苹果6sxace plus 2.x上的F ace丅ime是什么意思

Sony Xperia Z3 review | TechRadar
Our Verdict
An improvement over the Z2, but not a huge one. It does pack a great, bright screen but needs to be better packaged to fight the best on the market.
Brilliant battery
PS4 Remote Play is brilliant
Premium build
Bugs in the operating system
4K still doesn't work properly
The Sony Xperia Z3 isn't a phone that you'd have thought would make a lot of sense. After all, the
was a nifty little handset and yet it's now been replaced barely six months later.The new phone, from the outside at least, doesn't seem to add much more into the mix, merely improving things a little more and tweaking elements that were already pretty good. So has Sony really done enough?The Xperia Z3, which lands alongside a new tablet and mini phone to complete the family (the
and the ), is a really good phone that does it all, on paper at least.Sony told me that the reason these flagships are coming thick and fast is simply because it wants to start making waves in the high-end smartphone market, and the way to do that is always offer the best innovation.That's perhaps true, and perhaps customers won't get too confused by seeing a new phone on the shelves and advertised all the time, but there's no doubt it kills the lustre that might have been built by users having to wait a year to get the best of Sony in a smartphone.It needs to work as well - while Sony does OK in some markets (it's still got a lot of fans in the UK, for example) the profits are dipping in the smartphone business, and something needs to be done to arrest the slide.So is the Xperia Z3 that phone? It does come in attractive colours (white, black, copper gold and 'silver green') and has a shrunken frame, improved camera and that all important Sony
Remote Play compatibility.Black, white, a silvery-green and copper are your choicesThose things alone would be good enough for most, and the IP68 rating (which might not really change the way 99% of people use their phone) is at least a good 'peace of mind' marketing tool.Sony has now introduced the sequel to the Xperia Z3 as well, the Xperia Z3+. Sony has skipped the Xperia Z4 name for this iteration and once again it's fustratingly only an incremental update.A new processor set up, a slightly different body shape, new colours and a slightly trimmed battery pack make up the new changes. We've had a little hands-on time with the new phone but we're currently unsure whether it is enough to blow the Xperia Z3 out of the water.We'll know better when we manage to get our full review under way but for now check out our
But for now, here's the Xperia Z3.DesignThe design of the
is something that surprised me from the word go - I didn't expect to be as impressed as I am.This is a phone that has dimensions of 146 x 72 x 7.3 mm, which compared to the
(146.8 x 73.3 x 8.2 mm) doesn't seem all that different.But the slightly shrunken nature of the chassis is very nice indeed (especially the millimetre thickness shaved off the phone), and something that I really want to laud the brand for.The ergonomics still don't quite impress - this is, after all, a slab of light-feeling glass encased in a metal band, and the flat edges make it slightly harder to hold and grip (and easier to drop, as I did a couple of times).But in terms of aesthetics, it somehow impresses me every time I look at it. Yes, the bezels above and below the display aren't anything to get excited about (they're just too large to look nice, but presumably pack some important components) but the overall package looks premium.OK to hold, easy to dropThe copper colour I had on test is also something I didn't expect to like - after all, this is really a brown phone - but it again seems to exude a quality that belies the slightly lower price tag.On top of that, the edges have been rounded to make holding the phone an altogether more pleasant experience. I wasn't expecting to feel much difference between this and the Z2 given the similarity in dimensions, so this was a nice surprise.Why the dock connector?The rest of the phone is largely as expected: the Omnibalance key at the side is pretty easy to strike, and although the volume key is positioned just below and theoretically too close, the larger size of the phone makes it easy enough to differentiate in the hand.I do hate that Sony keeps putting a dock connector on the left-hand side of the device - this confuses in the hand, feeling a bit like the volume key, and I can't see that it's something many people would actually use given the smaller sales of such aftermarket accessories.Then there are the port covers. We clearly need these to make sure the phone is fully waterproof of course, but the problem here is that they ever so slightly stick out, even when pressed in as hard as possible.The main culprit is the cover for the microSD and SIM card (which is now a nano option, showing Sony is starting to fall in line with the rest of the industry) which just protrudes slightly and therefore ruins the sleek, premium air the Sony Xperia Z3 has.The port covers just don't stay flushThe other change to the design is the nylon covers in the corners of the phone - apparently these are cleverly added to stop the phone looking so damaged. According to Sony, most phones land on these corners when dropped, so putting the covers on helps stop the tarnished metal.Except, well, it doesn't. The corners on my review device are fine, but even before dropping the phone later in the test, there were already two small nicks in the metal band in just over a week.This is the same thing we saw with the , and anyone that's owned one of those and kept it out of a case will see the scratched up monstrosities that some people are walking around with.I don't think the Xperia Z3 will suffer to quite that degree, but it's interesting to see the effect happening so quickly.The front facing speakers are worth a mention here too. Not only do they help to justify the oversized bezels, they also provide some pretty good and rich sound.Great front facing speakersWhile not in the same league as the , the smaller and more discreet design will appeal to those that want good quality audio without the compromise in aesthetics.And Sony, of course, continues with the dedicated camera button. I mention it last as its presence is always something to be celebrated: an easier way to fire up one of the most-used applications on the phone and a more stable method of snapping away.Thank you Sony, long may the camera key continue.Some of you may be wondering if it's now worth waiting for the
and if the rumours turn out to be true, it will be.According to various sources the design will be of the same language as previous Sony Xperia products but this time around it's going to have much thinner top and bottom bezels with the iconic square corners rounded off.None of the rumours are anywhere near confirmed yet but it's worth bearing in mind the Xperia Z4 may be a drastically different looking smartphone when considering what Sony offering you want to pick.◇关注京东
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小冰xt 把此帖设为精华,作者+50经验:
之前发布了一个的购买经验的帖子(原帖地址:),直接被管理员加为精华,并且置顶了,自信心各种膨胀加飘飘然啊 浏览量上万,为了答谢大家对我的支持,我决定把我购买iPhone5,以及研究了解iPhone5的一些心得相继发布出来,今天我就来和大家讲一讲苹果的IMEI号,首先先和大家讲一讲苹果IMEI的重要性:
&2.iPhone 的保修是需要您提供IMEI号的
IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity)是国际移动设备身份码的缩写,是由15位数字组成的”电子串号”,具有唯一性,是该在厂家的“档案”和“身份证号”,这个是百度说法。在我的理解看来IMEI码就是手机的身份证。
是不是因为我的iPhone 5没有激活呢?所以不能在官网查询到信息呢?
对 第9楼 nuannuan00000 说:=========================IMEI不能锁定手机,苹果根本就没这服务
  在手机待机状态下,输入“*#06#”,屏幕上会显示一组15位数字(有时会有17位数字,所不同的就是最后两位数字是手机软件的版本号,前面巧数字的含义是一致的)。这组数字就是手机的序列号,也称为IMEI号。IMEI是英文International Mobile EquipmentIdentity(国际移动设备标识码)的缩写。每一部手机都有一个唯一的标识码。如果手机用户打开手机,取出电池,也能在电池下的面板上找到这个标识号码。手机用户可以将这个号码记录在一个安全的地方,一旦手机丢失,用户可以立刻通知自己的服务商,中断对这个号码所属设备提供服务,则这部丢失手机便被报废。
  原文地址:/sjzs/38.html 转载请注明本文地址 谢谢!
imei:01 195 7


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