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Project Description (项目介绍)
JPush.NET is .NET Server&SDK for JPush. It can help you send, monitor and manage all your JPush messages by programming, following JPush official REST API.
(JPush.NET 是基于.NET平台的JPush服务器端的SDK。用来帮助开发者以编程的方式使用JPush官方REST API来发送、监视和管理所有的JPush推送消息。)
Source Code: C#
.NET framework: 4.0
to view JPush official document.
New way to install JPush.NET: run the following NuGet command in the&
(新增安装JPush.NET 的方式: 使用NuGet来安装)
PM& Install-Package JPush.NET
This project contains following parts:(项目包含2部分)
Pure API client, following official REST API. You can &or
. (基于官方REST API的纯客户端。你可以从 使用或者.) ASP.NET MVC based Web Portal for basic operations and simple configuration. Comming soon.
(基于ASP.NET MVC的网页示例,包括基本的操作和简单的配置。即将推出)
JPush Server SDK 1.0.0 is for JPush v2, which would be retired by JPush officially.
(JPush 服务器 SDK 1.0.0 是针对JPush v2版本,该版本不久之后将会被官方弃用.) To support v3, please download & use . (如要支持JPush v3的服务器SDK,请下载和使用 .) In , to make developers take minor change, class
has been changed to use JPushClientV3 logics inside. (在 中,为了开发人员可以尽可能少的改动,类
已经被改造成内部使用JPushClientV3来处理业务) Major changes in v3:(JPush V3中的主要改动)
Always use SSL for sending/querying push message. (仅提供SSL的方式来处理发送/查询推送消息) Use Basic Authentication in HTTP Header instead of hash code for authentication.
(使用HTTP 头信息中的基本验证来替代原有的哈希验证) Split model to Message and Notification to for UI/logic. (将原来模型的消息和推送部分独立,分别作用于屏幕UI上和app内部逻辑上) Enhancement and improvement for PushType. They can be multiple used in one push for complicated filter requirements.
(提高和改善了PushType,他们在新版本中可以多次出现来完成更为复杂和灵活的目标筛选需求) Add Windows Phone in Platform. (增加对Windows Phone平台的支持) Provide different models for each platform. (对每个平台分别提供不同的模型来表达相关数据)
Sample for class JPushClientV3: (使用 类JPushClientV3的示例)
Here is a sample based on .NET console application.(这是一个基于.NET控制台应用程序的示例)
using System.Collections.G
using System.IO;
using System.N
using System.T
using System.T
using ifunction.JPush.V3;
using Newtonsoft.J
namespace ifunction.JPush.Test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var appKey = &abcdef&; // Your App Key from JPush
var masterSecret = &abcdef&; // Your Master Secret from JPush
Dictionary&string, string& customizedValues = new Dictionary&string, string&();
customizedValues.Add(&CK1&, &CV1&);
customizedValues.Add(&CK2&, &CV2&);
JPushClientV3 client = new JPushClientV3(appKey, masterSecret);
Audience audience = new Audience();
// In JPush V3, tag can be multiple added with different values.
// In following code, it is to send push to those who are in ((Tag1 AND Tag2) AND (Tag3 OR Tag4))
// If you want to send to all, please use: audience.Add(PushTypeV3.Broadcast, null);
audience.Add(PushTypeV3.ByTagWithinAnd, new List&string&(new string[] { &Tag1&, &Tag2& }));
audience.Add(PushTypeV3.ByTagWithinOr, new List&string&(new string[] { &Tag3&, &Tag4& }));
// In JPush V3, Notification would not be display on screen, it would be transferred to app instead.
// And different platform can provide different notification data.
Notification notification = new Notification
AndroidNotification = new AndroidNotificationParameters
Title = &JPush provides V3.&,
Alert = &JPush V2 would be retired soon.&,
CustomizedValues = customizedValues
iOSNotification = new iOSNotificationParameters
Badge = 1,
Alert = &JPush V2 would be retired soon.&,
Sound = &YourSound&,
CustomizedValues = customizedValues
var response = client.SendPushMessage(new PushMessageRequestV3
Audience = audience,
Platform = PushPlatform.AndroidAndiOS,
IsTestEnvironment = true,
AppMessage = new AppMessage
Content = &Hello, this is a test push of V3 from .NET. Have a nice day!&,
CustomizedValue = customizedValues
Notification = notification
Console.WriteLine(response.ResponseCode.ToString() + &:& + response.ResponseMessage);
Console.WriteLine(&Push sent.&);
Console.WriteLine(response.ResponseCode.ToString() + &:& + response.ResponseMessage);
List&string& idToCheck = new List&string&();
var statusList = client.QueryPushMessageStatus(idToCheck);
Console.WriteLine(&Status track is completed.&);
if (statusList != null)
foreach (var one in statusList)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(&Id: {0}, Android: {1}, iOS: {2}&, one.MessageId, one.AndroidDeliveredCount, one.ApplePushNotificationDeliveredCount));
Console.WriteLine(&Press any key to exit.&);
RESTful API reference:
If you already use JPushClient V2 (Class: JPushClient), you can continue to use that. SDK Library would convert the old PushMessageRequest to PushMessageRequestV3 and send request based on JPush V3.
