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Install TFS 2015 today - 推酷
Install TFS 2015 today
It has been a while since I had to install, configure, or upgrade TFS. Most of my customers have been moving to Visual Studio Online (VSO) which is effectively TFS in the cloud, and that requires “migration” of data rather than “upgrade”. Although there are
, many companies have a cultural issue with the cloud and are not ready to go there yet. For this we still have TFS and all of its fantastic features are updated and improved for 2015.
If you are on TFS 2010 (or any prior version) then remember that support ends at the end of July and that you should upgrade. If you are upgrading anyway then you should upgrade to TFS 2015.
I like to do a few practice installs before I go for the main event, and I always like to document what I am doing so…
Installing TFS 2015
First, Microsoft have radically reduced the size of the bits. The ISO is under 500mb and that included the old agents.
If you are on, and you should be, Server
R2, or the Technical Preview then you can just open the ISO and it will be mounted by Windows natively.
Some folks like to install the bits to another drive, however there is no need in the modern world. In the old days we put apps on another drive to improve performance, but as we have fast disks and virtual machines that need has gone. Staying as close to the defaults is always the best option.
have not yet been announced and the link will take you to the latest version of the requirements, so when they get updates it should be automatic.
On my Technical Preview server the installation was completed in only a few minutes and did not require a restart. As you will be installing a new version of .NET a restart seemed likely, but it looks like the TFS team have come through on minimising this from earlier versions.
And that’s it! The TFS team, since TFS 2008, have taken the idea of a zero configuration install to heart and you have no options at install. The bits are laid down and then the configuration wizard, pictured above, is launched. This allows you to have an Ops team do the install, or to put the bits on chocolatey for an automated process.
In the Configuration Center not much has changed and the usual suspects are available. There are four options for installing the main parts of TFS, the application tier.
Basic Server – This is the one that I will be using as it will lay down all of the pre-requisites and install everything automatically for you. It will install SQL Express and configure TFS to use that.
Full Server - This is the old “Advanced Install” and represents the works. You will be asked for SQL, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, and SharePoint integration options. You will be able to choose if you will be using Reporting, and SharePoint during this wizard. If you want those things up front, or you want to use your own SQL instance then you need to pick this option.
Application Tier Only – If you are adding an additional Application Tier to your existing TFS Server or you are moving either your Application Tier or Data Tier to another server then this option just enabled the Application Tier to work against an existing instance.
Upgrade – If TFS detects an existing instance that is a previous version of TFS then it will automatically pop this option for you. Here is where you get lead through “upgrading” from one version to another. If you, like me, don’t like to do in-place upgrades and have restored your TFS databases to a new server then you will need to install TFS and pick this option to upgrade and move hardware at the same time.
If you have an existing TFS server and you want to add a Proxy server, used to cache TFVC data for performance in remote locations, or configure the SharePoint extensions for your SharePoint farm then you run the same install, but pick the additional options above the line.
In addition there are a number of tools that can be used with TFS. If, perish the thought, you still have some Visual SourceSafe (VSS) data lying around then you should immediately install the Visual SourceSafe Upgrade tool and get that data into TFS. If you still want to use the old Xaml Build format, there is a new build system in TFS 2015, then you can access the old 2013 Xaml Build Agents here.
Configuring a TFS 2015 Server using the Basic Server option
The Basic install of TFS fulfils two scenarios. First, if you have a blank server, as I do, it will lay down everything you need to just get started. This will install SQL Express and setup a default build agent on your TFS server. It’s the getting started option.
Your first option is to select your SQL Server. You can either select an existing SQL Server that you have installed yourself, or you can let TFS install and configure Express for you.
You get a complimentary copy of SQL Server Standard to run your TFS Server on in a single server instance. As long as you don’t put any other databases other than those used by TFS then you are covered.
You can always upgrade to full SQL later…
The new build system in TFS 2015 comes with a new agent. This agent does not run the old Xaml legacy builds but a new task based build system. You will get an agent installed, but you get to choose if it is started automatically or not.
The new agent is awesome and you can
by just running a little bit of PowerShell.
As usual you get to review the configuration and you have to run a bunch of readiness checks that will validate that you can configure all of the bits correctly on this system. The old days of hard installs of TFS 2005 and 2008 are gone… if the checks go OK you can then click “Configure”.
The configuration will perform all of the tasks, with prepping the system as well as installing SQL Express and configuring the new TFS configuration and collection databases…
When done you will have a nice new TFS server to start working in.
