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主营:互联网安全 电脑加速 电脑杀毒 电脑办公 电脑漏洞修复
积分 54, 距离下一级还需 31 积分
道具: 涂鸦板, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 金钱卡下一级可获得
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提示数据不是highly balanced, 因为自变量有缺失值
xsmle fits fixed or random effects spatial models for balanced panel data. however the mi& & prefix command can be used xsmle in the unbalanced case. for example:
& && &&&. webuse mheart5& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&(1)& &
& && &&&. mi set mlong& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & (2)& &
& && &&&. mi register imputed age bmi& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & (3)& &
& && &&&. set seed 29390& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&(4)& &
& && &&&. mi impute mvn age bmi = attack smokes hsgrad female, add(10)& && && && && & (5)& &
& && &&&. mi estimate: logistic attack smokes age bmi hsgrad female& && && && && && & (6)
总评分:&论坛币 + 25&
fei355 发表于
xsmle fits fixed or random effects spatial models for balanced panel data. however the mi& & prefix ...可以进行具体一点的说明吗?比如mheart5&&是代表你的数据? mlong是啥?
fei355 发表于
xsmle fits fixed or random effects spatial models for balanced panel data. however the mi& & prefix ...您好,请问这个命令的具体含义是什么?
fei355 发表于
xsmle fits fixed or random effects spatial models for balanced panel data. however the mi& & prefix ...请教下命令的具体含义是什么??急急急!
夏天, 吴文斌, 周清波, 周勇, 罗静, 杨鹏, 李正国. 基于地理回归的农作物播种面积统计数据空间化方法[J].自然资源学报, ):
XIA Tian, WU Wen-bin, ZHOU Qing-bo, ZHOU Yong, LUO Jing, YANG Peng, LI Zheng-guo. Spatialization of Statistical Crop Planting Area Based on Geographical Regression[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, ): &&
1. 地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室/华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,武汉 430079
2. 农业部农业信息技术重点实验室/中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
第一作者简介:夏天(1981- ),男,湖北省武汉市人,副教授,中国自然资源学会会员(SM),主要从事农业定量遥感、土地资源与环境遥感和空间模型等方面的研究工作。E-mail: *通信作者简介:吴文斌(1977- ),男,湖北省潜江市人,研究员,中国自然资源学会会员(SM),主要从事农业遥感基础与应用基础、空间建模理论与技术和农业生态系统对全球变化响应与反馈评估等方面的研究工作。E-mail:
基金:国家自然科学基金项目(71112); 中央高校科研基本业务费(CCNU15A05058)
Spatialization of Statistical Crop Planting Area Based on Geographical Regression
XIA Tian1,2,
WU Wen-bin2,
ZHOU Qing-bo2,
ZHOU Yong1,
LUO Jing1,
YANG Peng2,
LI Zheng-guo2
1. Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation, Hubei Province/ College of Urban & Environmental Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
2. Key Laboratory of Agri-Informatics, Ministry of Agriculture / Institute of Agricultural Resources and RegionalPlanning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. and ; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No.CCNU15A05058
The sptial pattern of crops reflects the planting structure and characteristics of crops, which is an important basis for understanding agricultural resource utilization and adjusting crop planting structure. This study aims to explore the method for specializing statistical data of crop planting area, and thus spatially express historial agricultural statistics data. This study used the traditional agricultural statistical survey data and remote sensing imagery data with geographic information technologies. The spatial probability distributions of suitabilities of crops are estimated using the Binary Logistic regression analysis that characterizes the relationships between the crop planting structure and the geographical factors as well as social-economic factors. Based on the spatial probability distribution, the statistical data of crop planting area were spatially distributed by using spatial iteratative allocation. Northeast China was taken as the study area and the spatial expression of sown area in this area during
was completed. The spatial accuracy of 0.76 was achieved by using this multi-scale and multi-resolution analysis method, which demonstrated it is superior in spatially expressing statistical data of crop planting. The method can be taken as an effective complement for crop field survey and remote sensing-based crop interpretation, and thus provides novel technical means for enriching crop spatial data.
