
【UnityShader从零开始】镜面反射效果 - unity技术、unity分享、unity3d技术分享 - 58开发网 - 游戏开发与移动开发在线课程|IT技术网络课堂|Unity3D培训|上海Unity培训|上海Unity3d培训|上海unity培训|上海unity3d培训|Unity企业培训|Unity程序员培训|Unity学习|Unity自学|Unity视频教程|Unity教程|Unity就业班|unity5教程|unity5.0培训 - Powered By EduSoho
& &&&系列教程第四篇,这一期我们来讨论一下关于镜面反射的基本原理和具体代码.这一篇是承接着上一篇来讲述的,如果你还没有看或者对漫反射不是很了解的话,建议去看一下,这样子有助于你更好的理解本篇教程.
  如上图(图片取自《Cg Programming in&》),要计算镜面反射,我们需要知道的东西可能要比漫反射多一些,一共4个向量,光的入射方向L(反方向,下同),表面法线N,观察的目标位置到摄像机的向量V(视线),以及反射光线R,和漫反射一样,我们这里只考虑平行光的情况,其他类型的光源于其有所不同,大家自行了解,这里就不赘述了,如果有地方用到了,也可以到时候具体说明.
  参考着上面这幅图,我们来说明一下它的计算原理,前面提到其实最终决定我们看到的光的强弱的是视线V和反射向量R,这两个向量的夹角越小说明越接近光线经过物体表面的反射直接反射到我们的眼睛(摄像机).两者的关系很类似与上一篇漫反射中入射光线L和法线N的关系.所以我们也通过V&R = |V|*|R|*cos&.大家通过这个公式也应该可以明白为什么上面说镜面反射对于物体的同一个点你在不同位置观察看到的结果并不一样了吧.既然这里我们只用到了两个向量就可以决定最终的影响高光的因子,那为什么前面说需要四个向量呢,那是因为反射光线R是需要通过法线N和入射光线L进行计算得来的.
  如图所示(图片取自网友butwang博客),不难看出我们只要计算出一个向量s然后对其乘以2就可以得到2s然后根据向量的加法规则,我们可以利用L+2s = R来获取最终结果.那么首先来求向量s,要计算s就要利用L和L在N上的投影向量,因为N&L = |N|*|L|*cos&,若N为单位向量,则|N| = 1所以N&L = |L|*cos&,L在N上的投影距离为N&L,然后再将结果乘以N的单位向量,所以我们要先将N规范化才行,我们假设N就是规范化后的单位向量那么,L在N上的投影向量则为(L&N)*N,那么通过向量减法我们可以计算出s = (L&N)*N - L,进而计算出R = 2s + L = 2((L&N)*N-L) +L = 2N(N&L) - L.不过这么繁琐的逻辑,Cg已经帮我们搞定了,我们只需要通过reflect(L,N)函数就可以计算出反射向量,第一个参数是光的入射反向(注意,这里是真正的入射方向,不是反方向),第二个参数是法向量.
  下面给出《The Cg Tutorial》中给出的镜面反射计算公式(它的公式和下面的略有不同,我做了下变化,效果都是一样的):
  前面提到,我们要顺带说一下环境光的问题,这里简单描述一下,现实生活中,一个真实的物体除了从光源出直接接受光照之外,还会受到周围其它物体反射出去的光,有时候即使物体本身并没有受到光源直接照射,也会呈现出一定的亮度.在渲染中我们把这些受到其它物体反射所得到的光统称为环境光.在unity中场景中所有的物体使用同一的环境光,在Edit-&Render Setting-&Ambient Light你可以设置它,一半比较微弱.它无法与真实世界的效果相媲美,只是一种大致的模拟效果。下面给出《The Cg Tutorial》中给出的环境光计算公式:
  最终我们要把这些颜色加在一起作为最终的结果 Color = ambient + diffuse + specular.下面看一下具体代码吧.