Creating a new Team Project is the test of a TFS server and this can still only be done in Visual Studio (Team Explorer). TFS, unlike VSO, still depends on Reporting Services, and optionally SharePoint for some of its services and the server work required to get the Team Project wizard running server side is just silly work. So time to pop open Visual Studio and create your first team project.
Install TFS 2015 today was last modified: April 29th, 2015 by
Martin Hinshelwood
-Every company deserves working software that successfully and consistently meets their customers needs on a regular cadence. Wecan help you get working software with continuous feedback so that your lean-agile teams can deliver continuous value with Visual Studio ALM, Team Foundation Server & Scrum.&We have&experts on handto help improve your process and deliver more value at higher quality.
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与原文不一致为什么前端工程师很少用 Visual Studio (Windows)?
我自己从 Visual Studio 2005 开始就一直把 VS 当做开发主力, 中途尝试过诸如 Aptana, WebStorm, 最后还是默默地改了回来. 现在是 Sublime + Visual Studio 轻重搭配, 之所以突然想到来问这么个问题, 是因为刚刚在 Mac 上试玩 WebStorm 9, 然后失望而归 (一直在寻找 Mac 上 VS 的替代品, 因为手里只有一台续航够的 Air, 因为 iOS 开发需要买的, 然后 Mac 上 Win 的触控基本不能用, 目前主力机型是 TP 430s)...我眼中 VS 作为前端开发工具最大的亮点莫过于运行时的 JavaScript 自动完成提示 (也就是说 VS 会把你的 JS 代码在后台默默执行, 然后给出准确的结果, 最早好像是出现在 VS 2008), 还有 JavaScript Intellisense API (最早出现在 VS 2012), 可以自定义提示 (比如删减自动完成条目, 更改自动完成图标, 改变定义位置等等). 原来还没有 TypeScript 的时候我有个叫 VEJIS 的项目, 就充分利用了这个 API, 实现了非常丰富的提示. 参考
(项目已经没有维护了, 所以不算广告吧, 只是展示下 VS 的智能提示有多强大.)很多贴心的小细节, 比如 HTML 文件中修改元素 tag 时, 配对的 tag 也会自动修改. 输入类似 ; } 等符号时, 会自动格式化当前行或者块. 还有比如全局搜索, NuGet 包管理...更多其他 IDE 或者编辑器也有的我就不提了.另外插件方面, 除了与 WebStorm 同厂的 Reshaper 之外, 还有免费开源的 WebEssentials. 脚本压缩, 合并; CSS sprites, image to base64, CSS 兼容性提示, 类似 Emmet 的功能等等一应俱全. 也就是说, 对于绝大多数前端来说, 不需要花一分钱就能用上 Visual Studio Express + WebEssentials.但为什么鲜有看到前端用 VS 的?
VS如果单单写HTML,JS页面确实有点太重了,而且VS上对于JS的智能提示也没有做到多好JS而言也没有什么需要智能提示的吧。以前写.NET的时候就是JS就属于项目的一部分,就直接在VS里写了,还可以TFS版本控制,不过当时也是C#,JS从头搞到尾的。没有前后分离。现在在linux下搞,有个sublime text,有个vim加上chrome就够了。然后,滴滴打车求靠谱前端,有意的私信我。
因为前端没有多少工程师用 Windows 操作系统啦. 看看各种 Web 大会上大家清一色的 Mac 你就明白, 多数前端都是捧着 Mac +
轻松愉快地写 Javascript. 并且超 Happy 地用着 Terminal 跑 Node.
