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家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
& & 今天在github上找到了Google的IPv6地址,就把hosts文件替换了,结果https的网址都不能访问(实际只测试了和).百度这货却不影响访问.IPv6 hosts文件的更新日期是2016年,应该是很新的啊.
& & 访问IPv6需要什么特别的设置吗?DNS也要改吗?我的resove.conf里的两行联通DNS是自动更新的,貌似电脑连接WIFI后,会自动更新DNS.
& & 有办法使用自定义DNS吗?如果使用了自定义的DNS(访问被隔离的网站),会影响其他网站的访问速度吗?
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
unknown host
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
host bin6.it& && && && && && &
bin6.it has IPv6 address 2607:fd50:1:91b0::b146:11
bin6.it mail is handled by 20 .
bin6.it mail is handled by 10 .
ping6 2607:fd50:1:91b0::b146:11
connect: Network is unreachable
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
PING ::1(::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.101 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.094 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.117 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.101 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.093 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.089 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.090 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.106 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.099 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=0.108 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=0.087 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=0.103 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=13 ttl=64 time=0.097 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=14 ttl=64 time=0.111 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=15 ttl=64 time=0.099 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=16 ttl=64 time=0.103 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=17 ttl=64 time=0.099 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=18 ttl=64 time=0.092 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=19 ttl=64 time=0.088 ms
64 bytes from ::1: icmp_seq=20 ttl=64 time=0.094 ms
这个是ping本机IP吗?类似ping ?
这个结果,是说明本机(Fedora 23)已经开启IPv6支持了吗?
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep hosts
#hosts:& &&&db files nisplus nis dns
hosts:& && &files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname mymachines
hosts:& && &files mdns6_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname mymachines
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
手动在/etc/resolv.conf里添加了Public DNS Server
但是systemctl restart NetworkManager后
cat /etc/resovl.conf
我是笔记本通过路由连接WIFI的,每次重启NetworkManager 就重写resolv.conf,这样对吗?
家境小康, 积分 1424, 距离下一级还需 576 积分
北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司. 版权所有 京ICP证:060528号 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:
广播电视节目制作经营许可证(京) 字第1234号
转载本站内容请注明原作者名及出处苹果审核ipv6海外解决思路-About APP Store_Linux系统_ThinkSAAS
苹果审核ipv6海外解决思路-About APP Store
苹果审核ipv6海外解决思路-About APP Store
内容来源: 网络
所有文章内说的苹果IPV6和后台服务器没关系是错误的,至少在请求转发层面是错误的.苹果使用IPV6-ONLY网络进行APP测试,如果服务器端支持IPV6的话则可以直接请求IPV6所对应的服务器进而使用nginx转发至相应的API接口.如果没有IPV6地址的话则直接通过NAT64转化为相应的IPV4进行请求相应API. 请注意这里的重点是这个IPV6,,服务器不能单单支持IPV6即可,所谓的支持不能仅仅是打开linux服务器内相应被封印的IPV6相关设置然后加一个HE隧道(当然这么着也有通过的,但是HE也是基于IPV4,最好还是不要走这条道)而是寻找一台_真正有全球IPV6地址_的服务器,_这才是关键中的关键._至于其他文章所推崇的教育网转发,一是价格太贵,二是转发这事情由他人掌控多少有点看不起自己公司后端的意思(毕竟大多数不从事后端的人的想法就是感觉后端有毛事可干,喝喝喝)..
你的海外服务器IPV6地址 :80;
location /{
proxy_pass http://你的国内服务器IPV4地址:端口/;
proxy_set_header HOST $
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_
你的海外服务器IPV6地址 :80;
ssl_certificate /usr/develop/nginx/sslkey/XX.
ssl_certificate_key /usr/develop/nginx/sslkey/XX.
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=; includeS preload";
add_header Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-
if ( $scheme = http ) {
rewrite ^/(.*) https://$server_name/
location / {
proxy_pass http://你的国内服务器IPV4地址:端口/;
proxy_set_header HOST $
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_
“Software is like sex: it"s better when it"s free.”软件就像性,免费的比花钱的好得多.
