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中国最好的川菜厨师培训学校在时间的无涯荒野里,经年后才发现,曾经的那个少年,怀揣着梦想 在人生的十字路口经历了抉择, 最终走上了属于自己的人生之路。 厨师, ...
厨师培训学校课程有哪些对 不少想要学厨师的人来说 ,能不能找到一所好的学校是影响他们一生的大事 ,所以不少人为不知道怎样判断一所学校的好坏而发愁 ,虽然他们...
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| 欢迎来到杭州厨师培训Start Apache
sudo apachectl start
Check it's working:
In /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, uncomment this line:
LoadModule php5_module
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
Create /etc/php.ini and make it writable
sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini
sudo chmod 666 php.ini
In php.ini, find this line:
;date.timezone =
Uncomment it and insert your time zone ()
date.timezone =America/Vancouver
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
for Mac OS X.5 (32 or 64 bits depending on your machine)
Install everything in the package in this order: mysql, the startup item, the preference pane.
Start MySQL in the preference pane.
Test it's working:
In /etc/php.ini, replace the three occurences of /var/mysql/mysql.sock by /tmp/mysql.sock
mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
mysqli.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
In /etc/php.ini, under Language Options, change
short_open_tag = Off
short_open_tag = On
Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
Works great! Thanks.
Thank you very much!
Very simple, worked perfectly, thanks!
One point, you can restart apache with just one command:
sudo apachectl restart
Thank you Nick, that's fixed :)
Thank you very much!
Great tutorial.
Awesome! Thanks for this extremely clear tutorial.
Fantastic job! Easiest install tutorial seen yet, perfectly clear and concise!
Nice. Thanks!
This is excellent!
Thank you.
This is not an install! These are instructions to get the compiled and installed version on Snow Leopard started and working with PHP and MySQL. What's the difference you ask? Too much to explain here. These instructions only work on a fresh install of Snow Leopard.
Yes ricbax, a more accurate title would be "Start Apache, activate PHP and install MySQL on Snow Leopard" My apologies :)
Very nice. Do you have any pointers about how to get phpmyadmin working for those of us who like a graphical mysql database manager?
Good Good Good Good Good Good !!!
Thanks! This was very helpful.
Thanks, Works great!
When trying to enable the mysql prefpane I get a message that System Preferences has to restart – this because the MySQL.prefPane is a 32-bit app.
Found an alternative version of the app for Snow Leopard here that solved the issue: http://www.swoon.net/site/software.html
Thanks for the misleading title.
It's the first time that I can end with sucess.
So, how to I creat an url like:
marciotoledo.local/ and this open and website on folder?
Trying to open httpd.conf file to uncomment the php line and having trouble as it is a root file?
This tutorial may help..
Great! Worked like a dream!
Thanks!!...i was having problems installing mysql. all got resolved
thanks for being so informative! helps a lot.. also the way it's written.. So pleasant to follow!
Big thanks!
perfect. Thanks.
Worked perfectly. Thanks
straight to the point, really good
Thanks a lot
Simple steps. Great job. Thanks a lot
thanks a gig!
This worked great, until I enabled short tags in my ini and then the date.timezone broke itself.
anyone else having this issue?
I also recommend on Snow Leopard, they're off by default.
I was scratching my head for nearly an hour trying to get an old script to run, but it was short tags.
You are a master!!!! Thanks!!!
Very well written and concise. Much appreciated :]
God bless You! Grazie mille.
Fantastic, simple guide. Seconding PHPMyAdmin help!!
My thanks as well.
Great Tutorial. I transferred my PowerBook G4 account to a new MacBook Pro with the Apple Migration Assistant application in the Applications>Utlities folder (and of course a firewire cable, ethernet works too). All the files including the MySQL DB transferred without me doing anything except this tutorial.
My MySQl folder from my old PowerBook G4 was called "mysql-5.0.37-osx10.4-powerpc". In the /usr/local/mysql-5.0.37-osx10.4-powerpc are all my Db's with the usernames and paswords. There was really nothing else but this tutorial to get me converted over.
