
& or at least more prone to being hacked & than wired networks. That&s simply the nature of a broadcast-based mode of communication: it&s much harder to hack into a router that requires you to physically plug in.
Which is why Wi-Fi security is such a hot topic. And one of the first things users typically want to do to secure their networks is hide their routers so that passersby won&t be able to see and/or connect to said networks.
In this post we&ll show you how to do that, but we&ll also explain why this may not be the best thing to do if security is your main concern.
Why Hide Your Wi-Fi Network?
A Quick SSID Intro
According to IEEE 802.11 standards, every wireless network must have an identifier that&s used by devices to connect to that network. This is called the Service Set Identifier (SSID), but don&t let the faux-complexity fool you. It basically means &network name&.
Every so often, routers broadcast something called a beacon frame. This is nothing more than a transmission that contains information about the network, , and is meant to announce that this network exists. This is how your phone, for example, knows about all of the Wi-Fi networks around you. (Beacon frames are broadcasted about once every 100 milliseconds.)
Image Credit: MaluStudio via Shutterstock
Think of it as your router shouting out to the world, &Here I am! My name is Cisco04022! If you can hear me, you can use that name to initiate a connection with me!&Advertisement
And if you were to stop your router from shouting all of that nonsense, you probably think your router would effectively become invisible. If a network doesn&t broadcast its presence, then devices won&t know about it, and therefore won&t be able to connect. Right?
Not quite.
The Limitations of SSID Hiding
Wireless signals are all the same: they start at a source (your router) and travel out in all directions (think of an ever-expanding sphere). There&s no way to &aim& a Wi-Fi transmission in a straight line from your router to your computer, and even if you could, you wouldn&t be able to stop the signal as soon as it reached its intended recipient & it&ll keep going.
Image Credit: Diego Schtutman via Shutterstock
Let&s assume that your wireless network is NOT broadcasting its SSID. Nobody knows it exists except you. You go ahead and establish a connection to it and start using Wi-Fi as normal. When you visit a website, for example, your router broadcasts a signal with that website&s data, and your computer receives it as the signal passes by. But the problem? This signal still has to travel through open air, which means anyone in its radius could intercept it.
In other words, even if your network stops broadcasting its SSID, hackers and malicious users can still find it by intercepting 1) your transmissions to the router and 2) your router&s transmissions to you.
How to Actually Secure Your Wi-Fi Network
All of this means that hiding your network is NOT an effective security measure & at best, it&s a deterrent that will only keep out the most tech-unsavvy of people. Someone who wants to hack into your network will still have other ways to get in.
Security by obscurity is not true security!
If you really want to secure your network,
Is someone sniffing and eavesdropping on your Wi-Fi traffic, stealing your passwords and credit card numbers? Would you even know if somebody was? Probably not, so secure your wireless network with these 7 simple steps.
. We recommend doing all of them if you can, but if we absolutely had to recommend only three, then they would be:
Change the default admin credentials. A quick search on the internet can reveal the default admin usernames and passwords for nearly any router brand and model combination. If you don&t change this, all other security settings are for naught. This should be the
Whether you just bought your first ever router or upgraded your old one to a new one, there are several crucial first steps that you should take right away to set up properly.
Encrypt using WPA2 and AES. Remember, your router is always broadcasting signals in all directions & but you can make these signals uninterceptable by encrypting them. Doing this, any signal meant for your computer will only be readable by your computer.
Disable the WPS and UPnP features. These are convenience features that have lots of big security vulnerabilities, mainly the ability to circumvent other security features (like firewalls), so we recommend turning them off ASAP.
Again, we&ve only scratched the surface here. You&ll also want to explore these
Most wireless routers are equipped with a handful of amazing features that you probably aren't taking advantage of. Here are some of the more useful ones to start exploring right now.
for a better overall experience.
Steps to Hide Your Wi-Fi Network Anyway
Okay. You&ve gotten this far in the post and you still want to hide your SSID? That&s cool. We&ll show you how to do that & and you&ll be glad to know that it&s much easier than you&d expect.
Start by logging into your router&s admin panel. For me, this means going to in my browser, but it may or may not be the same for you. For example, most Netgear users can reach it by going to routerlogin.net instead. Note that you may need a wired LAN connection to your router for the browser login to work.
Consult your router&s manual if you aren&t sure how to reach the admin panel. It should look something like this though:
Next, look in the navigation bar for the Wireless section. If you have submenus, look around for something close to Wireless Settings, Wireless Options, Wireless & Basic Settings, etc.
