
导读:在广州,约有20万非洲人,并以每年30%至40%的速度递增着。本地人认为他们语言能力很差,但他们有灵活的经商头脑;本地人认为他们散漫无序,但他们的宗教和社团有着极强的凝聚力;他们,在广州建立起亚洲最大的非洲人社区。英文翻译链接:英文标题:Africans in Guangzhou: Opportunities & Discrimination以下为翻译后内容:在广州,约有20万非洲人,并以每年30%至40%的速度递增着。本地人认为他们语言能力很差,但他们有灵活的经商头脑;本地人认为他们散漫无序,但他们的宗教和社团有着极强的凝聚力;他们,在广州建立起亚洲最大的非洲人社区。在中国企业进入非洲寻找资源的时候,非洲商人也来到了“世界工厂”中国。商人们将廉价商品运往非洲,而万里之外的50个非洲国家一件不余地迅速消化掉这些本国生产不出的日用消费品。20世纪90年代末,第一批非洲人来到广州,第一站便是迦南服装城。而现在,以迦南服装城为中心,一公里范围内崛起了许多外贸城。这一带,逐渐被广州人称为“巧克力城”。 非洲人大部分并不在中国常住,只是经常来往于非洲与中国,少则一年一两次,多则一个月一次。大多数人在自己的国家开着店铺,亲自到广州挑货物运回去。图为几名非洲商人与一名中国商人在讨价还价。资金微薄、不注重牌子、爱讨价还价、钟爱低端产品,是大部队非洲商人的特征。久而久之,这些特点令中国商人对他们产生了轻视和不耐烦的心理。“做生意最实际,你看那些欧美人和阿拉伯人就不一样。”一名中国卖主如是说。尽管如此,商贸城的生意每天都很红火;非洲人对于便宜商品的需求也繁荣了广州市郊的加工厂。图为一名中国卖主为一名非洲买主的孩子婴儿擦鼻涕,以此“套近乎”招揽生意。在距离商贸城不远的小北,是广州最大的非洲人居住地。许多初来乍到的非洲人会在这一片城中村停留,与几人或者数十人共居一室,在这里开始他们的“淘金生活”。为什么会集体选择小北?一名长期跟踪研究在广非洲人的研究员说:“这里有广州第一家正式的穆斯林餐厅。”而在非洲,信仰伊斯兰教的人占大多数。图为一名非洲青年在大排档吃饭。 据了解,滞留期超过6个月的非洲人有2万人。但是如果把非法滞留及频繁短期出入境的人加起来,“实际人数”应该在20万左右,这相当于广州户籍人口的2%。而非洲人外贸生意的扩大,也催生了非洲人餐饮、非洲人物流、非洲人中介等周边产业。非洲商人也带来了非洲打工者、非洲服务员。图为本地人对非洲人已见怪不怪。“巧克力城”的人们在中午开始一天的工作;晚上,人们便开始了夜生活。哪怕是处于最底层的黑人劳工,也会在这个时候出来消费他们微薄的薪水。实际上,他们之所以喜欢晚上出来活动,主要是为了逃避警察的查证。受签证制度“紧缩”的影响,这里相当数量的非洲劳工,没有合法居留证,签证、护照也大多数过期。图为在大排档喝啤酒的非洲人。广州另一个非洲人聚集地,是石室天主教堂。每到周日下午,石室教堂的英语弥撒让人感觉身在非洲。不仅参加弥撒的会众有80%是“黑面孔”,连服务人员也是清一色的非洲青年。有时侯,会有超过1000名非洲人参加弥撒。 Nelson,尼日利亚人,初到广州过着典型的“提包客”日子——携着几万元来采办货物,完了后将货物全塞在数个个大行李包内,直接坐客机拎回非洲。“运气好的话,不需要超重托运也能上机。”Nelson称自己来广州的机票和货款是靠举家之力凑来的,必须要挣到钱,不然回非洲后会被人看不起。图为Nelson正在一家摩托配件店挑选货物。Nelson结束了一天的工作,在路上给乞讨的小女孩一点零钱。对于Nelson这样的初来者来说,语言是最大的障碍。这一天,Nelson发现刚采购的一批货中少了几件衬衫,他不知道是不是中国卖主忘记了,想电话询问,却无从开口。语言障碍和文化上的巨大差异常常带来麻烦,这让他很郁闷。图为Nelson在一家非洲餐厅点菜。 尽管有人称只有15%的非洲人能在广州获得成功,但Nelson认为在中国能有自己的生意算是幸运。还有一部分非洲同胞为了生计到这里打工,到后来连回去的路费都攒不够,还得躲避签证过期后每天500元的滞纳金。图为Nelson在一家打印店冲洗照片,寄给尼日利亚的家人。Ojukwu Emma,尼日利亚人,与那些住在城中村的非洲人相比,如今已是拥有自己办公室的的少数。同时,Emma还担任了广州尼日利亚人社团的“头儿”。图为Emma与自己的中国员工在办公室里,身后是香港特别行政区区旗、尼日利亚国旗和中国国旗。社团由尼日利亚大使馆授权,由于尼日利亚人在广州人数众多,社团帮助他们能够更好地处理一些事情,比如为生病的同胞筹集治疗费用,帮初来乍到的同胞安排住处等。Emma说社团不仅帮本国人,还帮助与非洲人产生纷争的中国人及其他国家的人。图为一名中国商人在Emma的帮助下,讨回了被骗走的货款。Emma说:“社团领导并不好当,付出比收获要多得多。” 绝大多数在广州做生意的非洲人以国家为单位,都有自己的社团和首领。他们称谓不一,有的叫“主席”,有的叫“领导”。他们大多年龄较长,教育程度高,生意也比较成功。这些非洲商人成功的首要原因,被认为是“讲诚信,按中国的规矩办事”。图为尼日利亚人社团一次聚会上,一名商人的手表上印有代表象征中国的“五星”。甚至有一些非洲老板,凭他们的才干和一定的经济基础,在广州娶妻生子,在中国扎下了根。图为一名非洲商人和他的中国妻子。 然而,大多数非洲人仍然生活在自己的小圈子中,他们认为中国人很难接触,彼此很难成为朋友。一名非洲商人说:“家里人问我在中国看到了什么,我说我只看到了牛仔裤和黑人。”在美联社前驻非记者Arnold看来,中国对非洲人并不存在种族意义上的歧视,“所谓的歧视,不过是类似于城里人对没钱又不懂规矩的乡下人的嫌弃罢了。”图为大排档上的中国人和非洲人。一名十分了解非洲人的中国人说:非洲人怕警察,所以尽量避免与警察打交道,按要求他们应该在进入广州的24小时内到外国人管理服务工作站登记,但他们有这个畏惧心理,所以就不去登记,这样反而给自己带来麻烦。图为一名警察在查非洲人的身份。2009年7月,一名黑人在试图躲避广州警方查证过程中,不慎从约18米的高楼坠楼身亡。这一事件引发数百名黑人次日聚集在派出所门口,与警方对峙。 此时,广州的非洲人们开始发出了自己的声音。图为一名非洲人在对峙过程当中竖中指。一个街头照相摊上上贴着几张非洲人的留念照。尽管进入中国的签证很难办;尽管在中国仍然要遭人白眼,但赴广州的非洲人每年仍以30%至40%的速度递增着。有报告称,越来越多的非洲人通过广州,逐渐深入到北京、上海等城市。 以下为外国网友评论:1、JonstonWill have to read this tomorrow as I’m too sleepy but glancing at the comments it’s the same old bullshit. Fauna, why are your people so racist?我要睡觉了,明天才能看这篇文章,大概浏览了一下评论,还是一如既往地胡说八道。Fauna (本文翻译作者),为什么你们国家的种族歧视如此严重?2、FaunaBecause my people are like your people.(回复1号评论)因为我们和你们一样。3、lonetreyHow nicely phrased!(回复2号评论)回复真心犀利!4、StimpySo you don’t believe that Chinese people are, on the whole, more ignorant and racist than, say, Europeans? Because if those comments you quoted were a fair representation of the overall comments, there’s some messed up opinions in China.(回复2号评论)所以不要相信所谓的中国人比欧洲人更无知,种族歧视更加严重的论调。因为如果你所引用的那些评论能够恰如其分地代表全部评论,那么中国的舆论未免有些刻薄了。5、Brett HunanWhy don’t you stop generalizing (being racist and ignorant), and accept that Europeans enslaved blacks, Indians, South Americans, North Americans, Muslims, etc. because they thought they were superior to the others. The list goes on and on.If one was to look at the social factors involved, they could see that China was an isolated nation for quite some time, whereas Europeans have been living together with blacks for hundreds of years.Give China some time… once it becomes more of a global nation there will also be more acceptance.