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关于安装 VMware tools 时候碰到的问题解决,多篇网摘
关于安装 VMware tools 时候碰到的问题解决
为了使 windows 系统和虚拟机linux系统共享文件,利用 .gz 文件安装 VMware tools 工具。异常中断的时候可能出现这样的问题:
[root@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]# ./vmware-install.pl
You have a version of VMware Tools installed.
Continuing this install will
first uninstall the currently installed version.
Do you wish to continue?
(yes/no) [yes]
Error: Unable to execute "/mnt/Redhat/vmware-uninstall-tools.pl.
Uninstall failed.
Please correct the failure and re run the install.
Execution aborted.
[root@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]# ./vmware-install.pl
A previous installation of VMware Tools has been detected.
The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 4).
Keeping the tar4 installer database format.
You have a version of VMware Tools installed.
Continuing this install will
first uninstall the currently installed version.
Do you wish to continue?
(yes/no) [yes] no
User cancelled install.
Execution aborted.
我们注意到输入【yes】或者【no】,都不能解决问题!产生这个问题的原因在于:安装的过程中异常的中断了,导致"/mnt/Redhat/vmware-uninstall-tools.pl“ 无法找到。
此时, 我们可以到 .gz 文件解压出来的文件夹 “vmware-tools-distrib”下的 bin 目录下,执行./vmware-install.pl 。此时我们注意到,你在用刚才的方法执行是,可以正常安装此工具
Virtual Machine1.1 通过VMware Infrastructure Web Access登陆vmware
1.2 选择Virtual Machines -& Create Virtual Machine.
1.2.1 给虚拟机取个名字,选择虚拟机文件存放位置
1.2.2 接下来选择 Linux Operation System
1.2.3 分配虚拟机使用的内存大小,我分配 1.5G
1.2.4 配置虚拟机磁盘大小及存储路径,我分配了30G物理硬盘
1.2.5 接下来一路Next ,详细可以参考
Unbuntu10.10 的安装 ,详细参见 :
这里只需要说一下在 “分配磁盘空间” :
建议分配3G左右的SWAP空间; 再分100M专门挂载 /boot
2. Install VMware Tool安装VMware可以改变虚拟机显示的大小,也可以让真机喝虚拟机实现字符串相互拷贝,相互分享共享目录......
2.1 通过VMware Infrastructure Web Access登陆vmware
2.2 点击虚拟机上的安装vmware tools,回到虚拟机(Ubuntu)桌面回看到一个vmware tools的cdrom图标。
2.3 打开它,复制“vmwaretools....tar.gz”,到 /home/{user} ; 解压为文件夹 vmwaretools....
2.4 查看vmwaretools下的.pl文件是否有执行权限,如果没有则添加
2.5 sudo ./vmware-install.pl
2.6 接下来一路输入YES,直到你看到---the vmware team就可关闭窗口,然后重新启
Ubuntu 10.10 在安装的时候目前会碰到几个问题:
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] &直接按 Enter&
The path "/usr/src/linux/include"
is not an existing directory.
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your runningkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] &直接按 Enter&The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory.
由于 Kernel 版本是 APT 抓下來的最新版,所以会需要输入 “/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include “
要注意的是,VMWare Tools 安装时会询问目前系统使用的 Kernel header,所以如果 /usr/src 下有多个 Kernel header 目录,最好先执行 “uname -r“ 指令,确认应该使用那个本版。另外可以不直接使用 “/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include” ,先 “sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include”
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6 . 35 - 22 -generic/include
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your runningkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include
按回车以后,还是报错说,指定的Kernel headers喝当前系统使用的版本不匹配。
The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match
your running kernel (version 2.6 . 35 - 22 -generic). Even if the module were to
compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not matchyour running kernel (version 2.6.35-22-generic). Even if the module were tocompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
但事实并不是不匹配,而是 Kernel 中有一个变量 UTS_RELEASE 的不存在了。以前这个定义放在 /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include/linux/version.h ,而现在已经移到了/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include/linux /utsrelease.h。所以简单的方法,我们只需要在version.h中添加 #define UTS_RELEASE "2.6.35-22-generic"
(具体值使用 “uname -r“ 查看)
接下来继续,又会有新的错误提示!! -_-|| 找不到 autoconf.h 原因是因为 autoconf.h 不再VMware tools 安装程序预设的寻址目录中。
is a kernel header
file directory, but it does not contain the file "linux/autoconf.h"
expected. This can happen if the kernel has never been built, or if you have
invoked the "make mrproper"
command in your kernel directory. In any case, you
may want to rebuild your kernel.