You should be able to tweak the SSID, channel, channel mode, and channel width on the page, but the important thing is to find the option called Enable SSID Broadcast and uncheck it. Depending on your router model, it may also be called Visibility Status, Enable Hidden Wireless, or just SSID Broadcast:
That&s pretty much it. Save the settings, which may or may not require your router to restart, and your router will become &undetectable& to devices.
Other Tips for Your Home Wireless Network
When you&re setting a password for your network,
& and this applies for both the admin password and the wireless connection password.
Stay on top of .
And if you have
or overall poor signal in your house or apartment, you may be able to solve your woes by
If your router's Wi-Fi signals are weak and unreliable and you can't seem to find a solution, the answer may lie in Wi-Fi extenders and/or powerline adapters.
Why do you want to hide your wireless network? Did this article answer your questions? Let us know in a comment below!
Originally written by&Matt Smith on February 1, 2011
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現 在 很 多 新
Router 都 有 所 謂 的
Guest Network 功 能 ,究 竟 什 麼 是
Guest Network 呢 ?Guest Network 一 般 是 指 在 一 個 公 司 /家 居 的 整 體 網 絡 裡 面 的 一 個 部 分 ,而 該 部 分 的 網 絡 只 容 許 有
Internet 連 線 ,但 是 卻 不 容 許 連 線 到 公 司 /家 居 內 聯 網
( intranet ) 的 部 分 。這 樣 既 可 以 容 許 客 人 使 用 互 聯 網 ,又 避 免 了 外 人 接 觸 到 公 司 /家 居 的 私 人 資 訊 。更 重 要 的 是 ,客 人 的 電 腦 /裝 置 不 是 我 們 可 以 控 制 的 ,有 沒 有 病 毒 我 們 根 本 不 會 知 道 。Guest Network 就 可 以 有 效 防 止 外 來 電 腦 /裝 置 在 我 們 的 電 腦 網 絡 裡 面 播 毒 ,又 或 者 別 人 通 過 外 來 電 腦 /裝 置 的 漏 洞 來 入 侵 我 們 的 網 絡 。
Guest Network Settings
現 時
Router 的
Guest Network 功 能 ,大 多 都 是 純 粹 指
Guest WiFi Network,至 於 有 線 方 面 ,是 沒 有 所 謂 的
Guest 連 線 的 。當 你 啟 動 了
Guest Network 功 能 之 後 ,你 的
Router 使 會 多 了 另 一 個
WiFi SSID。有 些 公 司 的 產 品 可 以 自 由 設 定
Guest WiFi 的
SSID,有 些 公 司 卻 不 可 以
( 例 如 在 某 些 產 品 中 ,你 原 來 的
Guest Network 就 預 設 一 定 是
abcde_guest )。
該 兩 個 不 同 的
SSID 就 代 表 了 兩 個 獨 立 的 部 分 。用 回 你 原 本 的
SSID 連 線 ,你 就 可 以 連 線 到 你 公 司 /家 居 的 所 有 裝 置
( 例 如
printer、server、電 視 、network media player 等 等
)。如 果 連 線 到
Guest Network 的
SSID 的 話 ,就 只 可 以 連 線 到 互 聯 網 ,所 有 其 他 裝 置 都 通 通 連 不 上 。
有 一 點 需 要 特 別 注 意 ,雖 然
Guest Network 不 容 易 入 侵 你 的 網 絡 ,但 絕 不 代 表 你 就 可 以 不 用 密 碼 ,或 用 超 簡 單 的 密 碼 。因 為 別 人 單 單 使 用 你 的
Router 來 連 線 互 聯 網 ,也 可 以 進 行 犯 罪 活 動 的 ,例 如 散 播 病 毒 、散 播 流 言 、發 動 駭 客 攻 擊 、通 過 互 聯 網 行 騙 等 等 ,當 警 察 通 過 你 的
IP 查 到 你 的 地 址 的 時 候 ,你 就 會 十 分 麻 煩 了 。所 以 ,Guest Network 一 樣 要 用 最 高 級 的 加 密 法
( WPA2 + AES ) 和 強 密 碼 來 保 護 。
Guest Network 看 來 真 是 十 分 好 用 ,但 如 果 我 們 的
Router 本 身 不 支 援 又 如 何 辦 呢 ?其 實 即 使 任 何 兩 台 家 居
Router,不 用 更 改
firmware 就 可 以 設 定 成
Guest Network 的 了 ,設 定 方 式 更 是 非 常 的 簡 單 。
Main Router
WAN: 按 照 你 的 寬 頻 服 務 來 設 定
DHCP Server: Enabled
WiFi SSID: Guest_Network
WiFi Security: WPA2 + AES
WiFi Password: Abcd1234abcD
2nd Router
WAN: Dynamic IP / Automatic Configuration - DHCP (兩 者 是 一 樣 意 思 的 )
DHCP Server: Enabled
WiFi SSID: Home_Network
WiFi Security: WPA2 + AES
WiFi Password: Defg9876defG
至 於 接 線 方 面 ,Main Router 的
WAN port 就 接 到 你 的 寬 頻 服 務 供 應 商 。而
2nd Router 的
WAN port 就 接 到
Main Router 的 其 中 一 個
LAN port。至 於 你 公 司 /家 居 的 所 有 電 腦 和 裝 置 ,都 要 連 接 到
2nd Router 的
LAN port。
要 注 意 的 是 ,Main Router 的
WiFi 就 是
Guest Network ( 其 實
main router 的
