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美国习惯用语:442 pull out all the stops
  今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语都是从音乐界流传到日常生活中的。 第一个是: pull out all the stops。 这里的stops指管风琴上的圆纽,用来控制琴上的那些笛管是否奏乐。按下 stops,笛管就停止奏乐,而演奏者得拔起他要用的笛管上的stops,让气流进入,才能奏出他需要的乐声。所以如果演奏者pull out all the stops,那么这架管风琴上所有的笛管就是在齐声共鸣了。Pull out all the stops大约在一百五十多年前被转用到日常生活中。
例句-1:Harry, let's pull out all the stops. We'll use our whole
budget this year to sell this. Tell everyone it's cheaper and better than anything our competitors can offer.
既然他要动用整个公司全年的广告费用来为这一件产品作促销,让产品的优点家喻户晓,所以他说: Let's pull out all the stops。意思显然是: 我们要不遗余力。这就是这个习惯用语的含义。
例句-2:Okay, men, we're playing the champions, but we can beat them if you pull out all the stops. You all have to play the best you've ever played - don't hold anything back. Let's go!
这里的pull out all the stops意思就是&全力以赴。&
我们再学个也是来自音乐的习惯用语: beat the drum for。 Drum是鼓。鼓是古来就有的乐器,而且虽然不同的国家有各种不同的乐器,然而鼓却几乎是各国共有的最为普遍应用的乐器。
人们在战场上击鼓助阵,在喜庆中打鼓助兴,在游行时也擂鼓吸引大家的注意。难怪beat the drum for会成为日常通用的习惯用语。那么作为习惯用语它是什么意思呢?
例句-3:A few of us club members took a bunch of tickets out and beat the drum for the play with our friends. And we sold enough to fill all the seats, the first time in history.
这里的beat the drum for the play意思显然是为这场戏作宣传,beat the drum for类似于中国成语: 为什么摇旗呐喊。
有时beat the drum for里面的drum也可以是复数形式。这样,这个习惯用语就成了beat the drums for,但是它的意思不变。
我们再听个例子,里面有beat the drums for。这是几名记者正谈论一个州长在竞选连任的过程中获胜的阻力很大,所以州长不得不竭尽全力地开展竞选。好,我们来听听这名记者的话。
例句-4:He' people don't like him much. So he's out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.
这里的beating the drums for意思也是为作宣传。
Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的
Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?
The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。
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pull out是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释百科解释(车、船)驶出拔出, 离开, 渡过难关, 恢复健康拔出,抽出,取出拔出,抽出,挖出拔出,离开,度过难关,恢复健康拔出,抽出,驱除拔出,抽出,取出,(车船等)驶出,(车辆)拔出,抽出,取出;(车,船等)驶出;(车辆)拔出,抽出;(火车)离站拔出,取出抽出;(车,船)驶出划出将拔出拉出;掏出拉掉;取出;(车)开出拿出,拔出,掏出拿出,取出内页折页起头取出,驶出失步拔使不同步驶向提出;起钻;接箍处脱开脱出:&&&&vt. 1.拉,拖,牵,曳 (opp. push); 勒 ...:&&&&adv. 1.〔位置及运动的方向〕向外,向外部;在外,在 ...
例句与用法1.I am in a meeting and can't be pulled out .我正在开会,不得脱身。2.The troops will be pulled out in
two steps .撤军工作分两步进行。3.The waves began pulling out of the contents .海浪开始清洗里面的物品了。4.The boat pulled out into the middle of the river .那只船划出到了河中央。5.He pulled out his frill as far as his navel .他把他的皱边一直拉到肚脐上。6.I arrived as the last train was pulling out .我到达时,末班列车刚刚开出。7.He pulled out the key of his closet .他拿出他房间的钥匙。8.You probably pulled out of the air .你多半是无中生有的。9.She pulled out a sheet of paper from inside her jacket .她从上衣里面掏出一张纸。10.The train pulled out of the station .火车驶出车站。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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The meaning and origin of the expression: Pull out all the stops
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The popular belief is that this phrase derives from the manner of construction of pipe organs. These instruments have stops to control the air flow through the pipes and pulling them out increases the musical volume. This seems to be the type of casual easy answer that is the hallmark of folk etymology. In this case, the popular belief isn't a fallacy but is in fact correct.
Prior to the introduction of pipe organs the word 'stop' had, in a musical context, been used to mean 'note' or 'key'. That usage is recorded as early as the late 16th century, as in this example from George Gascoigne's satire The Steele Glas, 1576:
&But sweeter soundes, of concorde, peace, and loue, Are out of tune, and iarre in euery stoppe.&
Of course, 'notes' and 'keys' can't be pulled out. The word 'stop' later came to be used for the knobs that control the flow of air in pipe organs, by pushing them in or, more to the point here, pulling them out.
The first person to have used the phrase in a figurative, that is, non-organ related, sense appears to have been Matthew Arnold, in Essays in Criticism, 1865:
&Knowing how unpopular a task one is undertaking when one tries to pull out a few more stops in that... somewhat narrow-toned organ, the modern Englishman.&
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