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4. SysdeoTomcatPluginV3
在上述东东都安装配置好后,开始新建工程,打开file-&new-&project--&J2EE--&Web Project,见图 点&下一步&输入工程名,其他默认,&finish&就OK了。建立工程后,开始加Struts结构,我建的工程叫&insect&,在工程上点右键,选myeclise--&add struts capabilities.按自己需要设置。见图:好,现在可以新建struts的action、actionform、JSP了,在工程上点右键,new--&struts1.2 action,form,jsp,见下图,没有的可在文件里点新建---》其他,里边找。OK,现在出现对话框按自己要求写吧,图就不加了,网上有这几步的说明,我就不再重复。此处从简,这些都配置好后,开始部署,发布试运行一下。注意,我就是在这里栽个跟头,爬了好几天才起来。上边步骤都走完后出现的界面为:如果大家都出现这个类似得页子就可以进行部署了,点工具拦上的部署按钮,网上有朋友说是红色的,但我的不是,见图:点这个按钮后,在跳出的对话框中点&add&,然后又跳出一个,在&server&里选&Externally Launched&,Deploy Location里输入部署的位置,我输到tomcat安装路径底下的webapps,即:&C:\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\insect&好了,到此就可以了,finish,出现下图:点redeploy发布,好,启动tomcat吧,运行一下。打开浏览器输入:http://localhost:8080/insect/form/login.jsp就会看到界面了哦,开发起来是不是觉得很爽呢:)不过中间也遇到其他的一些错误,我在分开说吧,这么长我怕传不上去,一下午的功劳就完了,呵呵。还有什么补充的,大家可以留言哦,共同进步,一起成长。上一篇: 简单的java访问共享文件
下一篇: Weblogic 81 CA配置以及单向SSL配置
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400电话: 400-SimpleDateFormat使用详解
public class
SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
SimpleDateFormat 是一个以国别敏感的方式格式化和分析数据的具体类。 它允许格式化 (date -& text)、语法分析 (text -& date)和标准化。
SimpleDateFormat 允许以为日期-时间格式化选择任何用户指定的方式启动。 但是,希望用 DateFormat 中的getTimeInstance、 getDateInstance 或 getDateTimeInstance 创建一个日期-时间格式化程序。 每个类方法返回一个以缺省格式化方式初始化的日期/时间格式化程序。 可以根据需要用applyPattern 方法修改格式化方式。
SimpleDateFormat函数的继承关系: java.lang.Object && | && +----java.text.Format &&&&&&&&&& | &&&&&&&&&& +----java.text.DateFormat &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +----java.text.SimpleDateFormat 下面是个小例子: import java.text.*; import java.util.D
/** & SimpleDateFormat函数语法: &
& G 年代标志符 & y 年 & M 月 & d 日 & h 时 在上午或下午 (1~12) & H 时 在一天中 (0~23) & m 分 & s 秒 & S 毫秒 & E 星期 & D 一年中的第几天 & F 一月中第几个星期几 & w 一年中第几个星期 & W 一月中第几个星期 & a 上午 / 下午 标记符
& k 时 在一天中 (1~24) & K 时 在上午或下午 (0~11) & z 时区 &*/ public class FormatDateTime {
&&& public static void main(String[] args) { &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt=new SimpleDateFormat(&yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒&); &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt1=new SimpleDateFormat(&yy/MM/dd HH:mm&);
&&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt2=new SimpleDateFormat(&yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss&);//等价于now.toLocaleString() &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt3=new SimpleDateFormat(&yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒 E &); &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt4=new SimpleDateFormat( &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &一年中的第 D 天 一年中第w个星期 一月中第W个星期 在一天中k时 z时区&); &&&&&&& Date now=new Date(); &&&&&&& System.out.println(myFmt.format(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(myFmt1.format(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(myFmt2.format(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(myFmt3.format(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(myFmt4.format(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(now.toGMTString()); &&&&&&& System.out.println(now.toLocaleString()); &&&&&&& System.out.println(now.toString()); &&& }&&&
效果: 日 17时24分27秒 04/12/16 17:24
17:24:27 日 17时24分27秒 星期四
一年中的第 351 天 一年中第51个星期 一月中第3个星期 在一天中17时 CST时区 16 Dec :27 GMT
17:24:27 Thu Dec 16 17:24:27 CST 2004
下面是个JavaBean: public class FormatDateTime { &&&
&&& public static String toLongDateString(Date dt){ &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt=new SimpleDateFormat(&yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒 E &);&&&&&&& &&&&&&& return myFmt.format(dt); &&& } &&&
