asp,php 用ieiso,cue,vcd .ccd .img .sub 用winiso浏览,deamon运行,用刻录软件刻录jpg,bmp,gif,tif,wmf 用acdseemov 用quicktimemp123,au,aiff等等 用winampmpeg,avi,wmv,wma,mpa,asf 用windows media player9.0ppt,wpt,pps 用powerpointpdg 用超星浏览器rar,zip等 用winrarrm,smi,smil,ra,rmvb等等 用realplayer g2swf 用flash MX playerSRM 用电子书库&txt 用记事本wps 用金山wpswdl 用华康浏览器wab 用联系簿xls,cvs 用excelvip 用维普浏览器vdx,vsd 用visio看vcd推荐 用豪杰超级解霸3000看dvd推荐 用PowerDVDex 4.0NAN Nanoscope文件(Raw Grayscale)&NAP NAP元文件&NCB Microsoft Developer Studio文件&NCD Norton改变目录&NCF NetWare命令文件;Lotus Notes内部剪切板&NDO 3D 低多边形建模器,Nendo&netCDF 网络公用数据表单&NFF 中性文件格式&NFT NetObject Fusion模板文件&NIL Norton光标库文件(EasyIcons-兼容)&NIST NIST Sphere声音&NLB Oracle 7数据&NLM NetWare可装载模块&NLS 用于本地化的国家语言支持文件(例如,Uniscape)&NLU Norton Live Update e-mail 触发器文件&NOD NetObject Fusion文件&NSF Lotus Notes数据库&NSO NetObject Fusion文档文件&NST Noise Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件&NS2 Lotus Notes数据库(第二版)&NTF Lotus Notes数据库模板&NTX CA-Clipper索引文件&NWC Noteworthy Composer歌曲文件&NWS Microsoft Outlook Express新闻消息(MIME RFC822)&O01 台风声音文件&OBD Microsoft Office活页夹&OBJ 对象文件&OBZ Microsoft Office活页夹向导&OCX Microsoft对象链接与嵌入定制控件&ODS Microsoft Outlook Express邮箱文件&OFF 3D 网状物对象文件格式&OFN Microsoft Office FileNew文件&OFT Microsoft Outlook模板&OKT Oktalyzer音乐模块(MOD)文件&OLB OLE对象库&OLE OLE对象&OOGL 面向对象图形库&OPL 组织者编程语言源文件——Psion/Symbian&OPO OPL输出可执行文件&OPT Microsoft Developer Studio文件&OPX OPL扩展DLL(动态链接库)&ORA Oracle 7 配置文件&ORC Oracle 7脚本文件&ORG Lotus Organizer 文件&OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 文件&OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 文件&OSS Microsoft Office查找文件&OST Microsoft Exchange / Outlook 离线文件&OTL Super NoteTab 模板文件&OUT C语言输出文件&P3 Primavera Project Planner(工程设计器)文件&P10 Tektronix Plot 10 绘图文件&P65 PageMaker 6.5文件&P7C Digital ID 文件(MIME)&PAB Microsoft个人地址簿&PAC SB Studio Ⅱ 包&PAK Quake WAD文件&PAL 压缩文件&PART Go!Zilla部分下载文件&PAS Pascal源代码&PAT DataCAD Hatch模式文件;CorelDRAW模式;高级Gravis Ultrasound / Forte 技术;碎片文件&PBD PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物&PBF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle 银行文件&PBK Microsoft PhoneBook(电话簿)&PBL 用于在PowerBuilder开发环境中的PowerBuilder动态库&PBM 可导出位图&PBR PowerBuilder资源&PCD Kodak Photo-CD映像;P-Code编译器测试脚本,由Microsoft测试与Microsoft Visual测试&PCE Maps Eudora邮箱名字的DOS文件名&PCL Hewlett-Packard 打印机控制语言文件(打印机备用位图)&PCM 声音文件格式;OKI MSM6376 合成芯片 PCM格式&PCP Symantec Live Update Pro文件&PCS PICS动画文件&PCT Macintosh PICT绘画文件&PCX Zsoft PC画笔位图&PDB 3Com PalmPilot数据库文件&PDD 可以用Paint Shop Pro或其他图像处理软件打开的图形图像&PDF Adobe Acrobat 可导出文档格式文件(可用Web浏览器显示);Microsoft系统管理服务器包定义文件;NetWare打印机定义文件&PDP Broderbund的Print Shop Deluxe文件&PDQ Patton&Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite 文件&PDS 摄影图像文件(该文件格式的来源不清楚)&PF Aladdin系统对私人文件进行加密的文件&PFA 类型1字体(ASCⅡ)&PFB 类型1字体(二进制)&PFC PF组件&PFM 打印机字体尺度&PGD 良好隐私(Pretty Good Privacy,PGP)虚拟磁盘文件&PGL HP绘图仪绘图文件&PGM 可输出灰度图(位图)&PGP 用良好隐私(PGP)算法加密文件&PH 由Microsoft帮助文件编译器产生的临时文件&PHP,PHP3 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页&PHTML 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页;由Perl分析解释的HTML&PIC PC画图位图;Lotus图片;Macintosh PICT绘图&PICT Macintosh PICT图形文件&PIF 程序信息文件;IBM PIF绘图文件&PIG LucasArts的Dark Forces WAD文件&PIN Epic Pinball数据文件&PIX 内置系统位图&PJ MKS源完整性文件&PJX,PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro工程文件&PKG Microsoft Developer Studio应用程序扩展(与DLL文件类似)&PKR PGP的公用钥匙环&PL Perl程序&PLG 由REND386/AVRIL使用的文件格式&PLI Oracle 7数据描述&PLM Discorder Tracker2模块&PLS Disorder Tracker2抽样文件;MPEG PlayList文件(由WinAmp使用)&PLT HPGL绘图仪绘图文件;AutoCAD plot绘图文件;Gerber标志制作软件&PM5 Pagemaker 5.0文件&PM6 Pagemaker 6.0文件&PNG 可移植的网络图形位图;Paint Shop Pro浏览器目录&PNT,PNTG MacPaint图形文件&POG Descent2 PIG文件扩展&POL Windows NT策略文件&POP Visual dBASE上托文件&POT Microsoft Powerpoint模块&POV 视频射线跟踪器暂留&PP4 Picture Publisher 4位图&PPA Microsoft Powerpoint内插器&PPF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle程序文件&PPM 可移植的象素映射位图&PPP Parson Power Publisher;Serif PagePlus桌面出版缺省输出&PPS Microsoft Powerpoint幻灯片放映&PPT Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿&PQI PowerQuest驱动器图像文件&PRC 3COM PalmPiltt资源(文本或程序)文件&PRE Lotus Freelance演示文稿&PRF Windows系统文件,Macromedia导演设置文件&PRG dBASE Clipper和FoxPro程序源文件;WAVmaker程序&PRJ 3D Studio(DOS)工程文件&PRN 打印表格(用空格分隔的文本);DataCAD Windows打印机文件&PRP Oberson的Prospero数据转换产品保存的工程文件&PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows演示文件&PRT 打印格式化文件;Pro/ENGINEER元件文件&PRV PsiMail Internet提供者模板文件&PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97文件&PS Postscript格式化文件(PostScript打印机可读文件)&PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank&PSD Adobe photoshop位图文件&PSI PSION a-Law声音文件&PSM Protracker Studio模型格式;Epic游戏的源数据文件&PSP Paint Shop Pro图像文件&PST Microsoft Outlook个人文件夹文件&PTD Pro/ENGINEER表格文件&PTM Polytracker音乐模块(MOD)文件&PUB Ventura Publisher出版物;Microsoft Publisher文档&PWD Microsoft Pocket Word文档&PWL Windows 95口令列表文件&PWP Photoworks图像文件(能被Photoworks浏览的一系列文件)&PWZ Microsoft Powerpoint向导&PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel电子表格&PY 来自Yahoo的电子消息;Python脚本文件&PYC Python脚本文件&QAD PF QuickArt文档&QBW QuickBooks for Windows文件&QDT 来自Quicken UK的QuickBooks数据文件,帐目/税/货单程序&QD3D Apple的QuickDraw 3D元文件格式&QFL FAMILY LAWYER文档&QIC Microsoft备份文件&QIF QuickTime相关图像(MIME);Quicken导入文件&QLB Quick库&QM Quality Motion文件&QRY Microsoft查询文件&QST Quake Spy Tab文件&QT,QTM QuickTime电影&QTI,QTIF QuickTime相关图像&QTP QuickTime优先文件&QTS Mac PICT图像文件;QuickTime相关图像&QTX QuickTime相关图像&QW Symantec Q&A Write程序文件&QXD Quark XPress文件&R Pegasus邮件资源文件&RA RealAudio声音文件&RAM RealAudio元文件&RAR RAR压缩档案(Eugene Roshall格式)&RAS Sun光栅图像位图&RAW RAW文件格式(位图);Raw标识的PCM数据&RBH 由RoboHELP维持的RBH文件,它加入到一个帮助工程文件的信息中&RDF 资源描述框架文件(涉及XML和元数据)&RDL Descent注册水平文件&REC 录音机宏;RapidComm声音文件&REG 注册表文件&REP Visual dBASE报表文件&RES Microsoft Visual C++资源文件&RFT 可修订的表单文本(IBM的DCA一部分或文档内容框架结构一部分)&RGB,SGI Silicon图形RGB文件&RLE Run-Length编码的位图&RL2 Descent2注册水平文件&RM RealAudio视频文件&RMD Microsoft RegMaid文档&RMF Rich Map格式(3D游戏编辑器使用它来保存图)&RMI M1D1音乐&ROM 基于盒式磁带的家庭游戏仿真器文件(来自Atari 2600、Colecovision、Sega、Nintendo等盒式磁带里的ROM完全拷贝,在两个仿真器之间不可互修改)&ROV Rescue Rover数据文件&RPM RedHat包管理器包(用于Linux)&RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal报表文件&RRS Ace game Road Rash保存的文件&RSL Borland的Paradox 7报表&RSM WinWay Resume Writer恢复文件&RTF Rich Text格式文档&RTK RoboHELP使用的用来模拟Windows帮助的搜索功能&RTM Real Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件&RTS RealAudio的RTSL文档;RoboHELP对复杂操作进行加速&RUL InstallShield使用的扩展名&RVP Microsoft Scan配置文件(MIME)&Rxx 多卷档案上的RAR压缩文件(xx= 1~99间的一个数字)&S 汇编源代码文件&S3I Scream Tracker v3设备&S3M Scream Tracker v3的声音模块文件&SAM Ami专业文档;8位抽样数据&SAV 游戏保存文件&SB 原始带符号字节(8位)数据&SBK Creative Labs的Soundfont 1.0 Bank文件;(Soundblaster)/EMU SonndFont v1.x Bank文件&SBL Shockwave Flash对象文件&SC2 Microsoft Schedule+7文件格式;SAS目录(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac)&SC3 SimCity 3000保存的游戏文件&SCC Microsoft Source Safe文件&SCD Matrix/Imapro SCODL幻灯片图像;Microsoft Schedule +7&SCF Windows Explorer命令文件&SCH Microsoft Schedule+1&SCI ScanVec Inspire本地文件格式&SCN True Space 2场景文件&SCP 拨号网络脚本文件&SCR Windows屏幕保护;传真图像;脚本文件&SCT SAS目录(DOS);Scitex CT位图;Microsoft FoxPro表单&SCT01 