LAN port 也 是 的
),2nd Router 的
WiFi 才 是
main WiFi。
整 個
2nd Router 的 網 絡 ,才 是 你 公 司 /家 居 的 主 要 網 絡 。所 有 的
Guest 連 線 ,就 是 連 接 到
main router 的 連 線 ,都 是 在
2nd router 的 外 面 的
( WAN side ),所 以 他 們 是 不 能 連 線 到 你 的
2nd router 裡 面 的
( LAN side )。
在 坊 間 見 到 很 多 朋 友 都 把
Main Router 設 定 為 主 要 網 絡 ,2nd Router 設 定 為
Guest Network。其 實 這 是 一 個 常 見 的 錯 誤 ,因 為 如 果 你 沒 有 另 外 設 定 好
firewall rules,2nd router 連 線 的 裝 置 是 可 以 見 到
Main Router 的 所 有 裝 置 的 ,只 要 他 們 知 道 你
Main Router 的
IP Range ( private IP 就 那 幾 組 ,有 多 難 估 ? )。其 實 讀 者 們 可 以 自 己 試 試 ,從
2nd router ( 192.168.1.x ) 的 裝 置 去
Ping Main Router ( 192.168.0.x )的 裝 置 ,那 都 是 可 以 成 功 的 ,而 相 反 方 向 ,卻 是 不 行 的
( 就 是 由
192.168.0.x 是
Ping 不 通
192.168.1.x 的
)。所 以 大 家 可 以 自 行 判 斷 ,究 竟 把 主 要 網 絡 接 到
Main Router 還 是
2nd Router 比 較 好 。
如 果 有 需 要 做
port forwarding 的 朋 友 ,2nd router 的
WAN 就 要 設 定 為
Fix IP。例 如 你 開 了
pptp VPN server ( 要 用
port 1723 ,其 實 只 要 把
port 1723 forward 兩 次 就 可 以 了 。第 一 次 ,先 由
main router 把
port 1723 forward 到
2nd router,再 由
2nd router 把
port 1723  forward 到
pptp server。
Main Router
其 他 同 上
Port Forwarding: port 1723 to
2nd Router
-- Fix IP
-- Gateway
-- DNS 按 你 的 寬 頻 服 務 設 定
其 他 同 上
Port Forwarding: port 1723 to
最 後 ,這 個
Guest Network 的 設 定 法 ,是 不 同 於
AP 的 。AP 是 用 於 擴 大
WiFi 的 接 收 範 圍 ,Main Router 和
AP (2nd router) 是 屬 於 同 一 個 網 絡 的 。Guest Network 卻 是 與 擴 大 接 收 範 圍 完 全 無 關 的 ,大 家 別 要 混 淆 了 。
而 因 為
Guest Network 與 接 收 範 圍 無 關 ,所 以 亦 沒 有 說 兩 個
router 要 如 何 擺 位 的 問 題 ,兩 者 就 算 擺 在 一 起 也 是 可 以 的 。但 如 果 兩 者
WiFi 接 收 範 圍 重 疊 的 話 ,兩 者 就 要 盡 量 選 分 開 的
Channel,例 如
1 & 7、6 & 13、1 & 13,以 免 訊 號 互 相 干 擾 。
張 先 生 ,男 性 ,肖 龍 。
職 業 :I.T. Consultant
簡 介 :不 好 好 讀 書 ;七 尺 差 五 寸 ,手 長 過 膝 ,雙 耳 垂 肩 ;性 寬 和 ,寡 言 語 ,喜 怒 不 形 於 色 。據 說 少 時 曾 斬 白 蛇 於 鳳 凰 山 下 ……
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CategoriesDr. Rajendra Kumar, IAS
Industries Commissioner and Director of Industries and Commerce, Government of Tamil Nadu
Dr. Rajendra Kumar is a senior officer in the Indian Administrative Service
(I.A.S.) and is currently working as the Industries Commissioner and Director of
Industries and Commerce in the Government of Tamil Nadu. Prior to this, he has worked
as the Joint Secretary (e-Gov) in the Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY), Government of India. He has led the entire Digital India, e-
governance and technology development for Indian languages initiatives at the national
level and has been responsible for the overall conceptualization and implementation of
the flagship Digital India Programme and the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of the
Government of India. He has conceptualized and implemented several major e-
governance initiatives in the country. These include the new Digital Locker initiative
aimed at providing a private space on a public cloud to all residents for storing and
sharing government issued documents, the new Mobile Seva project aimed at bringing all
government services on the mobile platform, E-Pramaan for electronic authentication of
all users of e-governance services, and localization aimed at promoting the usage of
Indian languages in e-governance and mobile based services. Prior to his stint at
Government of India, he held senior positions in district administration and state
government in Tamil Nadu state in India.