&&& public static String toShortDateString(Date dt){ &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt=new SimpleDateFormat(&yy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分&);&&&&&&&
&&&&&&& return myFmt.format(dt); &&& }&&&
&&& public static String toLongTimeString(Date dt){ &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt=new SimpleDateFormat(&HH mm ss SSSS&);&&&&&&&
&&&&&&& return myFmt.format(dt); &&& } &&& public static String toShortTimeString(Date dt){ &&&&&&& SimpleDateFormat myFmt=new SimpleDateFormat(&yy/MM/dd HH:mm&);&&&&&&&
&&&&&&& return myFmt.format(dt); &&& } &&&
&&& public static void main(String[] args) {
&&&&&&& Date now=new Date();
&&&&&&& System.out.println(FormatDateTime.toLongDateString(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(FormatDateTime.toShortDateString(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(FormatDateTime.toLongTimeString(now)); &&&&&&& System.out.println(FormatDateTime.toShortTimeString(now)); &&& }&&&
} 调用的main 测试结果: 日 17时38分26秒 星期四
04年12月16日 17时38分 17 38 26 0965 04/12/16 17:38
* Copyright (c)
Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp.
- All Rights Reserved
The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted
* and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These
* materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
* and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
* patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
package java.
import java.io.IOE
import java.io.InvalidObjectE
import java.io.ObjectInputS
import java.util.C
import java.util.D
import java.util.GregorianC
import java.util.L
import java.util.M
import java.util.MissingResourceE
import java.util.ResourceB
import java.util.SimpleTimeZ
import java.util.TimeZ
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashM
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentM
import sun.util.calendar.CalendarU
import sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfoF
import sun.util.resources.LocaleD
* &code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& is a concrete class for formatting and
* parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. It allows for formatting
* (date -& text), parsing (text -& date), and normalization.
* &code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& allows you to start by choosing
* any user-defined patterns for date-time formatting. However, you
* are encouraged to create a date-time formatter with either
* &code&getTimeInstance&/code&, &code&getDateInstance&/code&, or
* &code&getDateTimeInstance&/code& in &code&DateFormat&/code&. Each
* of these class methods can return a date/time formatter initialized
* with a default format pattern. You may modify the format pattern
* using the &code&applyPattern&/code& methods as desired.
* For more information on using these methods, see
* {@link DateFormat}.
* &h4&Date and Time Patterns&/h4&
* Date and time formats are specified by &em&date and time pattern&/em&
* strings.
* Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from
* &code&'A'&/code& to &code&'Z'&/code& and from &code&'a'&/code& to
* &code&'z'&/code& are interpreted as pattern letters representing the
* components of a date or time string.
* Text can be quoted using single quotes (&code&'&/code&) to avoid
* interpretation.
* &code&&''&&/code& represents a single quote.
* All other characters they're simply copied into the
* output string during formatting or matched against the input string
* during parsing.