planting area;
statistical data;
geographical regression
农作物空间格局反映了空间范围内的农业生产资源利用状况, 是了解农作物种植结构和进行农业结构调整的重要依据[]。同时, 农作物空间格局特征对研究农业生态系统影响碳足迹变化, 以及评价气候变化对农业对生产的影响具有重要作用。近年来, 随着全球环境变化和经济一体化的加快, 我国农作物种植格局发生了显著变化。研究显示, 我国传统的“ 南粮北运” 格局逐渐转换成“ 北粮南运” 格局, 粮食生产的重心不断北移和西扩[]。这种宏观格局变化对国家粮食安全、区域水土资源可持续利用、生态安全与社会经济发展等具有重要影响[, ]。因此, 及时准确地掌握区域农作物空间格局及其动态变化具有重要的科学和实际意义。纵观国内外已有研究, 遥感技术因其大范围、高效率、快速等特点, 成为区域农作物空间格局及其动态变化研究的主流方法[]。受卫星数据覆盖年代短、历史遥感数据获取难度大、图像解译误差多等限制, 遥感技术无法应用于长时段的农作物空间格局及其动态变化研究。农业统计数据的优势在于, 它基于行政单元进行调查, 时间维可以覆盖几十年或百年, 在分析农作物播种面积的数量、幅度和类型变化中得到了广泛应用, 但往往缺乏空间表达。随着计算机技术和空间信息技术的发展, 已有学者开展了属性或统计数据空间化研究。以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究, 如研究人口数据[, ]、GDP数据[, ]等, 部分研究自然地理数据空间化, 多集中于气象数据[, ]、林地数据[]或耕地数据[, ]等方面空间化的研究。然而, 针对耕地内部的农作物播种面积统计数据的空间化研究较少, 缺乏对历史长时间序列农作物数据空间化方法研究。事实上, 农作物空间格局是人类-环境相互作用而形成, 具有高度的复杂性, 使得播种面积统计数据的科学空间化难度更高。基于此, 本研究尝试综合利用遥感数据和空间模型, 建立农作物空间分布模型, 实现农作物播种面积统计数据的空间化。1 农作物播种面积统计数据空间化方法1.1 理论基础农作物播种面积统计数据是空间地块农作物种植的数量汇总表达。影响农作物空间种植的因素很多, 包括地形、热量、水分、土壤等自然因素, 以及人口状况、经济发展水平、农业政策等社会因素。这些因素共同作用和相互反馈, 驱动农作物种植的类型、数量和空间发生变化, 进而影响宏观层次的农作物播种面积统计数据发生变化。基于以上关系, 本研究引入空间动力学的思想来构建农作物播种面积统计数据的空间化方法。空间动力学能够描述区域系统空间相互作用、相互反馈机制及区域系统空间格局的演 变[], 已经在土地利用领域广泛使用[, ]。该统计数据空间化的总体思路如所示, 通过分析农作物空间分布与影响因素(自然地理和社会经济等)关系, 利用地理回归(Logistic回归)方法分析农作物空间分布适宜性, 构建农作物空间分布概率; 在此基础上进行统计数据空间迭代分配, 将农作物播种面积统计数据空间分配到网格单元中, 实现统计数据的空间化表达。图1Fig. 1 图1 统计数据空间化方法总体框架Fig. 1 The flowchart of spatialization of statistic data1.2 方法描述该技术方法主要包括空间适宜性分析和空间分配两个环节。空间适宜性分析是统计数据空间分配的基础, 本研究采用二元Logistic回归方法来进行农作物空间分布适宜性分析。具体地, 将农作物空间分布设为因变量, 将影响农作物空间分布的自然地理、社会经济等驱动因素设为自变量, 构建农作物空间分布概率模型, 描述多种驱动因素共同作用下的农作物空间分布概率, 即农作物空间分布适宜性。概率计算公式如下: Log1-PiPi=β0+β1×Χ1i+β2×Χ2i+……+βn×Χni(1)式中:Pi表示农作物
Χ表示各驱动因素; β 是各驱动因子相应的回归系数。回归系数β 运用统计软件进行二元Logistic回归计算时求得, 方程需要置信度一般大于95%(即α &#x0), 对每一种农作物空间分布相关性较高的驱动因子则入选回归方程, 相关性较低的驱动因子不选入回归方程。表1Table 1表1(Table 1)
表1 农作物转移矩阵
Table 1 Conversion matrix of different crops水稻玉米大豆水稻100玉米011大豆011注:此矩阵表可能根据实际情况进行调整设置。
表1 农作物转移矩阵
Table 1 Conversion matrix of different crops空间分配是统计数据空间化方法的关键, 本研究采用空间迭代方法将统计数据分配到空间网格单元中。首先, 基于农作物空间分布概率、农作物转换规则和空间迭代变量计算总农作物空间分布的概率总和 [式(2)]。农作物空间分布概率通过上述Logistic回归方程计算得到。农作物转换规则主要包括转移次序和转移弹性系数设定。各农作物类型之间的转移次序利用转移矩阵来表征(), 矩阵中1表示可以转变, 0表示不能转变, 如水稻不能直接转为玉米或大豆, 即转入和转出都设置为0; 玉米可以转为种植大豆, 即设置为1, 该参数决定了模拟结果中的作物变化类型。转移弹性系数(ELASu)用0~1的数值表示, 0代表某一作物在栅格单位上分布极易发生转变, 1代表不易发生转换。 TPROPi, u=Pi, u+ELASu+ITERu(2)式中:TPROPi, u是栅格单元i上农作物类型u分布的总概率; Pi, u是通过Logistic回归方程求得的农作物空间分布概率; ELASu是农作物类型u的转移弹性; ITERu是农作物类型u的迭代变量。其次, 空间化分配控制区用于控制属性数据空间化变化过程和范围, 如耕地空间分布对农作物空间分布起控制作用, 农作物只能分布在耕地范围之内。最后, 依据概率总和, 在控制因素的约束下进行多次空间迭代, 具体的迭代步骤为:对各农作物类型赋相同的迭代变量值ITER, 并且按照每一个栅格单元中各种农作物类型分布的总概率TPROP从大到小对每一个栅格中农作物变化进行初次分配, 将每一个栅格设置为总概率最高的农作物。对各农作物类型初次分配面积和农作物统计面积进行对比, 如农作物初次分配面积小于农作物统计面积, 则增加迭代变量ITER值, 反之则减小迭代变量ITER值, 随后进行第二次农作物面积空间分配。直到农作物空间分配面积与统计面积相等, 实现统计数据的空间化分配()。图2Fig. 2 图2 空间迭代分配流程Fig. 2 Iterative allocation procedure of statistic data2 方法验证2.1 研究区域东北三省位于中国大陆的东北部(115° 05′ ~135° 02′ E, 38° 40′ ~53° 34′ N), 土地总面积约79.18× 104 km2。区域北部土壤主要为黑钙土、草甸土和白浆土, 南部主要为暗棕壤, 地貌以平原为主[, ]。东北三省耕地为26.44× 104 km2, 约占全国耕地总面积的16.5%, 是我国21世纪粮食增产和粮食供给潜力最大的地区[]。该地区主要种植玉米、大豆、水稻, 分别占到粮食作物播种面积的43.1%、33.0%和14%, 是我国重要的商品粮生产基地。“ 十二五” 期间, 国家计划到2015年将东北地区粮食综合生产能力稳定在1× 108 t以上, 东北三省的粮食综合生产能力对保障我国粮食安全起着至关重要的作用[]。因此, 本研究选取中国东北三省作为统计数据空间化方法的试验区域。2.2 数据收集及预处理本研究所需数据共分为4个类型:统计数据、土地利用数据、自然地理数据和社会经济数据()。首先, 将黑龙江省、吉林省和辽宁省农业统计数据按照年份进行数字化处理。然后, 对农作物空间分布数据、自然地理数据和社会经济数据进行标准化处理。将农作物空间分布数据MIRCA 2000进行标准化处理, 提取出重点研究的水稻、玉米、小麦和大豆4种农作物空间分布。其次对自然地理和社会经济因素数据进行标准化处理。将DEM、气温(年平均)、降水量、≥ 0 ℃积温、≥ 10 ℃积温、人口和人均GDP数据均处理为1 km的栅格数据。土壤图按照研究区内土壤类型拆分成单独的土类分布图, 共划分为20类土壤类型, 按照类型进行编号。研究区域的坡度和坡向数据均由DEM数据生成, 并对生成的坡向数据根据向南和向北进行区分处理, 这样的处理方式有助于判断不同方位对农作物空间分布的影响。利用交通路网分布、河流水域分布和中心集镇分布数据生成研究区域内每一个栅格中心点到研究对象最近的距离。表2Table 2表2(Table 2)
表2 数据列表及数据来源
Table 2 Data list and data sources数据类型数据名称数据格式说明统计数据2000&#x0年各农作物面积属性表黑龙江省、吉林省和辽宁省农业统计数据土地利用数据耕地空间分布数据栅格中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所数据, 1 km网格农作物空间分布数据栅格MIRCA 2000数据, 全球农作物分布数据自然地理数据DEM栅格中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所数据, 空间分辨率1 km多年均气温分布图栅格国家气象资料汇编, 空间分辨率500 m多年平均降雨分布图栅格国家气象资料汇编, 空间分辨率1 km多年平均≥ 0 ℃积温分布图栅格国家气象资料汇编, 空间分辨率500 m多年平均≥ 10 ℃积温分布图栅格国家气象资料汇编, 空间分辨率500 m土壤图栅格FAO土壤图1~3级交通路网分布图栅格国家基础地理信息数据1~3级河流水域分布图栅格国家基础地理信息数据中心集镇分布图栅格国家基础地理信息数据社会经济数据人口数据分布图栅格中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所数据, 1 km网格, 单位:人/km2GDP数据分布图栅格中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所数据, 1 km网格, 单位:104元/km2