Dr. Kumar has received a number of academic and professional awards at
national and international levels during his career. Most recently, he received the UN
Public Service Award in 2014 for the Mobile Seva project conceptualized and
implemented by him.
Dr. Kumar holds a PhD in international economic development and regional
planning and an MCP from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, an MTech
in Management and Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, and a
BTech in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. He has
published a book and several articles in international journals.
He can be reached at: kumarr@alum.mit.edu
Government of Tamil Nadu
Department of Industries & Commerce
(in place of Entrepreneur Memorandum Part I & Part II)
The Government of India, in exercise of the powers conferred in subsection (2) of section 8 of the MSMED Act 2006, and in supersession of the notification numbers S.O 1643(E) dated the 29th September 2006, specifies that every Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise shall file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) in the form appended to the notification 18.09.2015 and follow the procedure for filing of the UAM. Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum shall be filed online by MSMEs in the Udyog Aadhaar portal , maintained by the Ministry of MSME Government of India by every MSME.
The Government of India, in exercise of the powers conferred in subsection (2) of section 8 of the MSMED Act 2006, and in supersession of the notification numbers S.O 1643(E) dated the 29th September 2006, specifies that every Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise shall file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) in the form appended to the notification 18.09.2015 and follow the procedure for filing of the UAM. Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum shall be filed online by MSMEs in the Udyog Aadhaar portal, maintained by the Ministry of MSME Government of India by every MSME.
The MSME Department deals with policy matters relating to the MSME sector.. learn more
The following incentives are being extended to Micro, Small and Medium Ent.. learn more
Providing Escort Services to the Entrepreneurs towards identification of..
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Entrepreneur Login
Department Login
The Small Industries Department was carved out of the Industries department with effect from 14.07.93. Consequent to the enactment of the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 on 02.10.2006, the department was renamed as Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Department (MSME Department) in consonance with the Government of India Policy from 22.02.2008.
The MSME Department deals with policy matters relating to the MSME sector and formulates schemes for the development of the sector. The Commissionerate of Industries & Commerce, the Entrepreneur Development Institute (EDI) and the two State Public Sector undertakings viz., Tamilnadu Small Industries Corporation Limited (TANSI) and Tamilnadu Small Industries Development Corporation (TANSIDCO) also function under the administrative control of the MSME Department.
The Commissionerate has been in existence for over 100 years and is one among the oldest in the state. The Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce implements these schemes through the General Manager District Industries Centres in the 31 districts. In respect of Chennai, the Regional Joint Director implements the schemes. These Centres provide a variety of services to the entrepreneurs, like, identification of activities, the preparation of project profiles, obtaining financial assistance from various financial institutions, statutory clearances from Government Departments, sanction and disbursement of eligible subsidies and facilitation in obtaining delayed payments.
The Commissionerate also acts as the Budgetary and drawing authority for the State Undertakings Viz, TANSI, TANSIDCO, SIPCOT, TIIC and EDI Limited.
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Entrepreneur Memorandum
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Industrial Licensing Policy
Industries licensing policy are regulated under the
Industries Development Regulation Act 1951
At present Industrial Licensing for manufacturing
is required in case of :-
Industries under compulsory licensing
Manufacture of item reserved for SSI sector by non
Project location attracts locational restrictions
&&&&&& Compulsory Licensing
&&&&& Following industries require
compulsory industrial licence under the provisions of IDR Act, 1951.
Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks.
Cigars and cigarettes of tobacco and manufactured
Electronic Aerospace and defence equipment:
Industrial explosives, including detonating fuses,
safety fuses, gun powder, nitroc
Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives
Phosgene and its derivatives
Isocyanates and di-isocyanates of hydrocarbon, not
elsewhere specified (example: Methyl Isocyanate).
Large Enterprises undertaking
manufacture of items reserved for SSI units
&&&The Government has reserved certain items for exclusive manufacture in
the small scale sector. Non-small scale units can undertake the manufacture of
items reserved for small scale sector, only after obtaining an industrial license.