(回复4号评论)为什么你们不能停止概而论之(变成种族主义者和无知之辈),接受那些被欧洲人奴役的黑人、印第安人、南美人、北美人、穆斯林等等。因为他们认为高人一等。名单还很长。如果考虑到社会因素,应该知道中国在很长一段时间里都是一个孤立的国家,而欧洲人和黑人生活在一起已经几百年了。给中国一些时间……一旦(中国)变得更加全球化,他们也就会更包容了。 6、StimpyI’m not generalising. I am merely forming an opinion on the comments read. Chinese comments.As I said, if that is really a good representation of the comments as a whole, then it shows a frightening level of ignorance. I also believe that if you ran a similar story in Europe it wouldn’t get similar comments to such a degree.I take your point about China only recently opening up. Perhaps you are right, and in time it will change. I certainly hope so.(回复5号评论)我才没有概而论之。我只是从这些评论中得到的观点。中国人的评论。我说过,如果这些能够代表全部评论的话,那么他们的无知已经冲破天际了。如果你在欧洲抛出一个类似的桥段,我也会相信,但起码评论不会是这种水准的。我同意你的观点,中国只是近几十年才扩大开放的。或许你是对的,时间可以改变。我也希望如此。7、Canadian_SkiesAsk Chinese university students to describe the world in 50 years …The majority will indicate China’s world dominance.Brett Hunan, you were offended at others generalizations, but offered your own ignorance in return-China becoming more of a global nation somehow equals acceptance using ONLY social factors as consideration. C’mon … really? I mean, …. really?Brett, you threw in the joker card “time” as in “Give China some time” I count this among the statements claiming that China is still an underdeveloped country. Brett, they are an underdeveloped country because the government wants it to be that way.The greatest divide of rich-poor is in China. This makes for plenty of opportunity to champion the people from richly influence, maintaining the rich-poor divide, and gaining support from the poor.Brett, when do you think China will stop claiming to be an underdeveloped country? When? When, Brett? When?(回复5号评论)让中国的大学生来描述未来50年内的世界…大多数都认为中国会支配世界。Brett Hunan,你迁怒于我们将其他人概而论之,但回到中国的问题,又显露出了自己的无知,仅仅考虑到社会因素,中国变得更具全球化就等于包容接受吗?拜托了…真的吗?我的意思是…真的是这样吗?Brett,你打出了‘时间’这张王牌,在‘给中国一些时间’这期间,我会把‘中国仍是不发达国家’这种声明的次数记在小黑本上。Brett,他们是不发达的国家,因为他们的政府需要如此而已。中国的贫富差距是最为明显的。这样一来就更容易拥护影响颇大的人物,保持贫富差距,以及获取穷人的支持。Brett,你认为中国什么时候才会停止要求被当作不发达国家?什么时候?么时候?时候?候?8、Brett HunanAlso, I am talking about common people. Not the government’s interests. These two are not to be mistaken.Give the “people” some time to become acquainted with the fact that China is not the only country in the world, and we are all going to have to live and work together in the future if we want to survive.(回复7号评论)没错,我是同普通老百姓进行交谈的,而不是政府的利益阶层。这两者我可没有弄错。给‘人民’一些时间来认清现实,中国并不是世界上唯一的国家,如果我们想要活下去,就不得不彼此共同生活和工作在一起。9、SunshineI believe, as The People’s Republic of China is still a developing country, that the mindset, philosophies, and cultural mentalities of its people, en masse, are in development as well. Remember, we opened our doors to outsiders, took a first peak at people that look different from us, do things differently from us, a mere 40 years ago.With that said, I agree with you in that Chinese people are, on the whole, more ignorant and racist than Europeans or North Americans of today. However if you look back 60 or so years, was the mentality of the Caucasian race so different from that of the Chinese? We need more time, maybe.(回复6号评论)我相信,正因为中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人们的心态、三观和修养等也同样处于发展的过程之中。请记住,当我们打开门庭,看到人们异样的眼神和大相径庭的行为处事,才仅仅是40年之前的事情。当然,我也同意你所说的大体上中国人比当今的欧洲或北美人更加无知,种族色彩更加浓厚。可是如果你往回看60年,白种人的心态和中国人有区别吗?我们需要的是时间,或许吧。10、Canadian_SkiesBULLSHIT!China has been toting the “still a developing country” card for far too long. With its resources and manpower, it could have become the most advanced country, 20-30 years ago.Here’s a question you can’t answer, when will China stop parading themselves as being an underdeveloped country? When you’ve had plenty of time, the worlds money, the manpower, … how much more time do they need? By ? ?… HOW MUCH MORE TIME IS NEEDED?(回复9号评论)胡扯!中国手握‘仍是发展中国家’卡牌已经很长时间了。(中国所拥有的)资源和人力将会使她在20或30年后变成最发达的国家。有一个你无法回答的问题,那就是中国什么时候才不会以不发达国家的身份进行显摆?什么时候你们才会拥有足够的时间,世界货币,人力资源?…你们还需要多长时间??? 