
HtmlEmail方式STMP邮件发送为何用java客户端可以,用web方式调用就不行了呢? - aflyer - ITeye技术网站
package com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.
import java.io.F
import java.io.StringW
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.HashM
import java.util.L
import java.util.L
import java.util.M
import javax.mail.internet.InternetA
import mons.mail.DefaultA
import mons.mail.EmailE
import mons.mail.HtmlE
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationC
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationC
import freemarker.template.C
import freemarker.template.T
public class TemplateMail{
private org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
private static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8";
private Configuration tempConfiguration = new Configuration();
private HtmlEmail htmlE
private String smtpA
private String smtpU
private String smtpP
private String smtpS
private String smtpP
private String senderE
public void init() {
this.htmlEmail = new HtmlEmail();
if (this.getSmtpAuth().equals("1")) {
DefaultAuthenticator defaultAuthenticator = new DefaultAuthenticator(
this.getSmtpUser(), this.getSmtpPasswd());
this.getHtmlEmail().setSmtpPort(new Integer(this.getSmtpPort()).intValue());
this.getHtmlEmail().setTextMsg("Your email client does not support HTML messages");
File file = new File(this.getFtlpath());
this.getTempConfiguration().setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(this.getFtlpath()));
} catch (EmailException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void sendMailFromTemplate(String to, String subject, String ftlName,
Map root, Locale locale) {
Template temp = this.getTempConfiguration().getTemplate(ftlName);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
temp.process(root, sw);
List list=new ArrayList();
list.add(new InternetAddress(to));
} catch (Exception e) {
public String getSmtpAuth() {
return smtpA
public void setSmtpAuth(String smtpAuth) {
this.smtpAuth = smtpA
public String getSmtpPasswd() {
return smtpP
public void setSmtpPasswd(String smtpPasswd) {
this.smtpPasswd = smtpP
public String getSmtpPort() {
return smtpP
public void setSmtpPort(String smtpPort) {
this.smtpPort = smtpP
public String getSmtpServer() {
return smtpS
public void setSmtpServer(String smtpServer) {
this.smtpServer = smtpS
public String getSmtpUser() {
return smtpU
public void setSmtpUser(String smtpUser) {
this.smtpUser = smtpU
public HtmlEmail getHtmlEmail() {
return htmlE
public void setHtmlEmail(HtmlEmail htmlEmail) {
this.htmlEmail = htmlE
public Configuration getTempConfiguration() {
return tempC
public void setTempConfiguration(Configuration tempConfiguration) {
this.tempConfiguration = tempC
public String getSenderEmail() {
return senderE
public void setSenderEmail(String senderEmail) {
this.senderEmail = senderE
public String getFtlpath() {
public void setFtlpath(String ftlpath) {
this.ftlpath =
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
TemplateMail service = (TemplateMail) context
Map root = new HashMap();
root.put("website", "website");
root.put("title", "website");
root.put("detail", "website");
root.put("url", "website");
service.sendMailFromTemplate("", "subject", "mailSend.ftl", root, new Locale("zh", "CN"));
14:52:55,953 [com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.SendMailTi
merTask]-[ERROR] sendmail start .....
