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关注微信公众号> 告别四大误区 谈缓存对CPU的性能影响
告别四大误区 谈缓存对CPU的性能影响CNET中国·ZOL
  要想发挥出优异的性能,除了与核心架构有关之外,缓存的作用也是功不可没。那什么是的缓存呢?其实很好解释,缓存(Cache Memoney)就是位于CPU与之间的临时存储器,它的容量比内存小但数据交换速率却快很多。
  在高速运转的处理器缓存世界中,事实上还有很多不为大众所了解的“内幕”,今天笔者将围绕很多玩家还存在的四种认识误区展开,感兴趣的玩家一定不要错过哦。 缓存认识上的一些误区
【图】拥有的 65nm四核心Kentsfield处理器
  事实上最早先的CPU缓存确实是个整体,而且容量也很低。英特尔公司从Pentium时代开始后就把缓存进行了分类,当时集成在CPU内核中的缓存已不足以满足CPU的需求,而制造工艺上的限制又不能大幅度提高缓存的容量。因此出现了集成在与CPU同一块电路板上或上的缓存,此时就把CPU内核集成的缓存称为一级缓存,而外部的称为二级缓存;后来随着生产技术的不断提高,最终二级缓存也被挪进了处理器当中。通常一级缓存中还分数据缓存(Data Cache,D-Cache)和指令缓存(Instruction Cache,I-Cache)。二者分别用来存放数据和执行这些数据的指令,而且两者可以同时被CPU访问,减少了争用Cache所造成的冲突,提高了处理器效能。英特尔公司在推出Pentium 4处理器时,还新增了一种一级追踪缓存,容量为12KB。
  用于存储数据的缓存部分通常被称为RAM,掉电以后其中的信息就会消失。RAM又分两种,其中一种是静态RAM(SRAM);另外一种是动态RAM(DRAM)。前者的存储速度要比后者快得多,我们现在使用的内存一般都是动态RAM。处理器的L1级缓存通常都是静态RAM,速度非常的快,但是静态RAM集成度低(存储相同的数据,静态RAM的体积是动态RAM的6倍),而且也相对较为昂贵(同容量的静态RAM是动态RAM的四倍)。扩大静态RAM作为缓存是一个不太合算的做法,但是为了提高系统的性能和速度又必须要扩大缓存,这就有了一个折中的方法:在不扩大原来的静态RAM缓存容量的情况下,仅仅增加一些高速动态RAM做为L2级缓存。高速动态RAM速度要比常规动态RAM快,但比原来的静态RAM缓存慢,而且成本也较为适中。一级缓存和二级缓存中的内容都是内存中访问频率高的数据的复制品(映射),它们的存在都是为了减少高速CPU对慢速内存的访问。 缓存认识上的一些误区
【图】拥有144MB缓存的八路IBM POWER5处理器
·就不换新平台 Intel上代处理器产品推荐
&&·双核光处理器原型诞生:快Intel 50倍
&&·谁说A核不如蓝 市售AMD处理器大盘点
&&·享受战争艺术 畅玩使命召唤处理器推荐
&&·中端游戏平台首选 千元级处理器推荐
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右键点击“我的电脑-属性”--“硬件”--“设备管理器”,在其中展开“IDE ATA/PATA控制器”然后分别右击“主要”和“次要”IDE通道--“高级设置”--将“设备类型”设置为“无”,将“传送模式”设为“DMA(若可用”。
"我的电脑"--"属性"--"高级"--"启动和故障修复"--“设置”,在“系统失败区中,去掉"将事件写入系统日志","发送管理警报","自动重新启动"前边的勾;将"写入调试信息"设置为"无";点击"编辑",在弹出记事本文件中:[Operating Systems] timeout=30 把 30 秒改为 0 秒。
台式机默认状态下,CPU已经是最大的效能了,大多都以最高的频率运行,部分主板会根据不同的情况自动调节。使用cpufreq-bench评估cpufreq策略对系统性能的影响 - CSDN博客
Linux 3.1已经将cpupower-utils中放入内核的tools目录,见:
# /usr/sbin/cpufreq-bench -l 50000 -s 100000 -x 50000 -y 100000 -g ondemand -r 5 -n 5 -v
loading defaults
parsing: sleep -& 50000
parsing: load -& 50000
parsing: cpu -& 0
parsing: priority -& LOW
parsing: output -& /var/log/cpufreq-bench
logilename: /var/log/cpufreq-bench/benchmark_localhost_2.6.38.8-xxx_1686167.log
Logfile: /var/log/cpufreq-bench/benchmark_localhost_2.6.38.8-xxx_1686167.log
parsing: sleep_step -& 50000
parsing: load_step -& 50000
parsing: cycles -& 20
parsing: rounds -& 40
parsing: verbose -& 0
parsing: governor -& ondemand
user load time -& 50000
user sleep time -& 100000
user load_step -& 50000
user sleep_step -& 100000
user governor -& ondemand
user rounds -& 5
user cycles -& 5
verbose output enabled
starting benchmark with parameters:
&&&&&&& sleep=100000
&&&&&&& load=50000
&&&&&&& sleep_step=100000
&&&&&&& load_step=50000
&&&&&&& cpu=0
&&&&&&& cycles=5
&&&&&&& rounds=5
&&&&&&& governor=ondemand
approx. test duration: 0m
set cpu affinity to cpu #0
set affinity to cpu #0
low priority condition requested
set scheduler priority to 0
set performance as cpufreq governor
calibrating load of 50000us, please wait...