In such cases, the non-small scale unit is required to undertake an obligation
to export 50% of the production of SSI reserved items.
Locational Restrictions
&&&Industrial undertakings are free to select the location of their
projects. Industrial licence is however required if the proposed location is
within 25 km of standard urban area limits of 23 cities having a population of
one million as per 1991 Census.
Locational restriction however does not apply:
If the unit were to be located in an area designated
as an “industrial area” before the 25th July, 1991.
In the case of Electronics, Computer software and
Printing and any other industry, this may be notified in future as “non
polluting industry”.
The location of industrial units is subject to applicable local zoning
and land use regulations and environmental regulations.
Procedure for obtaining
Industrial License
&&&Industrial license is granted by the Secretarial of
Industrial Assistance (SIA) on the recommendation of the Licensing Committee.
For this purpose, Online application in the prescribed form (Form FC-IL) (with
Applicable fees) may be submitted to SIA at ebiz portal specially developed by GOI and also available on .
Procedure for filing IEM
Industrial undertakings exempt from industrial
license are only required to file an online Industrial Entrepreneur’s
Memorandum (IEM) in Part ‘A’, in the prescribed format (Form IEM) with
Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA), Department of Industrial Policy
& Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of
India, New Delhi at ebiz portal (
)and also available on
Submission of
IEM form requires a fee of Rs.1000/- for up to 10 items proposed to be
manufactured. For more than 10 items an additional fee of Rs.250/- for up to 10
additional items needs to be paid.
On filing the IEM, an acknowledgement containing
the SIA registration No. for future reference is issued. This acknowledgement
is sent by post and no further approval is required.
Upon commencement of commercial production, industrial undertakings need
to file online information in Part-B of the IEM to SIA.
No fee is to be paid for filing Part-B.
Establishing an Industrial
Steps to be
followed by an entrepreneur &&&&&&
Gather information
on the project and the products you propose to manufacture.
Prepare a Project
Report giving details on the project and the products you propose to
Decide the location
of the Project to be set up.
Find out the procedures
required to be completed before physical implementation of the project
Get a detailed project
report prepared which interalia should include following components
Market survey
of the products you propose to manufacture.
of the Location.
building requirements.
and availability of Plant and Machinery.
of other utilities namely power, water, steam etc.
Assessment of
Working Capital requirements.
Raw materials
Manpower requirements.
Schedule of
Estimates of
Project Cost.
means of finance.
Break even
Internal Rate
of Return.
Cash flow.
Debt service
Coverage Ratio to establish financial viability.
Providing Escort Services
to the Entrepreneurs towards identification of industry and preparation of
project profiles for assistance from financial institutions/banks.
Giving technical
counselling and creating awareness about the policies and programmes on
industrial development of the State / Central Governments, through seminars and
dissemination meets.
Conducting Entrepreneurship
and Skilled Development Training Programmes.
Obtaining clearance for
starting an enterprise from Government departments through Single Window
Clearance Committee.
Issue of acknowledgement
(both manually and through online) for Entrepreneur Memorandum Part I and Part
II for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Sanction and disbursement
of incentives and subsidies to MSMEs.
Implementation of the
Centrally Sponsored Scheme, Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme
(PMEGP) and State sponsored New Entrepreneur – cum – Enterprise Development
Scheme (NEEDS), Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) for
educated unemployed youth especially for economically weaker sections by
arranging advances with subsidy through banks.
To facilitate the payment
of dues to the Micro and Small Enterprises from the buying industries through
the Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council.
Provision of testing
facilities for chemicals, metals, metallurgical, electrical and electronic
gadgets and appliances.
Training facilities in the
fields of light engineering, tools, die designing and glass.
Maintenance of the special
purpose industrial estates for electrical and electronic industries.
Providing entrepreneurial
guidance through the Data Banks, Information Centres and Technical Information
Sections attached to the District Industries Centres.
Implementation of the
Quality Control Order on electrical household appliances, etc.
Development and promotion
of the cottage and handicraft industries.
Export Promotion through
the Export Promotion Cell in the District Industries Centres.
Processing rehabilitation
proposals of sick Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and implementation of the
rehabilitation assistance schemes.
Supervision on
implementation of Special Assistance Schemes announced by the State / Central
Government for small and micro enterprises.
Identifying existing
potential opportunities in the districts, prepration of project profiles and
preparation of technical feasibilities for the projects to be financed by the
financial institutions on need basis.
To recommend proposals
relating to awards to Micro and Small Enterprises given by Central and State
Registration and
development of the Industrial Cooperative Societies.