11、FaunaTime is not the only requirement for development. Human race began in Africa. Why is Africa underdeveloped? The reason is because there are many different things that must occur together for progress. Some things human race can control, such as collective dream, will, and effort. But there are some things that are out of human race control such as disasters or the action of other humans. I think everyone should already know this.(回复9号评论)时间不是发展的唯一要素。人类起源于非洲。为什么非洲不发达?这是因为发展的过程各不相同。有些事人类可以控制,比如共同的梦想、愿望和成就。但有些事人类无能为力,比如疾病或者另一类人的行为。我想每个人都应该知道这些。12、Silent ObserverThis is to Fauna:As an African American living in Shanghai I find your articles on blacks in China often lead to race baiting, and doesn’t really get down to the core issues. It doesn’t allow for critical thinking and remedy of the situation between blacks and Chinese. You simply provide articles that are intended to provide shock value and even more deep seeded hatred between our two races.All of the articles that you have posted about blacks and Chinese have been wholly negative and provide no positive social interactions between blacks and Chinese. Why choose articles that reinforce the negative stereotypes of both races? You have to admit it can’t be all that bad. After all I am a successful black person in Shanghai who is married to a Chinese woman. We have a beautiful daughter together. Why not deal with the situation that will present itself 10 when you will have all sorts of mixed race children in China interacting with the Han. where are the interesting positive stories every once in a while. Your website sometimes reminds me of the National EnquirerIt breaks my heart to see the comments section of the common Chinese, and the way you guys think of us(blacks in general). Should I, after reading your articles get my 9 mm, and go on a rampage and start shooting every Chinese I see? because that’s how we seem to you guys, a bunch of poor gang-banging sociopaths, with no feelings or complexities of our own. Why not mix it up a little? I’m tired of hearing the same song and dance. Because I am living proof(and there are many of us out there) that the two races can indeed get along.写给译者:作为一名居住在上海的非裔美国人,我觉得你的文章经常利用生活在中国的黑人来钓鱼,而没有触及最核心的问题。缺少对黑人和中国人之间形势的批判性思考。你仅仅提供了一篇吸引眼球并且在两个种族之间埋下仇恨种子的文章。你所发表的关于黑人和中国人的文章部分都是消极的,两者之间没有任何积极地社会互动。为什么要选择这样一篇旨在增加两个种族之间隔阂的陈腐之文?你应当承认事情没有想象的那么糟。毕竟我是一名成功的黑人,在上海娶了中国女人。我们有两个漂亮的女儿。为何不就10年后的形势而对现在加以影响;什么时候中国的汉族(才会与其他种族)生育混血儿童?哪里才可以不时看到积极有趣的小故事?你的网站是我经常想起《国家询问报》。(美国一份小报,ms八卦新闻比较多)看到普通中国人的评论部分我的心都碎了,你们就是这样对待我们的。看到你的文章之后,我是否应该拿起我的9mm(应该是枪支?)狂躁不安地突突每一个我看到的中国人吗?因为在你们眼中,我们就应该是贫穷的犯罪分子,没有感情,没有心智。为什么不战个痛快?我已经厌倦听到诸如此类不着边际的废话了。因为我的生活证明了(还有很多我们的人)两个种族的确可以和平共处。13、Chef RoccoSilent Observer, I concur with your general feelings about the effects of chinaSmack.However, I think you take comments and articles on internet including chinaSMACK, too seriously. As I observe, to a great sense, for many people, internet is just an exit for their frustrations and negative feelings toward variety of things in real life. You would be surprised at the big difference between the real person and the person who you think should look like based on their online comments when you meet these commentators face to face.My advice to you: trust your personal experience and keep your optimism. Enjoy your life in China and don’t let some online negative comments disturb you, which neither are representative of the real persons, nor the opinion of majority people.(回复12号评论)Silent Observer,我同意你对这个网站的比喻。然而,我觉得你对待互联网上的评论和文章时太过较真。正如我观察到的,互联网对于很多人来说只是用于发泄现实生活中的挫折以及各种各样消极感觉的通道。当你和这些评论者面对面的时候,就会对他们与网络上的言论以及真实原因之间的巨大差异而感到惊奇不已。我给你的忠告是:相信你的个人经验,保持乐观。享受你在中国的生活,不要让网上某些消极的言论影响到你,不论是具有代表性的真实的人,还是大多数人的看法。14、xpanBeen living in china for a while now and i must admit that i’ve come across the bad and good chinese people..They point at you, laugh at you for no reason and take pictures of you which is very rude.. At first i find it hard to cope with but after staying little longer i discovered how to cope with them, after all this is their countryYou made a point here which is very use full to all BLACKS living in chinaTrust your personal experience and keep your optimism. Enjoy your life in China and don’t let some online negative comments disturb you, which neither are representative of the real persons, nor the opinion of majority people.WAY TO GO…(回复13号评论)我曾经在中国生活过一段时间,遇到过形形色色的中国人。