Hibernate: select oploggerad0_.ID as ID18_, oploggerad0_.MESSAGE as MESSAGE18_,
oploggerad0_.USERID as USERID18_, oploggerad0_.TYPE as TYPE18_, oploggerad0_.DBT
YPE as DBTYPE18_, oploggerad0_.REMOTEADDR as REMOTEADDR18_, oploggerad0_.ISLOOK
as ISLOOK18_, oploggerad0_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME18_, oploggerad0_.DELFLAG as
DELFLAG18_ from RSC.OPLOGGER_ADVICE oploggerad0_ where (delflag='0' ) order by
Hibernate: select userinfo0_.ID as ID6_3_, userinfo0_.LOGINID as LOGINID6_3_, us
erinfo0_.PASSWORD as PASSWORD6_3_, userinfo0_.NAME as NAME6_3_, userinfo0_.RIGHT
ID as RIGHTID6_3_, userinfo0_.DEPARTID as DEPARTID6_3_, userinfo0_.SYSTEMTIME as
SYSTEMTIME6_3_, userinfo0_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG6_3_, userright1_.ID as ID10_0_, u
serright1_.NAME as NAME10_0_, userright1_.ALIAS as ALIAS10_0_, userright1_.COMM
as COMM10_0_, userright1_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME10_0_, userright1_.DELFLAG as
DELFLAG10_0_, departinfo2_.ID as ID0_1_, departinfo2_.NAME as NAME0_1_, departin
fo2_.URL as URL0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATIONSUMMARY1 as RELATION4_0_1_, departinfo
2_.RELATIONMAN1 as RELATION5_0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATIONTEL1 as RELATION6_0_1_,
departinfo2_.RELATIONEMAIL1 as RELATION7_0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATIONSUMMARY2 as
RELATION8_0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATIONMAN2 as RELATION9_0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATI
ONTEL2 as RELATIO10_0_1_, departinfo2_.RELATIONEMAIL2 as RELATIO11_0_1_, departi
nfo2_.ORGANTYPEID as ORGANTY12_0_1_, departinfo2_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME0_1_,
departinfo2_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG0_1_, organtype3_.ID as ID11_2_, organtype3_.NAME
as NAME11_2_, organtype3_.ALIAS as ALIAS11_2_, organtype3_.COMM as COMM11_2_, o
rgantype3_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME11_2_, organtype3_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG11_2_ fr
om RSC.USERINFO userinfo0_ left outer join RSC.USER_RIGHT userright1_ on userinf
o0_.RIGHTID=userright1_.ID left outer join RSC.DEPARTINFO departinfo2_ on userin
fo0_.DEPARTID=departinfo2_.ID left outer join RSC.ORGANTYPE organtype3_ on depar
tinfo2_.ORGANTYPEID=organtype3_.ID where userinfo0_.ID=?
Hibernate: select oploggerty0_.ID as ID19_0_, oploggerty0_.NAME as NAME19_0_, op
loggerty0_.ALIAS as ALIAS19_0_, oploggerty0_.COMM as COMM19_0_, oploggerty0_.SYS
TEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME19_0_, oploggerty0_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG19_0_ from RSC.OPLOGG
ER_TYPE oploggerty0_ where oploggerty0_.ID=?
Hibernate: select oploggerdb0_.ID as ID20_0_, oploggerdb0_.NAME as NAME20_0_, op
loggerdb0_.ALIAS as ALIAS20_0_, oploggerdb0_.COMM as COMM20_0_, oploggerdb0_.SYS
TEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME20_0_, oploggerdb0_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG20_0_ from RSC.OPLOGG
ER_DBTYPE oploggerdb0_ where oploggerdb0_.ID=?
Hibernate: select departloca0_.ID as ID17_, departloca0_.NAME as NAME17_, depart
loca0_.ORGANTYPEID as ORGANTYP3_17_, departloca0_.URL as URL17_, departloca0_.SY
CALHOST departloca0_ where (delflag='0' )
Hibernate: select departinfo0_.ID as ID0_1_, departinfo0_.NAME as NAME0_1_, depa
rtinfo0_.URL as URL0_1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONSUMMARY1 as RELATION4_0_1_, depart
info0_.RELATIONMAN1 as RELATION5_0_1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONTEL1 as RELATION6_0_
1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONEMAIL1 as RELATION7_0_1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONSUMMARY2
as RELATION8_0_1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONMAN2 as RELATION9_0_1_, departinfo0_.RE
LATIONTEL2 as RELATIO10_0_1_, departinfo0_.RELATIONEMAIL2 as RELATIO11_0_1_, dep
artinfo0_.ORGANTYPEID as ORGANTY12_0_1_, departinfo0_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME0_
1_, departinfo0_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG0_1_, organtype1_.ID as ID11_0_, organtype1_.
NAME as NAME11_0_, organtype1_.ALIAS as ALIAS11_0_, organtype1_.COMM as COMM11_0
_, organtype1_.SYSTEMTIME as SYSTEMTIME11_0_, organtype1_.DELFLAG as DELFLAG11_0
_ from RSC.DEPARTINFO departinfo0_ left outer join RSC.ORGANTYPE organtype1_ on
departinfo0_.ORGANTYPEID=organtype1_.ID where departinfo0_.ID=?