Dang this is a life saver tutorial!!!!
Finally a simply & straight forward guide that works. Thanks.
It's great to be able to search the web and find such clear (and correct) instructions.
Thank you!
I love you! :d
Thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for!
Perfect !! Thank you !
Easy tutorial! Thanks!
Plz add a note to change short_open_tag to On if php doesn't seem to work. I took me hours to solve that issue...
Wow, that worked a charm! Thanks for your clear and concise tutorial!
You are wonderful!! I can't thank you enough for providing this clear, concise tutorial. Thank you, thank you.
Thanks! All working nicely!
VERY Much appreciated - worked perfectly - thank you!
Ditto! Gracias!
Jerome, great stuff - could you please add two things for others like me, just to save them 10mins I spent fixing up afterwards?
First - it's worth putting both php.ini edits in the same block, or repeat the chmod lines etc?
Second - for those using ~/Sites/ instead of the root /Library/WebServer/Documents/ it would be worth adding the fix I found elsewhere on the web -for /etc/apache2/users/(username).conf for FollowSymlinks and Allow All?
My wordpress/php running nicely now thanks in no small part to you!
This was a great tutorial. Restores my faith in humankind!
Thank you so much for this concise and powerful article!
It simplifies things for those of us who kinda know what we need to do, but don't remember the commands.
I'm officially bookmarking this one!
Superb! Just what is needed, with no fluff. Thank you!
Hi,great guide. Ok I know I'm OT but i'm having this issue:
I'm behind a proxy on my college network, if i turn off the wifi and type &http://MyMacName& or &http://localhost& or & i got an error msg from firefox cause i'm offline. If i turn on airport and connect to the college network i got and error from the proxy &ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved
&. Really don't know what to do..I checked the hosts file but it seems ok (i should be correctly
This is a perfect walk-through for someone who just wants to get this stuff working so they can move on with development.
where and how do I install phpmyadmin? and anything I want to view needs to be put into the sites folder correct?
Hi, excellent guide! Thank you very much
Thanks for the tutorial. I found out that you can recently download a snow leopard version of mysql which is probably the same as the leopard version.
Hi I have a corrupted installation of apache on snow leopard.
Anyone knows how to reinstall?
Please help
Dude, you need a donation button.
Quick tip : you need to set &short_open_tag =
On& in /etc/php.ini if you want to use the short tag &? instead of &?php
I thought something was wrong until I edited my test.php page to use &?php
Now it works.
I guess it's better to use the long php tags, but in case you don't it's good to know this little tip.
Ummm...I'm a jackass...you did put a note there about the short tags...nevermind..
Great info here..thanks very much!
Very nice - perfect instructions got me set up quickly.
Thanks much!
When I log in to http://localhost/ it states that the server cannot be found. Obviously there's something wrong with the Apache setup but I can't figure out where to look. Once that's up and running I should be able to get PHP and MySQL running... Anyone out there in the same boat?
Simple et précis, bravo.
A l'essentiel tu nous à conduis ....
Loved this! Wish I had found it earlier!!
sudo apachectl graceful
sudo apachectl restart
Thanks for the tutorial.
Thanks for this tutorial! It worked perfectly for me.
I was also having trouble getting phpMyAdmin working. I discovered that you need to update the socket for phpMyAdmin just as you did for php.ini. So edit config.inc.php like this:
change-- $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
to-- $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '/tmp/mysql.sock';
I think you could probably do this in the regular phpMyAdmin setup menu too. I won't try it because I've got things running and I need to get back to work!
I cannot locate the /etc/... directory. Is this because I am not running Mac OS X Snow Leopard not Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server?
Thanks for saving my time :)
@Ben: /etc and other unix like directories don't show up by default. You can open terminal by searching spotlight for &terminal& or opening /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
In Terminal, type &open /etc& (without quotes) and you have it.
Useful info. Beautiful blog design. Good work.
WAHOO!! That was so helpful. Thanks for taking the time to publish this. Perfect for those of us just getting started.