你也说了VS2008才有JS提示。我做ASPX的时候VS还是个极其蛋疼的选择,不止VS,整个MS体系都有很多不方便的,比如那个时候在IIS自定义url映射就是个很高级的技巧。而Apache已经是随便改配置文件写着玩儿了。比如那个时候.net教材基本上就是在引导你拖控件,那时候前端稍微复杂一点的技巧都是自己摸索出来的。比如那时候ASPX的后端方法跟前端页面行为的对应就很不直观,效率也低。于是有一天忍无可忍,就甩开这些东西自己动手了。对于一个IDE,代码提示还在其次,集成调试、发布是可以带来根本差异的东西。页面上的东西,Firebug 已经可以做的不错了,后来还有 Selenium 这样的东西。VS的发布方式在当时算是非常简易好用的,但是在一些常用的场景反而不好用,例如我如果不能直接连接到生产服务器的话,当时要给 SA 写一个挺麻烦的部署文档,比较优化的流程也是后来才慢慢摸索出来的。很多你们现在看着很方便的功能,也是在竞争的压力,和同行之间多年的竞争中慢慢建立的。大家都不傻,真要某种东西真的完美无缺,早就占领一切了。对了,当时还遇到一个好玩的事情,有个用VS直接生成的前端功能在IE下无效,在Firefox上反而是成功的。后来有个朋友帮我做了一个针对IE的补丁,用了很久。
只因为觉得它占地儿,要是跟以前一样得写win应用,估计就开着它顺手写js什么的了。现在几乎不写桌面应用,vs 虽说习惯性装了,但懒得开,太大太慢。折叠吧……
除非你用Type Script,否则Javascript这样的动态语言基本没法做自动提示。Javascript因为语言的问题,在不使用其他注释的情况下,是无法知道一个函数参数是什么类型的,所以理论上也无法提示或加载文档。写CSS和HTML的话IDE也帮不了什么忙(很多编辑器有自动补全功能,但是和其他编程语言的IDE支持比起来,这个补全和自动对齐的必要性没有那么大)。我之前为了迁就服务器用PHP做了几个网页,考虑到VS并没有很好地支持PHP也就只好用文本编辑器写了,整个过程感觉并不显著困难。当然如果要写大量的前端代码,有IDE肯定是好的,只不过可能很多情况下,如果你不是框架的开发者,并不需要写那么多的代码吧。
web storm和dw比vs好用啊!!!
If you are writing front end code and need to rely on intellisense for your development, you might be over complicating the project, or are just not good enough with JavaScript yet.
这跟有没有钱让后端跑Windows Server有莫大的关系。其实说什么前端用MBP这才不是决定性因素。你去了一个公司,后端用Windows Server,前端肯定差不多是了。你用MBP没问题,为了工作肯定要刷成Windows的。我们就有人这样(逃
社交帐号登录在Windows Azure Windows系列虚拟机中搭建小型团队开发环境(TFS
实际上在云端搭建小型团队的开发环境和本地服务器区别不大,只是会多出端口映射这块,自然防火墙也是进行规则定制的。 先来说说Team Foundation Server 2013 Express,允许最多5人开发人员访问,是有点坑,然而毕竟是免费的嘛,在云端服务器Windows 2012 Ser
&&&&&& 实际上在云端搭建小型团队的开发环境和本地服务器区别不大,只是会多出端口映射这块,自然防火墙也是进行规则定制的。
先来说说Team Foundation Server 2013 Express,允许最多5人开发人员访问,是有点坑,然而毕竟是免费的嘛,在云端服务器Windows 2012 Server R2安装好TFS,并设置好用户账号权限(这里省去若干字),确认TFS使用的端口,如图使用的是8888端口:
这里有个问题,TFS默认情况下端口8080,这个端口有点尴尬,如果你默认安装TOMCAT Web应用服务器,它也是使用这个端口,而且往往我们也需要自己定制TFS的端口,通过修改IIS TFS网站绑定的端口来改变,上图:
之后就一直下一步,起个名称即可。再往下就去到Windows Azure门户,选择虚拟机,一系列操作如下:
数据库也自然少补了的了,使用的是SQLSERVER 2012 Express SP2数据库,步骤大同小异,要注意的是检查SQLSERVER配置管理器-&设置SQLSERVER网络配置-MSSQLSERVER的协议里TCP/IP为启用,如图:

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Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 是位於 Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 工具套件核心的零阻力原始程式碼控制項、專案管理及小組共同作業的平台,可幫助小組更為敏捷、在共同作業上更有生產力,以及更一致地交付優質的軟體。
Note:There are multiple files available for this download.Once you click on the "Download" button, you will be prompted to select the files you need.
2015tfs_express.exetfs2015_express_cht.iso1.8 MB937.0 MB
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 提供位於 Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 方案核心的共同作業中樞。透過將軟體交付程序自動化,整個小組就能追蹤小組的動作、異動和專案成品,例如需求、工作、Bug、原始程式碼、建置結果和測試結果。共同作業、管理您的儲存機制及自動化建置流程。您的小組可能規模很小且剛起步,但透過 Team Foundation Server,即使是最小的小組也能變得很龐大。
注意:TFS Express 只限於五 (5) 位使用者。較大規模的小組則可以使用 。
若要了解 Team Foundation Server Express 2015 中的新功能,請參閱 。如需已修正 Bug 及已知問題的清單,請參閱 。
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