Shader &Esfog/SpecularReflection&
&&&&&&&&_MainTex (&Base (RGB)&, 2D) = &white& {}
&&&&&&&&_SpecColor(&SpecularColor&,Color) = (1,1,1,1)
&&&&&&&&_Shininess(&Shininess&,Float) = 10
&&&&&&&&&&&&Tags { &RenderType&=&Opaque& &LightMode&=&ForwardBase&}
&&&&&&&&&&&&#pragma vertex vert
&&&&&&&&&&&&#pragma fragment frag
&&&&&&&&&&&&#include &UnityCG.cginc&
&&&&&&&&&&&&#pragma target 5.0
&&&&&&&&&&&&uniform float4 _LightColor0;
&&&&&&&&&&&&uniform sampler2D _MainT
&&&&&&&&&&&&uniform float _S
&&&&&&&&&&&&uniform float4 _SpecC
&&&&&&&&&&&&struct VertexOutput
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 pos:SV_POSITION;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 posWorld:TEXCOORD0;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 normal:TEXCOORD1;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float2 uv:TEXCOORD2;
&&&&&&&&&&&&VertexOutput vert(appdata_base input)
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,input.vertex);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&o.posWorld = mul(_Object2World,input.vertex);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&o.normal = normalize(mul(float4(input.normal,0.0),_World2Object).xyz);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&o.uv = input.texcoord.
&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 frag(VertexOutput input):COLOR
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 normalDir = normalize(input.normal);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 viewDir = normalize(float3(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - input.posWorld));
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 Kd = tex2D(_MainTex,input.uv);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 Ks = _SpecC
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float4 Ka = Kd;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 lightDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 ambientLighting = Ka.rgb * UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 diffuseReflection = Kd.rgb * _LightColor0.rgb * max(0.0,dot(normalDir,lightDir));
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&facing = 0;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&facing = 1;
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&float3 SpecularReflection = facing * _LightColor0.rgb * _SpecColor.rgb * pow(max(0,dot(reflect(-lightDir,normalDir),viewDir)),_Shininess);
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&return float4(ambientLighting + diffuseReflection + SpecularReflection,1);
&&&&FallBack &Diffuse&
  (~ o ~)~系列教程的第四篇到此结束了,结合前一篇我们大致上对最基本的光照模型有了一些了解,下一篇也许会结合两者做一个实例,或者继续讲其他的地方,之后的内容可能会用到更多的数学原理和思考方法,其实Shader难得不是语法,难得是理解背后的真像,去探索背后的知识,我觉得比仅仅会使用要收获的更多。说实话,我不是一个随便的人,所以写帖子总是力求能写好,写透彻一些,这也让我每写一篇文章都要花费大量的时间,但这其中也让我自己在写教程的过程中能有所收获,发现自己理解不到位的地方,即使补充,如果这些内容能给大家带来一些启发,我也觉得我没有白写。谢谢大家的支持.
你还没有登录,请先或!【代码片-1】 unity中顶点片段shader环境反射
标签: shader&&&&unity&&&&顶点&&&&差异&&&&模型&&&&
Shader &Unlit/shenmifangkeShader&
_mode(&mode&, Range(0,12)) = 5
[NoScaleOffset]_MainTex(&Texture&, 2D) = &white& {}
// normal map texture on the material
// default to dummy &flat surface& normalmap
_Tiling(&Tiling&, Float) = 1.0//case 8
_BumpMap(&Normal Map&, 2D) = &bump& {}
_OcclusionMap(&Occlusion&, 2D) = &white& {}
Tags{ &RenderType& = &Opaque& }
// indicate that our pass is the &base& pass in forward rendering pipeline. It gets ambient and main directional
// light direction in _WorldSpaceLightPos0 and color in _LightColor0
Tags{ &LightMode& = &ForwardBase& }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// make fog work
#pragma multi_compile_fog
// include file that contains UnityObjectToWorldNormal helper function
#include &UnityCG.cginc&
#include &UnityLightingCommon.cginc& // for _LightColor0
// compile shader into multiple variants, with and without shadows
// (we don't care about any lightmaps yet, so skip these variants)
#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase nolightmap nodirlightmap nodynlightmap novertexlight
// shadow helper functions and macros
#include &AutoLight.cginc&
sampler2D _MainT
float4 _MainTex_ST;//这里下面一张图也使用MainTex的uv 所以就不用再次声明了
sampler2D _OcclusionM
float _T//case 8
struct appdata
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : POSITION;
//顶点输出到片段函数 vertex shader outputs (&vertex to fragment&)
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
UNITY_FOG_COORDS(1)//Used to pass fog amount around number should be a free texcoord.