Thank you for a very clear tutorial.
Very well written tutorial, thank you
Well written and simple. Got me exactly where i wanted to. Thanks.
Thanks for this very clear and concise tutorial.
I'm curious if it's just me and there's some setting I can change but when I try to access php files using http://localhost it just returns the code as plain text, however if I use my local ip address, or even it returns the parsed output like it's supposed to.
Great stuff!
I used just the mysql part of this tutorial, and it worked perfectly!
Now if the mysql people would just put the above short instructions in their README.txt
Quick and concise.
Thank you.
I get error messages in terminal , that error logs cannot be open acces denied.
And the browsers loads without ever finding a page.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the reference. I like your blog by the way. Is this your own custom design and program?
Yes, except the HTML of the articles, with &SECTION& comments in the source, generated by DokuWiki.
Great straight-to-the-point installation instructions.
Thank you.
Perfect instructions! Many Thanks!
You should also add that you will need to change DirectoryIndex to include...
DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php
Really really nice tutorial! Thanks
the 10.6 Mysql package is a tarball.
is there an installer out there that i'm not aware of?
I think the install went ok, but where do I enter /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql to test it?
groupadd mysql
command not found
FOUND IT, just needed to download the .dmg instead of the tarball.
Thanks a lot!
the 64 bit .dmg? or the 32 bit .dmg?
which is best for 10.6?
Very nice and handy, thank you.
I'll add a couple of things though:
1) add the mysql bin path to the PATH environment variable: edit (or create if it doesn't exist) the file .profile in your home directory, then add the following line:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
save and close. on the next terminal window you open, you should be able to enter mysql commands without specifying the full path (i.e. mysql, mysqladmin...)
2) set the password for the mysql root account. By default the mysql root account comes with no password, so it would be much safer to set one. Open the terminal and issue the following command:
sudo mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
(or use /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin, instead of mysqladmin, if you didn't update the PATH as previously specified).
Nice - concise. thanks
Excellent! Easy for anyone with a bit of command-line experience.
For B-dubb: Snow Leopard is 64-bit native, BUT, it really depends on the processor. Only Intel (but not the early ones) are 64-bit. See this Apple Doc:
Great tutorial
Lots of thanks!
a much easier way to add a path in OS X:
sudo sh -c 'echo &/usr/local/mysql/bin& & /etc/paths.d/mysql'
Thanks! =)
Great, straight forward.
@Elliot I've been looking for that line for ages.
sudo sh -c 'echo &/usr/local/mysql/bin& & /etc/paths.d/mysql'
Exactly what I've needed. The biggest advantage over using the .profile method, it also works when calling programs from within a shell script
Excellent! Very helpful. Thank you very much.
Brilliant! I had been trying to use entropy and it tryed to download the php files rather than open them. I uninstalled entropy, did this and it worked! Thank you.
Everything is working fine, just one problem: I can't access my own MySQL with PHPMyAdmin. It asks for a password and I don't know what it want's… I never specified anything. Just installed as described above.
Thank you to you, God, Satan, Allah, Buddha, Ganesha and all the others out there that tried to foil/help me as I was the idiot trying to use the binaries, not the DMG-a stage five Arghh all day long. Working great - Props,
-Stu P. Didiot
Where do I f using this installation method?
Not appearing in /etc
I need help. PHPMyAdmin wants a username and password though I did not specify one.
This is excellent! Just said &Goodbye& to MAMP. That's a heavy shit, and a ridiculously wastage of memory when PHP and Apache are given with Mac OS itself!
Parabens! (Congratulations!)
For this great doc.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks works like a charm,
Apart from that I also wanted to change my Document Root to somewhere on my desktop.
This wasn't too hard, all I had to do was sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and replace all instances of the previous documentroot with my new path (2 instances)
But this made a Forbidden page come up when trying to access document root. No problem, wentback into httpd.conf, looked up User _www, changed it to User Elad (my account) and left the Group _www the same.
Everything works perfectly.