--Linus Torvalds
开发客服微信What to do if you're broken...
If you are reading this page, it means that we've identified that your host will have problems on World IPv6 Day. Any web site that goes "dual stack" (meaning, both IPv4 and IPv6), will be unreachable to you.
To resolve this, you'll first need to identify your IPv6 address (if you have one) and your IPv6 default route (if you have one). This will help identify which sections to read.
If you find your particular problem is
or you have ad please do leave feedback using the
(or contact ).
Show instructions for:
Show instructions for:
Many OS and Hardware manufacturers are making updates to help improve the transition to IPv6. Some known "gotchas" are being addressed by workarounds by these vendors.
You can do your part to make sure you are running the latest:
OS - Make sure you have the latest.
Mac users: Apple OS X 10.6.7 is recommended for improved IPv6 support.
Mac users on 10.4 or 10.5 may need to disable IPv6 if other troubleshooting steps fail.
Windows users: go to .
iPhone/iPad users: No specific version advised at this time.
Routers - Make sure you have the latest firmware installed. Some vendors have updated the defaults, or put in health checks before enabling IPv6.
If you are using an Apple router or Time Capsule, load the Airport Utility to check that your router is up to date.
Browsers - Some browsers have made updates to detect "broken" users, and to temporarily disable IPv6.
Firefox 4.x now only tries IPv6, when an IPv6 address is configured. Firefox 3 users are encouraged to upgrade.
Chrome: If a wrench icon appears on the browser toolbar, click it. Select "Update Google Chrome" then Restart.
Opera: Make sure you use at least 11.10.
Show instructions for:
Identify your IPv6 address, and your default router (if you have one).
Finding your IPv6 address and default router can be a challenge if you are not familiar with your OS's network configuration. Instructions for your OS are below.
When looking for your IPv6 address, skip any fe80: address. Everyone has them if their OS supports IPv6; this is regadless of whether or not your ISP supports IPv6 yet. Those are "link local" used just for communicating to other hosts in the same physical network as you.
OS X users: To find your IP address using the GUI:
Go to the "Apple" menu (top left corner)
Go to System Preferences
Go to Network
Click on your primary network (green icon) if you have more than one work.
Go to "Advanced"
Look at the TCP/IP tab, uder "Configure IPv6".
Make a note of whether or not there is a router.
Make a note of the IPv6 address (if any).
OS X users: To find your IP address using the command line:
To open your terminal: Go to your A go to U and double click Terminal.
To see your IP addresses: ifconfig -f inet6.
Ignore the fe80: look for any other address on your en0 or en1.
To see if you have a default route: netstat -nr -f inet6.
Look for a line that says "default"; probably pointing to a gateway starting with fe80:
iPhone and iPad users: No information is shown via Apple's preferences/setup. The "IT Tools" and the "ip6config" apps do show IPv6 both cost.
Linux users: To find your IPv6 address, open a terminal and..
ip -6 address show
Linux users: To find your IPv6 route, use:
ip -6 route show default
Generic unix instructions for determining your IPv6 address and default route:
Runifconfig -aand look for inet6 to see your possible IPv6 addresses.
Runnetstat -nrand look for inet6 or Internet6 or similar to find the IPv6 then look for default or :: or ::/0.
Windows users: To find your IP address using cmd.exe:
Go to your "start" menu
If you have a "Run" menu option, select it. Otherwise go to the "Search programs and files" box.
Type cmd.exe
In the cmd window, type ipconfig .
Windows 7 GUI users:
Go to the start menu
Go to the control panel
Go to "Network and Internet"
Go to "View network status and tasks"
Go to "Change adapter settings".
Go to your main Internet connection, double click
Go to "Details"
Look for "IPv6 Address" and "IPv6 Default Gateway"
Other Windows based OS's: Send jfesler@ d and I'll add them to the site.
If you set up a tunnelbroker tunnel: The most common causes for tunnelbroker users to fail are:
Your IPv4 addr you need to tell the tunnelbroker server this happened.