表2 数据列表及数据来源
Table 2 Data list and data sources2.3 结果与分析将各类农作物空间数据分别与选取的自然地理和社会经济因子进行二元Logistic回归分析, 置信度设置大于95%(即α &#x0), 低于该值的驱动力因子不选入回归方程, 农作物与驱动因子之间的回归分析结果如所示, 然后对于每种农作物回归方程的拟合度采用ROC曲线进行检验[]。ROC取值0.5~1之间, 值越大, 农作物概率分布与真实的农作物分布之间的一致性越好。同时, 通过回归方程计算出每一种农作物在研究区域中的空间分布概率, 如果空间上越接近于真实的农作物分布情况, 说明构建的回归方程与真实的农作物分布具有较高的一致性。列出了水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆和其他作物回归方程的ROC, 取值为0.85~0.95之间, 这表明, 模型得到的农作物分布概率与真实农作物空间分布具有较高的一致性, 回归方程能够较好地解释农作物的空间分布。玉米作物的ROC最高, 达到0.95, 这表明选取的影响因素能够较好地描述玉米的空间分布, 这也和东北玉米集中连片大面积种植有关, 回归样本量较大, 一定程度上提高了回归方程的解释性。水稻和大豆回归方程的ROC为0.91, 小麦为0.88, 回归方程总体解释能力都较好。其他作物的回归方程ROC相对较低, 为0.85, 主要原因是其他作物包含作物类型多, 选取的因子难以综合解释这些多作物空间分布。综上所述, 本研究的Logistic回归分析结果较好, 回归方程对农作物空间分布解释度高, 能够支撑统计数据空间化。表3Table 3表3(Table 3)
表3 农作物与驱动因素回归分析结果
Table 3 Regression analysis of crops and driving factors驱动因子水稻小麦玉米大豆其他作物常数-19.599 045.132 0-802.484 0268.845 050.763 0坡向0.002 00.002 20.001 1DEM-0.006 0-0.000 7-0.004 4-0.000 8-0.003 0人均GDP0.001 0-0.000 4-0.001 70.003 8人口密度0.004 00.005 10.008 10.003 10.005 6降雨0.001 0-0.000 30.000 4-0.000 6-0.000 3距中心集镇距离-0.007 0-0.003 70.003 1-0.001 0距河流水域距离0.000 4距交通路网距离-0.000 4-0.091 0坡度-0.093 0-0.022 61.383 3-0.015 9≥ 0 ℃积温0.081 0-0.678 5-0.049 3≥ 10 ℃积温-0.062 0-0.043 2-0.612 70.422 4年积温-0.026 00.054 5-0.313 30.059 10.031 3土壤类型_10.845 3-0.702 0土壤类型_2-2.434 8-0.699 0土壤类型_3-1.182 20.857 6土壤类型_4-2.221 6-0.841 9土壤类型_5-1.753 0-0.860 0土壤类型_6土壤类型_7-1.773 8土壤类型_8-1.388 7-4.502 4土壤类型_9土壤类型_10-2.360 7土壤类型_11土壤类型_120.546 0土壤类型_13-0.679 4土壤类型_142.005 9土壤类型_152.579 7-2.535 6土壤类型_16-0.188 5土壤类型_170.776 6-0.357 4土壤类型_18-2.356 2土壤类型_19-3.585 1土壤类型_20土壤质地_10.735 21.329 40.467 0土壤质地_2-2.848 9-0.451 4土壤质地_33.101 22.318 0土壤质地_41.530 31.600 0土壤质地_51.803 11.180 30.414 1土壤质地_61.999 2-2.130 6-0.343 6土壤质地_71.941 61.268 91.372 4土壤质地_81.812 9土壤质地_91.028 7-3.131 9土壤质地_100.790 91.456 31.215 3ROC0.910.880.950.910.85
表3 农作物与驱动因素回归分析结果
Table 3 Regression analysis of crops and driving factors为进一步评价空间适宜性分析的精度, 将Logistic模型计算得到的农作物空间分布概率和农作物真实空间分布进行比较()。结果显示, 农作物空间分布概率与2000年农作物真实空间分布具有较好的一致性, 其中水稻、玉米和大豆的空间分布一致性较好, 小麦的空间分布与真实值一致性相对较差, 其主要原因是小麦的样本量较少。该结果与Logistic的分析结果一致, 也表明构建的农作物分布概率方程能够较好地解释东北三省的农作物真实空间分布。利用该方法可以对2000&#x0年逐年的东北三省农作物播种面积统计数据进行空间化, 显示了和2010年的农作物空间分布情况。由于缺乏2000年以后农作物真实空间分布数据, 本研究中每一种农作物逐年的空间化方法是一致的, 因此, 利用中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所2005年土地利用数据中的水田数据层视为水稻空间分布的真值, 基于Costanza提出的多尺度不同分辨率分析对比法[]对2005年水稻播种面积空间化结果进行了精度验证。结果表明, 东北三省水稻播种面积空间化的总体精度为0.76, 由于两者数据本身的差异性(分辨率和分类对象差异等), 一定程度上降低了精度评价结果。可见, 利用统计数据空间化的方法, 能够较精确地对该地区的水稻空间格局进行表达, 这表明本研究中的技术方法总体上科学可行。图3Fig. 3 图3 农作物真实空间分布与空间分布概率对比Fig. 3 Comparison of real distribution and distribution probability of four crops图4Fig. 4 图4 东北三省和2010年农作物空间分布Fig. 4 Spatialized crop patterns in the Northeast China in
and 20103 结论和讨论针对长时间序列历史农作物空间分布数据缺乏的现状, 本研究提出了一种基于地理回归的农作物播种面积统计数据空间化方法。该方法综合考虑了影响农作物空间分布的自然地理和社会经济等因子, 利用Logistic回归方法建立农作物空间分布概率模型, 结合其他转换规则和空间限制进行空间迭代, 实现了农作物播种面积的空间化表达。模型在我国东北三省进行了应用, 取得了较好的结果。本研究中的空间适宜性分析采用了Logistic回归分析, 其优点是能够从复杂系统中剥离出主要影响因子, 确定其系统变化与驱动因素的定量关系, 该因果关系对统计数据空间化结果具有直接影响。然而, 利用该因果关系进行长时间序列的统计数据空间化时, 可能会带来一定误差, 因为这种因果关系可能会随着时间发生变化, 某一时段的统计关系不一定适用于其他时段。因此, 利用该方法构建长时间序列数据集时, 也需要对空间适宜性关系进行更新, 这对基础数据提供了新的要求。基础数据质量对空间化结果精度具有重要影响。由于目前高精度农作物空间分布数据缺乏, 本研究在东北应用时采用了2000年10 km的全球农作物空间分布数据(MIRCA 2000)。虽然借助其他辅助数据对MIRCA数据进行了预处理, 但基础数据质量还是会一定程度上影响模拟精度。同时, 受数据限制, 仅采用土地利用数据中的水田数据层对水稻空间化结果进行了检验, 总体精度达到0.76, 这表明该方法能够较好地实现区域尺度农作物播种面积统计数据空间化。如果进一步提高基础数据的质量和精度, 统计数据空间化结果质量也会提升。农作物播种面积统计数据空间化方法基于遥感影像解译结果, 可以较好地实现历史农作物空间分布数据的重建, 将时间连续的统计数据重建为时间和空间连续的农作物分布数据, 有效地弥补了遥感数据在大面积、长时间序列数据生产效率不足的问题。该数据集可为农作物空间分布变化过程和规律研究提供基础数据, 为农作物遥感解译提供参考补充, 丰富农业土地利用研究的技术手段。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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Recent progresses in monitoring crop spatial patterns by using remote sensing technologies.