Ty for guide
I am new to the mac environment (less than 6 months) and this was the first time I was trying to host my very simple website on my server. You are a real lifesaver and I cannot thank you enough.
The real beauty of this page is in its simplicity.
May God bless you with many beautiful babies! :)
Thanks for the guide. I'm having a problem though.
When I enable PHP by uncommenting that line in httpd.conf, my VirtualHosts stop working. Any ideas why?
Ah! Fixed it. I didn't realize the httpd.conf file couldn't have mid-line comments. I had changed this:
#LoadModule php5_module
...to this:
LoadModule php5_module
libexec/apache2/libphp5.so #edited by John
...so that if anything went wrong I could easily find the line that I'd edited.
The tip is to open up Console and check if apache is giving you any errors (which it certainly was doing a lot of in my case).
It's a great doc!!!
doesn't work for me :(
Thanks a lot.
This was amazing, I was ready to climb mountains and slay dragons for a tutorial this clear. Cheers!
this was just awesome man
thanks a lot...........
it finally started php in my macbook pro
thanks for the tutorial. simple & straightforward. much appreciated
Short, sweet and fully functional. Thanks!
Thanks man. It was of great help. Simple and amazing stuff. Some of the comments also helped me a lot. Thanks to all those guys.
If you already had mysql running, you can stop/start it like so:
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start
This is the greatest thing ever. You are the bomb!
Re MySQL: I'd add a recommendation (reminder?) to run /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_secure_installation as a final step in its installation.
wow.. this is great...
Thanx a lot.. :)
Really straightforward.
Nice of you to post it.
to open httpd.conf you could write
sudo /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
nice guide anyway! Thanks
Very Nice, Thanks!!
Perfect, thank you)
THis is the EASIEST ever!
it's the clearest, simplest explanation of this that i've found on the web. excellent
Totally Bad Ass - thanks man!
so usefull!
Thanks, that was easy!
thanks! simple and useful, up to the last detail (Short tags),
Thanks mate - made setting up PHP and MySQL real easy!
Fantastic, thanks. Very simple step to follow.
Great stuff man...Thank you very much!!!
id also appreciate some help with getting phpmyadmin running, any advice?
Thank you very much for this!
Sweet! I got my php.ini all configured now.
You beautiful man. You saved me some headache.
A really fantastic guide, bought a MacBookPro yesterday, got my Apache/PHP/Mysql working today ! Fantastic !
Perfect walk-trough. It helped me a lot. Thanx.
Hi, when I did what you said in the MAC/PHP instructions,
and go to my browser and type in this:
in the browser the results come as txt?
&?php phpinfo() ?&
like it doesn't understand the .php mime type?
if i go to a command line, and run the index.php
i get results...
any suggestions?
I am luddite who just bought a MacBook Pro. I wanted to teach myself PHP on the Mac and found your tutorial.
I followed each step without a problem using sudo pico php.ini from /etc (otherwise restricted from ac vi did not work either due to same reason) to text edit opening up a text edit window to find the right line in php.ini (other too hard to find)
I am hoping you can help medetermine whether all was successful.
Where I am now:
I first click on the button &Start mySQL Server& in the System Pref popup, MySQL. Once I see that it says that &The MySQL Server Instance is running,& I type at my Terminal prompt
This then gives me:
Your MySQL connection id is 540
Server version: 5.1.50 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Am I good to go?
Thanks and thank you for making the selfless effort!!
sorry on above, it was of course the httpd.conf file that had the access restrictions, not php.ini, though for the latter I used the sudo pico and text Editor combo to make all changes.
As far as good to go, is all mySQL stuff to be done via the UNIX terminal? Or is there supposed to be a window?
Peter: good job and yes, you're good to go. For MySQL, phpMyAdmin (http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php), a web interface, is the most popular tool. Good luck :)
excellent guide
I was about to macports the crap out of my fresh Snow Leopard system. Thanks for these instructions, works great!
Awesome thanks!
Back to the basic.
You're awesome, thanks a bunch!
Thanks a lot for this tutorial. Simple and efficient.