SAS目录(UNIX)&SCV ScanVec CASmate本地文件格式&SCX Microsoft FoxPro表单文件&SD Sound Designer 1声音文件&SD2 Sound Designer 2展平文件/数据分叉指令;SAS数据库(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac)&SDF 系统数据文件格式—Legacy Unisys(Sperry)格式&SDK Roland S—系列软盘映像&SDL Smart Draw库文件&SDR Smart Draw绘图文件&SDS 原始Midi抽样转储标准文件&SDT SmartDraw模板&SDV 分号分隔的值文件&SDW Lotus WordPro图形文件;原始带符号的DWORD(32位)数据&SDX 由SDX压缩的Midi抽样转储标准文件&SEA 自解压档案(Stufflt for Macintosh或其他软件使用的文件)&SEP 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图&SES Cool Edit Session文件(普通数据声音编辑器文件)&SF IRCAM声音文件格式&SF2 Emu Soundfont v2.0文件;Creative Labs的Soundfont 2.0 Bank文件(Sound Blaster)&SFD SoundStage声音文件数据&SFI Sound Stage声音文件信息&SFR Sonic Foundry Sample资源&SFW Seattle电影工程(损坏的JPEG)&SFX RAR自解压档案&SGML 标准通用标签语言&SHB Corel Show演示文稿;文档快捷文件&SHG 热点位图&SHP 3D Studio(DOS)形状文件;被一些应用程序用于多部分交互三角形模型的3D建模&SHS Shell scrap文件;据载用于发送“口令盗窃者”&SHTML 含有服务器端包括(SSI)的HTML文件&SHW Corel Show演示文稿&SIG 符号文件&SIT Mac的StuffIt档案文件&SIZ Oracle 7配置文件&SKA PGP秘钥&SKL Macromedia导演者资源文件&SL PACT的保存布局扩展名&SLB Autodesk Slide库文件格式&SLD Autodesk Slide文件格式&SLK Symbolic Link(SYLK)电子表格&SM3 DataCAD标志文件&SMP Samplevision格式;Ad Lib Gold抽样文件&SND NeXT声音;Mac声音资源;原始的未符号化的PCM数据;AKAI MPC系列抽样文件&SNDR Sounder声音文件&SNDT Sndtool声音文件&SOU SB Studio Ⅱ声音&SPD Speech数据文件&SPL Shockwave Flash对象;DigiTrakker抽样&SPPACK SPPack声音抽样&SPRITE Acorn的位图格式&SQC 结构化查询语言(SQR)普通代码文件&SQL Informix SQL查询;通常被数据库产品用于SQL查询(脚本、文本、二进制)的文件扩展名&SQR 结构化查询语言(SQR)程序文件&SSDO1 SAS数据集合(UNIX)&SSD SAS数据库(DOS)&SSF 可用的电子表格文件&ST Atari ST磁盘映像&STL Sterolithography文件&STM .shtml的短后缀形式,含有一个服务端包括(SSI)的HTML文件;Scream Tracker V2音乐模块(MOD)文件&STR 屏幕保护文件&STY Ventura Publisher风格表&SVX Amiga 8SVX声音;互交换文件格式,8SVX/16SV&SW 原始带符号字(16位)数据&SWA 在Macromedia导演文件(MP3文件)中的Shockwave声音文件&SWF Shockwave Flash对象&SWP DataCAD交换文件&SYS 系统文件&SYW Yamaha SY系列波形文件&T64 Commodore 64仿真器磁带映像文件&TAB Guitar表文件&TAR 磁带档案&TAZ UNIX gzip/tape档案&TBK Asymetrix Toolbook交互多媒体文件&TCL 用TCL/TK语言编写的脚本&TDB Thumbs Plus数据库&TDDD Imagine 和 Turbo Silver射线跟踪器使用的文件格式&TEX 正文文件&TGA Targa位图&TGZ UNIX gzip/tap档案文件&THEME Windows 95桌面主题文件&THN Graphics WorkShop for Windows速写&TIF,TIFF 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图&TIG 虎形文件,美国政府用于分发地图&TLB OLE类型库&TLE 两线元素集合(NASA)&TMP Windows临时文件&TOC Eudora邮箱内容表&TOL Kodak照片增强器&TOS Atari 16/32和32/32计算机操作系统文件&TPL CakeWalk声音模板文件;DataCAD模板文件&TPP Teleport Pro工程&TRK Kermit脚本文件&TRM 终端文件&TRN MKS源完整性工程用法日志文件&TTF TrueType字体文件&TTK Corel Catalyst Translaton Tool Kit&TWF TabWorks文件&TWW Tagwrite模板&TX8 MS-DOS文本&TXB Descent/D2编码概要文件&TXT ASCⅡ文本格式的声音数据&TXW Yamaha TX16W波形文件&TZ 老的压缩格式文件&T2T Sonate CAD建模软件文件&UB 原始未符号化的字节(8位)数据&UDF Windows NT/2000唯一性数据库文件&UDW 原始未符号化的双字(32位)数据&ULAW 美国电话格式(CCITT G.711)声音&ULT Ultra Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件&UNI MikMod UniMod格式化文件&URL Internet快捷方式文件&USE MKS源完整性文件&UU,UUE UU编码文件&UW 原始未符号化字(16位)数据&UWF UltraTracker波形文件&V8 Covox 8位声音文件&VAP 加注讲演文件&VBA VBase文件&VBP Microsoft Visual Basic工程文件&VBW Microsoft Visual Basic工作区文件&VBX Microsoft Visual Basic用户定制控件&VCE Natural MicroSystems(NMS)未格式化声音文件(由Cool Edit使用)&VCF 虚拟卡文件(Netscape);Veri配置文件;为与Sense8的WordToolkit一起使用而定义对象&VCT,VCX Microsoft FoxPro类库&VDA Targa位图&VI National Instruments LABView产品的虚拟设备文件&VIFF Khoros Visualisation格式&VIR Norton Anti-Virus或其他杀毒产品用于标识被病毒感染的文件&VIV VivoActive Player流视频文件&VIZ Division的dVS/dVISE文件&VLB CorelVentura库&VMF FaxWorks声音文件&VOC Creative Labs的Sound Blaster声音文件&VOX 用ADPCM编码的对话声音文件;Natural MicroSystems(NMS)格式化声音文件,Talking Technology声音文件&VP Ventura Publisher出版物&VQE,VQL Yamaha Sound-VQ定位器文件&VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ文件(可能出现标准)&VRF Oracle 7配置文件&VRML 虚拟现实建模语言文件&VSD Visio绘画文件(流程图或图解)&VSL 下载列表文件(GetRight)&VSN Windows 9x/NT Virusafe版文件,用于保持有关目录中所有信息,当一个文件被访问,其中信息与VSN信息进行比较,以确保它们保持一致&VSS Visio模板文件&VST Targa位图&VSW Visio工作区文件&VXD Microsoft Windows虚拟设备驱动程序&W3L W3Launch文件&WAB Microsoft Outlook文件&WAD 包含有视频、玩家水平和其他信息的DOOM游戏的大文件&WAL Quake 2正文文件&WAV Windows波形声形&WB1,WB2 QuattoPro for Windows电子表格&WBK Microsoft Word备份文件&WBL Argo WebLoadⅡ上载文件&WBR Crick Software的WordBar文件&WBT Crick Software的WordBar模板&WCM WordPerfect宏&WDB Microsoft Works数据库&WDG War FTP远程守护者文件&WEB CorelXARA Web文档&WFB Turtle Beach的Wavefont Bank(Maui/Rio/Monterey)&WFD Turtle Beach的Wavefont Drum集合(Maui/Rio/Monterey)&WFM Visual dBASE Windows表单&WFN 在CorelDRAW中使用的符号&WFP Turtle Beach的Wavefont程序(Maui/Ri/Monterey)&WGP Wild Board游戏数据文件&WID Ventura宽度表&WIL WinImage文件&WIZ Microsoft Word向导&WK1 Lotus 1-2-3版第1、2版的电子表格&WK3 Lotus 1-2-3版第3版的电子表格&WK4 Lotus 1-2-3版第4版的电子表格&WKS Lotus 1-2-3电子表格;Microsoft Works文档&WLD REND386/AVRIL文件&WLF Argo WebLoadⅠ上载文件&WLL Microsoft Word内插器&WMF Windows元文件&WOW Grave Composer音乐模块(MOD)文件&WP WordPerfect文档&WP4 WordPerfect 4文档&WP5 WordPerfect 5文档&WP6 WordPerfect 6文档&WPD WordPerfect文档或演示&WPF 可字处理文档&WPG WordPerfect图形&WPS Microsoft Works文档&WPT WordPerfect模板&WPW Novell PerfectWorks文档&WQ1 Quattro Pro/DOS电子表格&WQ2 Quattro Pro/DOS第5版电子表格&WR1 Lotus Symphony&WRG ReGet文档&WR1 书写器文档&WRK Cakewalk音乐声音工程文件&WRL 虚拟现实模型&WRZ VRML文件对象&WS1 WordStar for Windows 1文档&WS2 WordStar for Windows 2文档&WS3 WordStar for Windows 3文档&WS4 WordStar for Windows 4文档&WS5 WordStar for Windows 5文档&WS6 WordStar for Windows 6文档&WS7 WordStar for Windows 7文档&WSD WordStar 2000文档&WVL Wavelet压缩位图&WWL Microsoft Word内插器文件&X AVS图像格式&XAR CorelXARA绘画&XBM MIME“xbitmap”图像&XI Scream Tracker设备抽样文件&XIF Wang映像文件(Windows 95带有的文件)&XLA Microsoft Excel内插器&XLB Microsoft Excel工具条&XLC Microsoft Excel图表&XLD Microsoft Excel对话框&XLK Microsoft Excel备份&XLL Microsoft Excel内插器文件&XLM Microsoft Excel宏&XLS Microsoft Excel工作单&XLT Microsoft Excel模板&XLV Microsoft Excel VBA模块&XLW Microsoft Excel工作簿/工作区&XM FastTracker 2,Digital Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件&XNK Microsoft Exchange快捷方式文件&XPM X位图格式&XR1 Epic MegaGames Xargon数据文件&XTP Xtree数据文件&XWD X Windows转储格式&XWF Yamaha XG Works文件(MIDI序列)&XY3 XYWrite Ⅲ文档&XY4 XYWrite Ⅳ文档&XYP XYWrite Ⅲ Plus文档&XYW XYWrite for Windows 4.0文档&X16 宏媒体扩展(程序扩展),16位&X32 宏媒体扩展(程序扩展),32位&YAL Arts& Letters剪贴艺术库&YBK Microsoft Encarta 年鉴&Z UNIX gzip文件&ZAP Windows软件安装配置文件&ZIP Zip文件&ZOO 早前版本的压缩文件&000-999 用于为老版本(或备份)文件编号(比如:被安装程序改变的CONFIG.SYS文件);又可用于为小范围的PC应用程序的多个用户相关数据文件编号&12M Lotus 1-2-3 97 SmartMaster文件&123 Lotus 1-2-3 97文件&2D VersaCAD的2维绘画文件&2GR,3GR 在Windows之下的VGA图形驱动程序/配置文件&3D VersaCAD的3维绘画文件&3DM 3D NURBS建模器,Rhino&3DS 3D Studio(DOS下)格式文件&386 在386或更高级处理器上使用的文件&4GE Informix 4GL编译后代码&4GL Informix 4GL源代码&669 Composer 669;UNIX Composer音乐模型文件;669磁道模块&#01 及更高的号 为计算机演示而扫描的一系列电影的图片文件编号方法&$$$ OS/2用来跟踪档案文件&@@@ 用于安装过程中的屏幕文件和用于Microsoft Codeview for C这样的应用程序的指导文件 。