Providing financial
assistance to the Industrial Cooperative Societies through the TAICO bank and
other financial institutions.
Implementation and
monitoring of various schemes including SFURTI, REMOT under Coir Sector in the
These Programmes are implemented with an accent on
development and modernisation of industries, up gradation of technology and
quality control. The packages of services offered by the Directorate of
Industries and Commerce are multidimensional and need based so that industrial
growth is facilitated.
1. All the MSMEs are offered various services and support under the single roof of the District Industries Centre.
2. This Centre caters to Promotion of MSMEs as also Registration and Development of Industrial Cooperatives.
3. Administration
The General Manager is the head of the District Industries Centre. The post of General Manager is of Joint / Deputy Director Level. The General Manager is assisted by the Project Manager, Manager (Credit), Manager (Economic Investigation)/ Manger (Village Administration) and an office Superintendent.
4. Monitoring of DICs
The functioning of DICs and their achievement is monitored by the Principal Secretary/ Industries Commissioner & Director Of Industries & Commerce. The Review of the General Managers is organized frequently to evaluate the performance and also help in resolving difficulties in implementation of different schemes.
5. To resolve the problems of industries/industrialists, there are two types of committee at
the district level viz.
a) Single Window Clearance Committee (SWCC)
Entrepreneurs face many difficulties when they start new industries. They have to deal with many government agencies and get many clearances. SWCC helps them in guiding solving their problems at a Single Window. This committee is chaired by the District Collector. The General Manager of DIC is the Member Secretary and the connected line departments such as District Fire officer, Deputy Director (Health), Deputy Director (Town & Country Planning) are members of this committee.
b) District Enterprises Development Consultative Committee (DEDCC)
Government have recently Constituted the District Enterprises Clearance Committee Vide G.O Ms No 53 MSME (D2) Department dated 27.12.2012 The Committee is Chaired by the District Collector as the Chairman of this Committee and General Manager of DIC is the Member Secretary. The other members of the DIEC are President of District Panchayat, DDO, MP, MLAs, Prominent persons active in Industries in the district and members of all district level industries associations.
6. Activities of DICs
A. Registration
? EM Part-I acknowledgement
? EM Part-II acknowledgement
? Cottage & Handicrafts Registration
B. Incentive schemes
The following incentives are being extended to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the State:-
I. Subsidy schemes for micro manufacturing enterprises:
II. Subsidy schemes for Industrially Backward Blocks and Agro Based Enterprises:
III. Special Capital Subsidy for Thrust Sector Enterprises
IV. Generator Subsidy
V. Back-ended Interest Subsidy
VI. Value Added Tax Reimbursement Subsidy
C. Implementation of Self Employment schemes
The following Schemes are being implemented in the State:-
? Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
? Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme.
? New Entrepreneur-Cum- Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS)
D. Co-operative.
E. Enforcement of Quality Control orders.
The Quality Control Order Enforcement Centre for Domestic Electrical Appliances functioning under the Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce is engaged in creating awareness among consumers in Tamilnadu to use quality electrical products. The electrical and electronic wing of the Commissionerate implements the Household Electrical Appliances (Quality Control) Order, 1981 and the Electrical Wires, Cables, Appliances, and Protection Devices and Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2003. Contravention of the first Order is punishable under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The second Order prohibits manufacture / storage for sale or distribution of specified items without the Bureau of Indian Standard marking. Contravention of this order attracts penal action under Bureau of Indian Standards Act.
The General Manager, District Industries Centre of the concerned District and the Deputy Director (E&E), Quality Control Order Enforcement Centre, Chennai has been designated as the “Appropriate Authority” for the implementation of the provisions of these Orders.
To create better awareness among the general public, advertisement and press releases are issued from the offices of Deputy Director (E&E), Quality Control Order Enforcement Centre, Chennai and various other regional offices.
F. Steel & Steel Products (Quality Control) Order 2012.
The Ministry of Steel, Government of India have notified Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) Order, 2012 and Steel and Steel Products (Quality Control) Second Order, 2012 to ensure that quality steel products reach the consumers. These orders cover 16 Steel products under Mandatory Bureau of Indian Standards Certification.
As per these orders “No person shall by himself or through any person on his behalf manufacture or Store for sale, Sell or Distribute any Steel and Steel Products specified in the schedule which do not conform to the specified standards and do not bear standard mark of the Bureau of Indian Standards. In the said order, the General Managers, District Industries Centres have been designated as the “Appropriate Authority” for implementation of the provisions of these orders.
In order to create awareness among the Manufacturers and Consumers about the notification issued by the Government of India for implementation of Steel and Steel Products Quality Control Order, the General Managers of District Industries Centres are taking action by giving wide publicity through Newspaper and also through Association Magazines.