他们对你指指点点,毫无由头地大笑,非常粗鲁地拍照…起初我很难适应,但呆了一段时间之后,我学会了与他们打交道,毕竟这是他们的国家。你的看法对于生活在中国的黑人十分有帮助。相信你的个人经验,保持乐观。享受你在中国的生活,不要让网上某些消极的言论影响到你,不论是具有代表性的真实的人,还是大多数人的看法。就该这么做…15、FYIADragoonChinese calling blacks low level people, while praising whites would do well to remember that Hong Kong still is the best part of China, and that is due to solely to the superior management of the British. The blacks aren’t the only people who can’t rule their own land properly when compared to whites.中国人把黑人看成低等人的同时赞美着白人,请记住香港仍然是中国最好的地方,这完全取决于英国人的上层管理。与白人相比,黑人并不是唯一不能治理自己国家的种族。(这句话的意思是说中国人治理自己的国家没有英国人做得好) 16、ChadIt’s funny because Chinese people in Hong Kong today are managing their own countries than the British in their homeland, as is Singapore. Embarrassing.(回复15号评论)别逗了,中国人治下的香港比英国人在本土干的还要出色,就像新加坡那样。尴尬了吧。17、FYIADragoonBritish let in too many Muslims. It still remains to be seen how well the Chinese will manage Hong Kong. Singapore on the other hand, isn’t just managed by the Chinese. But it is managed well.(回复16号评论)英国的穆斯林太多了。中国人会把香港治理得多好还有待观察。新加坡是另一回事,并不仅仅是因为中国人的管理。但的确做的很棒。18、Brett HunanI’m American and I say Hong Kong sucks because its filled with foreigners. There is no culture. Its just like being in New York or London.Students in Hong Kong are no different from mainland- (memorizing and never asking inquisitive questions like “why”) It is supposed to be an “international city” but people are just as racist as and more rude than mainlanders. Lan Kwai Fong is a joke. I don’t think I have ever visited without seeing a fight. The best thing about Hong Kong are cheap, decent quality, suits and lots of Indian food.(回复15号评论)我是美国人,我觉得香港很差劲,因为这里充斥着外国人。这里没有文化。跟纽约和伦敦是一样一样的。香港与大陆的学生大同小异(死记硬背,从来也不会问‘为什么’)香港被寄望为‘国际都市’,但是人们的种族主义情绪比大陆有过之而无不及。兰桂坊就是一个笑话。每次去那里,我都会看到打斗。香港的好处就是质优价廉,西装和大量的印度美食。19、Throne Toilet King (ID大亮,冰封王厕,怎么吐槽好呢)Spoken like a true American. “Culture” has to be exotic and quaint otherwise it’s not real culture. Maybe if everyone wore grass skirts and ran around screaming, “Me so horny!” Hong Kong would finally develop some culture. Lose the White Man’s Burden mentality and stop making us look so bad. Signed, An American who likes not having laduzi.(回复18号评论)说话的口气是美国人无疑。‘文化’太过异域化和追求新奇,就不是真正的文化。如果每个人都穿着草裙,边跑边喊:“我很淫荡!”香港或许会发展出一些文化。丢掉白人的忧虑心态,我们才不会看起来如此糟糕。我敢说,美国人可不怎么喜欢拉肚子。(是在吐槽天朝的食品安全吗?)20、lonetreyAfter reading this article, I have a slightly better opinion of the mainland Chinese people. I admit, I have been slightly racist against them in regards to their attitude toward foreigners.My thoughts were something along the lines of “Stupid Chinese people. Why do they look down on black people? Must they repeat the mistakes of America in order to try and become the same as America?” I’m glad to see that I wasn’t as right as I thought I was.看完了这篇文章,我对天朝人民的看法有所改观。我承认我曾因为他们对待外国人的态度有一些轻微的种族主义。我的很多想法都是“愚蠢的中国人。为什么他们看不起黑人?他们是为了变得像美国一样而重复美国的错误吗?”我很高兴我所看到的与所想的并不一致。 21、JRAhhhh….. you missed the comments section then?(回复20号评论)哈…你没有看到评论吗?22、lonetreyerr. Well, I was formulating my opinion based on the photos and the article itself rather than the comments. I mean… no one is shown throwing rocks or beating the crap out of anyone in a fit of racism or anything….I suppose the rest of China has some inferiority complex or something, but at least the citizens of Guangzhou seems to be decent.(回复21号评论)呃…好吧,我是根据照片和文章来阐述自己的观点,而不是评论。我是说…没有人因为一丁点的种族歧视而被扔石块或暴打一顿…我想中国其他地方的人或多或少有一些自卑情节,但至少广州市民的表现还是得体的。23、AnonYou should know that Chinese are masters of the passive-aggressive. They like to say there’s no racism in China because there are no organized Chinese-supremacist groups beating up foreigners, but it’s horseshit.