.$$$ Temporary File&.$$A OS/2&.$$F OS/2 Database&.$$P OS/2 Notes&.$$S OS/2 Spreadsheet&.$D$ OS/2 Planner&.$DB DBase Temp File&.$ED Temp Editor File&.$VM Virtual Managers Temp File&._DD Norton Disk Doctor Recovered File&.000 (000-999) Sequentially Numbered Backup Files&.075 Ventura Publisher 75dpi Screen Characters&.085 Ventura Publisher 85dpi Screen Characters&.091 Ventura Publisher 91dpi Screen Characters&.096 Ventura Publisher 96dpi Screen Characters&.0B PageMaker Printer Font LineDraw Characters&.12M Lotus Smartmaster File&.123 Lotus File&.15U PageMaker Printer Font&.1ST Information (e.g., README.1ST)&.286 Windows Standard Mode Driver&.2GR Windows EGA/VGA Screen Grabber&.301 Fax Data&.303 Seq-303 Settings&.323 H.323 Internet Telephony&.386 Windows Enhanced Mode Driver or Swap File&.3DM 3D Modeler File&.3DP Serif 3D Plus&.3DS 3D Studio Graphic&.3FX Corel Chart 3D Effect&.3GR Windows SVGA/XVGA Screen Grabber&.3IN MSN Setup Information&.4GE Informix 4GL Compiled Code&.4GL Informix 4GL Source&.4SW 4DOS Swap File&.4TH FORTH Program&.669 669 Tracker Module or Unis Composer Music File&.8 A86 Assembler Program File&.8BA Adobe PhotoDeluxe Plugin (also ends in E, F, I, X, & Y)&.8M PageMaker Math 8 Printer Font&.8U PageMaker Roman 8 Printer Font&.906 Calcomp Plotter File&.q Squeeze&.A UNIX Library or ADA Program&.A01 ARJ Multi-volume Compressed Archive (can be 01 to 99)&.A11 Graphic&.A3K Yamaha A3000 Sampler File&.A3M Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh File&.A3W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File&.A4M Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh File&.A4P Authorware File without runtime)&.A4W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File&.A5W Unpackaged Authorware Windows File&.A_T A-Train&.AAM Authorware Shocked File&.AAS Authorware Shocked Packet&.AB6 AB Stat Data&.AB8 AB Stat Data&.ABC Flowchart&.ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font&.ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup or Any Automatic Backup&.ABR Photoshop Brush&.ABS Abstracts&.ACA MS Agent Character File&.ACE The Ace Archiver Compressed File&.ACF MS Agent Character File&.ACG MS Agent Preview File&.ACL Corel Draw 6 Keyboard Accelerator&.ACM Audio Compression Manager Driver or Windows System File&.ACP MS Office Assistant Preview File&.ACR American College of Radiology File&.ACS MS Agent Character File&.ACT MS Office Actor Program File or FoxPro Action Diagram&.ACV OS/2 Audio Drivers&.AD AfterDark Screen Saver&.ADA ADA Program File&.ADB Ada Package Body or HP Organizer Appointment Database&.ADD Adapter Device Driver&.ADE MS Access Project Extension&.ADF Adapter Description File or Admin Config File or Amiga Disk File&.ADI AutoCAD Plotter File&.ADL MCA Adapter Description Library&.ADM After Dark Screen Saver Module&.ADN Add In Utility or MS Access Blank Project Template&.ADP FaxWorks Modem Setup File or Astound Dynamite File or MS Access Project&.ADR After Dark Random Screen Saver Module&.ADS ADA Package Specification&.ADX Approach Index File&.AF2 ABC Flowchart&.AF3 ABC Flowchart&.AFL Lotus Font&.AFM Outline Font Metric&.AFP Flowchart Symbol Palette&.AFT Flowchart Template&.AFW Flowchart Work Area&.AG4 Access G4 File&.AI Illustrator Vector Graphic&.AIF Knowledgeware Setup Information or Audio Interchange File&.AIM AOL Instant Messenger File&.AIO APL File Transfer Format&.AIR Align It! Resource File&.AIS Array of Intensity Samples (Graphic) or Velvet Studio Instruments or ACDSee Image Sequence File&.AKF Acrobat Key File&.AKW RoboHELP Help Project Index File&.ALB JASC Image Commander Album&.ALL Arts & Letters Symbols and Characters or WP Printer Info&.ALT WP Menu File&.AMS Extremes Tracker Module Format or Velvet Studio Module&.ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker File&.ANI Animated Cursor&.ANL Project Analyzer Saved Analysis&.ANM Animation&.ANN Help Annotation&.ANS ANSI Graphic or MS Word Text and Layout&.ANT SimAnt for Windows Saved Game File&.APC Lotus Printer Driver Characters or Centura Team Developer Compiled&Application File&.APD Lotus Printer Driver or Centura Team Developer Dynamic Application Library File&.APF Lotus Printer Driver Fonts or Acrobat Profile File&.API Lotus Printer Driver Info or Application Program Interface&.APL Centura Team Developer Application Library File&.APP R:Base, Symphony, DR-DOS, FoxPro (or other) Application or Centura Team Developer Normal Mode Application File&.APR Lotus Approach 97 File&.APS MS Visual C++ File&.APT Centura Team Developer Text Mode Application File&.ARC Archive File or Compressed File&.ARI Aristotle Audio File&.ARJ Compressed Archive&.ART Clip Art File or Xara Studio Drawing or&Canon Crayola Art File or Another Ray Tracer Format or AOL Johnson-Grace Compressed File&.ASA MS Visual InterDev File or Active Server Document&.ASC ASCII Text File or PGP Armored Encrypted File&.ASD MS Word Automatic Backup or Lotus Screen Driver or MS Advanced Streaming Format Description File&.ASE Velvet Studio Sample&.ASF MS Active Streaming File or Statgraphics Data or Lotus Screen Font or APL*Plus/PC APL Shared File&.ASH Assembler Header&.ASI Assembler Include&.ASK askSam Data&.ASM Assembler Source Language&.ASO Assembler Object or Astound Dynamite Objects&.ASP Active Server Page or Procomm Plus ASPECT Program or Astound Presentation File&.ASR Automap Route&.AST Astound Multimedia File or Claris Works Assistant File&.ASV DataCAD Autosave File&.ASX Active Streaming File or Cheyenne Backup Script or MS Advanced Streaming Redirector File or Video File&.ATT AT&T Group 4 Bitmap (fax)&.AU Music File (various)&.AVB Inculan Anti-Virus Virus Infected File&.AVI Audio Video Interleave File&.AVR Audio Visual Research Sound File&.AVS Animation File or Application Visualization System Format&.AWD Faxviewer Document&.AXR Telsis Digital Audio File&.B1J BookJones&.B1S BookSmith&.B3D 3D Builder File&.B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts File&.B64 Base 64 MIME-encoded File&.BAC Backup&.BAD Rime Mailer Address File&.BAK Backup&.BAS BASIC Language Source or Basic Module&.BAT Batch Processing&.BBM Image File&.BCK Backup&.BDF West Point Bridge Designer File&.BFC Briefcase File&.BG Backgammon for Windows Game&.BGI Borland Graphic Interface&.BGL Flight Simulator Scenery File&.BI Binary File&.BIB Bibliography&.BIF GroupWise Initialization File&.BIG Chinese (old version)&.BIN Binary File&.BIT Bitmap Image&.BK Backup&.BK! Backup&.BK$ Backup&.BK1 Backup (Can be 1 to 9)&.BKI Backup Index&.BKP Backup&.BKS Bookshelf Backup or IBM BookManager Read Bookshelf&.BLD BASIC Bload Graphics&.BLK WP Temp File&.BLT Wordperfect for DOS File&.BM Graphic (bitmap)&.BM1 Apogee BioMenace Data File&.BMF Image File&.BMI Buzz Instrument&.BMK Help Bookmark&.BMP Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics&.BMW Buzz Music File with Waves&.BMX Buzz Music File&.BNK Adlib Instrument Bank or SimCity Game File&.BOO Image File or Book or Compressed Archive File&.BOX Notes Mailbox&.BPL Delphi Library&.BPT Bitmap Master File&.BQY BrioQuery File&.BRX Multimedia Browsing Index&.BS_ MS Bookshelf Find Menu Shell Extension&.BS1 Apogee Blake Stone Data File&.BSC Boyan Script or MS Developer Studio Browser File&.BSP Quake Map&.BSV BASIC Bsave Graphics&.BTM 4DOS Batch To Memory Batch File&.BTN ButtonWare File&.BUD Quicken Backup&.BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle File&.BUP Backup&.BV1 Backup (Can