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Alexa Top 500 Global Sites
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The top 500 sites on the web
The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month Alexa traffic rank.The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past
month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1
Showing 50 of 500 results
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Daily Time on Site
Daily Time on SiteEstimated daily time on site (mm:ss) per visitor to the site. Updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Pageviews per VisitorEstimated daily unique pageviews per visitor on the site. Updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.
% of Traffic From Search
% of Traffic From SearchThe percentage of all referrals that came from Search engines over the trailing month. Updated daily.
Total Sites Linking In
Total Sites Linking InThe total number of sites that Alexa found that link to this site. For more information please see
of how Alexa determines the number of sites linking in.
Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers& unique features and search technology.&
User-submitted videos with rating, comments, and contests.
A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and &videos.&
The leading Chinese language search engine, provides &simple and reliable& search exp&erience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.&
A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software. (Creative Commons Attribution-Sh&areAlike License).&
A major internet portal and service provider offering search results, customizable content, cha&trooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager.&
Indian version of this popular search engine. Search the whole web or only webpages from India.& Interfaces offered in English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil.&
User-generated news links. Votes promote stories to the front page.
China's largest and most used Internet service portal owned by Tencent, Inc founded in Nov&ember, 1998. Presently, Tencent is aiming its operations at the strategic goal of providing users with a &one-stop online life service&. Tencent's Internet platforms QQ, QQ.com, QQ Games,
have brought together China's largest Internet community. Tencent's communications and information-sharing services , QQ Instant Messenger, QQ Mail, and search engine SOSO. Linked up with heavily used features such as forums, chat rooms, and QQ Groups, Tencent's Qzone has grown into China's largest personal Internet space. These services foster group interaction and resource sharing. Virtual products such as QQ Show, QQ Pet, QQ Game, and QQ Music/Radio/Live have been successful in providing entertainment and customization options to users. Mobile phone users can take advantage of a number of value-added wireless services. Tencent' is a C2C on-line shopping platform that seamlessly integrates into Tencent's other community platforms.As of June 30th, 2009, the number of registered QQ Instant Messenger users has reached 990.0 million. Active users numbered at 448.0 million. Peak concurrent users have reached 61.30 million. QQ Games platform counted about 6.2 million users simultaneously on-line. QQ.com has become China's most visited Internet portal website.
has also become China's second largest Internet shopping platform.&
Launched in May 2003, Taobao Marketplace () is the online shopping destination of& choice for Chinese consumers looking for wide selection, value and convenience. Shoppers choose from a wide range of products and services on Taobao Marketplace, which features hundreds of millions of product and service listings. Taobao Marketplace was China's largest online shopping destination in terms of gross merchandise volume in 2013, according to iResearch. Taobao Marketplace is a business within Alibaba Group.&
Launched in April 2008,
() is dedicated to providing a premium shopping &experience for increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumers in search of top-quality branded merchandise. A large number of international and Chinese brands and retailers have established storefronts . According to iResearch,
was the largest brands and retail platform in China in terms of gross merchandise volume in 2013.
is a business within Alibaba Group.&
seeks to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and disc&over anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. Site has numerous personalization features and services including one-click buying, extensive customer and editorial product reviews, gift registries, gift certificates, wish lists, restaurant and movie listings, travel, and photo processing.&
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface..&
Социальная сеть как средство для коммуникации и поиска людей. Международный сервис, созданный р&оссийскими разработчиками.&
Search engine from Microsoft.
China's famouse IM provider.
Suche im gesamten Web, in deutschsprachigen sowie in deutschen Sites. Zus?tzlich kann gezielt n&ach Bildern, Videos und News gesucht werden.&
Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers& unique features and search technology.&
Site de busca que foca seus resultados no Brasil e a nível internacional tanto em português com&o em inglês.&
Version fran?aise du moteur de recherche. Propose des outils et des services pour les internautes.es.&
Русскоязычная версия поискового сервера.
Поиск информации в интернете с учетом русской морфологии, возможность регионального уточнения. &Параллельный поиск по новостям, картинкам, товарам, блогам, адресам организаций.&
A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts and busin&ess partners. Allows registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business.&
Flat monthly fee streaming TV and movies service.
Versione italiana del popolare motore e directory. Utilizza inoltre i dati di ODP.
Buscador que enfoca sus resultados para este país y a nivel internacional tanto en castellano, &catalán, gallego, euskara e inglés.&
Japanese version of popular portal site.