If you are using your router to do the 6in4 (sometimes called 6to4 with explicit provider):
Make sure tunnelbroker knows your current IPv4 address. Our site tells you your public IPv4 address.
Make sure your router can ping the other side of the tunnel. Don't waste your time fixing computers until the router works!
If you are using your Linux, BSD, Mac, or Windows box to "talk 6to4" specifically:
Make sure your router is passing "protocol 41" to you.
Make sure any software firewall you are operating is passing "protocol 41" to you.
If everything worked before your reboot but fails now, check your firewall settings.
Make sure the box "doing 6to4" can ping the other side of the tunnelbroker gateway before working on any other hosts.
(IPv6 address: starts with 2002)
If you use 6to4 (wit ie, using anonymous 6to4):
The use of "automatic" 6to4, or the use of 6to4 without explicit configuration of the gateways, is not recommended. For more information see .
If you want to continue trying to debug anonymous 6to4:
If you are using your router to do the 6to4:
Make sure your router has a public IPv4 address. Without this, 6to4 fails.
If your router permits you to log in, use "ping" or "ping6" and see if you can ping "ipv6.". Don't waste your time fixing computers until the router works!
If you are using your Linux, BSD, Mac, or Windows box to "talk 6to4" specifically:
Make sure your router is passing "protocol 41" to you.
Most home systems have private IPv4 this won't work with 6to4 (unless..)
Make sure your 6to4 interface knows your public IPv4 address.
Make sure that your router permits protocol 41 from any IP address - not just This will allow web sites to operate their half of 6to4, even if they can not spoof the anycast address.
Linux users using iptables connection tracking: take heed of the previous note!
Consider changing how you connect.
Ask your ISP if they offer any IPv6 connectivity (including possibly 6in4 tunnels, or tunnelbroker type tunnels).
for more information on why you
and some options.
(IPv6 address: starts with FC or FD)
ULA or Unique-Local-Unicast:
If you have an IP address starting with FC or FD, you have what is effectively a private IPv6 address. It might be usable for talking to other devices within your home, or within your company. It also allows you to have a steady IPv6 address inside, even if your public IPv6 address changes regularly.
The main problem with ULA is that certain home routers are now offering ULA, *and* giving you a default route. This route is offered regardless of whether or not your router actually has IPv6 connectivity. From your browser's point of view, it doesn't know that your defaul there is no feedback mechanism. Since IPv6 is (roughly speaking) preferred over IPv4, your browser will try using this broken route. It may take minutes before giving up.
Our advice: Enable ULA only if your router has full time IPv6 connectivity. Disable it, otherwise. If you do disable it on your router, you will likely need to reboot your router first, then reboot your host, before the symptoms go away.
(IPv6 address: see table below)
Bad or Inappropriate IPv6 Addresses (Bogons):
If you IPv6 address starts with any of these, your router needs to be upgraded.
fcxx: or fdxx:
- disable ULA.
Other routers: Try updating the firmware. If that fails, look for and disable "ULA" or "Unique Local Addressing".
If that fails, disable IPv6 entirely on the router.
2002:0Axx: or 2002:Axx:
This is a router using 6to4, but using a private IPv4 address. This will never work.
Apple routers: Update to that has been corrected.
Other routers: Try updating the firmware. If that fails, look for and disable "6to4" or any form of automatic IPv6 tunnel.
If that fails, disable IPv6 entirely on the router.
This router is using the official "Documentation" prefix - which is not routable on the IPv6 Internet.
Cisco E2000, E3000, E4200: Update to the latest firmware.
Other routers: Try updating the firmware.
If that fails, disable IPv6 entirely on the router.
WRVS4400N routers: Disable IPv6.
Other routers: Try updating the firmware.
If that fails, disable IPv6 entirely on the router.
(IPv6 address: not starting with fe80)
Unexpected IPv6 address?