be 1 to 9)&.BW SGI Black and White Image&.BYU Movie File.C C Program File&.C00 Ventura Print File&.C01 Typhoon Wave File&.C86 C86 C Program&.CA7 Beta 44 Job File&.CAB Cabinet File (Microsoft installation archive)&.CAD Softdesk Drafix CAD File&.CAL SuperCalc Worksheet or Calendar File or CALS compressed bitmap&.CAM Casio Camera Graphic&.CAP Ventura Caption or Telix Session Capture or&Compressed Music File&.CAS Comma-delimited ASCII File&.CAT Catalog or Quicken IntelliCharge Categorization File&.CB MS Clean Boot File&.CBI IBM Mainframe Column Binary Formatted File&.CBL COBOL Program&.CBT Computer Based Training&.CC C++ Program File&.CCA CC:Mail File&.CCB Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration&.CCC Chat&.CCF OS/2 Multimedia Viewer Configuration File&.CCH Corel Chart&.CCM Lotus CC:Mail Mailbox&.CCO CyberChat Data File&.CCR Chat Room Shortcut&.CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave Cast&.CDA CD Audio Track&.CDB Turbo C Database&.CDF Comma Delimited Format or Cyberspace Description Format or MS Channel Definition Format&.CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive Format&.CDR Corel Vector Graphic or Raw Audio-CD Data&.CDT Corel Draw Template&.CDX Compound Index or Corel Draw Compressed Drawing or MS Visual Foxpro Index or Active Server Document&.CEG Continuous Edge Graphic&.CEL Autodesk Animator Graphic or CIMFast Event Language File&.CER Certificate File&.CEX The Currency Exchanger Rate File&.CFB Comptons Multimedia File&.CFG Configuration (various)&.CFL Corel Flow File&.CFM Corel FontMaster or Cold Fusion Template File&.CGA Ventura CGA Screen Characters&.CGI Common Gateway Interface Script&.CGM Computer Graphics Metafile&.CH Clipper Header or OS/2 Configuration File&.CH3 Harvard Chart&.CHI Chiwriter Document&.CHJ Help Composer Project&.CHK CHKDSK/SCANDISK Output or WP Temp File&.CHM Compiled HTML Help&.CHP Ventura Publisher Chapter&.CHR Character or Font File&.CHT Cheat Machine Data File or ChartViewer File or Harvard Graphics Vector File&.CIF Ventura Chapter Information&.CIL Clip Gallery Download Package&.CIM Sim City 200 File&.CIN OS/2 Change Control File&.CIT Intergraph Scanned Image&.CK1 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File&.CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 Data File&.CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 Data File&.CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 Data File&.CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 Data File&.CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 Data File&.CLL Crick Software Clicker File&.CLP Windows Clipboard or Picture&.CLR WinEdit Colorization Word List&.CLS Visual Basic Class Module&.CMD OS/2, WinNT Command File or COS CP/M Command File or dBase II Program File&.CMF Creative Music File or Corel Metafile&.CML Cheat Machine Library File (Windows) or PADGen Company Info File&.CMP Leadview Bitmap or Open Access File or Address Document&.CMV Corel Move Animation&.CMX Corel PhotoPaint Image or Corel Presentation Exchange Image or Apple Viewer File&.CNF Configuration (various) or SpeedDial&.CNM Windows Application Menu Options and Setup File&.CNQ Compuworks Design Shop File&.CNT Help File Contents (and other contents needs)&.CNV Data Conversion File or WP Temporary File&.COB COBOL Program File or Caligari Truespace Format or TrueSpace2 Object&.COD Code List or Compiler Program Code&.COD Multiplan Data File or dBase Template Source File&.COL Autodesk Color Palette or Multiplan Spreadsheet&.COM Command (Executable file)&.CON Knowledgeware Consolidation File&.CPD Fax Coversheet or Corel PrintOffice File&.CPE Fax Coversheet&.CPI Code Page Information or ColorLab Image&.CPL Control Panel Extension or Corel Color Palette&.CPO Corel Print House File&.CPP C++ Program&.CPR Corel Presents Presentation or Knowledge Access Graphics&.CPS Antivirus Checksum File&.CPT Macintosh Compressed File or Corel Photo-Paint Image&.CPX Control Panel Applet or CryptaPix Encrypted Image or Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed Drawing&.CRD Cardfile&.CRF Zortech C++ Cross-Reference File&.CRL Certificate Revocation List&.CRP Database or Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation&.CRT Certificate File&.CSC Corel Script&.CSK Claris Works&.CSM Borland C++ Symbol File&.CSP PC Emcee On-Screen Image&.CSQ Foxpro Queries&.CSS Hypertext Cascading Style Sheet&.CST Macromedia Director Cast File&.CSV Comma-Separated Variables&.CT Scitex CT Bitmap or Paint Shop Pro File&.CTF TIFF Compressed File or Symphony Character Code Translation&.CTL Setup Information or User Control&.CTX Compressed Text or User Control Binary File&.CTY SimCity City File&.CUE MS Cue Cards Data&.CUF Turbo C Utilities Form Definition&.CUL IconForge Cursor Library&.CUR Cursor&.CUT Dr. Halo Bitmap Graphic&.CV Corel Versions Archive or MS CodeView Information&.CV4 Codeview Colors&.CVP WinFax Cover Page&.CVT dBase Converted Database&.CVW Codeview Colors&.CWE Crossword Express&.CWK Claris Works Data&.CWS Claris Works Template&.CXT Macromedia Director Protected Cast File&.CXX Zortech C++ Program&.D Dialect Source Code File&.D3D CorelDream 3D File&.D8A AmBiz Productivity Pak Catalog&.DAT Data (multiple programs)&.DB Paradox Database&.DB2 dBase II File&.DBC MS Visual Foxpro Database Container&.DBF Database (multiple programs) [started as dBASE]&.DBT Database Text File [dBASE]&.DBX Database (multiple programs) or DataBeam Image or MS Visual Foxpro Table&.DC5 DataCAD Drawing File&.DCA Active Designer Cache or IBM Text File&.DCM DCM Module Format&.DCP Delphi Compiled Packages&.DCR Shockwave File&.DCS Quark Desktop Color Separation Specification&.DCT Dictionary (various) or MS Visual Foxpro Database Container&.DCU Delphi Compiled Unit&.DCX FAX Image or Bitmap Graphics or Macros or MS Visual Foxpro Database Container&.DD Macintosh Compressed Archive or Disk Doubler&.DDE Dynamic Data Exchange&.DDF BTRIEVE Database&.DDI DiskDupe Image or Disk Doubler Image&.DDP OS/2 Device Driver Profile File&.DEF Definitions or Defaults or SGML Tag Definition or SmartWare II Data File or C++ Definition&.DEL Data&.DEM Demonstration or USGS Map&.DEP Setup Wizard Dependency&.DER Certificate File&.DES Description or Text&.DEV Device Driver or Device Independent TeX or LaTeX File&.DFD File Flow Diagram Graphic&.DFM Delphi Forms or File Flow Diagram Model&.DFV Word Print Format Template&.DG Autotrol Graphics&.DGN Microstation95 CAD Drawing File or Intergraph Graphics&.DHP Dr. Halo PIC&.DIB Device-Independent Bitmap Graphic&.DIC Dictionary (various)&.DIF Data Interchange Format&.DIG Text Document or Digilink Format or Sound Designer Audio File&.DIR Procomm Plus Dialing Directory or Macromedia Director File&.DIS Corel Draw Thesaurus&.DIZ Data In Zip File (a text description file)&.DL Animations file&.DLD Lotus File&.DLG Dialog Resource Script or C++ Dialogue Script&.DLL Dynamic Link