Buscador internacional que da preferencia a resultados mexicanos.
Please contact dice[/at/]pornhub[/dot/]com for any inquiries.
Launched in 2004, Alipay is China's leading third-party online payment solution, providing an e&asy, safe and secure way for millions of individuals and businesses to make and receive payments on the Internet. It had more than 650 million registered accounts by December 2011. On November 11, 2011, Alipay processed a total number of 33.69 million transactions, setting a record of the highest number of transactions facilitated via an online payment platform during a 24-hour period. The preferred online payment tool of Internet merchants in China, Alipay provides an escrow payment service that reduces transaction risk for online consumers. It partners with more than 100 financial institutions to facilitate payments in China and abroad. It provides payment solutions for 460,000 merchants. It also offers an online payment solution to help merchants worldwide sell directly to consumers in China and supports transactions in 12 major foreign currencies. Alipay is an affiliate of Alibaba Group.&
Search engine developed by Microsoft. Features web, image, video, local, news, and product search.ch.&
International person to person auction site, with products sorted into categories.
Platform that allows players to livestream their video game play and viewers can chat in real-t&ime. Also offers recorded broadcasts. Lists channels by game name and viewer counts.&
Streaming high and standard definition movies. Categories include hardcore, 'punish' porn, publ&ic sex, BBW, ethnic and shemale.&
Launched in April 2010, AliExpress () is a global retail marketplace targeted& at consumers worldwide, many of them located in Russia, the United States and Brazil. The platform enables consumers from around the world to buy directly from wholesalers and manufacturers in China and have access to a wide variety of products at wholesale prices. AliExpress is a business within Alibaba Group.&
Imgur is the Internet's visual storytelling community.
Соц?альна мережа, яка дозволя? знайти однокласник?в, випускник?в, однокурсник?в ? просто нових &та старих друз?в, а також в?дновити та п?дтримувати зв’язок з ними.&
Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design template&s, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other features.&
Main site for product information, support, and news.
Online business resource with industry-specific news and analysis, tools and access to relevant& services.&
Showing 50 of 500 results
Want access to the complete list?中国大陆TOP 500网站排行榜(Alexa过滤版)
时间: 1:23:00来源:作者:蓝点(0)
                   中国大陆TOP500网站排行榜(Alexa 过滤版)_互联网_科技时代_新浪网
中国大陆TOP500网站排行榜(Alexa 过滤版)
.cn 日&16:10 互联网实验室
网站流量数据的) CISI 网站排名的第三方研究机构,有责任也有信心把网站打假进行到底,为“
3.15 ”献礼。
发布的数据显示,在 2004 年 1 月全球网站流量前 500 名排行榜的名单上,来自中国大陆的网站共计
98 家,大约占入选网站总数的近五分之一。这本身是一个令人欣喜的数据,说明了中国互联网市场的蓬勃发展。但仔细看前 500 名中入选的 98
其插件直接内嵌于 IE 浏览器中,导致流量统计数字偏高
音乐网,自推出后排名立即达到 1000 名左右,变动异常
(作弊手段: QQ 病毒、网页恶意代码、广告链支持、程序控制浏览用户自动下载安装 Alexa 工具条、疯狂弹出页面加刷新等,详见评论文章《
文学网站, Alexa 统计页面访问量平均达 18.7 页
排名上升迅速, Alexa 统计页面访问量奇高,达 38 页,不可思议
娱乐网站,页面浏览数量低,而排名却在前 200 名内
其排名最近几个月突飞猛进。半年内从 10000 名左右,上升到 100 多名。经过技术分析,原来,慧聪网页加入主动刷新功能,用户打开页面后,每 10 秒左右就刷新一次,显得用户浏览页面数量很大,结果人均页面浏览高达 40 - 50 页之多,几乎可以创造吉尼斯世界记录(一般新浪等门户人均页面访问量为 10 左右)
  1 )利用网页恶意代码病毒自动修改装有 Alexa Toolbar 工具条的浏览用户的 IE ,如默认首页,默认搜索设置等;
  2 )多安装 Alexa Toolbar ,这种手段比较费时费力,一般与下面的手段配合使用
  3 )用装有 Alexa Toolbar 的多台电脑多次、重复、不断地访问、刷新自己的网站或者上传网页内容,这种手段使用较多,效果也好,但也比较费时费力;
  4 )在装有 Alexa Toolbar 的电脑上安装带有黑客性质的软件,自动、多次、重复、不断地访问、刷新自己的网站或者上传网页内容,这种手段比较恶劣,也比较省力,效果也好,但容易导致自己网站系统的安全隐患。
  不管怎样,作弊的网站毕竟是极少数,因此基于 Alexa 数据的 CISI 网站排名仍然具有十分重要的参考价值,只是需要我们对假象进行过滤、分析。互联网实验室积极倡导网站打假,意义也正在于此。
CISI 网站评测指标体系》(详见近期即将推出的《 CISI 网站评测体系》),从产品成熟度、商业模式成熟度、市场需求成熟度三个维度判别,对入选网站
进行了过滤, 推出全新的过滤版 Alexa 网站 TOP 500 中国大陆排行榜( 2004 年 1 月) 名单,如下表:
  3.部分独立网站属同一公司拥有;比如, , 均属搜狐公司所有,仍作为独立网站列名。
  在以上入选 AlexaTOP500 网站的 40 家中国大陆网站中,根据网站的定位和所提供的服务,主要分为以下五类,即:
休闲娱乐类、服务类 、资讯类、综合类和电子商务类。具体组成如下:
&  其中:
&&&&&&   休闲娱乐类网站(包括音乐、游戏、视频等) 6家;
&&&&&&   综合类网站共计 9家;
&&&&&&   资讯类网站为 13家;
&&&&&&   服务类网站(包括宽带服务、参考类、搜索引擎类 等) 10家;
&&&&&& 电子商务类共2家。
  同时,通过观察、对比过滤版网站名单在最近三个月的变化(名单详见附录《 Alexa中国大陆TOP 500网站排行榜(
过滤版) 》 - 03.12、2004.1),如下图所示:入选网站的数量每月均稳步提高,各入选网站的流量均比较稳定,没有明显的流量统计作弊现象。更为重要的是,这些网站本身有比较成熟的产品系列,商业模式比较成熟且具有代表性,市场需求(受众群体定位)也比较清晰,它们在各自领域都具有较大的影响力和代表性,这从侧面也验证了互联网实验室的
《 CISI 网站评测指标体系》中选择成分网站的标准。
中国大陆 TOP 500网站排行榜(Alexa 过滤版) - 2004年1月 - 共计 40 家
合计 15 家
中国大陆 TOP 500网站排行榜(Alexa 过滤版) - 2003年12月 -共计35家
合计 16 家
中国大陆 TOP 500网站排行榜(Alexa 过滤版) - 2003年11月 -共计32家
joyo.net pchome.net
合计 13 家
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Copyright & 1996 - 2004 SINA Inc. All Rights Reserved 新浪网Alexa Top 500 Global Sites
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The top 500 sites on the web
The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month Alexa traffic rank.The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past
month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1
Showing 50 of 500 results
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Daily Time on Site
Daily Time on SiteEstimated daily time on site (mm:ss) per visitor to the site. Updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Pageviews per VisitorEstimated daily unique pageviews per visitor on the site. Updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.
% of Traffic From Search
% of Traffic From SearchThe percentage of all referrals that came from Search engines over the trailing month. Updated daily.
Total Sites Linking In
Total Sites Linking InThe total number of sites that Alexa found that link to this site. For more information please see
of how Alexa determines the number of sites linking in.
Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers& unique features and search technology.&
User-submitted videos with rating, comments, and contests.
A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and &videos.&
The leading Chinese language search engine, provides &simple and reliable& search exp&erience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.&
A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software. (Creative Commons Attribution-Sh&areAlike License).&
Indian version of this popular search engine. Search the whole web or only webpages from India.& Interfaces offered in English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil.&
China's largest and most used Internet service portal owned by Tencent, Inc founded in Nov&ember, 1998. Presently, Tencent is aiming its operations at the strategic goal of providing users with a &one-stop online life service&. Tencent's Internet platforms QQ, QQ.com, QQ Games,
have brought together China's largest Internet community. Tencent's communications and information-sharing services , QQ Instant Messenger, QQ Mail, and search engine SOSO. Linked up with heavily used features such as forums, chat rooms, and QQ Groups, Tencent's Qzone has grown into China's largest personal Internet space. These services foster group interaction and resource sharing. Virtual products such as QQ Show, QQ Pet, QQ Game, and QQ Music/Radio/Live have been successful in providing entertainment and customization options to users. Mobile phone users can take advantage of a number of value-added wireless services. Tencent' is a C2C on-line shopping platform that seamlessly integrates into Tencent's other community platforms.As of June 30th, 2009, the number of registered QQ Instant Messenger users has reached 990.0 million. Active users numbered at 448.0 million. Peak concurrent users have reached 61.30 million. QQ Games platform counted about 6.2 million users simultaneously on-line. QQ.com has become China's most visited Internet portal website.