* The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from
* &code&'A'&/code& to &code&'Z'&/code& and from &code&'a'&/code& to
* &code&'z'&/code& are reserved):
* &blockquote&
* &table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 summary=&Chart shows pattern letters, date/time component, presentation, and examples.&&
&tr bgcolor=&#ccccff&&
&th align=left&Letter
&th align=left&Date or Time Component
&th align=left&Presentation
&th align=left&Examples
&td&Era designator
&td&&a href=&#text&&Text&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&&a href=&#year&&Year&/a&
&td&&code&1996&/code&; &code&96&/code&
&td&Month in year
&td&&a href=&#month&&Month&/a&
&td&&code&July&/code&; &code&Jul&/code&; &code&07&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Week in year
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&Week in month
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Day in year
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&Day in month
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Day of week in month
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&Day in week
&td&&a href=&#text&&Text&/a&
&td&&code&Tuesday&/code&; &code&Tue&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Am/pm marker
&td&&a href=&#text&&Text&/a&
&td&Hour in day (0-23)
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Hour in day (1-24)
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&Hour in am/pm (0-11)
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Hour in am/pm (1-12)
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&Minute in hour
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Second in minute
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&td&&a href=&#number&&Number&/a&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&Time zone
&td&&a href=&#timezone&&General time zone&/a&
&td&&code&Pacific Standard Time&/code&; &code&PST&/code&; &code&GMT-08:00&/code&
&td&Time zone
&td&&a href=&#rfc822timezone&&RFC 822 time zone&/a&
* &/table&
* &/blockquote&
* Pattern letters are usually repeated, as their number determines the
* exact presentation:
* &li&&strong&&a name=&text&&Text:&/a&&/strong&
For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 4 or more,
t otherwise a short or abbreviated form
is used if available.
For parsing, both forms are accepted, independent of the number
of pattern letters.
* &li&&strong&&a name=&number&&Number:&/a&&/strong&
For formatting, the number of pattern letters is the minimum
number of digits, and shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount.
For parsing, the number of pattern letters is ignored unless
it's needed to separate two adjacent fields.
* &li&&strong&&a name=&year&&Year:&/a&&/strong&
If the formatter's {@link #getCalendar() Calendar} is the Gregorian
calendar, the following rules are applied.&br&
&li&For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 2, the year
is truncated to 2 otherwise it is interpreted as a
&a href=&#number&&number&/a&.
&li&For parsing, if the number of pattern letters is more than 2,
the year is interpreted literally, regardless of the number of
digits. So using the pattern &MM/dd/yyyy&, &01/11/12& parses to
Jan 11, 12 A.D.
&li&For parsing with the abbreviated year pattern (&y& or &yy&),
&code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& must interpret the abbreviated year
relative to some century.
It does this by adjusting dates to be
within 80 years before and 20 years after the time the &code&SimpleDateFormat&/code&
instance is created. For example, using a pattern of &MM/dd/yy& and a
&code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& instance created on Jan 1, 1997,
the string
&01/11/12& would be interpreted as Jan 11, 2012 while the string &05/04/64&
would be interpreted as May 4, 1964.
During parsing, only strings consisting of exactly two digits, as defined by
{@link Character#isDigit(char)}, will be parsed into the default century.
Any other numeric string, such as a one digit string, a three or more digit
string, or a two digit string that isn't all digits (for example, &-1&), is
interpreted literally.
So &01/02/3& or &01/02/003& are parsed, using the
same pattern, as Jan 2, 3 AD.
Likewise, &01/02/-3& is parsed as Jan 2, 4 BC.
Otherwise, calendar system specific forms are applied.
For both formatting and parsing, if the number of pattern
letters is 4 or more, a calendar specific {@linkplain
Calendar#LONG long form} is used. Otherwise, a calendar
specific {@linkplain Calendar#SHORT short or abbreviated form}
* &li&&strong&&a name=&month&&Month:&/a&&/strong&
If the number of pattern letters is 3 or more, the month is
interpreted as &a href=&#text&&text&/a&; otherwise,
it is interpreted as a &a href=&#number&&number&/a&.