calibrating with 6 rounds
calibrating with 6 rounds
calibrating with 6 rounds
calibrating with 6 rounds
calibration done
_round 1: doing 5 cycles with 6 calculations for 50000us
avarage: 8333us, rps:120
performance cycle took 147613us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycle took 211700us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycle took 147747us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycle took 147537us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycle took 147482us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
set ondemand as cpufreq governor
powersave cycle took 149627us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took 243281us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took 288620us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took 288554us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took 290043us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance is at 39.74%
set performance as cpufreq governor
calibrating load of 100000us, please wait...
calibrating with 12 rounds
calibrating with 12 rounds
calibrating with 12 rounds
calibrating with 12 rounds
calibration done
_round 2: doing 5 cycles with 12 calculations for 100000us
avarage: 8333us, rps:120
performance cycle took 296126us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycle took 296454us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycle took 296068us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycle took 296026us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycle took 295887us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
set ondemand as cpufreq governor
powersave cycle took 479989us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took 464829us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took 389619us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took 514207us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took 473326us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance is at 36.35%
set performance as cpufreq governor
calibrating load of 150000us, please wait...
calibrating with 18 rounds
calibrating with 18 rounds
calibrating with 18 rounds
calibrating with 18 rounds
calibration done
_round 3: doing 5 cycles with 18 calculations for 150000us
avarage: 8333us, rps:120
performance cycle took 445176us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycle took 445219us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycle took 444955us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycle took 445073us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycle took 445084us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
set ondemand as cpufreq governor
powersave cycle took 563155us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took 598616us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took 614820us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took 618511us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took 619225us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance is at 47.91%
set performance as cpufreq governor
calibrating load of 200000us, please wait...
calibrating with 24 rounds
calibrating with 25 rounds
calibrating with 25 rounds
calibrating with 25 rounds
calibration done
_round 4: doing 5 cycles with 25 calculations for 200000us
avarage: 8000us, rps:125
performance cycle took 602496us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycle took 602759us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycle took 602782us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycle took 602688us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycle took 602433us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
set ondemand as cpufreq governor
powersave cycle took 756766us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took 774079us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took 778619us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took 779616us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took 779655us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance is at 54.22%
set performance as cpufreq governor
calibrating load of 250000us, please wait...
calibrating with 30 rounds
calibrating with 31 rounds
calibrating with 31 rounds
calibrating with 31 rounds
calibration done
_round 5: doing 5 cycles with 31 calculations for 250000us
avarage: 8064us, rps:124
performance cycle took 752761us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycle took 751929us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycle took 752054us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycle took 751597us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycle took 751791us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
set ondemand as cpufreq governor
powersave cycle took 958276us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took 928743us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took 921301us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took 920670us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took 920122us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance is at 58.64%
Round 1 - 39.74%
Round 2 - 36.35%
Round 3 - 47.91%
Round 4 - 54.22%
Round 5 - 58.64%
cpufreq-bench results with optimization on OMAP:
Round 1 - 90.24%
Round 2 - 94.48%
Round 3 - 96.06%
Round 4 - 96.6%
Round 5 - 86.89%
cpufreq-bench results on X86 platform:
Round 1 - 88.67%
Round 2 - 94.71%
Round 3 - 95.53%
Round 4 - 96.34%
Round 5 - 98.03%
#/usr/sbin/cpufreq-bench -l 50000 -s 100000 -x 50000 -y 100000 -g interactive -
r 5 -n 5 -v
loading defaults
parsing: sleep -&50000
parsing: load -&50000
parsing: cpu -& 0
parsing: priority-& LOW
parsing: output -&/var/log/cpufreq-bench
parsing: sleep_step-& 50000
parsing: load_step-& 50000
parsing: cycles -&20
parsing: rounds -&40
parsing: verbose-& 0
parsing: governor-& ondemand
user load time -&50000
user sleep time -&100000
user load_step -&50000
user sleep_step -&100000
user governor -&interactive
user rounds -& 5
user cycles -& 5
verbose outputenabled
starting benchmarkwith parameters:
&&&&&&& sleep=100000
&&&&&&& load=50000
&&&&&&& sleep_step=100000
&&&&&&& load_step=50000
&&&&&&& cpu=0
&&&&&&& cycles=5
&&&& &&&rounds=5
&&&&&&& governor=interactive
approx. testduration: 0m
set cpu affinity tocpu #0
set affinity to cpu#0
low prioritycondition requested
set schedulerpriority to 0
set performance ascpufreq governor
calibrating load of50000us, please wait...