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... 农作物空间格局反映了空间范围内的农业生产资源利用状况,是了解农作物种植结构和进行农业结构调整的重要依据[1] ...
刘玉杰, 杨艳昭, 封志明.
中国粮食生产的区域格局变化及其可能影响[J]. , 2007, 29(2): 8-14. [LIU Y J, YANG Y Z, FENG Z M.
The change of the main regions for China’s foodgrain production and
its implications.
, 2007, 29(2): 8-14. ]
The study showed that the main regions for China's foodgrain production have shifted from the South to the North. In the early 1970s, China's foodgrain production areas mainly clustered in the reaches of Yangtze River and Pearl River. Since 2000, the situation has changed. The main foodgrain product area mainly clustered in the reaches of Songhuajiang River, Liaohe Rivers and Huaihe River. These changes are mainly attributed to the reasons of: 1) increased cultivated land area in the reaches of Songhuajiang River and Liaohe R 2) increased yield of per unit cultivated land in the reaches of Huaihe River, which is induced by increasing irrigated area and application of chemical fertilizer. These changes have resulted in an increased expansion of cultivated land on a large scale and over exploitation of ground water as well as over application of chemicals, consequently imposing a great pressure upon ecological environment. It is suggested that provinces in the southern regions should increase the capacity of foodgrain production and realize grain self-support in order to decrease its foodgrain dependence on the North. There is still a great room on foodgrain production increase in such regions as Jiangxi province, Chongqing municipality, Guizhou province and Yunnan province. Therefore, government should earmark funds to facilitate foodgrain production in the regions mentioned above.
... 格局,粮食生产的重心不断北移和西扩[2] ...
刘彦随, 陈百明.
中国可持续发展问题与土地利用/覆被变化研究[J]. , 2002, 21(3): 324-330. [LIU Y S, CHEN B M.
The study framework of land
use/cover change based on sustainable development in China.
, 2002, 21(3): 324-330. ]
Being the core and frontier issue in the global environmental change and sustainable development disciplines, studies on land use/cover change (LUCC) has gained increasingly attention. China, restricted by its large population and less land, is one of the developing countries facing serious ecological and environmental problems in the world. Many problems of sustainable development confronting China have inherent and inevitable associations with LUCC. Therefore, systematic LUCC researches, aiming at the implementation of sustainable development strategies in China, have great significance in both academic and practical respects. Their relations between the problems of sustainable development and LUCC, and the research objects, contents, investigative methods and key issues of LUCC based on sustainable development in China are briefly discussed in this paper. The interrelationship between LUCC and sustainable development in China is very complex. Generally speaking,the linkage can be shown as the balance between land water resources demand and supply. Thus, the orientation and content of LUCC and sustainable development researches should be developed along with the critical issues for sustainable development driving force of human being scenarios of LUCC optimized decision making for sustainable development. Meanwhile, different situations under different temporal and spatial dimensions should be incorporated into the researches. The key issues to be studied are how to reveal the land supply and demand relationships under the multiple driving forces, as well as its changing extents and influences. Upon them, the framework of scientific decision making and comprehensive management for LUCC in China, which is confined by the sustainable development relationship between food and resources supply, ecological protection and economic growth, is proposed.
土地利用 /覆被变化 (LUCC)研究 ,已成为全球环境变化和可持续发展领域前沿的核心问题。中国是世界上人多地少、生态与环境问题较为突出的发展中国家 ,目前中国可持续发展所面临的许多问题 ,都与土地利用及其变化有着内在的、必然的联系。因此 ,面向可持续发展战略的实施 ,开展土地利用 /覆被变化的系统研究 ,具有重要的科学价值与战略意义。本文重点对土地利用 /覆被变化与可持续发展重点问题的关系 ,以及面向可持续发展问题的LUCC研究目标、主要内容和技术方法等进行了讨论
... 这种宏观格局变化对国家粮食安全、区域水土资源可持续利用、生态安全与社会经济发展等具有重要影响[3,4] ...