* &li&&strong&&a name=&timezone&&General time zone:&/a&&/strong&
Time zones are interpreted as &a href=&#text&&text&/a& if they have
names. For time zones representing a GMT offset value, the
following syntax is used:
&a name=&GMTOffsetTimeZone&&&i&GMTOffsetTimeZone:&/i&&/a&
&code&GMT&/code& &i&Sign&/i& &i&Hours&/i& &code&:&/code& &i&Minutes&/i&
&i&Sign:&/i& one of
&code&+ -&/code&
&i&Digit&/i& &i&Digit&/i&
&i&Digit&/i& &i&Digit&/i&
&i&Digit:&/i& one of
&code&0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9&/code&&/pre&
&i&Hours&/i& must be between 0 and 23, and &i&Minutes&/i& must be between
00 and 59. The format is locale independent and digits must be taken
from the Basic Latin block of the Unicode standard.
&p&For parsing, &a href=&#rfc822timezone&&RFC 822 time zones&/a& are also
* &li&&strong&&a name=&rfc822timezone&&RFC 822 time zone:&/a&&/strong&
For formatting, the RFC 822 4-digit time zone format is used:
&i&Sign&/i& &i&TwoDigitHours&/i& &i&Minutes&/i&
&i&Digit Digit&/i&&/pre&
&i&TwoDigitHours&/i& must be between 00 and 23. Other definitions
are as for &a href=&#timezone&&general time zones&/a&.
&p&For parsing, &a href=&#timezone&&general time zones&/a& are also
* &code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& also supports &em&localized date and time
* pattern&/em& strings. In these strings, the pattern letters described above
* may be replaced with other, locale dependent, pattern letters.
* &code&SimpleDateFormat&/code& does not deal with the localization of text
* other than that's up to the client of the class.
* &h4&Examples&/h4&
* The following examples show how date and time patterns are interpreted in
* the U.S. locale. The given date and time are
12:08:56 local time
* in the U.S. Pacific Time time zone.
* &blockquote&
* &table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 summary=&Examples of date and time patterns interpreted in the U.S. locale&&
&tr bgcolor=&#ccccff&&
&th align=left&Date and Time Pattern
&th align=left&Result
&td&&code&&yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z&&/code&
&td&&code& AD at 12:08:56 PDT&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&&code&&EEE, MMM d, ''yy&&/code&
&td&&code&Wed, Jul 4, '01&/code&
&td&&code&&h:mm a&&/code&
&td&&code&12:08 PM&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&&code&&hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz&&/code&
&td&&code&12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time&/code&
&td&&code&&K:mm a, z&&/code&
&td&&code&0:08 PM, PDT&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&&code&&yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa&&/code&
&td&&code&02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM&/code&
&td&&code&&EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z&&/code&
&td&&code&Wed, 4 Jul :56 -0700&/code&
&tr bgcolor=&#eeeeff&&
&td&&code&&yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ&&/code&Tomcat 远程调试(remote debug)
Tomcat 远程调试(remote debug)
发布时间: 3:18:00
本篇文章主要介绍了"Tomcat 远程调试(remote debug)",主要涉及到Tomcat 远程调试(remote debug)方面的内容,对于Tomcat 远程调试(remote debug)感兴趣的同学可以参考一下。
1.设置 tomecat 参数 包括 启动debug模式,远程socket链接和监听端口等。在catalina.bat文件中最前面加入以下参数
SET CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -piler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000
2.在eclipse或myEclipse中配置外部服务器 MyEclipse Externally Launched Server
菜单Run-&Open debug dialog&
在 MyEclipse Externally Launched Server 新建一个填入你要调试的项目名称,Host:localhost Port:8000 。并勾选 Allowtermination of remote VM。
3.在外部启动你的tomcat服务器后 应该为 debug mode, 然后再在debug图标中选择远程调试即可。