(回复22号评论)你应该知道中国人精于‘消极攻击’。他们喜欢说中国没有种族歧视,因为这里不存在有组织的‘大中国主义’团体殴打外国人,但这是扯淡。24、Mirmidon13Oh lord, the irony is killing me! When i read all the comments of the Chinese Netizens i feel like these people suffers from historical amnesia…Since the early 10′s Chinese emigrants have been roaming the earth in search for place to prosper, until the point where you can go anywhere in the world and find a chinese person. So, my point is: What gives them the right to judge those who seek a better life?Seriously… some times China can be the capital of the double standards, like for example their take on racism. They find no problem in quoting outdated “racial positivism” when it suits them, but then get angry when the same though is used on them. For example The “Yellow Peril” that fictional character that portrayed the Asians as sneaky, evil, lowlife, scum that was slowly taking over the West.哦上帝,这也太讽刺了吧。当我看到中国网民的评论时,我觉得这些人都有很严重的历史健忘症。自从20世纪初期,中国人就在地球上游荡,寻找赖以生存的地方,直到现在无论你走到哪里,都可以看到中国人的身影。所以,我的观点是:应该给予寻求美好生活的人以什么样的权利?严肃地说…很多时候中国都奉行着双重标准,比如说他们的种族歧视。于己有利时他们会引用过时的“种族实证主义”,而当别人对他们用这一套时就会大发雷霆。 (译者注:实证主义,将哲学的任务归结为现象研究,以现象论观点为出发点,拒绝通过理性把握感觉材料,认为通过对现象的归纳就可以得到科学定律。)比如‘黄祸’是虚构出来的,把亚洲人描绘成缓慢征服西方的鬼鬼祟祟、邪恶、卑劣和糟粕。25、BlackbitchWe are Black and proud. We come to China to bring business hence boost your economy. Its your country and you are free to choose who comes in, just be careful least we decide who comes to our continent too. The cheap products we purchase are made in China bye Chinese right? Need I say more?我是黑人我自豪。我们给中国带来了商机,刺激了他们的经济。这是你们的国家,你们可以任意挑选可以进入的种族,我们也是一样,在我的地盘你就得听我的。我们所收购的廉价商品都是中国制造的,(bye Chinese right不太明白,黑蜀黍的英语蛋疼的紧)言尽于此。 26、IrvinWe’ll survive without your business, we make more as street vendors than selling to you anyway.(回复25号评论)没有你们的生意我们也可以活得很滋润,我们卖给街头小贩也比卖给你们强。27、DaveObviously, that’s why all these Africans gave up, and went home empty handed. Wait, no, people are selling their goods to them! Huh. I guess the proud, great peoples of the Heavenly Kingdom do need the lowly foreign trash after all.(回复26号评论)显而易见,这就是非洲人放弃了然后两手空空地回去的原因。等等,不是这样,人们仍在卖给他们商品!哈,我猜天朝(Heavenly Kingdom伤不起啊)的子民毕竟还是需要这些低等的外国垃圾的。28、lonetreyPride goes before a fall. Pride that blinds often stops people from seeing how both sides are really made up of many good people and many bad people. There are dumb useless poor smelly black people out there. There are also dumb useless poor smelly Asian people out there. There are also rich powerful well-groomed black people out there. There are also rich powerful well-groomed people of many other different race out there.骄兵必败。盲目的自豪会使人们看不到事情的两面性,好人很多,坏人也很多。这里有缄默、没用、贫穷、难闻的黑人,也有缄默、没用、贫穷、难闻的亚洲人。这里有富有、强大、穿戴讲究的黑人,也有富有、强大、穿戴讲究的其他种族的人。29、GodsHammerOne would think that after Chinese have spread to all parts of the world that they (of all people) would be a bit more understanding of the plight of the immigrant. Welcome to the WORLD Chinos!!!1.5 billion people here and it’s pretty homogenous…throw some pepper in the mustard and all of a sudden they’re afraid that Africans might get some say in how things are run? Jesus….do they even understand what Chinatown and Asian business associations do in North American cities? Same thing.有的人或许会认为当中国人遍布世界各地之后,或多或少都会体验到移民的艰难。欢迎来到这个世界,中国人!他们有15亿人口,而且都是同一民族…把胡椒撒在芥末上面,突然他们担心非洲人也会如法炮制吗?耶稣…他们知道北美城市中的唐人街和亚洲商业协会的所作所为吗?还不是一样的事情。30、PUSAN PLAYA“What can Africans bring us besides AIDS?????!!!!”除了艾滋病,非洲人还能带给我们什么??!!!(引用)Foul odors, crime, civil unrest and abandoned offspring.难闻的气味、犯罪、国内动乱和私生子。 31、IrvinSad but true, I really don’t know why the indians and blacks in china smell so bad. It’s really hard to be in the same elevator with them, even worst in the gym. Blacks in the caribbean and america don’t smell at all.(回复30号评论)虽然不堪但的确如此,我不明白生活在中国的印度人和黑人为什么这么难闻。和他们同乘电梯很不爽,更糟的是在健身房里(遇到他们)。而加勒比海和美洲的黑人就没有这么难闻。32、a proud africanwhat on this earth have we Africans done to Chinese to deserve such comment and racial abuse from them. come to African and see the number of Chinese doing labor jobs there.