Library&.DLS Downloadable Sounds&.DMF Delusion/XTracker Digital Music File&.DMO Demo&.DMP Dump&.DMS Compressed Archive&.DNE Darn v5+ (Windows) Events List&.DOB User Document Form File&.DOC Document or Documentation (many programs/formats)&.DOS Text File or DOS Specification Info&.DOT Word Document Template or Corel Lines-Definition&.DOX Text File or MultiMate Document or User Document Binary Form File&.DPK Delphi Package File&.DPL Borland Delphi 3 Packed Library&.DPP Serif DrawPlus Drawing&.DPR Borland C++ (or Delphi) Default Project&.DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange&.DQY MS Excel ODBC Query File&.DRN Darn for DOS&.DRS WordPerfect Driver Resource&.DRV Device Driver&.DRW Draw or Drawing or Micrografix Vector Graphic&.DS4 Designer Graphics (ver 4)&.DSF Micrografx Designer or Delusion/XTracker Digital Sample&.DSG Doom Saved Game&.DSK Delphi Desktop&.DSM Delphi Symbol File or Digital Sound Module Tracker Format or Dynamic Studio Music Module&.DSN ODBC Data Source&.DSP Dr. Halo Graphic Screen Driver or MS Developer Studio Project&.DSQ Corel QUERY File&.DSR WP Driver or Active Designer File&.DST Embroidery Machines Graphics File&.DSW MS Developer Studio Workspace&.DSX Active Designer Binary File&.DTA Data (Several programs may use this one)&.DTD SGML Document Definition File&.DTF Q&A Database&.DTM DigiTrekker Module&.DTP SecurDesk! Desktop&.DUN Dial-Up Network&.DV DESQview Script or Digital Video File&.DVC Lotus File&.DVI Device Independent Document&.DVP DESQview Program Information or AutoCAD Device Parameter&.DVR Device Driver&.DWC Compressed Archive&.DWD DiamondWare Digitized File&.DWG Auto#&.#24 printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript)&.#ib printer data file (LocoScript)&.#sc printer data file (LocoScript)&.#st standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript)&$&.$$$ temporary file&.? pipe file (DOS)&.$db temporary file (dBASE IV)&.$ed editor temporary file (MS C)&.$o1 pipe file (DOS)&.$vm virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x)&0&.000 compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace)&.001 fax (many)&.075 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)&.085 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)&.091 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)&.096 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)&.0b printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker)&1&.1 roff/nroff/troff/groff source for manual page ( printer font with PI font set (PageMaker)&.1st usually README.1ST text&3&.301 fax (Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96))&.386 Intel 80386 processor driver (Windows 3.x)&.3ds graphics (3D Studio)&.3fx effect (CorelChart)&.3gr ----- data file (Windows Video Grabber)&4&.4c$ datafile (4Cast/2)&.4sw 4DOS Swap File&.4th FORTH source code file (ForthCMP - LMI Forth)&6&.669 music (8 channels) (The 669 Composer)&.6cm music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)&8&.8 A86 assembler source code file&.8cm music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)&.8m printer font with Math 8 extended character set (PageMaker)&.8u printer font with Roman 8 extended character set (PageMaker)&a&.a ADA source code file&.a library (unix)&.a11 graphics AIIM image file&.ab6 datafile (ABStat)&.ab8 datafile (ABStat)&.abk automatic backup file (CorelDRAW)&.abs abstracts (info file)&.abs data file (Abscissa)&.aca project (Project Manager Workbench)&.acb graphics (ACM&.acc program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)&.act ACTOR source code file&.act FoxDoc Action Diagrams (FoxPro)&.act presentation (Action!)&.ad screen saver data (AfterDark)&.ada ADA source code file&.adb Ada Package Body&.adc bitmap graphics (16 colors) (Scanstudio)&.adi graphics (AutoCAD)&.adl MCA adapter description library (QEMM)&.adn add-in (Lotus 1-2-3)&.ads Ada Package Specification&.adt datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)&.adt fax (AdTech)&.adx document (Archetype Designer)&.af2 flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 2.0)&.afi Truevision bitmap graphics&.afl font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3)&.afm Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM - many)&.afm datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)&.ai vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)&.aio APL file transfer format file&.ais Array of Intensity Samples graphics (Xerox)&.aix datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)&.all ----- (Arts & Letters) symbol and font files&.all format file for working pages (Always)&.all general printer information (WordPerfect for Win)&.alt menu file (WordPerfect Library)&.amf music (Advanced Module Format)&.amg system image file (Actor)&.ani animation (Presidio - many)&.anm animation (Deluxe Paint Animator)&.ann Help Annotations (Windows 3.x)&.ans ANSI graphics (character animation)&.ans ASCII text ANSI character set (NewWave Write)&.ap compressed Amiga file archive created by WHAP&.ap datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)&.apc ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver&.apd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver&.apf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver&.api ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) printer driver&.api passed parameter file (1st Reader)&.apl APL work space format file&.app add-in application file (Symphony)&.app application object file (dBASE Application Generator)&.app executable application file (DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari)&.app generated application (FoxPro)&.apr employee performance review (Employee Appraiser)&.arc compressed file archive created by ARC (arc602.exe/pk361.exe)&.arc compressed file archive created by SQUASH (squash.arc)&.arf Automatic Response File&.arj compressed file archive created by ARJ (arj241.exe)&.ark ARC file archive created by CP/M port of ARC file archiver&.arr Arrangement (Atari Cubase)&.art graphics (scrapbook) (Art Import)&.art raster graphics (First Publisher)&.asc ASCII text file&.asd ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen driver&.asd autosave file (Word for Windows)&.asd presentation (Astound)&.asf ----- (Lotus 1-2-3) screen font&.asf datafile (STATGRAPHICS)&.ash assembly language header file (TASM 3.0)&.asi assembler include file (Turbo C - Borland C++)&.asm ASSEMBLY source code file&.aso assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler)&.asp ASPECT source code file (Procomm Plus)&.asp Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice&.at2 auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0)&.atm Adobe Type Manager data/info&.au sound (audio) file (SUN Microsystems)&.aux Auxillary references (TeX/LaTeX)&.aux auxiliary dictionary (ChiWriter)&.ava publication (Avagio)&.avi Audio Video Interleaved animation file (Video for Windows)&.aw