calibrating with 6rounds
calibrating with 6rounds
calibrating with 6rounds
calibrating with 6rounds
calibration done
_round 1: doing 5cycles with 6 calculations for 50000us
avarage: 8333us,rps:120
performance cycletook 147635us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycletook 147506us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycletook 147590us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycletook 147755us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance cycletook 147563us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
set interactive ascpufreq governor
powersave cycle took166866us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took164004us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took165926us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took163750us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
powersave cycle took165789us, sleep: 100000us, load: 50000us, rounds: 6
performance is at 72.95%
set performance ascpufreq governor
calibrating load of100000us, please wait...
calibrating with 12rounds
calibrating with 12rounds
calibrating with 12rounds
calibrating with 12rounds
calibration done
_round 2: doing 5cycles with 12 calculations for 100000us
avarage: 8333us,rps:120
performance cycletook 296382us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycletook 296349us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycletook 296266us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycletook 296152us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance cycletook 295848us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
set interactive ascpufreq governor
powersave cycle took314330us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took308119us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took309546us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took309942us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
powersave cycle took309673us, sleep: 200000us, load: 100000us, rounds: 12
performance is at 87.20%
set performance ascpufreq governor
calibrating load of150000us, please wait...
calibrating with 18rounds
calibrating with 18rounds
calibrating with 18rounds
calibrating with 18rounds
calibration done
_round 3: doing 5cycles with 18 calculations for 150000us
avarage: 8333us,rps:120
performance cycletook 445460us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycletook 445368us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycletook 445724us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycletook 445194us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance cycletook 445266us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
set interactive ascpufreq governor
powersave cycle took457701us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took462000us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took457623us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took461664us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
powersave cycle took458122us, sleep: 300000us, load: 150000us, rounds: 18
performance is at 91.21%
set performance ascpufreq governor
calibrating load of200000us, please wait...
calibrating with 24rounds
calibrating with 25rounds
calibrating with 25rounds
calibrating with 25rounds
calibration done
_round 4: doing 5cycles with 25 calculations for 200000us
avarage: 8000us,rps:125
performance cycletook 602273us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycletook 602022us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycletook 602541us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycletook 602642us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance cycletook 603079us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
set interactive ascpufreq governor
powersave cycle took616433us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took613765us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took616331us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took614218us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
powersave cycle took615348us, sleep: 400000us, load: 200000us, rounds: 25
performance is at 94.10%
set performance ascpufreq governor
calibrating load of250000us, please wait...
calibrating with 30rounds
calibrating with 31rounds
calibrating with 31rounds
calibrating with 31rounds
calibration done
_round 5: doing 5cycles with 31 calculations for 250000us
avarage: 8064us,rps:124
performance cycletook 752050us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycletook 751701us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycletook 751966us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycletook 752029us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance cycletook 752338us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
set interactive ascpufreq governor
powersave cycle took768047us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took763706us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took766064us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took763898us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
powersave cycle took765694us, sleep: 500000us, load: 250000us, rounds: 31
performance is at 94.93%
Round 1 - <span style="color:#FF%
Round 2 - <span style="color:#FF%
Round 3 - <span style="color:#FF%
Round 4 - <span style="color:#FF%
Round 5 - <span style="color:#FF%
目前市场上的主流 CPU都提供了对变频(frequency scaling)技术的支持,如Intel的 Enhanced ...


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