
假如你是王明。请你给美国笔友Tony写一封70个词左右的信件,像他描述你的校园生活 开头已给出_百度知道
假如你是王明。请你给美国笔友Tony写一封70个词左右的信件,像他描述你的校园生活 开头已给出
Hom are you there days?I want憨郸封肝莩菲凤十脯姜 to tell you something about my schoo llife
是How are these days?I want to tell you some憨郸封肝莩菲凤十脯姜thing about my school life
.憨郸封肝莩菲凤十脯姜I have made a lot of new students in the school, they are very friendly, we helped each other mutual assistance in learning. Teachers are also very good, especially my favorite teacher of several subjects.I hope you can have a happy in your school. Wishing you study hard and make progress every day!
这开头,还不如不给!着实震惊! 给你写一段作参考:Dear Tony,As you know, I am a freshman this year. Studying on the campus gives me lots of pleasure. After some very arduous military training, I became absolutely absorbed in my studies. Different from high school courses, the courses in university are specific and interesting. I can get information not only from teachers in class, but also outside of class, such as in the library, on the Internet and so on. These courses arouse my insatiable desire for knowledge and make me learn and digest as much as I can. To be frank, I had some difficulties in keeping up with my teachers at first, but later with the help of my teachers, I made remarkable pro憨郸封肝莩菲凤十脯姜gress. Learning is a long process, and I will continue to be a learner throughout my life. Take care and keep in touch.Blessings,--Wang Ming 北京译百行翻译公司,竭诚为您服务!
Dear Tony,
As you know, I am a freshman this year. Studying on the campus gives me lots of pleasure. After some very arduous military training, I became absolutely absorbed in my studies. Different from high school courses, the courses in university are specific and interesting. I can get information not only from teachers in class, but also outside of class, such as in the library, on the Internet and so on. These courses arouse my insatiable desire for knowledge and make me learn and digest as much as I can. To be frank, I had some difficulties in keeping up with my teachers at first, but later with the help of my teachers, I made remarkable progres...
出门在外也不愁假如你叫王明你收到美国笔友的邮件他要来北京学习中文请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail 介绍学习中文_百度知道
假如你叫王明你收到美国笔友的邮件他要来北京学习中文请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail 介绍学习中文
帮我写一篇初一的英语作文,要求是60到80个字!假如你叫王明,你要给你的外国笔友David介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望!提示词语:chinese,be,useful,many,foreigners,learn,now,different,from,it is important,listentalk,read,write(谢谢)
懒虫,学校培养你们这些东西有什么用.花费父母的金钱,浪费国家资源.假如你是王明,今年11岁了.请你根据下列内容提示和要求,给Heidi Hankins写一封邮件内容提示:你现居住在广东省珠海市,学习英语已经有5年了,你很想成为她的笔友并期待她尽快回复要求:70词_作业帮
假如你是王明,今年11岁了.请你根据下列内容提示和要求,给Heidi Hankins写一封邮件内容提示:你现居住在广东省珠海市,学习英语已经有5年了,你很想成为她的笔友并期待她尽快回复要求:70词
假如你是王明,今年11岁了.请你根据下列内容提示和要求,给Heidi Hankins写一封邮件内容提示:你现居住在广东省珠海市,学习英语已经有5年了,你很想成为她的笔友并期待她尽快回复要求:70词左右
Dear Heidi HankinsI'm Wang Ming from Zhuhai, Shan Dong. I just turned 11 years old this month. I've been studying English for 5 years, and really enjoy the process. I've heard about you from one of my friends at school, and she had told me a lot of stories of you. I find that we have a lot of similar interests, and I think we will become good friends. I'm wrting to say that I want to be your pen pal, so that we can share some memoriable experiences together, and practice language skills. I can teach you Chinese if you like. I'm looking forward to receiving your reply. Sincerely yours, Wang Ming字数足够了,而且有逻辑哦~如有问题,欢迎继续追问:)求采纳~介绍金华的英语作文假设你叫王明,昨天受到了来自Australia的笔友David的e-mail,得知他春节期间要到金华来参加.他想了解金华的地理位置、名胜古迹、春节期间的天气情况、传统习俗.请你用英_作业帮
介绍金华的英语作文假设你叫王明,昨天受到了来自Australia的笔友David的e-mail,得知他春节期间要到金华来参加.他想了解金华的地理位置、名胜古迹、春节期间的天气情况、传统习俗.请你用英语给他回复一封e-mail,介绍金华,提出你的建议.(信的开头和解为已给出)Dear David,
I'm gald you 'll come to Jinhua soon.Hope to see you soon.
Jin hua is located in southern China.Known as its flavoured foods and beatiful flowers.shiwangfu(侍王府) is a historical interests built in ancient times.In this spring festival ,it rains a lot and it is relatively colder than before.Welcome to JINHUA and I am looking forward to your arrival.


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