The path "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include" is a kernel headerfile directory, but it does not contain the file "linux/autoconf.h" asexpected. This can happen if the kernel has never been built, or if you haveinvoked the "make mrproper" command
in your kernel directory. In any case, youmay want to rebuild your kernel.
cd /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic/include/linux
sudo ln -s ../generated/autoconf.h ./
给RHEL5安装VMware Tools 使用VMware6.0版虚拟机安装了RHEL5之后,会发现按照其默认的设置无法安装上VMware Tools,安装过程中出的错误主要是想找Linux内核的包含头文件找不到。虽然不装这个工具不会对虚拟机本身的使用造成什么影响,但操作起来尤其是鼠标的移入移出确实不方便。 到底怎么才能安装上它呢?如果在安装系统时,没有安装内核源代码的话,可以去网站下载到符合自己系统的内核源码。该系统内核版本号可以直接在/boot下看到,应该是2.6.18,所以下载linux-文件到本地,解压缩到/usr/src路径下,进入,运行:
make mrproper make oldconfig make 前两步执行速度都很快,正常执行完毕即可,但第三步要真正编译内核的话,看机器情况可能需要几个小时,没有必要等它完全编译完,只要make刚开始后提示生成了version.h和utsrelease.h后就可以按Ctrl-C退出编译了。然后需要进入./include/linux路径下,修改文件utsrelease.h,将里面的版本号设置为2.6.18-8.el5xen,再 修改version.h,增加一行#define UTS_RELEASE "2.6.18-8.el5xen",保存退出。
这样就可以正式安装VMware Tools了,将tools.tar.gz文件解压,进入,执行INSTALL,基本上一路按回车即可安装成功。现在就可以享受鼠标移入移出的顺畅感觉,并且可以直接在父子操作系统之间进行文本的拷贝粘贴了。 ps:还是CSDN好人多啊!
【上篇】【下篇】&&&&&& 通过VMware Workstation 中安装Fedora10后,需要安装VMware Tools来提高虚拟机的性能。步骤:&1.拷贝VMware Tools安装文件: 启动Fedora10,在VMware Workstation中选择VM下的Install VMware
Tools菜单,此时在Fedora10中会出现一个VMware Tools光盘,拷贝其中的VMware
Tools-xxx-tar.gz文件到任意目录如/tmp 。&2.安装VMware Tools:解压VMware Tools-xxx-tar.gz,进入解压后的vmware-tools-distrib目录,运行“./vmware-install.pl”,可能出现一系列提示,基本一路yes和enter过去,直到出现安装完成提示。&3.配置wmware-tools:进入/usr/bin目录,运行“./vmware-config-tools.pl”一路回车,最后安装失败。挂载linux的安装光盘,重新运行“./vmware-config-tools.pl”,安装成功。在我在虚拟机下安装了&10 ,然后再安装vmware-tools后发现再也进入不了登录界面,一直是个黑屏的状态,切换成文本模式的话也是在starting anacron [ok]那个位置就再也没反应啦,可能是F10 的X桌面与vmware-tools不兼容造成的(因为在安装的进程中修改了分辨率的参数),几经辛苦,终于在网上找到了解决的方法,主要的原因的 vmware-tools的安装会在/etc/X11/文件夹下生成一个xorg.conf的配置文件,而F10是不需要它的, 有了它,导致进入X桌面出错,所以只要删除它就正常进入登录界面了.ctrl+alt+f5进入文本模式终端&&+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ &&问题1:What&is&the&location&of&the&directory&of&C&header&files&that&match&your&running kernel?问题2:The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary.Would you like to change it?&&主要是一些东西还没安装照成的,运行如下安装命令即可:yum&-y&install&kernel-develyum&-y&install&gcc&&&&&
阅读(...) 评论()51CTO旗下网站
解决无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题
VMWARE Tools可以提供很多人性化的操作,比如提升分辨率,它一旦发生故障将会影响操作的便捷性,本文会着重介绍如何解决无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题
作者:来源:ddvip.com| 22:21
在此次解决解决无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题的例子中,笔者采用的环境如下:
主机:win xp sp2 虚拟平台:VMWARE 4.5.2 在其上安装RedHat9.0。
无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题现象:能够进入图形界面,但是总是提示没有安装VMWARE Tools。具体如下:
A previous installation of VMware software has been detected.
The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 3).
Keeping the tar3 installer database format.
Uninstalling the tar installation of VMware Tools.
Stopping VMware Tools services in the virtual machine:
Guest operating system daemon: [ 确定 ]
The removal of VMware Tools 4.5.2 build-8848 for Linux completed successfully.
Thank you for having tried this software.
Installing the 未命名 1content of the package.
In which directory do you want to install the binary files?
What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?
What is the directory that contains the init scripts?
In which directory do you want to install the daemon files?
In which directory do you want to install the library files?
The path "/usr/lib/vmware-tools" does not exist currently. This program is goingto create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
In which directory do you want to install the documentation files?
The path "/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools" does not exist currently. This program isgoing to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?
Unmounting the Tools ISO image mnt/cdrom .
The installation of VMware Tools 4.5.2 build-8848 for Linux completed
successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any
time by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware-uninstall-tools.pl".
Before running VMware Tools for the first time, you need to configure it by
invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl". Do you want
this program to invoke the command for you now? [yes]
This configuration program is to be executed out of an XFree86 session. Please
shut down all instances of XFree86.
Execution aborted.
无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题原因:没有配置该工具。vmware-config-tools.pl需要根据你的显示器分辨率进行配置,然后才能加强鼠标功能。
#init 3(保证在超级用户模式下,进入文字界面)
#cd /usr/bin
然后根据提示设置,完成后reboot一下,这个无法安装VMWARE Tools的问题就可以解决了。
【责任编辑: TEL:(010)】
订阅51CTO邮刊解决VMwareTools在Ubuntu下经常失效的问题 | 超能小紫


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