G. Rehabilitation of Sick MSMEs.
The Rehabilitation of Sick Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises envisages assistance for conducting a diagnostic study of sick enterprises, scrutiny of the above study report by a sub-committee of the State Level Inter-Institutional Committee (SLIIC) constituted by the Reserve Bank of India and chaired by the Secretary, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department for rendering rehabilitation assistance to sick Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, which meets on every quarter.
The Reserve Bank of India conducts the study on viability of sick units and the Banks provide financial assistance wherever possible along with other hand-holding steps like counseling the borrowers, analyzing the problems faced by the units etc.
The Government have constituted the State Level Rehabilitation Committee (SLRC) under the Chairmanship of the Secretary to Government, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department to look into the problems and the extent of sickness of MSMEs so as to suggest measures for their rehabilitation. The above Committee has to meet on quarterly basis to review and monitor the implementation of the Rehabilitation Scheme of sick MSMEs in the State.
H. Micro Small Enterprises Facilitation Council:
The Government of Tamilnadu have constituted four Regional Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Councils at Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai and Coimbatore to facilitate speedy settlement of the payments of dues with respect to the goods supplied to major industrial undertakings by the micro and small enterprises in accordance with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006.
There are two types of filing of Entrepreneur Memorandum – Part I & Part II.
Entrepreneur Memorandum Part I is for the proposed enterprises.
after commencement of commercial production.
is introduced
obtain acknowledgement to
Industries Centres
is informed
this online service is introduced by the Department of Industries and Commerce with good intension that entrepreneurs shall furnish the correct and true details to file online E.M.
valid only
if self certified
also the receipt
of self ertified copy
of generated
of Industries
application above
/ Regional
Commerce, Chennai
month from
online Acknowledgement
Industries Centre
and Commerce,
and displayed in the website.
Micro Manufacturing Enterprises:
lakhs (Rupees twenty five lakhs only).
Small Manufacturing Enterprises:
The invesetment in plant and machinery is more than twenty five lakh rupees but does not exceed rupees 5 crores (Rupees five crores only).
Medium Manufacturing Enterprises:
The investment in plant and machinery is more than rupees 5 crores but not exceeding Rs.10 crores
(Rupees ten
crores only).
Micro Service Enterprises:
The investment in equipment does not exceed rupees 10 lakhs.
Small Service Industries:
does not exceeds rupees 2 crores.
Medium Service Enterprises:
not exceed rupees 5 crores.
New Enterprise Cum
Enterprise Development scheme
* The Scheme is applicable for first generation Entrepreneurs only
* 50% of allocation would be earmarked for Women
* Capital subsidy at 25% of the project cost not exceeding Rs.25 lakhs
* Soft loans with 3% interest subvention
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Unemployed Youth Employment Generation
For the educated and unemployed to
become self employed by setting up Manufacturing / Service / Business
enterprises by availing loan up to the maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs, Rs. 3 Lakhs and
Rs. 1 Lakh respectively with subsidy assistance from the State Government up to
15% of the project cost
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Prime Minister’s Employment&
Generation Programme
PMEGP is a central sector scheme administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME). The Scheme is implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), a
statutory organization under the administrative control of the Ministry of MSME
as the single nodal agency at the National level.
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Single Window System
To get the clearances / infrastructure support, investors normally need to contact concerned individual statutory authorities/agencies and they need to use different forms prescribed by the concerned authorities. To avoid such procedural delays, Government of Tamil Nadu has established an effective Single Window System to accord all such pre project clearances at the State Government level.
Learn More..
Mr.Thiru S.A.P. Vairamani,B.E.,Additional Director (RP)
(Extn : 123)
Mr.Thiru P. Jagadeesh, B.E.,Joint Director (Engineering)
044- 05011(Extn : 139)
.Thiru N. LakshminarayananDeputy Director (S&S) / (NC) (i/c)
(Extn : 141)
.Thiru T.S.Chandramohan,Assistant Director (NC)
(Extn : 156)
.Thiru V.Sethupathy,Assistant Director (S&S)
(Extn : 156)
.Thiru A.S.Purushothaman,Sys. Analyst/Assistant Director(eGov)
(Extn : 125)
List of District Industries Centres
Mr.S.Fazal Ali,General Manager,Ariyalur District.
531/21, Jeyankondam Road,
Vallajanagaram,Ariyalur 621 704 0 228556
Mr.S.Ramachandran,Regional Joint Director,Chennai District.
Dept. Of Industries And Commerce, Guindy Industrial Estate, Chennai.32 044- 336865
Mr.S.Asokan,General Manager,Coimbatore District.