This is great !!
Thanks for the simplicity.
I now have Apache,Mysql,PHP,Phpmyadmin, (Drupal619 & Drush 3) all working in harmony on my Macbook Pro (OS 10.6)
Nicely done. Many thanks. Fixed my php/mysql and phpMyAdmin connection issues.
Simple and straightforward, thanks!
Thanks a lot.
this instruction solved a huge problem that I've been having for the past week.
Thank you!
Awesome mate! Thank you! Cheers!
Runs like a charm, thanks a lot!
The permissions for php.ini should be 664 NOT 666.
Fantastic! The only guide you need.
The other guides I found on the web were like chinese :) !
Perfect tutorial. I'm a long time Linux user and your tutorial was absolutely perfect for my use. Thank you very much!
This is one of the
best tutorials i’ve ever used. Thank you very much for your help. took 2 mins to do.
Check it's working: http://localhost/
Safari can’t connect to the server.
Safari can’t open the page “http://localhost/” because Safari can’t connect to the server “localhost”.
Web Sharing: On
Concise, to the point, and most importantly, correct.
Excellent guide.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I have been looking for instructions on how to get query logging working.
I am using mysql-5.1.34.
I am also on Leopard 10.5
I'm looking on how to install apache2, i deleted the directory /etc/apache2 by mistake and screwed things up.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
All the links I find for installing Apache on a mac are just telling me that it comes built in!
thanks @jér?me.
Amazing! Thank you for the perfect instruction set.
I can't get this to work. I have snow leopard 10.6.5. I have web sharing on. I have php in usr/local/php5 and sql in /usr/local/mysql. I have edited the # out of the httpd.conf with sudo. And i cannot get the phpinfo() file to do anything. ?????
Thank you.
Thanks! Great post! I ran into one issue - I got this error when I tried to restart Apache: /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 82: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument
I found a fix for this here, which worked: /2010/11/mac-os-1065-apachectl-usrsbinapachectl-line-82-ulimit-open-files-cannot-modify-limit-invalid-argument/
Hope that helps somebody else!
Thanks .. to one up some else /// may you be blessed with many beautiful babies only if you want them !
Thanks Man!
Great tutorial! Thanks, saved me a lot of time!
Clear steps that work, presented in a perfectly readable format. The perfect tutorial, thanks!
Wonderful. I would give 100 points for this perfect and simple tutorial.
If Jerome were to charge for the time we would spend googling for solutions (without these steps) he would have made thousands :-)
Thanks Buddy excellent steps
Thank you so much. It's very simple.
Thanks for your Instructions. With a new iMac and OS X 10.6.5 I have had problems with the startup item (<> or something like this). I solved it with the .plist-File <> in the folder /Library/LaunchDaemons/. Do this command too: chmod 0644 com.mysql.mysqld.plist to set correct rights. Then I deleted the StartupItem for MySQL in the Folder /Library/StartupItems/ and became happy. Some other helpful infos here: /articles/installing-mysql-on-mac-os-x. But it is not necessary to compile mysql-64bit via the terminal.
Thank you very much!!! Excellent tutorial!!! Happy Holidays!!!
Thanks - I had a problem with the Preference Pane.
It would not start using mysql.server.
This was overcome with just changing basedir to basedir=/usr/local/mysql in file /usr/local/mysql-5.5.8-osx10.6-x86/support-files/mysql.server and all worked instantly!!
If the mysql server will not start, see this: /read.php?11,606#msg-399606
Thanks so much for this, it really helped. HOWEVER, I ran into some difficulty after I installed the mysql grant tables: for some reason I'm no longer able to save changes to php.ini. I keep getting an error saying that I don't have sufficient privileges... which is strange since I did just a couple days ago. Wondering if maybe this is b/c I upgraded to 10.6.6?
Any thoughts? Thanks for any help....
Excellent set of instructions... Could not get simpler than that.