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;// clip space position
half3 worldNormal : TEXCOORD1;
half3 worldRefl : TEXCOORD2;
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD3;
//float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
//these three vectors will hold a 3x3 rotation matrix
//that transforms from tangent to world space
half3 tspace0 : TEXCOORD4; // tangent.x, bitangent.x, normal.x
half3 tspace1 : TEXCOORD5; // tangent.y, bitangent.y, normal.y
half3 tspace2 : TEXCOORD6; // tangent.z, bitangent.z, normal.z
// texture coordinate for the normal map
//float2 uv : TEXCOORD7;
//float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
half3 objNormal : TEXCOORD7;//case 8
float3 coords : TEXCOORD8;//case 8
fixed4 diff : COLOR0; // diffuse lighting color case9
fixed3 ambient : COLOR1;
SHADOW_COORDS(9) // put shadows data into TEXCOORD9
// vertex shader now also needs a per-vertex tangent vector.
// in Unity tangents are 4D vectors, with the .w component used to
// indicate direction of the bitangent vector.
// we also need the texture coordinate.
// vertex shader: takes object space normal as input too 本来只有
//物体输入属性,也可以写在appdata 但是必须用v.xxx来调用 有out修饰的必须写在这里 注意逗号和分号
float3 normal : NORMAL, //case 3,4,5
float4 tangent : TANGENT, //case 5
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,//normal need//case 5
appdata v//case 1,3,4,5
//一些switch用到的定义 因为不能在case里面定义
float3 worldP//case 3
float3 worldViewD//case 3
float3 worldN//case 3 8
half3 wN//case 5 6
half3 wT//case 5 6
half tangentS//case 5 6
half3 wB//case 5 6
// transform position to clip space(multiply with model*view*projection matrix)
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);//这句必须返回
UNITY_TRANSFER_FOG(o, o.vertex);//Compute fog amount from clip space position.
switch (_mode) {
//o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);//这句必须返回
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);//有贴图的话这句也很必须
//o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);//这句必须返回
// UnityCG.cginc file contains function to transform
// normal from object to world space, use that
o.worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
//o.worldNormal = UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(normal);
// compute world space position of the vertex
worldPos = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex).
// compute world space view direction
worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(worldPos));//顶点里处理
// world space normal
worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);//顶点里处理
// world space reflection vector
o.worldRefl = reflect(-worldViewDir, worldNormal);
//o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, vertex);
o.worldPos = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex).//同上
o.worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);//同上
case 5://天空盒法线反射
case 6://天空盒法线反射+贴图
o.worldPos = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex).
wNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
wTangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(tangent.xyz);
// compute bitangent from cross product of normal and tangent
tangentSign = tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w;
wBitangent = cross(wNormal, wTangent) * tangentS
// output the tangent space matrix
o.tspace0 = half3(wTangent.x, wBitangent.x, wNormal.x);
o.tspace1 = half3(wTangent.y, wBitangent.y, wNormal.y);
o.tspace2 = half3(wTangent.z, wBitangent.z, wNormal.z);
o.uv = uv * 30;
//Tri-planar Texturing 投影贴图
o.coords = v.vertex.xyz * _T
o.objNormal =//传递物体法线
//Simple Diffuse Lighting 当然需要一个方向光源
//o.uv = v.
// get vertex normal in world space
worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
// dot product between normal and light direction for
// standard diffuse (Lambert) lighting
nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
// factor in the light color
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0;//内部变量包含在UnityLightingCommon.cginc里面
//Diffuse Lighting with Ambient 可以调节在lighting里面的光照强度
worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0;
// the only difference from previous shader:
// in addition to the diffuse lighting from the main light,
// add illumination from ambient or light probes
// ShadeSH9 function from UnityCG.cginc evaluates it,
// using world space normal
o.diff.rgb += ShadeSH9(half4(worldNormal, 1));
worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(normal);
nl = max(0, dot(worldNormal, _WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz));
o.diff = nl * _LightColor0.