has also become China's second largest Internet shopping platform.&
Launched in May 2003, Taobao Marketplace () is the online shopping destination of& choice for Chinese consumers looking for wide selection, value and convenience. Shoppers choose from a wide range of products and services on Taobao Marketplace, which features hundreds of millions of product and service listings. Taobao Marketplace was China's largest online shopping destination in terms of gross merchandise volume in 2013, according to iResearch. Taobao Marketplace is a business within Alibaba Group.&
Launched in April 2008,
() is dedicated to providing a premium shopping &experience for increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumers in search of top-quality branded merchandise. A large number of international and Chinese brands and retailers have established storefronts . According to iResearch,
was the largest brands and retail platform in China in terms of gross merchandise volume in 2013.
is a business within Alibaba Group.&
seeks to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and disc&over anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. Site has numerous personalization features and services including one-click buying, extensive customer and editorial product reviews, gift registries, gift certificates, wish lists, restaurant and movie listings, travel, and photo processing.&
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface..&
Социальная сеть как средство для коммуникации и поиска людей. Международный сервис, созданный р&оссийскими разработчиками.&
Search engine from Microsoft.
China's famouse IM provider.
Suche im gesamten Web, in deutschsprachigen sowie in deutschen Sites. Zus?tzlich kann gezielt n&ach Bildern, Videos und News gesucht werden.&
Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers& unique features and search technology.&
Site de busca que foca seus resultados no Brasil e a nível internacional tanto em português com&o em inglês.&
Version fran?aise du moteur de recherche. Propose des outils et des services pour les internautes.es.&
Русскоязычная версия поискового сервера.
Поиск информации в интернете с учетом русской морфологии, возможность регионального уточнения. &Параллельный поиск по новостям, картинкам, товарам, блогам, адресам организаций.&
A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts and busin&ess partners. Allows registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business.&
Flat monthly fee streaming TV and movies service.
Versione italiana del popolare motore e directory. Utilizza inoltre i dati di ODP.
Buscador que enfoca sus resultados para este país y a nivel internacional tanto en castellano, &catalán, gallego, euskara e inglés.&
Japanese version of popular portal site.
Buscador internacional que da preferencia a resultados mexicanos.
Please contact dice[/at/]pornhub[/dot/]com for any inquiries.
Launched in 2004, Alipay is China's leading third-party online payment solution, providing an e&asy, safe and secure way for millions of individuals and businesses to make and receive payments on the Internet. It had more than 650 million registered accounts by December 2011. On November 11, 2011, Alipay processed a total number of 33.69 million transactions, setting a record of the highest number of transactions facilitated via an online payment platform during a 24-hour period. The preferred online payment tool of Internet merchants in China, Alipay provides an escrow payment service that reduces transaction risk for online consumers. It partners with more than 100 financial institutions to facilitate payments in China and abroad. It provides payment solutions for 460,000 merchants. It also offers an online payment solution to help merchants worldwide sell directly to consumers in China and supports transactions in 12 major foreign currencies. Alipay is an affiliate of Alibaba Group.&
Search engine developed by Microsoft. Features web, image, video, local, news, and product search.ch.&
International person to person auction site, with products sorted into categories.
Platform that allows players to livestream their video game play and viewers can chat in real-t&ime. Also offers recorded broadcasts. Lists channels by game name and viewer counts.&
Streaming high and standard definition movies. Categories include hardcore, 'punish' porn, publ&ic sex, BBW, ethnic and shemale.&
Launched in April 2010, AliExpress () is a global retail marketplace targeted& at consumers worldwide, many of them located in Russia, the United States and Brazil. The platform enables consumers from around the world to buy directly from wholesalers and manufacturers in China and have access to a wide variety of products at wholesale prices. AliExpress is a business within Alibaba Group.&
Imgur is the Internet's visual storytelling community.
Соц?альна мережа, яка дозволя? знайти однокласник?в, випускник?в, однокурсник?в ? просто нових &та старих друз?в, а також в?дновити та п?дтримувати зв’язок з ними.&
Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design template&s, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other features.&
Main site for product information, support, and news.
Online business resource with industry-specific news and analysis, tools and access to relevant& services.&
Showing 50 of 500 results
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