This is by far, the most helpful instructions i have found on the web for PHP, MySQL connectivity. Many Thanks
These are very easy instructions to get started with Apache, PHP and MySQL. Definitely the way to go if you're trying to learn how to do this without the use of MAMP.
Just threw MAMP out the window and used your tutorial. Great, thanks a lot!
Very helpfull,
thanks a lot!
wow !!! it works thanks.
clean and simple. thanks bro.
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.2 on a Mac Mini. I did everything explained here, but PHP is not working. A simple &?php phpinfo(); ?& doesn't show anything and appears directly in the source code.
oops, my fault!
I didn't change the .html extension into .php!!!
Great walkthrough around a notorious minefield. Thanks.
Thanks for this.
i got an error when starting apache
/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 82: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument
this fix is floating around. edit the apachectl script and change
ULIMIT_MAX_FILES=&ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n`&
error exists as of 10.6.5-6 but maybe not worth it to add to the instructions as it could be fixed it in the future.
thanks, thanks, thanks :) now my phpmyadmin (finaly) works!
Simple and quick, thanks!
Thank you for a very clear tutorial.
finally... easy to use, straightforward directions, thank you!!!
Brilliant. Thanks. I had one extra problem, and got:
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Turned out it was a weird loopback issue. Maybe I missed something in this article but I posted my fix here: //mysql-access-denied-on-osx-10-6-6/
Took me about 2 hours of head scratching to find your page. And here you are. Thank you! There was no way I was going to figure out the php.ini quirks. Thank you again.
Thank you! The tutorial is clear.
Thank YOu !
Awesome! Worked every step of the way:)
Thanks a lot!
Great Tuto thx.
From Russia with love! It's realy nice!!! Simple for us (for your it's hard work) and perfect!!!
For me I ran into two issues.
1. I had no idea how or where to find the etc folder on a mac.
I looked and could not find it.
I figured it had to be hidden so a quick Google search revealed typing into finder /etc or if you know your command line cd /etc will get you in there.
2. The httpd.conf and php.ini files were read only and it told me that I did not have the permission to write to them.
I even tried opening them with sudo open httpd.conf -e to no avail.
What did work however is when I made my changes and saved the file to the desktop.
Remember to change the extension to .conf or .ini depending on which file you are working with.
I then opened the appropriate folder in finder.
I closed out of the file that I had finished editing.
I then did a drag and drop from the desktop to the proper directory.
I told it to authorize, then replace, put in my password and was in business.
Thanks for your hard work in writing this.
I now have these enabled.
I saw some items above about this not being installed.
What else is there?
If I go to I see a webpage.
As I understand it, Macintosh from Tiger and come pre-installed with PHP and all you need to know how to do is enable it.
Now, I just need to know where I can upload my pages so they will show up on the intranet.
Thank you! I don't know why i ever installed MAMP.
How can I add PostgreSQL to run with this apache?
If I want run php on console what I have to do?
I try this for many methods, but none really works.
mysql.sock file not appear anywhere, and without it I can't configure MySQL. Any suggestion?
thank you very much! very good information very easy to follow. Everything works great!
Thank you for the great tutorial, works flawless
Thanks a lot.
The package I just installed (mysql-5.5.13-osx10.6-x86_64) did not include anything named &the startup item, the preference pane&. However, it did have ./support-files/binary-configure.
I ran that and all seems to be well.
Hello dear friend.
I am studying programming, I'm new.
I have MAMP and mysql, work alone or with both.
But my problem is that when I create a database in mysql says no code attached to Connect .... ......
$conexion =mysql_connect(&localhost&,&root&,&root&) or die(&No se puede realizar la conexion a la base de datos &);
$crear = mysql_create_db($basedatos,$conexion) or die (&No se puedo crear
la base de datos &);
&!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN& &http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&&
&meta http-equiv=&Content-Type& content=&text/ charset=UTF-8& /&
if ($crear) {
$mensaje = &&h2&La base de datos ha sido creada exitasamente!!!&/h2&&;
echo ($mensaje);
But I can connect, code attached .......