Modern operating systems all have IPv6 enabled. This feature is dormant until someone explicitly configures IPv6, or a device on the local network offers it. Autoconfigured IPv6 hosts learn their IPv6 address and their gateway through the use of IPv6 router announcements (RAs). The network you are on may intentionally offer IPv6; you'll automatically use it when your computer sees it.
Where this goes wrong: Some people plug their router into the network (wired or wireless) and inadvertantly offer IPv6 services to everyone. Classic examples of this are where people add an early version of an Apple router (with 6to4 automatically enabled); another example is someone who has Windows Internet Connection Sharing enabled. In both cases, there is a chance they offer their services - and become your IPv6 router of choice, without any notification to you.
If these IPv6 routers don't work, you will fail to connect to any web site that offers services on both IPv4 and IPv6. Even if they do work, if the router in question is unplugged (the owner packs up, leaves the hotel/conference) your host n and it can be hours before it gives up.
This is similiar to someone accidentially (or intentionally) running a rogue DHCP server.
If you are are not the network admin - and have no access to fix the problem - consider disabling IPv6, at least for the location you are in. Another option might be to try turning off, and turning back on, your network interface (clearing the IP address), in case the source of the problem has left the network.
If you are the network administrator: You can use the default route information to identify
and then search for the owner of that ethernet address. Some network vendors have features that will suppress the advertisements of unauthorized RAs (router announcements); consider enabling those feaatures. More reactive measures involve finding (by ethernet address) the or possibly spoofing RA's from their device to indicate the device is going away.
Consider trying the "netalyzr". This is another site that runs a java applet (which can do more than my site can, in just javascript). I would find feedback about how you useful this site was for you.
From the netalyzr staff:
network debugging and diagnostic service written by researchers at the
International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley.
This tool runs from
within your Java-enabled web browser.
It automatically detects many
conditions which might cause problems with IPv6 connectivity, including
creating a list of all IP addresses, discovering IPv6 addresses that don't
work, detecting IPv6 rogue gateways, and a host of other network problems.
Show instructions for:
(Instructions for disabling or deprioritizing IPv6)
Disabling or Deprioritizing your IPv6 address
To disable IPv6 entirely, until your ISP offers IPv6 to you: see Microsoft's "fixit" site that gives clear instructions. We advocate considering "Use IPv4 instead of IPv6 in prefix policies", instead of completely disabling IPv6. Specific Windows features depend on IPv6 being enabled.
To completely disable IPv6 (Windows 7, V XP should be similiar):
Go to the start menu
Go to the control panel
Go to "Network and Internet"
Go to "View network status and tasks"
Go to "Change adapter settings".
Go to your main Internet connection, double click
Go to "Properties"
Uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6"
To disable IPv6 in Windows XP:
Taken from:
Make sure you are logged in as an Administrator.
Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
At the command prompt, type: netsh int ipv6 uninstall and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Close the Command Prompt window and restart the computer.
Other Windows based OS's: Send jfesler@ d and I'll add them to the site.
OS X users
Before disabling IPv6, please be sure you are running the latest OS version. In particular, OS X 10.6.7 has several workarounds for being "Broken". This may solve your problems without resorting to completely disabling IPv6.
How to disable IPv6
Go to the "Apple" menu (top left corner)
Go to System Preferences
Go to Network
Click on your primary network (green icon) if you have more than one work.
Go to "Advanced"
Disable IPv6
Apply changes
iPhone and iPad users
IPv6 is not configurable on the iPhone or iPad. Your only option is to switch to another network.
Linux users:
How to disable IPv6
This is very distribution-specific. Do a web search using your favorite search engine.
Example web search: disable ipv6 on centos
Generic unix instructions, to temporarily remove your IPv6 address.
ifconfig eth0 inet6 IP_ADDRESS remove
Be aware that if the router re-advertises it, you will relearn the default route.
You can do a web search for your particular OS distribution. Example search would be disable ipv6 on freebsd.
Other resources that may help
Copyright (C)
Jason Fesler. All rights reserved.
Version 1.1.546 (abebb5c)
This is a mirror of . The views expressed here may or may not reflect the views of the mirror owner.


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