(如果你已经使用JPushClient V2,即SDK中的类 JPushClient,你可以继续使用它。SDK类库将在内部自动将PushMessageRequest转换到PushMessageRequestV3,并以V3形式访问JPush服务.)
Sample for :
Here is a sample based on .NET console application.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var appKey = &abcdef&; // Your App Key from JPush
var masterSecret = &abcdef&; // Your Master Secret from JPush
Dictionary&string, string& customizedValues = new Dictionary&string, string&();
customizedValues.Add(&CK1&, &CV1&);
customizedValues.Add(&CK2&, &CV2&);
JPushClient client = new JPushClient(appKey, masterSecret, false);
var response = client.SendPushMessage(new PushMessageRequest
MessageType = MessageType.Notification,
Platform = PushPlatform.Android,
Description = &DotNET&,
PushType = PushType.Broadcast,
IsTestEnvironment = true,
Message = new PushMessage
Content = &Hello, this is a test push from .NET. Have a nice day!&,
PushTitle = &A title.&,
Sound = &YourSound&,
CustomizedValue = customizedValues
Console.WriteLine(response.ResponseCode.ToString() + &:& + response.ResponseMessage);
Console.WriteLine(&Push sent.&);
Console.WriteLine(response.ResponseCode.ToString() + &:& + response.ResponseMessage);
List&string& idToCheck = new List&string&();
var statusList = client.QueryPushMessageStatus(idToCheck);
Console.WriteLine(&Status track is completed.&);
if (statusList != null)
foreach (var one in statusList)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(&Id: {0}, Android: {1}, iOS: {2}&, one.MessageId, one.AndroidDeliveredCount, one.ApplePushNotificationDeliveredCount));
Console.WriteLine(&Press any key to exit.&);
RESTful API reference:
If you have any question or concern, you can contact .
(如果你在使用过程中有任何问题或疑问,请联系 .)
If you are so kind to DONATE this project, please use Alipay app to scan the following QR for payment. Very appreciate!.
Last edited
by , version 17
Most Helpful Reviews
Android studio 集成极光推送(Jpush) (华为手机)报错,
E/JPush: [JPushGlobal] Get sdk version fail![获取sdk版本失败!]
W/System.err: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: cn.jpush.android.service.PushProtocol
W/System.err: & & at cn.jpush.android.b.a(Unknown Source)
W/System.err: & & at cn.jpush.android.b.a(Unknown Source)
W/System.err: & & at cn.jpush.android.api.JPushInterface.init(Unknown Source)
W/System.err: & & at com.ziben365.ocapp.MainActivity.init(MainActivity.java:509)
W/System.err: & & at com.ziben365.ocapp.MainActivity.onCreate(MainActivity.java:102)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6100)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1109)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2401)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2510)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1200(ActivityThread.java:163)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1371)
W/System.err: & & at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
W/System.err: & & at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
W/System.err: & & at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5595)
W/System.err: & & at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
W/System.err: & & at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
W/System.err: & & at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:964)
W/System.err: & & at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:759)
E/JPush: [JPushGlobal] JPush .so file do not match JPush .jar file in the project, Failed to init JPush
原因:是由于Android Studio没有正确加载.so文件
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(4)(1)(1)(2)(3)您的位置: &
& Android Studio之正确导入SO库
Android Studio之正确导入SO相关文件
06-21 15:00:53.080 /com.baisoo.jchatdemo E/JPush: [JPushInterface] System.loadLibrary::jpush215java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.baisoo.jchatdemo-2/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib, /vendor/lib, system/vendor/lib, system/vendor/lib/egl, system/lib/hw]]] couldn't find "libjpush215.so"
06-21 15:00:53.100 /com.baisoo.jchatdemo W/System.err:
at cn.jpush.android.api.JPushInterface.init(Unknown Source)
06-21 15:00:53.100 /com.baisoo.jchatdemo E/JPush: [JPushGlobal] Get sdk version fail![获取sdk版本失败!]
06-21 15:00:53.100 /com.baisoo.jchatdemo W/System.err:
at cn.jpush.android.api.JPushInterface.init(Unknown Source)
06-21 15:00:53.100 /com.baisoo.jchatdemo E/JPush: [JPushGlobal] JPush .so file do not match JPush .jar file in the project, Failed to init JPush
很明显告诉我们,目前缺少了libjpush215.so文件。奇怪的是这so库已经在我们项目的libs中,之前在eclipse中这样完全能跑起来的。问题是Android Studio目前在打包的时候并没有在libs中复制SO库到项目中。因此我们需要在build.gradle中告诉AS执行复制so库文件。
sourceSets {
jni.srcDirs = []
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
然后重新Sync Now一下,整个世界都明亮了
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