General Manager, District Industries Centre,
2, Raja Street, Coimbatore - 614 001. 8, 2397311
Mr.Rajaganesh,General Manager,Cuddalore District.
District Industries Centre, Semandalam I.E., Semandalam, Cuddalore-1. 0, 290192
Mr.G.Murugan,General Manager - Incharge,Dharmapuri District.
District Industries Centre, Sidco IE, Salem Main Road, Dharmapuri-636705. 0, 231081
Mr.M.Ramalingam,General Manager,Dindigul District.
District Industries Centre,SR Mills Rd., Sidco Indl.Estate, Dindigul-624003 3, 2471609
Mr.S.M.Rasumani,General Manager,Erode District.
District Industries Centre, Sidco I.E. Campus, Erode-638001 0, 2275859
Mr.S.Sakthivel,General Manager,Kancheepuram District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Compound, Kancheepuram-631 501. 044- 238551
Mr.K.Marimuthu,General Manager,Kanniyakumari District.
District Industries Centre, Konam, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District- 629 004. 0
Mr.P. Rangasami,General Manager,Karur District.
District Industries Centre, No.69 Sathiyamoorthy Nagar,Thanthonimalai Post,
Karur 639 007. 0
Mr.G.Murugan,General Manager,Krishnagiri District.
District Industries Centre, Industrial Estate, Krishnagiri. 0
Mr.S.Santhakumar,General Manager,Madurai District.
District Industries Centre, Alagar Koil Road, Madurai - 625 002. 1
Mr.I.Arulselvan,General Manager,Nagapattinam District.
District Industries Centre, District Collectorate Master Complex, Nagore Village Ward No.4,
Block No. 07, Survey No.214/215/216,
Nagapattinam 0
Mr.K.Raju,General Manager,Namakkal District.
District Industries Centre, Collectrote Complux,
Namakkal-637 003. 0
Mr.A.Deiveekan,General Manager,Nilgiris District.
District Industries Centre, Elk Hill Road, The Nilgiris-643 006 7
Mr.S.Fazal Ali,General Manager
- Incharge,Perambalur District.
District Industries Centre, District Master Complux, Collectorate Road, Perambalur. 0
Mr.K.Mahalingam,General Manager,Pudukkottai District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Compound, Pudukottai-622 005. 0
Mrs.P.Mariammal,General Manager,Ramanathapuram District.
District Industries Centre, Pattinamkatthan Post, Velli Pattinam Via, Ramanathapuram-625 005. 0, 232329
Mr.K. Govindarajan,General Manager,Salem District.
District Industries Centre, Indl.Estate, Salem- 636 004. 8
Mr.S.M.Ghias,General Manager,Sivaganga District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Complex, Sivagangai-623 560 0, 240407
Mr.G. Raveendran,General Manager,Thanjavur District.
District Industries Centre, Nanjakottai Road, Thanjavur-613 006. 0, 230857
Mr.L.Ramasubramanian,General Manager,Theni District.
District Industries Centre, Collector's Bungalow, Theni-625 531 0
Mr.S.Kandasamy,General Manager,Thiruchirappalli District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Compound, Trichirappalli-620 001 3
Mr.C.Devaraj,General Manager,Thiruppur District.
District Industries Centre, Avinasi Road, Anupparpalayam Post, Tirupur
641 652. 7
Mr.K.Ravi,General Manager,Thiruvallur District.
District Industries Centre, Kakkalur Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur - 602 003. 044- 663796
Mr.G.Chidambaram,General Manager,Thiruvannamalai District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Campus,
Near Commercial Tax Office, Thiruvannamalai 606 604. 0
Mr.M.Shanmuga Rajan,General Manager,Thiruvarur District.
District Industries Centre, Survey No. 426,
Master Plan Complex,(Near Collector Camp Office),
Vilamal, Thiruvarur 610 004. 0
Mr.T.Mayathevar,General Manager,Thoothukudi District.
District Industries Centre, Palayamkottai Road, Near By Pass Road, Korampallam, Thoothukudi 628 101. 2, 2340053
Mr.G.Gnanasekar,General Manager,Tirunelveli District.
District Industries Centre, Thomas Road, Tirunelveli-627 001. 2, 2572384
Mr.T.Ramesh,General Manager,Vellore District.
District Industries Centre, Gandhi Nagar I.E., Vellore-632 006 2, 2242413
Mr.A.Rajarajan,General Manager,Villupuram District.
District Industries Centre, Bhavani Street, Alamelupuram, Villupuram-605 602 0
Mr.S.Maruthappan,General Manager,Virudhunagar District.
District Industries Centre, Collectorate Complex, Virudhunagar. 0
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