text file (HP AdvanceWrite)&.awk AWK script/program&.awm movie (Animation Works)&.aws ----- (STATGRAPHICS)&b&.b batch list (APPLAUSE)&.b&w black and white graphics (atari - mac)&.b&w mono binary screen image (1st Reader)&.b1n both mono and color binary screen image (1st Reader)&.b30 printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher)&.b8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab)&.b_w black and white graphics (atari - mac)&.bak backup file&.bal music score (Ballade)&.bar horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator)&.bas BASIC source code file&.bat batch file (DOS)&.bb database backup (Papyrus)&.bbl Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX)&.bbm brush (Deluxe Paint)&.bbs Bulletin Board System announce or text info file&.bch batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator)&.bch datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)&.bco outline font description (Bitstream)&.bcp Borland C++ makefile&.bdf Bitmap Distribution Format font file (X11)&.bdf datafile (Egret)&.bdr border (MS Publisher)&.bez outline font description (Bitstream)&.bf2 Bradford 2 font&.bfm font metrics (unix/Frame)&.bfx fax (BitFax)&.bga bitmap graphics&.bgi Borland Graphics Interface device driver (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)&.bib bibliography (ASCII)&.bib database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)&.bib literature database (TeX/BibTeX)&.bif Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board)&.bin binary file&.bio OS2 BIOS&.bit bitmap X11&.bk faxbook (JetFax)&.bk! document backup (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk1 timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk2 timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk3 timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk4 timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk5 timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk6 timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk7 timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk8 timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bk9 timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bkp backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)&.bkw mirror image of font set (FontEdit)&.bld BLoaDable picture (BASIC)&.blk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)&.bm BitMap graphics&.bmk Help Bookmarks (Windows 3.x)&.bmp BitMaP graphics (PC Paintbrush - many)&.bnk Adlib instrument bank file&.boo compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc)&.bpc chart (Business Plan Toolkit)&.bpt bitmap fills file (CorelDRAW)&.br script (Bridge)&.brd Eagle Layout File&.brk fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail)&.bsc compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII&.bsc database (Source Browser)&.bsc pwbrmake object file (MS Fortran)&.btm Batch To Memory batch file (4DOS)&.bup backup file&.but button definitions (Buttons!)&.buy datafile format (movie)&.bv1 overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv2 overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv3 overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv4 overflow file below inset point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv5 overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv6 overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv7 overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv8 overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bv9 overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect for Win)&.bwb spreadsheet application (Visual Baler)&.bwr beware (buglist) (Kermit)&c&.c C source code file&.c compressed unix file archive created by COMPACT&.c++ C++ source code file&.c-- source code (Sphinx C--)&.c00 print file (Ventura Publisher)&.c86 C source code file (Computer Innovation C86)&.ca initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)&.cac dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)&.cad document (Drafix Windows CAD)&.cal calendar file (Windows 3.x)&.cal spreatsheet (SuperCalc)&.can fax (Navigator Fax)&.cap caption (Ventura Publisher)&.cap session capture file (Telix)&.cat catalog (dBASE IV)&.cbc fuzzy logic system (CubiCalc)&.cbl COBOL source code file&.cbm compiled bitmap graphics (XLib)&.cbt Computer Based Training (many)&.cc C++ source code file&.ccc bitmap graphics (native format) (Curtain Call)&.ccf communications configuration file (Symphony)&.cch chart (CorelChart)&.ccl Communication Command Language file (Intalk)&.cco BTX Graphics file (XBTX)&.cdb card database (CardScan)&.cdb main database (TCU Turbo C Utilities)&.cdf graphics (netcdf)&.cdk document (Atari Calamus)&.cdr vector graphics (CorelDRAW native format)&.cdt ----- (CorelDraw 4.0)&.cdx compound index (FoxPro)&.ce main.ce (The FarSide Computer Calendar)&.ceg bitmap graphics (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics)&.cel graphics (Autodesk Animator - Lumena)&.cf configuration file (imake)&.cfg configuration&.cfl chart (CorelFLOW)&.cfn font data (Atari Calamus)&.cfo C Form Object internal format object file (TCU Turbo C Utilities)&.cfp fax (The Complete Fax Portable)&.cga CGA display font (Ventura Publisher)&.cgm Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics (A&L - HG - many)&.ch header file (Clipper 5)&.ch3 chart (Harvard Graphics 3.0)&.ch4 presentation (Charisma 4.0)&.chd font descriptor (FontChameleon)&.chi document (ChiWriter)&.chk recovered data (DOS CHKDSK)&.chk temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)&.chn ----- (Ethnograph 3)&.chp chapter file (Ventura Publisher)&.chr character set (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)&.cht chart (Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter)&.cht interface file for ChartMaster (dBASE)&.cif Caltech Intermediate Format graphics&.cif chapter information (Ventura Publisher)&.cix database index (TCU Turbo C Utilities)&.cl COMMON LISP source code file&.clp clip art graphics (Quattro Pro)&.clp clipboard file (Windows 3.x)&.clp compiler script file (clip list) (Clipper 5)&.clr color binary screen image (1st Reader)&.clr color definitions (Photostyler)&.cls C++ class definition file&.cm data file (CraftMan)&.cmd batch file (OS/2)&.cmd command (dBASE - Waffle)&.cmd external command menu (1st Reader)&.cmf FM-music file (Creative Music File)&.cmk card (Card Shop Plus)&.cmm CMM script (batch) file (CEnvi)&.cmp header file for PostScript printer files (CorelDRAW)&.cmp user dictionary (MS Word for DOS)&.cmv animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0)&.cnc CNC general program data&.cnf configuration (program - printer setup)&.cnv data conversion support file (Word for Windows)&.cnv temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)&.cob COBOL source code file&.cod datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold)&.cod program compiled