f.lux怎么设置中文 for Mac官方版下载

f.lux For window 36.5
版本说明软件地址1.0查看1.4.9200 官方版查看9.4.0.1131中文免费版查看v0.1免费版查看3.0查看
  1、首先设置一个适合你的变化色温范围,白天的色温控制在 6500K 以下,晚上的色温控制在 3500K 以上
  2、+8 是中国时区 Latitude 部分为你的,例如在天津,填写的就是39.8&
  3、之后,就让 f.lux 自动运行吧,f.lux 会随着时间而改变色温
  4、中午 12 点为色温最高点,夜里 12点为色温最低点,简单的说就是白天显示冷色
随着电脑在生活和工作中的逐渐普及使用率越来越高,各种木马和垃圾软件也接踵而至越来越多的出现在我们的使用的电脑之中,这时候就需要各种清道夫软件帮助我们把他们清扫出去。华军软件为大家精选了一批清道夫软件,比如Piriform CCleaner和Windows木马清道夫等,另外360安全卫士、腾讯电脑管家等也提供系统清理功能。...
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2.3.202 中文版
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&&&&&&&&&&&&f.lux中文版 v4.64 最新版
f.lux中文版 v4.64 最新版
1、首先设置一个适合你的变化色温范围,白天的色温控制在 6500K 以下,晚上的色温控制在 3500K 以上。
2、+8 是中国时区 Latitude 部分为你的经纬度,例如在天津,填写的就是39.8&。
3、之后,就让 f.lux 自动运行吧,f.lux 会随着时间而改变色温。
4、中午 12 点为色温最高点,夜里 12点为色温最低点,简单的说就是白天显示冷色。
f.lux中文版&v4.64 最新版
热门软件热门标签F.lux for Ubuntu o Apps o Kilian Valkhof
Front-end & user experience developer, Jedi. Search term
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26 July 2010, F.lux is a small but very useful application: It fades your screens to a warmer color temperature in the evening. This is pleasant for your eyes and won’t leave you wide awake at 2am because your computer monitors are so bright. There are , but only a commandline app for Linux. Together with , the author of F.lux, I made a version for Ubuntu.F.lux for Ubuntu is an indicator applet (like the new Messaging Menu), so it works very nicely on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10. Michael improved the commandline application by leaps and bounds. There are a bunch of new configuration options (all available in the GUI), the night/daytime cycle is now much more accurate, and it even takes daylight savings into account.The F.lux indicator applet automatically manages the color temperature of your screen based on your latitude and longitude, or if you are in the US, your zipcode. In the preferences panel, you can set your preferred nighttime colortemperature and see a preview, as well as seeing the current color temperature.InstallationInstallation is easily done by adding the PPA for f.lux, simply type the following into your terminal:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/fluxsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install fluxguiWhen you first launch the application (via ‘accessories’ in the menu, or by pressing alt+f2 and opening “fluxgui”) you will be asked to fill in either your latitude and langitude, or your zipcode. If you want f.lux to autostart at the next startup, select the “autostart” option. Close the preferences panel and you’re all set!There is a bug in the current version of Fluxgui that’s preventing it from running correctly the first time it’s started. I wrote a fix that’ll be available in the PPA shortly (version 1.1.4). If you can’t start because fluxgui claims it’s already running, remove “fluxgui.pid” from the /tmp folder. After the update, it should work as advertised!On developing F.lux for UbuntuAs I mentioned, F.lux for Ubuntu is built using GTK+. This isn’t by choice, but needed because I wanted to built an indicator applet.Coming from Python + Qt (for ) , GTK+ feels like a serious step back. The Glade interface builder is clunky and quirky, and surprisingly, modules such as python-gconf and python-appindicator are virtually undocumented. There is a massive amount of time spent on figuring out what-goes-where-and-how.Nevertheless, I like Python more each time I use it, and going back to JavaScript often feels weird (“Oh, yes, parentheses!”) so I think it’s time to start doing more with
in the future.Official announcementMichael posted an official announcement on the F.lux website with these instructions as well: , so be sure to go there and leave nice comments for us and tell us what we can improve! :)Future versionsThe currently released version is 1.1.1, For version 1.2 we will be adding a “pause for an hour” function, as well as an indication of how long until sunset/sunrise. Feel free to suggest other new features or fork the project on . It’s build using Python and GTK+, and the GUI is MIT licenced.I’m quite proud of the result so far, and I hope it’ll be as useful to others as it already has been to me! Please leave suggestions for new features in the replies :)Thanks for Reading!I am Kilian Valkhof, a front-end and user experience developer from the Netherlands.
or . This is great! Id like to see the functionality of the Windows client. Specifically the setting to tell f.lux how long it should take to apply the screen adjustments. i like to set mine to change over an hour.Thanks!Related articles
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Kilian Valkhof. Articles available for redistribution under .f.lux for mac 39.94
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软件大小: 1.67 MB
软件语言: 英语
软件授权: 免费
f.lux for mac是Mac os平台上帮助用户调节电脑显示器屏幕的色温的Mac软件,f.lux for mac是一款根据时间变化来改变屏幕色温的软件。让你在深夜也能感受到太阳的温暖,顺便还有助于睡眠,f.lux for mac要是根据日出及日落的时间来调节色温的。软件截图1软件特色这样设计的理由是现在大多数的屏幕默认色温设置都与自然光(太阳光)一致,在该设置下,屏幕发出的光更蓝,因为这样的蓝色光更符合人体的昼夜节律。而按照常理来讲,在进入夜晚之后,人就不应该再看着这样的自然光了。它不仅会让你的眼睛在短时间内感觉疲惫,更会在一定程度上会阻碍你进入睡眠状态的进程,长期以往对人体的健康并没有好处。软件截图2小编寄语相信有很多人无论是工作还是娱乐,都已经离不开个人电脑或智能移动设备的屏幕了。根据这样的情况,很多厂商为自家的设备都加入了“亮度自动调节”的功能,这在一定程度上可以减少屏幕光给眼睛带来的伤害。软件截图3说太多相关原理没有太大意义,要是没有实际效果,那也不过是在炒作概念。如果你的眼睛经常被屏幕搞得疲惫不堪的话,可以试用一下这款软件。它会在夜里将屏幕的颜色调节成偏黄色,一开始你可能会觉得有点突兀,不过在一段时间的适应过后,或许你的眼睛会对你说“谢谢”。
为您推荐:f.lux: software to make your life better
software to make your life better
Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow?
Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better.
Download f.lux
Free for macOS
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Free on Windows, for personal use
Free for Linux
Free for iPhone and iPad
Free for Android
By downloading, you agree to the
(also available for
f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again.
Tell f.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it. f.lux will do the rest, automatically.
Control your lights with f.lux
Want your lights to change like f.lux does? It's easy.
Using f.lux at work? Refer your IT admininstrator to our .
f.lux is patent pending. Do you make a cell phone, display, lighting system, other cool sleep tech, and want to talk about collaboration? Contact us:


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