14:52:56,218 [com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.TemplateMa
il]-[ERROR] mons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the fol
lowing server failed : :25
mons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following serve
r failed : :25
at mons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(Email.java:873)
at mons.mail.Email.send(Email.java:898)
at com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.TemplateMail.sendMailFro
at com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.SendMailTimerTask.run(Se
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:432)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:382)
Caused by: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp
at javax.mail.Session.getService(Session.java:611)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:541)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:484)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:464)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:519)
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(Transport.java:155)
at javax.mail.Transport.send(Transport.java:81)
at mons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(Email.java:863)
... 5 more
14:52:56,296 [com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.TemplateMa
il]-[ERROR] mons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the fol
lowing server failed : :25
mons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following serve
r failed : :25
at mons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(Email.java:873)
at mons.mail.Email.send(Email.java:898)
at com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.TemplateMail.sendMailFro
at com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.SendMailTimerTask.run(Se
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:432)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:382)
Caused by: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp
at javax.mail.Session.getService(Session.java:611)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:541)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:484)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:464)
at javax.mail.Session.getTransport(Session.java:519)
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(Transport.java:155)
at javax.mail.Transport.send(Transport.java:81)
at mons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(Email.java:863)
... 5 more
14:52:56,296 [com.sclh.rsp.registercenter.service.sendmail.SendMailTi
merTask]-[ERROR] sendmail end .....
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太有才了,我都没看明白你说的是什么Send Mail Task
SQL Server , 12,
SQL Server , 12,
The Send Mail Task Plus is an SSIS Control Flow task for sending e-mail. The task can also S/MIME sign and encrypt e-mails.
Use the General page of the Send Mail Task Editor dialog to configure the parameters desired for sending e-mails.
Specify the task name.
Specify the task description.
Indicate whether or not the task creates new mail. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The task creates new mail. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameters From, IsSubjectVariable, Subject, SubjectVariable, ToSource, ToDirect, ToFile, ToVariable, CcSource, CcDirect, CcFile, CcVariable, BccSource, BccDirect, BccFile, BccVariable, HeadersSource, HeadersDirect, HeadersFile, HeadersVariable, BodyTextSource, BodyTextDirect, BodyTextFile, BodyTextVariable, BodyHtmlSource, BodyHtmlDirect, BodyHtmlFile, BodyHtmlVariable, Priority, IsAttachmentVariable, Attachment, AttachmentVariable.
The task loads existing mail. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameters IsSourceVariable, Source, SourceVariable.
Specify the mail sender’s e-mail address.
Indicate whether or not the e-mail’s subject line is stored in a variable. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The e-mail’s subject line is stored in a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter SubjectVariable.
The e-mail’s subject line is specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter Subject.
Specify the e-mail’s subject line.
Specify the variable in which the e-mail’s subject line is stored. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the source of the e-mail’s recipients. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
The e-mail recipients are specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter ToDirect.
File connection
The e-mail’s recipients are loaded from a file. Each e-mail recipient can be on a separate line. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter ToFile.
The e-mail’s recipients are loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter ToVariable.
Specify the e-mail’s recipients. Each e-mail recipient is separated with a semicolon (;).
Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the source of the copied (CC’d) e-mail recipients. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
Copied (CC’d) e-mail recipients are specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter CcDirect.
File connection
Copied (CC’d) e-mail recipients are loaded from a file. Each copied e-mail recipient can be on a separate line. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter CcFile.
Copied (CC’d) e-mail recipients are loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter CcVariable.
Specify the e-mail recipients to be copied (CC’d). Separate each recipient with a semicolon (;).
Specify the file from which to load the recipients to be copied (CC’d) on the e-mail. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable from which to load the recipients to be copied (CC’d) on the e-mail. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the source for the e-mail recipients to be blind copied (BCC’d); these recipients will not be revealed. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
Blind-copied (BCC’d) e-mail recipients are directly specified. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BccDirect.
File connection
Blind-copied (BCC’d) e-mail recipients are loaded from a file. Specify each e-mail recipient on a separate line. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BccFile.
Blind-copied (BCC’d) e-mail recipients are loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BccVariable.