code (FORTRAN)&.cod template source file (dBASE Application Generator)&.cod videotext file&.col color palette (Autodesk Animator - many)&.col spreadsheet (MS Multiplan)&.com command (memory image of executable program) (DOS)&.con configuration file (Simdir)&.cpd script (Complaints Desk)&.cpf fax (The Complete Fax)&.cpi Code Page Information file (DOS)&.cpi ColorLab Processed Image bitmap graphics&.cpl control panel file (Windows 3.x)&.cpl presentation (Compel)&.cpp C++ source code file&.cpp presentation (CA-Cricket Presents)&.cps ----- backup of startup files by QEMM () autoexec.cps&.cpt compressed Mac file archive created by COMPACT PRO ( encrypted memo file (dBASE)&.cpt template (CA-Cricket Presents)&.cpz music text file (COMPOZ)&.crd cardfile (Windows 3.x - YourWay)&.crf cross-reference (MS MASM - Zortech C++)&.crp encrypted database (dBASE IV)&.crs file Conversion Resource (WordPerfect 5.1)&.csg graph (Statistica/w)&.csp PC Emcee Screen Image file (Computer Support Corporation)&.css datafile (CSS - Stats+)&.css datasheet (Statistica/w)&.csv Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)&.csv adjusted EGA/VGA palette (CompuShow)&.ctc control file (PC Installer)&.ctf character code translation file (Symphony)&.ctl control file (dBASE IV - Aldus Setup)&.ctx Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides)&.ctx ciphertext file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)&.cuf C Utilities Form definition (TCU Turbo C Utilities)&.cur cursor image file (Windows 3.x)&.cut bitmap graphics (Dr. Halo)&.cv4 color file (CodeView)&.cvp cover page (WinFax)&.cvs graphics (Canvas)&.cvt backup file for CONVERTed database file (dBASE IV)&.cvw color file (CodeView)&.cxx C++ source code file (Zortech C++)&d&.dat data file in special format or ASCII&.db configuration (dBASE IV - dBFast)&.db database (Paradox - Smartware)&.db$ temperature debug info (Clarion Modula-2)&.db$ temporary file (dBASE)&.db2 database (dBASE II)&.db3 database (dBASE III)&.dba datafile (DataEase)&.dbd business data (Business Insight)&.dbd debug info (Clarion Modula-2)&.dbf database file (dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss)&.dbg symbolic debugging information (MS C/C++)&.dbk database backup (dBASE IV)&.dbm datafile (DataEase)&.dbm menu template (DataBoss)&.dbo compiled program (dBASE IV)&.dbs database in SQL Windows format&.dbs datafile (PRODAS)&.dbs printer description file (Word - Works)&.dbt FoxBASE+ style memo (FoxPro)&.dbt memo file for database w/same name (dBASE IV - dBFast)&.dbw windows file (DataBoss)&.dca Document Content Architecture text file (IBM DisplayWrite)&.dcf disk image file&.dcp Data CodePage (OS/2)&.dcs bitmap graphics (CYMK format) (QuarkXPress)&.dcs datafile (ACT! Activity Files)&.dct database dictionary (Clarion Database Developer)&.dct spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony)&.dcx multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format - Intel - SpectraFAX)&.dd compressed Macintosh file archive created by DISKDOUBLER&.ddi DiskDupe Image file ( Device Driver Profile file (OS/2)&.deb DEBUG script (DOS Debug)&.def defaults - definitions&.dem demonstration&.dem graphics (VistaPro)&.dev device driver&.dfd Data Flow Diagram graphic (Prosa)&.dfi outline font description (Digifont)&.dfl default program settings (Signature)&.dfm Data Flow Diagram model file (Prosa)&.dfs Delight Sound File&.dfv printing form (Word)&.dgn graphics (MicroStation)&.dgs diagnostics&.dhp Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics (Dr. Halo II - III)&.dht datafile (Gauss)&.dia Diagraph graphics (Computer Support Corporation)&.dib Device-Independent Bitmap graphics&.dic dictionary&.dif database (VisiCalc)&.dif output from Diff command - script for Patch command&.dif text file (Data Interchange Format)&.dip graphics&.dir dialing directory file (Procomm Plus)&.dir directory file (VAX)&.dir movie (MacroMind Director 4.x)&.dis distribution file (VAX Mail)&.dis thesaurus (CorelDraw)&.diz description file (Description In Zip)&.dkb raytraced graphics (DKBTrace)&.dl animation (Italian origin)&.dld ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)&.dlg dialog resource script file (MS Windows SDK)&.dll Dynamic Link Library (Windows 3.x - OS/2)&.dll export/import filter (CorelDRAW)&.dls setup (Norton Disklock)&.dmo ----- demo - (Derive)&.dmp dump file (eg. screen or memory)&.dms compressed Amiga file archive created by DISKMASHER&.doc document text file&.dog screen file (Laughing Dog Screen Maker)&.dos external ommand file (1st Reader)&.dos network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos)&.dos text file containing DOS specific info&.dot line-type definition file (CorelDRAW)&.dot template (Word for Windows)&.dox text file (MultiMate 4.0)&.dp calendar file (Daily Planner)&.dp data file (DataPhile)&.dpr default project- and state-related information (Borland C++)&.drs Display Resource (WordPerfect for Win)&.drv device driver eg. for printer&.drw vector graphics (Micrografx Designer)&.ds4 vector graphics (Micrografx Designer 4.0)&.dsd database (DataShaper)&.dsk project desktop file (Borland C++ - Turbo Pascal)&.dsm digital sound module (DSI)&.dsn design (Object System Designer)&.dsp display parameters (Signature)&.dsp graphics display driver (Dr.Halo)&.dsr Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Win)&.dss screensaver file (DCC)&.dss sound (Digital Soup)&.dt_ data fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette)&.dta data file (Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata)&.dtf database file (PFS - Q&A)&.dtp document (Timeworks Publisher3)&.dtp publication (Publish-It!)&.dvc ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)&.dvi DeVice Independent document (TeX)&.dvp DESQview Program Information file (DESQview)&.dvp device parameter file (AutoCAD)&.dw2 drawing (DesignCAD for windows)&.dwc compressed file archive created by DWC (dwc-a501.exe)&.dwg drawing (Drafix)&.dwg drawing database (AutoCAD)&.dx text file (DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus)&.dxf Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD)&.dxn fax (Fujitsu dexNET)&.dyn ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)&e&.edt default settings (VAX Edt editor)&.eeb button bar for Equation Editor (WordPerfect for Win)&.eft high resolution screen font (ChiWriter)&.efx fax (Everex EFax)&.ega EGA display font (Ventura Publisher)&.el ELISP source code file (Emacs lisp)&.elc compiled ELISP code (Emacs lisp)&.elt event list text file (Prosa)&.emf enchanced Metafile graphics&.emu terminal emulation data (BITCOM)&.enc encoded file - UUENCODEd file (Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe)&.enc music (Encore)&.end arrow-head definition file (CorelDRAW)&.eng dictionary engine (Sprint)&.eng graphics (charting) (EnerGraphics)&.env Enveloper macro (WOPR)&.env environment file (WordPerfect for Win)&.epd