... 这种宏观格局变化对国家粮食安全、区域水土资源可持续利用、生态安全与社会经济发展等具有重要影响[3,4] ...
... 纵观国内外已有研究,遥感技术因其大范围、高效率、快速等特点,成为区域农作物空间格局及其动态变化研究的主流方法[5] ...
戚伟, 李颖, 刘盛和, 等.
城市昼夜人口空间分布的估算及其特征——以北京市海淀区为例[J]. , 2013, 68(10): 1344-1356. [QI W, LI Y, LIU S H, et al.
Estimation of urban population at daytime and
nighttime and
analyses of their spatial pattern: A case study of Haidian District, Beijing.
, 2013, 68(10): 1344-1356. ]
Urban population at daytime and nighttime and their spatial distribution are basis for planning urban infrastructure, public services and disaster relief, and it is also a leading edge for urban geography study. Because current statistical data in China cannot distinguish urban population at daytime from that at nighttime, existing research in this field is limited. Aiming to estimate urban population at daytime and nighttime and to analyze their spatial characteristics, this paper establishes a relationship model among urban population, time (daytime or nighttime) and types of land-use, and a population spatial distribution model based on different area weights, and also conducts an empirical study on the Haidian District in Beijing. The results are shown as follows. (1) There are many differences between daytime and nighttime population in spatial structure. Population is more concentrated during daytime. (2) There are many spatial coupling relationships between daytime and nighttime population, such as sandwich mode, inlay mode, convergence mode, and monomer mode. (3) There is a great difference in the use of road networks between daytime and nighttime. This phenomenon is related to the spatial distribution between daytime and nighttime. It seems that daytime population has a notable influence on road expansion. The spatial distribution of daytime and nighttime population also reflects some phenomena in the develop-ment of China, such as the distribution of old residential areas, the construction of new industrial districts, the differences between urban and rural areas, which can provide some reference for the studies in this field and other regional research.
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, C 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
城市人口的空间分布特征及昼夜差异是配置城市公共基础设施及公共服务设施和制订城市公共安全应急保障方案的重要依据,也是城市地理研究领域的前沿方向之一。但由于国内目前没有区分昼夜的人口统计数据,城市昼夜人口空间分布的相关研究难以开展,极为薄弱。本文以土地利用类型为媒介,构建基于不同类型城市人口时空行为特征的城市&人口&昼夜&土地利用&关系模型和基于差异化面积权重的城市人口空间化模型,旨在以格网为单元来估算城市昼夜人口并分析其空间分布特征。同时,以北京市海淀区为例开展实证研究,估算了海淀区的昼夜人口规模,分析了城市昼夜人口的空间分布特征及其空间耦合关系。结果表明:① 城市昼夜人口的空间结构存在显著差异,白天人口相对于夜晚人口具有更广泛的分布范围,并具有更显著的集聚特征。② 城市昼夜人口表现为多种空间耦合关系,包括&三明治&模式、&镶嵌&模式、&辐合&模式、&单体&模式等。③ 城市路网的昼夜利用与人口的昼夜分布有较高的相关性,白天人口分布对路网扩张有显著影响。城市昼夜人口的空间分布折射出中国城镇化进程中诸多因素,例如&旧住宅区&的分布、产业新区的建设、城乡发展差异等,以期对相关的研究提供参考。
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
廖顺宝, 李泽辉.
基于人口分布与土地利用关系的人口数据空间化研究——以西藏自治区为例[J]. , 2003, 18(6): 659-665. [LIAO S B, LI Z H.
Study on spatialization of population census data based on ralationship between population distribution and
use—Taking Tibet as an example.
, 2003, 18(6): 659-665. ]
Land is an outcome affected mutually by human being and natural world.There exits a very close relationship between population distribution and land use.Through multi-variables regression analysis with statistical population data and various land use indexes at county level in China in1999,it was found that there was a co-relationship of multiple ratio=0.82between mean population densities and12land use indexes for the overwhelming majority administrative divisions at county level.And in Tibet autonomous region,Qinghai and Hainan provinces,the multiple ratios reached to0.99respectively.With the model of population distribution-land use and DEM,which was established by means of multiple variables regression analysis,a rasterized population dataset for Tibet autonomous region with a resolution of one kilometer by one kilometer was calculated.The dataset not only keeps consistence with statistical population at county level but also reflects change of population distribution inside a county.For the37townships in3counties in Tibet,which were selected to test and verify the model,there was a co-relationship of ratio=0.88between the townships&actual population densities and calculated population densities by the model.Therefore,land use is a very important parameter for spatialization of statistical population data.The relationship model between population densities and land use index can be applied to spatialization of statistical population.
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
韩向娣, 周艺, 王世新, 等.
夜间灯光遥感数据的GDP空间化处理方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2012, 14(1): 128-136. [HAN X T, ZHOU Y, WANG S X, et al.
GDP spatiallization in China based on nighttime imagery. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012, 14(1): 128-136. ]
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
任斐鹏, 江源, 董满宇, 等.
基于遥感和GIS的流域社会经济数据空间化方法研究[J]. , 2015, 32(3): 112-116. [REN P F, JIANG Y, DONG M Y, et al.
Approach of spatialising socioeconomic data in watershed scale by remote sensing and
, 2015, 32(3): 112-116. ]
The importance of population and socioeconomic data and their spatial distributions to researches of natural resources, environment and natural disaster assessment has been widely recognized. It&s a worthy exploration to solve the problem by combining remote sensing and GIS technology. According to the statistical population, GDP and land use data in Dongjiang watershed, we built multiple linear regression models by taking the statistical population or GDP as the dependent variable and per unit of statistical data carrying capacity as independent variables. Meanwhile, based on the raster land use data and 100m&100m grid data, the constraint index layers of population and GDP&s spatial distribution were obtained. Furthermore, through the regression model and GIS interpolation, the spatialisation of the statistical population and GDP data of Dongjiang watershed in 2009 was completed. The simulated result was verified to be equal or superior in county-scale by comparing with the actual statistical data in the same scale. The result suggests that to combine remote sensing and GIS is an effective way to spatialising socioeconomic data.