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o Java...show aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageSOFTWARE DEVELOPER AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINER at Intaglio SolutionsLecturer at INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT CATERING & TOURISMPast experienceCompany placeholder imageSenior Lecturer for Computer Programming Languages at Softdot Hi Tech Education & training InstituteEducationCompany placeholder imageshridhar universityCompany placeholder imageDelhi UniversitySummaryOver 11 years of experience. Advanced expertise in Training (Computer Languages and Personality Development) and Software Development....show aboveshow belowConsultant at DeloittePast experienceConsultant at VBridge Consulting India Pvt LtdCompany placeholder imageSoftware Engineer at Maa ICIT Pvt LtdEducationCompany placeholder imageAndhra Loyola College, Vijayawada, Andhra PradeshCompany placeholder imageSRSVRGNR Degree College, Mylavaram, Andhra PradeshCompany placeholder imageVVR Govt Jr. College, Mylavaram, Andhra PradeshSummaryI am a good team player.show aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageJava Enterprise Architect and Developer at I2Solvers Inc.Past experienceJava Enterprise Integration Architect at CapgeminiSr. Software Engineer at Inforeem IncAssistant Professor at Graphic Era UniversityEducationNational Institute of Technology WarangalSummaryJava Enterprise Solution Architect, Senior Java & JEE developer, Detailed Enterprise Designer, Java Enterprise Mentor, Senior Android...show aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageSiebel Consultant at CapgeminiPast experienceSiebel Consultant / CRM at IBMCompany placeholder imageSoftware Engineer Internship at NCSSoftware Developer Internship at Wincor NixdorfCompany placeholder imageInternship / Web Developer at Pulp mediaEducationCompany placeholder imageEcole Marocaine des Sciences de l'IngénieurCompany placeholder imageOracle CorporationCompany placeholder imageOracle CorporationSummaryCareer Summary:
o Worked as a Technical consultant for about 3 years in providing CRM solution with excellent business domain experience...show aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageSoftware Engineer at Uolo TechnologyPast experienceCompany placeholder imageSoftware Developer at EMSEducationCompany placeholder imagenit raipurCompany placeholder imagejnv bhadohiCompany placeholder imagejnv bhadohiSummarytechnology enthusiast with over 1 and half years of corporate experience in building large scale web applications.
Extensive full stack...show aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageSoftware QA Engineer at VirtusaPolarisEducationDharmsinh Desai UniversityCompany placeholder imageL.P.SAVANIVIDHYABHAVANCompany placeholder imageG.S.E.B GAUTAMI KANYAshow aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageAdvisory Software Engineer at Systems LimitedPast experienceSr. Software Engineer at Systems LimitedCompany placeholder imageHuman Resource Partner at Lahore University of Management SciencesIT Consultant at Lahore University of Management SciencesSoftware Engineer at Lahore University of Management SciencesEducationCompany placeholder imagePunjab University College of Information TechnologyCompany placeholder imageGovernment Islamia CollegeCompany placeholder imageThe Rising Cadet SchoolSummaryWaqas having 7 years of experience in Application Development Framework, design, analysis, development and testing of Web/Enterprise based...show aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageCompany placeholder imageSr. Java Developer at Ocher Technology GroupSoftware Developer( contractor) at ConduentPast experienceAssociate -Projects at Cognizant Technology SolutionsSoftware Engineer at Object Frontier SoftwareEducationCompany placeholder imageSri Muthukumaran Institute of TechnologySummary?Around
8 years of experience in analyzing, designing and implementing various client/server
and web based applications using Java/JEE...show aboveshow belowAndroid Developer at New Innovation TechnologiesPast experienceCompany placeholder imageAndroid Developer
at Smart IT BusinessCompany placeholder imageStudent in Java & Mobile Track at ITSDeveloping Android Apps at Google/ MCITInternship at IBMEducationOctober 6 UniversitySummaryMobile Developer (Android - Xamarin)show aboveshow belowShow moreShow lessPopular articles for this topicDaily news and insights from real experts on LinkedInShow moreShow less


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