o.ambient = ShadeSH9(half4(worldNormal, 1));
// compute shadows data
// normal map texture from shader properties
sampler2D _BumpM
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
// sample the texture
fixed4 mode_1 = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// Apply fog (additive pass are automatically handled)
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, mode_1);
//to handle custom fog color another option would have been
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, color, float4(0,0,0,0));
fixed4 myCustomColor = fixed4(0,0,1,0);
UNITY_APPLY_FOG_COLOR(i.fogCoord, color, myCustomColor);
half4 skyD//case 3,4,5 6
half3 skyC//case 3,4,5 6
half3 worldViewD//case 4,5 6
half3 worldR//case 4,5 6
half3//case 5 6
half3 worldN//case 5 6
fixed3 baseC//case 6
half3//case 8
fixed4//case 8
fixed4//case 8
fixed4//case 8
fixed3//case 11
switch (_mode) {
case 0:return fixed4(1, 1, 1, 1);
case 1:return mode_1;
// normal is a 3D vector in -1..1
// range. To display it as color, bring the range into 0..1
// and put into red, green, blue components
c.gbr = i.worldNormal*0.5 + 0.5;
// sample the default reflection cubemap, using the reflection vector
skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, i.worldRefl);//sample a cubemap
// decode cubemap data into actual color
skyColor = DecodeHDR(skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
c.rgb = skyC
// compute view direction and reflection vector
//把反射光计算放在这里看起来只是提高了一点效果 但是速度更慢了 为了要进行法线贴图计算
// per-pixel here
worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));//改成在片段里面处理
worldRefl = reflect(-worldViewDir, i.worldNormal);//改成在片段里面处理
skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);//同上
skyColor = DecodeHDR(skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);//同上
c.rgb = skyC//同上
// sample the normal map, and decode from the Unity encoding
tnormal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, i.uv));
// transform normal from tangent to world space
worldNormal.x = dot(i.tspace0, tnormal);
worldNormal.y = dot(i.tspace1, tnormal);
worldNormal.z = dot(i.tspace2, tnormal);
// rest the same as in previous shader
worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));
worldRefl = reflect(-worldViewDir, worldNormal);
skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);
skyColor = DecodeHDR(skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
c.rgb = skyC
case 6://天空盒法线反射+贴图
// same as from previous shader...
tnormal = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, i.uv));
worldNormal.x = dot(i.tspace0, tnormal);
worldNormal.y = dot(i.tspace1, tnormal);
worldNormal.z = dot(i.tspace2, tnormal);
worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(i.worldPos));
worldRefl = reflect(-worldViewDir, worldNormal);
skyData = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0, worldRefl);
skyColor = DecodeHDR(skyData, unity_SpecCube0_HDR);
c.rgb = skyC
// modulate sky color with the base texture, and the occlusion map
baseColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv).
occlusion = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, i.uv).r;
c.rgb *= baseC
c = fixed4(i.uv,0,0);
c = floor(c) / 2;
return frac(c.x + c.y) * 2;
// use absolute value of normal as texture weights
blend = abs(i.objNormal);
// make sure the weights sum up to 1 (divide by sum of x+y+z)
blend /= dot(blend, 1.0);
// read the three texture projections, for x,y,z axes
cx = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.yz);
cy = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.xz);
cz = tex2D(_MainTex, i.coords.xy);
// blend the textures based on weights
c = cx * blend.x + cy * blend.y + cz * blend.z;
// modulate by regular occlusion map
c *= tex2D(_OcclusionMap, i.uv);
// sample texture
//fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// multiply by lighting
//col *= i.
return tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv)*i.
return tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv)*i.
c = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
// compute shadow attenuation (1.0 = fully lit, 0.0 = fully shadowed)
shadow = floor(shadow * 5)/ 6;//add by myself
// darken light's illumination with shadow, keep ambient intact
lighting = i.diff * shadow + i.
default: return mode_1;
// shadow caster rendering pass, implemented manually
// using macros from UnityCG.cginc
Tags{ &LightMode& = &ShadowCaster& }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster
#include &UnityCG.cginc&
struct v2f {
v2f vert(appdata_base v)
float4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
// shadow casting support 相当于上面一段的无设置写法
UsePass &Legacy Shaders/VertexLit/SHADOWCASTER&


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