人口和社会经济数据及其空间分布,在资源、环境及自然灾害评估中的重要性已被广泛认知。把遥感和GIS技术相结合,是探讨解决社会经济统计数据空间化的重要思路。以东江流域为例,以多期人口、GDP、土地利用数据为基础,建立东江流域人口与土地利用、GDP和土地利用的多元线性回归模型;以土地利用数据和100 m&100 m网格数据为基础,构建东江流域人口和GDP空间分布约束力指标图层;然后结合统计模型和面积内插,实现了东江流域2009年人口、GDP统计数据的空间化。在县域空间尺度上对模拟结果进行了验证,与同尺度研究工作进行了对比,结果显示模拟得到的人口和GDP空间分布数据,与同尺度的研究工作处于同一精度或者略高的精度水平,表明该方法是一种进行流域社会经济数据空间化处理的有效方法。
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
宁晓菊, 秦耀辰, 崔耀平, 等.
60年来中国农业水热气候条件的时空变化[J]. , 2015, 70(3): 364-379. [NING X J, QIN Y C, CUI Y P, et al.
The spatio-temporal change of agricultural hydrothermal conditions in China from 1951 to 2010 , 2015, 70(3): 364-379. ]
Based on the daily observation data of 824 meteorological stations during
released by national meteorological information center, this paper evaluates the change of heat, moisture and winter conditions for crop growth. In this paper, we, taking the average over ten years as a value, analyze the spatial and temporal variations of the agricultural hydrothermal conditions in a 1-km grid. Then we build the regression equations of agricultural hydrothermal conditions to simulate the change trend over years. The main conclusions are summarized as follows. (1) The annual mean temperature, mean temperature in the coldest month and accumulated temperatures of the daily mean temperature ≥0℃ increased significantly for most parts of China, whose contours moved northward in the past 60 years. (2) The mean temperature in the hottest month can be identified into the falling region and rising region, the latter is distributed in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia Plateau and the coast of southeast China. The middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River belong to the region in a remarkable reduction. (3) The annual precipitation has an increasing trend, but it is inconspicuous. (4) The contours of 800 mm rainfall and the southern of 400mm rainfall were stable between 1951 and 2010, which determined the distribution pattern of agricultural production of China. However, the mean temperature in the hottest month of the middle and lower reaches of both the Yellow and Yangtze rivers had a decreasing trend from 1951 to 2010, and the contour of mean temperature in the coldest month shifted northward, in particular, the 0℃ contour gradually moved to the yellow line by the region of Qinling-Huaihe River. This had a major impact on the distribution of crops as well as on the farming system. Thus, the complex change of high temperature, low temperature, and heat supply in the crop growing period and water had impact on the agricultural production, which would change due to the regional differences and crop characteristics. We will study the suitable cultivation of crop in the background of global climate change by considering more factors and then explore the adaptability of regional agriculture to climate change.
College of Environment and Planning, Key Laboratory of Geospatial Technology for Middle and Lower Yellow River Regions, Henan Collaborative Innovation Center for Coordinating Industrialization Urbanization and Modernization in Center Economic Zone, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China
根据年中国824个气象站点逐日观测数据选取与农作物生长密切相关的农业气候指标,按照年代将各指标站点数据空间化,求取前后期数据变化差值,分析中国农业水热气候条件的时空变化;进而对农业水热气候条件进行线性拟合,分析农业气候变化倾向。研究发现:60年来全国年平均气温、0 ℃积温和最冷月平均气温等值线均在不同程度上向北迁移,三者在全国大部分区域表现为显著增加趋势;全国最热月平均气温分成明显的下降和上升区,显著上升区集中在东北地区、内蒙古高原与东南沿海,黄河与长江中下游地区成为下降区;全国年降水量的增加趋势并没有通过显著检验。虽然对中国农业分布格局至关重要的400 mm等降水量线南段和800 mm等降水量线在整体上相对稳定,但是黄河与长江中下游地区最热月平均气温的下降趋势和最冷月平均气温等值线尤其是0 ℃等值线逐渐从秦岭—淮河一带北移到黄河一线,这对中国作物的分布、耕作制度等会产生重要影响。因此,高温、低温与农作物生长期热量供应以及水分的复杂变化对农业的影响将因区域差异与作物种类而变化,后续的研究可以考虑更多因素来分析农作物的适宜种植范围及区域农业对气候变化的适应。
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
方修琦, 侯光良.
中国全新世气温序列的集成重建[J]. 地理科学, 2011, 31(4): 385-393. [FANG X Q, HOU G L.
Synthetically reconstructed holocene temperature change in China.
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(4): 385-393. ]
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
李士成, 何凡能, 张学珍.
中国历史时期森林空间格局网格化重建方法研究——以东北地区为例[J]. , 2014, 69(3): 312-322. [LI S C, HE F N, ZHANG X Z.
An approach of spatially-explicit reconstruction of historical forest in China: A case study in Northeast China.
, 2014, 69(3): 312-322. ]
To research the climatic and ecological effects of historical land cover change, it is necessary to create historical land cover datasets with explicit spatial information. Using potential vegetation and satellite-based land use data, we determined the possible distribution extent of forest cover before reclamation. Then, some factors affecting land reclamation were selected to evaluate land suitability value of China for cultivation and then they were integrated into a model. Furthermore, historical forest gridding reconstruction model (the size of grid cell is 10 km by 10 km) was developed according to the land suitability value. As a case study, we reconstructed spatially explicit forest cover of 1780 and 1940 in Northeast China using this approach. The results demonstrated that the forest gridding reconstruction model we created can transform provincial forest area into spatially explicit data well. To test the model's rationality, we compared satellite-based forest cover and reconstructed forest cover of 2000. And the one sample t-test of the absolute error of them showed that the two-tailed significance was 0.12, larger than the significant level 0.05, suggesting that there was no significant difference between them and the gridding reconstruction method we designed was rational. The relative errors at county scale of forest cover reconstruction in 1780 of Northeast China were calculated. And the number of counties, whose relative error ranged from -30% ~ 30%, is 99, accounting for 74.44% of the totals (data missing counties are discharged).