在这颗星球上,我们非洲人对中国人所做的应该得到这种评论和种族歧视。来到非洲,我看到了好多中国人做着苦力活。33、StuHa! Good point… but don’t judge China based on what you see here. It’s only a small sample, and internet comments in any language tend to be more extreme than what you actually find in real life.(回复32号评论)哈!这个观点不错……但不要根据你在这里所看到的来衡量中国。这只是个例,网上任何语言的评论都会比真实生活中的更加极端。34、hanyuchaLife for black guys is much worse in Beijing. Beijingers really don’t like black guys. I said to a taxi driver one time, if you had to choose between a western guy and a Chinese guy to marry your daughter, who would you choose. He said the western guy. I said, so what about if the guy was black. He said that he couldn’t accept a black guy literally because of the colour of his skin. It is not exactly racism, more like colourism. If you took the brain out of black guy and implanted it in a white guy, I think Beijingers wouldn’t even know the difference. Very much a surface thing.生活在北京的黑蜀黍更差劲。北京人并不喜欢黑人。有一次我同的士司机交谈,如果在西方人和中国人之间做选择,你会把自己的女儿嫁给谁。他说西方人。我接着问,如果是黑人那又如何。他说因为肤色,所以不会接受黑人。这不是真正的种族歧视,而是肤色歧视。如果你把黑人的大脑取出来,移植到白人身上,我想北京人也不会发现猫腻。太肤浅了。35、IrvinRacialism is an intricate topic, on one hand one can refuse service or equality to someone of different ethnicity. On the other hand one can refuse to sleep with or marry one that’s not of their own race or of another ethnicity, but is it still racialism? or merely personal preference? I personally can’t see myself sleeping with a black, but then again I’m a pretty racial person. But I did slept with a white girl and I never liked white people.Everyone in the civilized world say racialism is bad, but not many can say why. When I was in the caribbean I was subject to alot of racial discrimination both verbal and non-verbal. What I notice is: every time they discriminate against me it seems they really getting a kick out of it. So why is it bad? One person’s expense brings joy to many. Just like comedians. It also really brings people together, both the one being racial and the ones being discriminate against. It brought the blacks together in america. Also remember that white crazy guy from the subway? the chinese really came together to beat the crap out of him, It’s hard to see chinese working together like that on their own accord.I guess what I’m trying to say is: there’re no absolution in life, perhaps racialism isn’t as bad as everyone said it is.(回复34号评论)种族歧视是一个复杂的问题,一方面人们可以拒绝为不同种族的人提供服务或者平等对待。另一方面人们也可以拒绝同非我族类或者其它种族的人睡觉或者结婚。反正我是不会和黑人同床而眠,但话说回来,我是一个种族主义者。我会同白人女孩睡觉,但永远也不会喜欢白人。文明世界中的每一个人都知道种族歧视是错误的,但没人能说出为什么。当我在加勒比海的时候,我时常遭受到口头或非口头的种族歧视。我注意到:每当他们歧视我的时候,他们就会感到很愉快。为什么会如此糟糕?一个人的痛苦可以给很多人带来快乐。就像喜剧演员那样。这样也会让同一种族和同样受到歧视的种族之间团结起来。美国的黑人团结在一起。还有,不要忘了那些来自地铁的白人疯子们。中国人会聚集起来暴揍他们,很难看到他们会如此的同心协力。我猜我想说的应该是:生活之中没有赦免,或许种族歧视并不像每个人说的那么坏。 36、IrvinI lived in gz, one time out side of a black gathering the whole street was fill with blacks, I was wondering if I’m still in china. Personally as a business man I prefer europeans and north americans, but business is hard and now we even have to deal with the blacks. If they want cheap goods they really should go to yiwu instead though.我居住在广州,有一次看到黑人集会,满街都是黑蜀黍,我有些恍惚,自己还在不在中国。作为一名商人,我更喜欢欧洲和北美人,但是生意很难做,现在我们也不得不同黑人打交道。如果他们想要便宜的商品,他们就应该去义乌而不是这里。37、NyancatI’m pretty sure that the Europeans and Americans look at you as you would look at a black person, so even though u don’t seem to like them, you still do business with them, a man of honor.(回复36号评论)我相信欧洲人和美国人看待你就好比你看待黑人一样,即便你和他们不一样,还是会和他们做生意,一个诚实的人。38、IrvinTrue, like they say: nothing personal, just business. That’s why I sell to blacks with no discrimination, I sometimes even shake their hands, but I always wash it afterwards.(回复37号评论)没错,就像他们所说:没有个人关系,只是生意一场。所以我卖给黑人商品的时候没有歧视,有时甚至会和他们握手,然后就会洗干净。39、lolololIt’s quite strange how the comments show that a lot of netizens do judge against the africans, while the article says that they don’t. Hmm奇怪的是,评论显示很多网民对非洲人抱有成见,而文章却矢口否认。唔…40、IrvinNot strange at all, if the article was translated from a chinese based news website then it’s heavily edited to suit the government’s “harmonious” agenda.