
Main&Home Page
Geany is a text editor using the GTK+ toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It supports many filetypes and has some nice features.
For more details see .
Latest version is: 1.30.1
Geany 1.30.1 is out!
Shortly after 1.30, we have released 1.30.1 which fixes .
We are sorry for this inconvenience.
We also took the opportunity to include new translation updates that didn't make it into 1.30 in time: ca, de, el, es, sk.
As usual, all downloads can be found on .
Geany 1.30 is out!
We are happy to announce a new release of Geany!
For a comprehensive list of changes please see . A very detailed and complete list of changes can be found in the .
Some highlights:
Initial accessibility support in the editor.
Fix scrolling on Wayland.
Fix Ctrl+X and Ctrl+C in non-Latin keyboard layouts (Forkest).
Update Scintilla to version 3.7.3.
Add Arduino custom filetype (SukkoPera).
Updated translations: de, es, fr, it, lt, pt.
We want to thank all developers, translators and everyone who contributed to this release with patches, feedback, bug reports and so on. Thank you!
As usual, all downloads can be found on .
Geany-Plugins 1.30 released!
We are happy to announce a new version of the combined Geany-Plugins release -- Following the Geany 1.30 release, Geany-Plugins 1.30 is being released.
Some highlights
GeanyPy: Sync with upstream project.
Lineoperations: Add support for selections
Markdown: Allow exporting generated Markdown as HTML
PairTagHighlighter: Add keybinding for jumping to matching tag
ProjectOrganizer Remember expanded directories in the sidebar when reloading
Treebrowser: Add a keybinding to follow current file
Treebrowser: Allow to also trigger menu with Shift+F10
Treebrowser: Don't change directory on project save
Updated translations: de, es, fr, pt
A more complete list of changes can be found at .
As usual, you can find source tarballs and Windows installer for the new release on .
A huge thanks to everybody contributing to this great release.Linux下用写C语言程序用什么软件?【linux吧】_百度贴吧
geany——我喂自己袋盐&&Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:20.0) Gecko/ Firefox/20.0 Iceweasel/20.0
vim gcc编译
只要学会写1个简单的makefile 就不会问这种问题了
什么都不需要vim + gcc + makefile
———————————————————————————其实我不懂C的啊,geany也不常用,你试试调调首选项,在虚拟终端执行首选项——我喂自己袋盐&&Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:20.0) Gecko/ Firefox/20.0 Iceweasel/20.0
VIM + Gcc足矣。
linux连一个正经的IDE都没有,还足矣足矣,我看你们写hello world到死足矣了
Anjuta 啧啧
登录百度帐号推荐应用Geany 1.24.1 发布,C 语言集成开发环境
Geany 1.24.1 发布,此版本修复了 1.24 版本 tarballs 的两个失效文件,这个问题会导致各种小的 UI 问题。
Geany 是一个小型的 C 代码编辑器,使用 GTK2
开发的开发环境。包括语法高亮、代码自动完成、调用提示以及支持其他类型语言的文件包括: C, Java, PHP, HTML, DocBook,
Perl, LateX, and Bash), and symbol lists.
Geany 的详细介绍:
Geany 的下载地址:
转载请注明:文章转载自 开源中国社区
本文标题:Geany 1.24.1 发布,C 语言集成开发环境


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