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, C 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
具有空间信息的历史土地覆被数据集是研究土地覆被变化气候与生态效应的基础数据。本文在潜在植被数据和现代遥感土地利用数据的基础上,确定了土地垦殖前森林植被可能的分布范围;遴选并量化了影响我国土地宜垦性的主导因子,评估了省域尺度上土地的宜垦性;构建了以土地宜垦性为权重的历史森林覆被网格化重建模型(网格大小为10 km&10km);重建了我国东北三省1780 年和1940 年网格化的森林覆被。结果表明:基于省域森林面积数据,该方法较好地再现了历史时期森林空间格局;与2000 年遥感有林地空间数据对比分析显示,模型重建结果与遥感数据绝对误差的单样本t 检验相伴概率(双尾)为0.12,大于显著性水平0.05,表明模型重建结果与遥感数据不存在显著性差异,网格化重建方法具有较好的可行性;同时,重建结果准确性评估也表明:1780 年重建结果在县域尺度上的相对误差在-30%~30%之间的县级政区有99个,占县级政区总数(不含无值区)的74.44%,总体误差相对较小。
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
曹雪, 金晓斌, 王金朔, 等.
近300年中国耕地数据集重建与耕地变化分析[J]. , 2014, 69(7): 896-906. [CAO X, JIN X B, WANG J S, et al.
Reconstruction and
change analysis of cropland
data of China in recent 300 years.
, 2014, 69(7): 896-906. ]
Historical land-use and land-cover changes caused by human activities during the last three centuries have been regarded as one of the five key frame issues in the LUCC project. China, with a history of 5000 years, has had its population boom ever since the early Qing Dynasty (around AD1700), and unprecedented development of national agricultural reclamation had started, left China as one of areas with rapid land-use and land-cover changes. Currently, there are two global historical land use datasets, generally referred as the &RF datasets& and &HYDE database&, but at the zonal level, these global datasets are widely doubted with coarse resolution and inevitable errors. Academics have tried to reconstruct China's historical land-use and land-cover both quantitatively and spatially, but there are remarkable differences in their results, thus bringing troubles to relevant researches. Since the quantity forms the backbone of cropland restructuring, this paper grounded itself on China's historical records and related research achievements, and reconstructed China's provincial cropland data at the modern boundaries from 1661 to 1985, using a variety of methods based on resources and population, such as factor revision, man-land relationship test, and reclamation trend examination, etc. Our results differ less from HYDE, CHCD and Zhang with an average difference rate of less than 15%. But at the provincial level, our results are closer to CHCD, with 22% of provinces' average difference rate being over 30% . But significant diversities were found in a few provinces and further researches are needed. Then we analyzed China's cropland growth process and regional change characteristics. The results show that ever since the population boom in the Qing Dynasty, China's cropland trebled from 42.4&10 6 ha in the early Qing Dynasty to 136.9&10 6 ha in 1985. In terms of the growth rate, the process of China's cropland rise can be identified into five periods. Significant differences existed among the provincial cropland change. At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, China's farming activities mainly existed in the Yangtze River Plain, the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Guanzhong Basin and Yinchuan Plain. Thereafter, reclamation activities expanded to outer agriculture areas. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Northeast China and Northwest China have been major sources of additional cropland. National policy, disasters, wars, and economic development, are main factors affecting cropland changes.
针对中国历史时期不同政体耕地记录的特点,分别采用因素修正、引用替换、线性内插、衔接对比、人地关系检验、垦殖趋势检验、行政面积比例调整等方法对历史耕地数据进行修正,重建了基于现代省界的近300 年中国分省耕地数据集,从数量角度对中国耕地总量和分省耕地变动特点进行分析,得到以下主要结论:① 在耕地总量上,SAGE和周荣的数据明显高估,本文结果与HYDE、CHCD和章有义数据的平均差异率在15%以下;但在省域尺度上,与SAGE、HYDE数据库存在明显差异,相对差异率>30%的省份比重分别为94%和61%,与CHCD数据较为接近,相对差异率>30%的省份比重为22%,但部分省份差异明显,仍需进一步分析研究;② 伴随清中期后的人口爆炸,近300 年中国耕地增长近3.2 倍,由清朝初年的42.4&10 6 hm 2 增加至1985 年的136.9&10 6 hm 2 ,根据增长速率变化可分为五个阶段,即清前中期快速增长阶段、清后期低速增长阶段、民国时期波动阶段、建国初期剧烈增长阶段和建国后耕地流失阶段,影响耕地变化主要是国家政策、战乱、经济发展等驱动因素。③ 从省域尺度看,近300 年中国各区域耕地变化差异显著。清初,中国耕地主要集中于长江中下游平原、黄淮海平原、关中盆地及银川平原等地,此后,内地的垦殖活动不断增强,外围农区呈由南向北的趋势不断开荒。建国后,耕地开垦逐步向西北和东北方向发展。
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
李士成, 张镱锂, 何凡能.
过去百年青海和西藏耕地空间格局重建及其时空变化[J]. , 2015, 34(2): 197-206. [LI S C, ZHANG Y L, HE F N.
Reconstruction of cropland
distribution in Qinghai and
Tibet for the past one hundred years and
its spatiotemporal changes.
, 2015, 34(2): 197-206. ]
Since numerical simulation has become a popular method for studying the effects of land use and land cover change on climate and environment, spatially explicit historical cropland datasets are increasingly required in regional and global climate change and carbon cycle research. In this study, using historical population data as a proxy, we estimated the provincial cropland area of Qinghai and Tibet in 1910. Based on the statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the survey data of the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the results of some previous studies, we revised the cropland area of Qinghai and Tibet in . The relationship between altitude and surface slope and cropland distribution were quantified to develop the spatially explicit reconstruction model of historical cropland at a resolution of 1 km×1 km. Since the cropland area reached the maximum in the 1980s, the satellite-observed cropland distribution extent of this time period was taken as the maximum distribution extent of historical cropland. The model developed in this research was used to reconstruct the spatial patterns of cropland in Qinghai and Tibet in , 1980, and 2000. The reconstruction results show that: (1) in , cropland area of Qinghai-Tibet was stable, while in
cropland area increased rapidly, reaching 10583 km 2 , which is the maximum of the in , cropland are and in , cropland are (2) with regard to its spatial distribution, in , cropland expanded and land use activities intensified greatly in the Yellow River-Huangshui River Valley (YHV); in , cropland expansion and land use intensification occurred in the YHV, the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Nianchu River, and the Lhasa R in , the spatial pattern of cropland in Qinghai and Tibet remained unchanged. By comparing the reconstruction results of this study for 2000 with satellite-observed cropland distribution of the same year, we found that the correlation coefficient was 0.92 and the absolute difference followed normal distribution. The percentage of grid cells where the absolute difference is low (-10% to 10%) reached 73.29%, while the percentage of grid cells where the absolute difference is high (>40% or <-40%) was 1.94%. Incorporating more information on historical population and cropland of Qinghai and Tibet will help improve the accuracy of our reconstruction modeling. The reconstruction results of this research can be used in regional climate models to study the impact of cropland cover change on the climate and carbon cycle.