(回复39号评论)一点也不奇怪,如果翻译自中国的新闻网站,他们就要重新编辑来迎合政府的‘和谐’工作。 41、coala banana“China doesn’t actually have racial discrimination against Africans,”中国对非洲人不存在种族歧视。(引用)WTF ? i live now over 6 years in china as the only foreigner in our company. work, live and eat together with chinese for years. Sometimes more then 1-2 years pass without seeing any other foreigner. I still haven’t found 1 chinese who doesn’t hate blacks. When i ask them why they hate black people so much, they always answer “look at their skin color, and how dirty they look”. When they see a chinese girl with a black guy, they generally look down on them. So i think its a color thing in the first place, and race thing in the second place, cause after the black people which they hate the most, come japanese and then the rest of the western world which of course are all american or brits and all speak english. Kinda reminds me sometimes of the few years i spend working in the US. I have even found americans where i had the impression that they have a hard time to believe that there is a world outside the USA.真TM操蛋。我在中国生活了6年多,是我们公司唯一一名外籍员工。数年间一直同中国人在一起工作、生活和吃饭。有时一两年都看不到其它外国人。我还没有发现不讨厌黑人的中国人。当我们他们为什么如此讨厌黑人,他们通常都会回答“他们的肤色看起来很脏”。当他们看到中国女孩和黑人在一起时,他们通常都会鄙视他们。所以我认为首先这是肤色问题,然后是种族,他们最讨厌的是日本人,然后是其它西方世界,包括美国人和英国人已经讲英语的国家,接下来就是黑人。有几年时间,我在美国工作。有些地方还有点印象,我发现美国人很难相信美国之外还有一个世界。42、AmeliaBlack, White, Chinese, Korean, Whatever They are still people – I have read a lot of racist comments on this topic, can those people be more open-minded please. Black people DO NOT represent AIDS or violence.P.S There are China Towns in London and New York. What difference does it make having another culture widely based in GuangZhou? You shouldn’t just judge a race by what you’ve heard or read off the internet or even by a person you don’t like. This is a disgrace to the world.黑人,白人,中国人,韩国人,无论什么都好。他们都是人类——在这个文章中,我看到了很多种族主义的言论,请大家变得更包容些吧。黑人并不代表艾滋和暴力。另外,伦敦和纽约都有唐人街。让广州拥有另一种文化有什么差异?你不应该根据从互联网上听到或读到甚至是个人喜好来判断一个种族。对于世界来说,这是耻辱。43、mpFrom the article: ” In 2009 July, a black person attempting to hide from the Guangzhou police inspection/check accidentally fell from an 18 meter building to his death.”Accidentally? Maybe so, but it reminds me of the time in the early 60s when the police were searching a lake in southern Mississippi. Unexpectedly they drug up a negro from the bottom, all wrapped up in about 20 feet of heavy tire chain.The white sheriff, trying to make sense of it all, replied, “Just like a negro (I sanitize his actual words) to steal more chain than he can swim with.”文章中:“2009年7月,一名黑人在试图躲避广州警方查证过程中,不慎从约18米的高楼坠楼身亡。”事故吗?也许吧,但这让我想起60年代早期的一件事,警察在密西西比南部的一个湖泊进行搜索时,他们从湖底意外地打捞上来一个黑人,全身缠绕着大约20英尺的轮胎防滑链。白人州长想要弄清事件的来龙去脉,回复道:“好比一个黑人(我过滤了他的原话)偷走的铁链比他游泳时带着的还要多。”44、Coon Catcher200,000 nigs in Guangzhou and more everyday. Disgusting. China needs to smarten up. Look what they did to the USA. When the nigger population in China reaches that of the USA, the Chinese people will be able to experience the full animalistic behavior of these niggers. Let China have taste of the LA, NY, Chicago, or Detroit style riots. A nigger has
hanging from a tree at the bottom of a r )广州有20万黑人,并且有增无减。令人不胜其烦。中国需要变得漂亮。看看他们在美国的所作所为。当中国的黑人数量达到美国的程度时,中国人就要忍受那些黑鬼充满肉欲的行为。让中国尝尝洛杉矶、纽约、芝加哥或者底特律式的暴乱吧。在社会中,黑人只能去一个地方,那就是把绳索套在脖子上,然后悬挂在树上。45、nnThere are a lot of friendly Africans in China, and they are quite smart as far as I know. I also see so many dumb white in America wasting their life in party. They don’t know economy, either outside world. I feel like many Chinese lack of good sense of judgment. One of my Chinese gal just said to me: Wow, you take ballet class in US, that must be the best in the world. I told her, that is bullshit, Chinese ballet class is way better than class here. But I cannot stop her thinking that America is the best. I guess unless a person travel a lot and open his or her heart, he or she might see the world more objectively. I guess most of the people in the America have such a bias: European>North American>dogs>Asian~South American~African中国的大部分非洲人都是很友好的,据我所知,他们相当聪明。