$conexion=mysql_connect(&localhost&,&root&,&perro1&) or die(&No se puede realizar la conexion a la base de datos &);
&!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN& &http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&&
&meta http-equiv=&Content-Type& content=&text/ charset=UTF-8& /&
&title&conexion entre php y MYSQL&/title&
echo & la conexion se ha realizado con exito!!!!&;
Please could you help me, I agradecieria lot.
P.D &Greetings from Barcelona-spain
I encourtered every problem listed in this post. Why did I found it only now. WHYYY
Thanks very mush, gonna bookmark this.
Thank you for these simple and precise steps!
Thanks soooooo much!!! ;)
Thanks a los dude!
And it still works great! Thanks a lot!
MySQL 5.5.x install worked without a fresh install of Snow Leopard on my MacBook. Even the PrefPanel worked without any problem. Thanks!
Great guide - thanks!!
Awesome guide... But turning ON php shorttags sounds like a re)
Great - nice and clear
There is a simpler way without modifying php.ini.
make a soft link to &/var/mysql/mysql.sock& is OK.
sudo mkdir /var/mysql
sudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock
It's also OK for Lion (installed from AppStore, on SL).
Only, I had to recreate php.ini with same settings than SL
I love concise and clean. You rock!
Thank you! This was a big time saver.
Thank you, very helpful!
Thanks This was very helpful.
I encountered one glitch with trying to restart apache on OS X 10.6.6.
when I tried
sudo apachectl restart
I got the error message
/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 82: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument
I found a solution to this at the following site.
Thanks again
Thank you for writing this!
Your instructions for PHP were much easier than most other tutorials' and worked quite well.
i cant edit the httpd.conf file. it comes out only in the read only mode. i am opening it with emacs on my mac. I tried to change the file permissions using chmod. it does not work either. like the system says operation not permitted. Can some one help me out with this. Thanks :)
I don't know who you are but I love you for this! Thank you Thank you Thank you!! You made my day!
Thanks, great tutorial, simple yet complete
Hello Jér?me Jaglale,
Any update for Mac OS X Lion.
great! thanks!
Thank you very much.
mahesh, try &sudo emacs httpd.conf& and enter the admin password.
I have done all this and php is not working for me.
I created text file with a test php script I found, &&?php phpinfo(); ?&&.
My browser only shows it as a text file.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or may have missed?
Hi, I followed all the steps that you have recommended. Thanks a lot for the detailed information. However, I want to enable &root& user on mySQL which I haven't been able to do so far. I get &ERROR ): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)& this error every time. Can you please help me out. -Thanks in advance
Thank's from Spain (Europe)
Hey! Thanks for the helpful tutorial. I'm really new to this php thing, and I was wondering how to upload a php script? http://localhost/ says &It works!& and I installed MySql + the rest of the packages as well as edited the /etc/ php.ini and the httpd.conf files. But now I'm pretty lost. I tried looking up more stuff but...I'm confused. Any help?
Now I can officially get rid of MAMP... I'll miss it though
Thank you sooo much for this tutorial, I just cleaned up my mac and was reinstalling all my apps and just about forgot how to get php and mysql going again. Worked like a charm!! Many Thanks.
It’s really an awesome tutorial.
So, after that, how I can activate the “mail()” function on PHP? I really need this…
Thanks for this great tutorial, and waiting for the next one.
Cheers all.
Works on OS X Lion as well.
Just need to install the 64-bit DMG MySQL package from /downloads/mysql.
Perfect !!
thanks Man !
is there a copy of the httpd.conf ? i made some changes in order allow .htaccess usage but no luck.. i only destroyed my conf :/ without backup
Nice post!
I write about Apache + PHP + MySQL installation configuration as well, it would be nice to exchange references to each other blogs, if you agree... my weblog is
Wow, this is great and easy to follow.
Heaps of Thanks.
This is the best tutorial for installing/configuring PHP+mysql+Apache ever made.
I did not know that Apache and PHP is available in Macbook my default.
Thanks a lot. Very useful for a green hand like me.
Very simple and clear. Thank you!!!