... 以往研究侧重社会经济的统计数据空间化方法研究,如研究人口数据[6,7]、GDP数据[8,9]等,部分研究自然地理数据空间化,多集中于气象数据[10,11]、林地数据[12]或耕地数据[13,14]等方面空间化的研究 ...
... 空间动力学能够描述区域系统空间相互作用、相互反馈机制及区域系统空间格局的演 变[15],已经在土地利用领域广泛使用[16,17] ...
... 空间动力学能够描述区域系统空间相互作用、相互反馈机制及区域系统空间格局的演 变[15],已经在土地利用领域广泛使用[16,17] ...
基于空间动力学的城市用地扩张策略研究 [D]. , 2005. [WANG X Q.
Study on Strategy about Urban Land
Expand ing Based on Space Dynamics.
城市用地供需平衡分析是城市土地利用规划的一项重要内容。城市用地的供应主要有城市内部用地的潜力挖掘和城市用地扩张两种方式。城市用地需求随着城市经济的增长和人口的集聚与日俱增,当城市内部土地不足以满足城市发展的要求,城市用地扩张就成为城市用地的主要供应方式。 本论文在对城市用地供需平衡分析的基础上,阐述了城市用地扩张规模量的计算思路;在分析城市布局影响因素的基础上,阐述了城市用地扩张个体的空间动力学特征和群体演变的空间特征;利用元胞自动机与扩张个体的空间动力学特征能很好结合的特点,构建了城市用地扩张的元胞自动机模型;分别在①只考虑局部转换规则、②考虑布局影响因素引力的转换规则、③在考虑布局影响因素引力的基础上考虑自然、规划约束扩展等三种情况下,构建了元胞自动机的转换规则;并利用城市土地定级的相关成果,对前面几种扩张方案设计了相应的效益评价择优的方法。以大同市矿区数据为实例对多种城市用地扩张方案的进行了模拟和择优。 论文的研究为在城市用地供求关系紧张的现时期,如何合理确定城市用地扩张的规模、选择用地扩张的位置提供依据,对城市用地规划、制定城市供地计划等具有重大的指导意义。
... 空间动力学能够描述区域系统空间相互作用、相互反馈机制及区域系统空间格局的演 变[15],已经在土地利用领域广泛使用[16,17] ...
李奇峰, 张海林, 陈阜.
东北农作区粮食作物种植格局变化的特征分析[J]. , 2008, 13(3): 74-79. [LI Q F, ZHANG H L, CHEN F.
Changes in spatial distribution and
planting structure of major crops in Northeast China.
, 2008, 13(3): 74-79. ]
... 区域北部土壤主要为黑钙土、草甸土和白浆土,南部主要为暗棕壤,地貌以平原为主[18,19] ...
方修琦, 盛静芬.
从黑龙江省水稻种植面积的时空变化看人类对气候变化影响的适应[J]. , 2000, 15(3): 213-217. [FANG X Q, SHENG J F.
Human adaptation to climate change: A case study of changes in paddy planting area in Heilongjiang Province.
, 2000, 15(3): 213-217. ]
Heilongjiang Province has experienced a warming trend since 1951,especially since the 1980s,where the warming trend is the most obvious in China.Analysis of the relationship between the changes in paddy planting area and temperature change in Heilongjiang revealed that the stages of change in paddy planting area are corresponding to the stages of temperature change,but the former lags behind the latter by about 4~6 to 2~3years.The rapid increase in paddy planting area and the northward expansion of the paddy fields since the mid 1980s are response to the distinct rising trend of temperature since the 1980s.
1951年以来 ,黑龙江省呈明显的变暖趋势 ,1980年代以来增温尤其明显 ,是全国变暖最显著的地区。对比发现 ,全省水稻种植面积增减的阶段性变化与温度变化阶段之间存在着良好的对应关系 ,但水稻种植面积变化略滞后于温度变化。1980年代中期以来全省水稻种植面积的显著增加 ,特别是北部地区种植面积的显著增加 ,是对1980年代以来显著增温的响应
... 区域北部土壤主要为黑钙土、草甸土和白浆土,南部主要为暗棕壤,地貌以平原为主[18,19] ...
... 5%,是我国21世纪粮食增产和粮食供给潜力最大的地区[20] ...
赵俊芳, 杨晓光, 刘志娟.
气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响[J]. , 2009, 29(12): 6544-6551. [ZHAO J F, YANG X G, LIU Z J, et al.
Influence of climate warming on serious low temperature and
cold damage and
cultivation pattern of spring maize in Northeast China.
, 2009, 29(12): 6544-6551. ]
本文以我国对气候变化较为敏感的东北三省为例,利用 年78个气象站的资料,结合玉米生长季温度距平冷害指标,分析了气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响。结果表明: (1)气候变暖背景下,从20世纪60年代到21世纪初,东北三省各地区春玉米严重冷害受害程度总体表现为减少趋势,但由于不同地方温度波动幅度较大,区 域性的和阶段性的严重冷害发生频率也将随之加大;就平均发生频率空间分布而言,年严重冷害的平均发生频率表现为东北部高于西南部,最大 值出现在黑龙江北部(38%),最低值在辽宁南部(4%)。
... 108 t以上,东北三省的粮食综合生产能力对保障我国粮食安全起着至关重要的作用[21] ...
... 05),低于该值的驱动力因子不选入回归方程,农作物与驱动因子之间的回归分析结果如表3所示,然后对于每种农作物回归方程的拟合度采用ROC曲线进行检验[22] ...
... 由于缺乏2000年以后农作物真实空间分布数据,本研究中每一种农作物逐年的空间化方法是一致的,因此,利用中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所2005年土地利用数据中的水田数据层视为水稻空间分布的真值,基于Costanza提出的多尺度不同分辨率分析对比法[23]对2005年水稻播种面积空间化结果进行了精度验证 ...
[夏天1,2, 吴文斌2*,*, 周清波2, 周勇1, 罗静1, 杨鹏2, 李正国2]


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