我在美国见过很多愚蠢的白人在聚会中挥霍着大好年华。他们挥霍无度,对外界一无所知。我发现很多中国人都缺乏良好的鉴别力。我的一个中国朋友曾经对我说:哇哦,你在美国学过芭蕾舞,这是世界上最好的吧。我告诉她,那是胡扯,中国的芭蕾舞课甩他们几条街。但我无法阻止她仍然认为美国就是最好的。我猜除了让他/她去旅行,打开心扉,他/她才能更加客观的认知世界。我猜生活在美国的大部分人都有这样的偏见:欧洲人>北美人>狗>亚洲、南美、非洲人。 46、Capt. WEDNo I think it depends on which side of the bed you woke up that day. The order I mean…On most days I think YOUR dog > everything else.(回复45号评论)不,我认为这取决于醒来之后你的床边睡的是谁。我的意思是…大部分时候,我认为你的狗大于一切。47、Foreign DevilAs Chinese immigrants have infiltrated every other nation in huge numbers it is only right that China begins getting lots of immigrants. And those immigrants should have equal rights.正如中国移民大量渗透到其它国家,中国也开始接收大量移民。那些移民应该享有平等权利。48、frankMOST OF U ARE TOO IGNORANT AND THE MOST STUPID. HOW MANY CHINESE ARE IN AFRICA, WHAT ARE THEY DOING THERE? SOLVE YOUR OWN PROBLEM FIRST BEFORE CHECKING ON OTHERS. from the article, you find how ignorant the writer is.你们中的大多数人不仅无知,而且还很愚蠢。非洲有多少中国人,他们在那里做什么?在对他们指指点点之前先解决好自己的问题。从文章中可以看出作者有多么的无知。49、Love Chinai read a comment written by a chinese that has really upset me… “What can Africans bring us besides AIDS?????!!!!” The chinese population really need to stop associating such negative things with foreigners. there might have been a marked increase but there is no proof whatsoever that aids was spread due to foreigners. the pre-70s born chinese need to open its eyes, without foreign investment, china would b nothing… NOTHING!!! for china to open its boarders again to foreigners was a necessity. i dare modern china to close its boarders again. it wont survive 5 years… fact.i love china and i love the chinese ppl. the chinese friends i have made here are kind and extremely loving. china was an extremely big influence getting the world out of the recent financial crisis. but chinese remember, u need the world as much as the world needs u. i just hope such racism will vanish soon and be more accepting. Zhong guo jia you!一个中国人的评论使我感到心烦意乱…“除了艾滋,非洲人还能带给我们什么?!”中国人不能这样拒绝与外国人的结合。虽然(艾滋)的增长十分明显,但没有证据表明是外国人传播的。70年代之前出生的中国人需要睁开眼睛,没有外国投资,中国什么也不是…一无是处!!中国为外国人打开边界是必须的。我敢打赌,如果现在中国重新关闭边界,他们不会活过5年。我喜欢中国,我喜欢中国人民。我的中国朋友都很友好,真的很喜欢他们。由于最近的金融危机,中国能够极大地影响整个世界。但中国人要记住,你们需要世界,正如同世界需要你们一样。我希望种族歧视在不久之后就会消失,变得更为包容。广州加油!50、actionjksnI am a white man from the USA, so I see plenty of blacks. I will warn you right now. Your country is on a dangerous path! They will take your country down the toilet if you let them stay and multiply. They want more and more for less and less. And they are inherently violent, stupid and lazy people. There is an extremely small minority of decent ones, but they are so rare that they don’t mater. And the Nigerians are not even the worst ones. Wait till you get the Somali coming there. Our African American blacks have all the opportunity you could dream of. But still most of them do nothing but sleep until noon, they are so lazy and want something for nothing, and they get it. Out of our blacks maybe 2% are OK, the rest are stupid and lazy and quite often violent. Your government better do something before it’s too late. Chinese people here are very hard working and intelligent and our black people are just the opposite. If you don’t put a stop to this they will suck your country dry. And impregnate your women and ruin your race. Because that is their plan. Along with spreading their islam which will bring more violence with their sharia law. So just keep letting them come and breed, you will see.我是一名来自美国的白人,所以我看到过很多黑人。我现在要警告你们。你们的国家踏上了一条危险的道路!如果你们让他们暂居并繁衍,他们就会充斥在你们国家的每个角落。他们贪得无厌。他们是天生的暴力、愚蠢和懒惰的人。只有很少数的人做的很出色,但实在是太少了,可以忽略不计。尼日利亚人还不是最坏的,等索马里人来到这里。我们的美国黑人会抓住你能想到的所有机会。但他们中的大多数只会一觉睡到大中午,他们懒得出奇,只想不劳而获,然后他们就会得到。只有2%的黑人还算不错,其余的都愚蠢之极,懒惰,经常使用暴力。你的政府之前做的不错,但现在太迟了。中国人工作异常勤奋,非常聪明,和我们的黑人相比就是两个极端。如果你们不进行制止,他们就会榨干你们的国家。让你们的女人怀孕,破坏你们的种族。因为这是他们的计划。然后他们便会传播回教以及更为暴力的教规。所以让他们过来并繁衍,你会目睹一切的。 <<<点击查看更多
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