publication (Express Publisher)&.epi document (Express Publisher)&.eps Encapsulated PostScript vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)&.eps printer font (Epson - Xerox...) (Ventura Publisher)&.eqn equation (WordPerfect for Win)&.erd Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa)&.erm Entity Relationship Diagram model file (Prosa)&.err error log&.err error messages for command line compilers&.esh Extended Shell batch file&.eth document (Ethnograph 3)&.etx Structure Enhanced (setext) text&.evy document (WordPerfect Envoy)&.ewd document (Express Publisher for Windows)&.ex3 device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)&.exc REXX source code file (VM/CMS)&.exc exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)&.exe directly executable program (DOS)&.exm MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator)&.ext extension file (Norton Commander)&.ezf fax (Calculus EZ-Fax)&f&.f FORTRAN source code file&.f compressed file archive created by FREEZE&.f01 fax (perfectfax)&.f06 DOS screen text font - height 6 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 7 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 8 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 9 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 10 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 11 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 12 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 13 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 14 pixels ( DOS screen text font - height 16 pixels ( linear module (music) (Farandole)&.f3r blocked module (music) (Farandole)&.f77 FORTRAN 77 source code file&.f96 fax (Frecom FAX96)&.fac FACE graphics&.faq Frequently Asked Questions text file&.far music&.fax fax (raster graphics) (most Fax programs)&.fc spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 2.0)&.fd declaration file (MS Fortran)&.fd field offsets for compiler (DataFlex)&.fdw form (F3 Design and Mapping)&.feb button bar for Figure Editor (WordPerfect for Win)&.ff outline font description (Agfa Compugraphics)&.fff fax (defFax)&.fft DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite)&.fh3 vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 3.x)&.fh4 vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 4.x)&.fi interface file (MS Fortran)&.fif Fractal Image Format file&.fil file template (Application Generator)&.fil files list object file (dBASE Application Generator)&.fil overlay (WordPerfect)&.fin print-formatted text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE)&.fit FITS graphics&.fix patch file&.fky macro file (FoxPro)&.flb format library (Papyrus)&.flc animation (Autodesk Animator)&.fld folder (Charisma)&.fli TeX font library (EmTeX)&.fli animation (Autodesk Animator)&.flm Film Roll (AutoCAD/AutoShade)&.flt filter file (Micrografx Picture Publisher)&.flt support file (Asymetrix ToolBook) - graphics filter&.flx compiled binary (DataFlex)&.fm spreatsheet (FileMaker Pro)&.fm1 spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x)&.fm3 device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)&.fm3 spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x)&.fmb File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect for Win)&.fmk makefile (Fortran PowerStation)&.fmo compiled format file (dBASE IV)&.fmt format file (dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast)&.fmt style sheet (Sprint)&.fn3 font file (Harvard Graphics 3.0)&.fnt font file (many)&.fnx inactive font (Exact)&.fo1 font file (Borland Turbo C)&.fo2 font file (Borland Turbo C)&.fol folder of saved messages (1st Reader)&.fon dialing directory file (Telix)&.fon font file (many - Windows 3.x font library)&.fon log of all calls (Procomm Plus)&.for FORTRAN source code file&.for form (WindowBase)&.fot installed Truetype font (Windows Font Installer)&.fp configuration file (FoxPro)&.fpc catalog (FoxPro)&.fpt memo (FoxPro)&.fpw floorplan drawing (FloorPLAN plus for Windows)&.fr3 renamed dBASE III+ form file (dBASE IV)&.frf font (FontMonger)&.frg uncompiled report file (dBASE IV)&.frm form (Visual Basic)&.frm report file (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast)&.frm text (order form)&.fro compiled report file (dBASE IV)&.frp form (PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow)&.frs Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect for Win)&.frt report memo (FoxPro)&.frx report (FoxPro)&.fsl form (Paradox for Windows)&.fsm Farandoyle Sample format music&.fst linkable program (dBFast)&.fsx ----- (Lotus 1-2-3)&.ftm font file (Micrografx)&.ftp configuration (FTP Software PC/TCP)&.fw database (FrameWork)&.fw2 database (Framework II)&.fw3 database (Framework III)&.fx on-line guide (FastLynx)&.fxd phonebook (FAXit)&.fxp compiled format (FoxPro)&.fxs FAX Transmit Format graphics (WinFax)&g&.g data chart (APPLAUSE)&.g8 raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane three (PicLab)&.gam fax (GammaFax)&.gbl global definitions (VAXTPU editor)&.gc1 LISP source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1)&.gc3 LISP source code (Golden Common Lisp 3.1)&.gcd graphics&.gdf dictionary file (GEOS)&.ged EDITORs native file format (Arts & Letters)&.ged graphics editor file (EnerGraphics)&.gem vector graphics (GEM - Ventura Publisher)&.gen compiled template (dBASE Application Generator)&.gen generated text (Ventura Publisher)&.geo GEOS specific file (application) (GeoWorks)&.gfb compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST (gifblast.exe)&.gft font (NeoPaint)&.gib chart (Graph-in-the-Box)&.gif Graphics Interchange Format bitmap graphics (CompuShow)&.giw presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)&.gl animation (GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation)&.glm datafile (Glim)&.gls datafile (Across)&.gly glossary (MS Word)&.gmf CGM graphics (APPLAUSE)&.gmp geomorph tile map (SPX)&.gph graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)&.gr2 screen driver (Windows 3.x)&.gra datafile (SigmaPlot)&.grb MS-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5)&.grf graph file (Graph Plus - Charisma)&.grp group file (Windows 3.x - Papyrus)&.grp pictures group (PixBase)&.gry raw GREY graphics&.gs1 presentation (GraphShow)&.gsd vector graphics (Professional Draw)&.gsw worksheet (GraphShow)&.gup ----- (PopMail)&.gxl GX library (Genus)&.gz compressed file archive created by GZIP (GNU zip)&h&.h header file&.h! on-line help file (Flambeaux Help! Display Engine)&.h++ header file (C++)&.h-- header file (Sphinx C--)&.ha compressed file archive created by HA ( compressed file archive created by HAP ( handbook (Mathcad)&.hdf Hierarchical Data File graphics (SDSC Image Tools)&.hdf help file (Help Development Kit)&.hdl alternate download file listing (Procomm Plus)&.hdr PC-File+ Database header&.hdr datafile (Eg


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