关于景深插件FL depth of field插件.怎么注册

AE的FL Depth of Field景深模糊后边缘有瑕疵怎么处理啊_百度知道
AE的FL Depth of Field景深模糊后边缘有瑕疵怎么处理啊
com/zhidao/pic/item/3ac79f3df8dcd718b.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http./zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=de668ae0ba014a90816b4ebbac79f3df8dcd718b://a??.baidu./zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=b3fcabc739c52dbac79f3df8dcd718b://a.jpg" esrc="http你是不是设置的显示分辨率没选好??没这种问题的图片绿框这里选full<a href="http://a.hiphotos
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> 模糊及景深插件Frischluft Lenscare 1.45 32位/64位 破解版下载地址,内含汉化版
Lenscare是面向Adobe After Effects的一款插件。它包括两个独立的插件,out of focus 用来模仿镜头模糊,depth of field用来创建复杂的景深效果。
2.插件已破解,破解文件我放在了64bit的那个文件夹(后缀为.key或者.lic),32位用户请把插件和破解文件放到一起拷贝到软件的相应位置,否则就会出现两条红线。(我已经复制过去了,大家只要把那个文件夹全部复制到你所安装软件的那个特效的文件夹下,如D:\Program Files\Adobe CS4\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\Plug-ins)
3.XP,32位和WIN7,64位,After Effects CS5.5和CS4测试通过,其他环境请自行测试。
声明:新CG儿发布的AE插件仅供学习交流之用,版权归插件公司所有,请勿作商业用途,如果喜欢请购买正版插件,谢谢。&Depth of field
Total:&{{(farDOF-nearDOF) | smartNumber:units}} ({{nearDOF | smartNumber:units}}&~&{{farDOF | smartNumber:units}})
Circle of confusion: {{sensor.c | number:4}}mm&
The chosen circle of confusion affects only the calculated DOF range and has no impact on the simulation.
Max. f-number: f/{{maxA | number:1}}
In front of subject: {{frontDOF | smartNumber:units}} ({{frontDOF/(frontDOF+backDOF)*100 | infiniteNumber:1}}%)
Behind subject: {{backDOF | smartNumber:units}} ({{backDOF/(frontDOF+backDOF)*100 | infiniteNumber:1}}%)
Hyperfocal distance: {{hyperfocal/1000 | infiniteNumber:2:units}} (>{{hyperfocal/2000 | infiniteNumber:2:units}})
<img src="img/scale-markers-metric-zoom.png" ng-class="{'previewZoomScaleStart':y0
<img src="img/scale-markers-imperial-zoom.png" ng-class="{'previewZoomScaleStart':y0
Bokeh simulator and depth of field calculator
This application interactively calculates the camera depth of field and background blur and visually simulates it on a photo together with different types of lens blur (bokeh) for any lens, camera and distance combination.
Activating the help mode shows descriptions of the interface elements. By clicking on one of the question mark icons () you can read detailed information about any panel of the interface.
The simulator makes use of modern web technologies, so it requires at least following browsers versions to work correctly: Chrome 20.0, Firefox 4.0, Opera 12.0, Safari 6.0, Internet Explorer 10.
The most fluid operation is provided by Google Chrome.
You can mail me at:
or contact me on Facebook:
or Twitter:
Any feedback, bug reports and opinions are welcome.
Michael Bemowski is the author and owner of all copyrights except for models drawings and background photos, which are published under Creative Commons licence or in public domain. Copying and distributing this application in different way than linking to this page is FORBIDDEN!
Improved user interface: basic and advanced modes, additional icons that makes navigation easier.
Added lens database with focal length and aperture range and minimum focusing distance data.
Lens converters support: teleconverters, reductors and anamorphic lens.
Updated camera database, included medium-format cameras. Added links to technical specifications from .
Ability to define a custom circle of confusion calculated by resolution or by print size.
The camera location can me moved on the DOF preview together with the distance scale.
Automatic help tooltips appearing when using some of the application features.
Simplified guide, separated into main and more detailed screens.
The simulation sticks to the browser window when scrolling.
Larger simulation size on high-resolution screens.
Many visual improvements, unification among browsers.
Error messages shown when invalid values are entered into fields.
Further fixes and improvements of the model positioning on the background.
The depth of field simulation works now also on the model: ears, nose and face are blurred depending on the calculated depth of field.
Introduced perspective distortions on the model: the appearance of model's face changes at small distances.
Modified set of models - they now differ also in height.
Video 16:9 mode that changes the image ratio to typical for HD video.
New depth of field preview zoom feature allows to precisely see its range on the person even for small values of DOF.