Specify the e-mail recipients to be blind-copied (BCC’d). Separate each recipient with a semicolon (;).
Specify the file from which to load the recipients to be blind-copied (BCC’d) on the e-mail. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable from which to load the recipients to be blind-copied (BCC’d) on the e-mail. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
HeadersSource (1.6 SR-1)
Specify the source for the e-mail headers. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
e-mail headers are directly specified. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter HeadersDirect.
File connection
e-mail headers are loaded from a file. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter HeadersFile.
e-mail headers are loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter HeadersVariable.
HeadersDirect (1.6 SR-1)
Specify the e-mail headers. The parameter should be specified as header name to value text, where each header is separated with newline like:
HeadersFile (1.6 SR-1)
Specify the file from which to load the e-mail headers. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
HeadersVariable (1.6 SR-1)
Specify the variable from which to load the e-mail headers. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the source for the text in the body of the e-mail. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
The text for the body of the e-mail is specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyTextDirect.
File connection
The text for the body of the e-mail is loaded from a file. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyTextFile.
The text for the body of the e-mail is loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyTextVariable.
Specify the text for the body of the e-mail.
Specify the file from which to load the text for the body of the e-mail. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable from which to load the text for the body of the e-mail. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the source of the HTML for the body of the e-mail. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
Direct input
The HTML for the body of the e-mail is specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyHtmlDirect.
File connection
The HTML for the body of the e-mail is loaded from a file. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyHtmlFile.
The HTML for the body of the e-mail is loaded from a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter BodyHtmlVariable.
Specify the HTML for the body of the e-mail.
Specify the file from which to load the HTML for the body of the e-mail. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable from which to load the HTML for the body of the e-mail. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the priority of the e-mail. These are the available options: Low, Normal, High.
Indicate whether or not the list of e-mail attachments is stored in a variable. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The list of e-mail attachments is stored in a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter AttachmentVariable.
The list of e-mail attachments is specified directly. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter Attachment.
Specify the list of e-mail attachments. Separate each attachment with a semicolon (;).
Specify the variable from which to load the list of e-mail attachments. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Indicate whether or not the e-mail must be signed. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The e-mail must be signed. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameters IsPrivateKeyVariable, PrivateKey, PrivateKeyVariable, Password.
The e-mail should not be signed.
Indicate whether or not the private key file path is stored in a variable. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The private key file path is stored in a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter PrivateKeyVariable.
The private key file path is specified in a File connection manager. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter PrivateKey.
Specify the file containing the private key. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable containing the private key. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify the private key password.
Indicate whether or not the e-mail should be encrypted. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The e-mail should be encrypted. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameters IsCertificateVariable, Certificate, CertificateVariable.
The e-mail should not be encrypted.
Indicate whether or not the certificate file path is stored in a variable. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The certificate file path is stored in a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter CertificateVariable.
The certificate file path is specified in a File connection manager. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter Certificate.
Specify the File connection manager from which to obtain the file path of the certificate. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable from which to obtain the file path of the certificate. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Indicate the delivery location of the e-mail. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The e-mail is to be delivered to a mail server. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter Connection.
The e-mail is to be saved as a file. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameters IsTargetVariable, Target, TargetVariable, OverwriteExisting.
Specify the mail server to which the e-mail is to be delivered. Select an existing connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics: ,
Indicate whether or not the target file path is stored in a variable. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
The target file path is stored in a variable. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter TargetVariable.
The target file path is specified in a File connection manager. Selecting this option displays the dynamic parameter Target.
Specify the File connection manager in which the e-mail is to be stored. Select an existing File connection manager, or click &New connection...& to create a new connection manager.
Related topics:
Specify the variable in which the e-mail is to be stored. Select an existing user-defined variable, or click &New variable...& to create a new variable.
Related Topics: , Add Variable
Specify whether or not an existing e-mail file can be overwritten with the newly created e-mail file. This parameter has the options listed in the following table.
If an existing e-mail file exists, it will be overwritten by the newly created e-mail file.
If an existing e-mail file exists, it will not be overwritten by the newly created e-mail file and a warning message will be generated in the log file.


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