&Download the MySQL package for Mac OS X.5 (32 or 64 bits depending on your machine)&
might be good to give a few more hints:
all the new macs are Intel arch, and X.6 only runs on Intel arch.
whereas X.5 also runs on ppc.
Most binaries are fat = contain multiple archs.
Use 'file' cmd to tell:
$ file `which httpd`
/usr/sbin/httpd: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures
/usr/sbin/httpd (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/usr/sbin/httpd (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
/usr/sbin/httpd (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O executable ppc
httpd=apache=the top level executable.
If MacOS can run the 64 bit version, it will (i think on both x.5 and x.6).
because php and the apache/php adapter run in apache's process, they also must be 64 bit.
(i386 and ppc7400 are 32 bit)
$ file /usr/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
/usr/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures
/usr/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit bundle x86_64
/usr/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so (for architecture i386): Mach-O bundle i386
/usr/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O bundle ppc
$ file `which php`
/usr/bin/php: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures
/usr/bin/php (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/usr/bin/php (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
/usr/bin/php (for architecture ppc7400): Mach-O executable ppc
and because mysql runs in PHP's address space, it should also be 64 bit.
timezone for california should be America/Los_Angeles - would be handy if it listed a few TZs that developers are @.
The difference between Vancouver and Los Angeles is potentially when DST starts and ends so it might make a difference (although they seem to be the same now).
Mexico's pacific time does change on different days from the US.
Some places in the US don't observe DST at all, and political winds change the rules every few years. Hence the US has about 2 dozen TZs including several in Indiana.
Great resource! Thank you! Worked like a charm!
oops sorry didn't realize this is worldwide.
Look here for your timezone:
By following your instructions my installation went flawlessly.
Thanks for putting this out there.
Works fine! Thank you, save me a lot of work.
Thank you very much.
This is the BEST, most concise, parsimonious set of instructions I have ever seen for XAMP! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Woow! I had no idea that it's already in Mac OS X. I was looking for a pack to install to be able to enable PHP and Apache, thank you. Mark
Dear Jerome excellent tutorial. I really enjoyed using the step by step installations. Thanks once more
Thanks lot for the clean and clear tutorial but the since the Mac OS X Lion the setting are pretty different specially the 'mysql.sock' location is changed back to '/tmp/mysql.sock' it would be great if you could update the tutorial for that change , many thanks :)
Thank you very much!! Your cleared my error!!
For half a day I couldn't find etc/apache2/. I was wondering how it is possible that I'm the only one who doesn't have it.
It turned out that I was looking at the wrong etc/ folder (Developer/usr/ect/). Maybe it was just stupid of me or maybe I'm too fresh with MacOS. The proper ect/, which is located in the main directory, was hidden, so Finder didn't show it.
Anyway, I found this info about how to show hidden filed in Finder:
Thank you very much. This worked like a charm
Funcionando perfeitamente! Obrigado!
Perfect.....simple and straight to the point....you are a life saver.....thanks
it's working so fine, thank you.
Thank you.
Please update to indicate that either it also applies to Lion or list the changes for Lion.
Hi I upgraded from 10.5 server (PHP/MySql site worked perfectly there of course) to 10.6.3 (server) which broke the site, although Server Admin shows &Web& and &MySql& still functioning. I completed all of the steps in this tutorial successfully, but still no luck:
Safari says: &Safari can’t open the page “http://localhost/” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again.&
I read every comment above and understand that these directions work best (or only) for a clean install of 10.6. Can anyone give me bullet points on which directories need to be backed up if I want to try this again with a clean install of 10.6, in order to save my mysql data and my php site?
Worked perfectly! Thanks a lot.
The best short tutorial on the subject ever.
Great, easy and works. Awesome tutorial.
It's a incredible tutorial. Thanks!
Very well explained.
Gracias / Merci / Thanks
This didn't install anything.
It just activated it.
Headline should say, &Activate Apache/PHP/MySQL on Snow Leopard&
It's explanations like this that weaken the Mac community.


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