The links generated for current settings are much shorter now. The old links will still work.
Thanks to the kindness of
administrator a list of digital photo and video cameras has been added. Based on this data the sensor size and focal length range is set.
Improved support for different screen sizes, especially small, mobile devices screens.
for Android smartphones and tablets has been released on Google Play.
Enhanced offline version: easier installation: it now works independently from the browser installed in your system.
Stoping the bokeh simulation is now possible during processing.
Sensors sizes list cleanup: added large format film and very small sensors, division of the list into groups.
Expansion of the circle of confusion sizes list with values corresponding to typical video sizes. Division of the list into groups.
When the distance from the model to the camera is small, its head is placed on more interesting background instead of on the sky.
Faster background images loading thanks to better compression.
Completly new advanced bokeh simulation feature. It allows to simulate different types of real-world background lens blur: from soft disks, through polygonal diaphragms to rings from a catadioptric lens.
Added option that allows to lock the distance between the model and the background - it simulates the photographer movement with constant position of the model.
Facebook page for the application is now available:
Like it and subscribe to get notified instantly about new features in the future!
Changed model positiong algorithm when background scaling is enabled - it no longer moves when focal length is changed.
Displaying opitmal and maximum f-number when diffraction effects are enabled.
Cookies warning fixes: it is not shown and the page does not hang if the cookies are blocked.
New feature for generating links to the current parameters.
Added saved settings list sort feature.
Displaying the beginning of the DOF at the hyperfocal distance.
Ability to choose in which units the distances are shown: metric (meters, centimeters) or imperial (feet, inches, yards).
Ability to change slider value with mouse wheel.
I introduced the "Donate" button that allows you to send me some amout of money if you like the application.
Displaying number of megapixels corresponding to the calculated blur.
Fixes in calculation and displaying of depth of field values for distances close to the hyperfocal distance.
Limited scale on the DOF preview in mobile version in order to be more readable on small screens.
Some optimalizations to speed up the application, especially in mobile mode.
Introduced mobile version, which allows to comfortably use the application on smaller screens.
Added the ability to move the model and tree silhouettes in order to change their distances in the configuration.
New option allowing to choose other, than the traditionally adopted in photography, circle of confusion size.
Added option allowing to inlcude diffraction when calculating image blur.
Introduced new guide, which presents all features of the application and replaces existing descriptions of the panels.
Because it turned out, that web browsers cannot poperly save the webpage on disk I have provided downloadable version in a zip file.
Added several new sensor sizes an ability to choose them with size preview.
It is now possible to enter triple the focal length avaliable on the slider for each sensor size.
Fixed typo in sensor sizes: 35mm DX -> FX.
Added 1m scale intervals in the DOF panel.
Moved to new domain, added English translation.
More sensor sizes to choose from: medium format, DSLRs and compact cameras.
Ability to change slider value by clicking on its track.
Support for Internet Explorer 9 and higher.
Added top menu and date of last update.
Added fullscreen mode button.
Moved description from bottom to dialogs avaliable from top menu.
8 new background images with much bigger resolution.
Ability to choose models and backgrounds from thumbnails view.
Saving all settings and restoring them at the next visit to the page. Added reset button to revert them to default values.
Changed method of positioning the model relative to the background in order to be more realistic (in previous version the background moved when focal length changed).
Better fitting the content to the window width.
Bugfixes, layout adjustments etc.
First version of the application.
Large format
Medium format
DSLRs / mirrorless
Compact cameras
The large format scale is 3x smaller relative to other sizes.
Copy the link below to return to the current settings in the future or on another computer.
You can also share it with others.
Please update your browser to use all features of this page.
5 blades diaphragm
6 blades diaphragm
7 blades diaphragm
8 blades diaphragm
Catadioptric lens
9 blades diaphragm
Circle of confusion size:
Fraction of sensor diagonal:
Circle of confusion:
{{customCocCtrl.lines.value() | infiniteNumber:4}}mm
Circle of confusion:
{{customCocCtrl.resolution.value() | infiniteNumber:4}}mm
Print size:
Circle of confusion:
{{customCocCtrl.print.value() | infiniteNumber:4}}mm
Image size:
Viewing distance:
Circle of confusion:
{{customCocCtrl.view.value() | infiniteNumber:4}}mm
The offline version allows you to use the simulator without an internet connection.
Choose the version suitable for your operating system.
Android app is now available.
Go to Google Play to download it and use the simulator without internet connection.
A new version of the application is available.
to download the update.
Welcome again!
If you find this site useful, please consider making a donation, to support its development.
An error occured when loading parameters
Please make shure that the link has been correctly copied and try again.


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