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求助啊请问哪位朋友用过Virtual Desktop这款软件_百度知道VR头盔必入软件?Virtual Desktop使用反馈汇总
HTC Vive宣告上市发货已有一周,可惜在Steam平台上的评论页里依旧是「没有更多内容。太伤感了」,当然讨论区里依然是热闹非凡的。不过即便如此,我们依旧可以通过其它管道一窥Steam VR的战报近况——今天,就让咱们来瞧瞧Virtual Desktop(软件详解)这个超有用的VR工具收到的点评吧:
HTC Vive宣告上市发货已有一周,可惜在Steam平台上的评论页里依旧是「没有更多内容。太伤感了」,当然讨论区里依然是热闹非凡的。不过即便如此,我们依旧可以通过其它管道一窥Steam VR的战报近况&&今天,就让咱们来瞧瞧Virtual Desktop(软件详解)这个超有用的VR工具收到的点评吧:
一点说明:以下回馈内容摘自Virtual Desktop在Steam销售页的评价栏,下方灰字为我厂VR行业观茶猿加油添醋的无责任点评&&
&&发表人:{sT}| SuperConker
这玩意可以让你在Oculus Rift或者HTC Vive上爽玩所有的「常规」游戏(即便它们不支持VR系统)。
(现在我更期待我预购的Oculus Rift了!)
非常感谢「Guy Godin」创造了这款工具,把所有并非原生VR的东西带入了虚拟现实的世界!
&&好吧,虽然内容一点新意都没有(基本上就是把Virtual Desktop的最大卖点用文字重念了一遍嘛),但还算符合了一般用户的基本心态&&「我就是不放心他们搞的那些VR试验品小把戏,我还是信任DOTA炉石山口山那些老炮儿,然后你这软件的功能之一就是可以让我们在VR环境下接着耍那些老把戏,所以你们搞的这个啊,一颗赛艇!」
顺带一提,从内容来看这位点评者貌似也是个Oculus Rift初期产能不足导致发货延后的受害者&&好吧,考虑到Palmer Luckey(Oculus的创始人)目前尚未带着小姨子卷铺盖跑路,血汗钱什么的咱们还是先别急着找他退,留点耐心再多等个几天吧。
ggodin [开发者] 4月5日上午12:01
你装过Oculus Home了吗?/en-us/setup/
顺带一提,考虑到这位仁兄买下Virtual Desktop之后记录在案的运行时间只有1.5小时,他完全可以选择退款啊,真是&&
&&发表人:Wall Builder 2016
&&发表人:Rob Boss
至于吉米&亨德里克斯,熟悉经典摇滚乐的朋友肯定都认识:20世纪60年代的黑人吉他之神,在音乐方面的造诣令人叹为观止,但死于非命的结局却令人扼腕叹息。总而言之,大家知道Virtual Desktop的音乐播放器视觉效果不俗适当尝试一下就好,至于会不会有卫道士跳出来指手画脚&&管他的,随他们去远吠吧。
网友热评的文章VirtualDesktop(虚拟桌面软件) v2.0.0 绿色免费版
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> VirtualDesktop(虚拟桌面软件) v2.0.0 绿色免费版
VirtualDesktop(虚拟桌面软件) v2.0.0 绿色免费版
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VR Support
The VR mode for this game requires the use of a keyboard and mouse.HeadsetsInputPlay Area
Full Audio
Title: Virtual Desktop
Release Date: 31 Mar, 2016
2015 Proto Awards - Best Graphical User Interface
Buy Virtual Desktop
Recent updates
11 September
This is a small update that fixes focus issues when launching other applications while in Virtual Desktop. It also fixes a bug where the app would sometimes restart when exiting Steam VR.
- New fisheye projection for the video player with a customizable field of view (FOV) from 30 to 360 degrees.
- The video player now supports skipping forward and backward with the arrow keys.
- Fixed the low quality streaming option which stopped working recently.
- There is now an option under Windows Integration to control whether Virtual Desktop will use Injection to capt turning ON the option can help the performance in some games but cause issues in others. The option is now available and turned OFF instead of ON by default.
- A new animated environment called
inspired from The 5th Element has been added to the store.
- Lot's of cool and unique environments have also been added to the
recently, don't forget to check them out!
“These are the kinds of programs that change the way people look at technology. In this case, it’s a program that, for some people, might actually make virtual reality a enjoyable, even practical, replacement for their monitor.”
“It's an incredibly polished app that take minimal resources to provide a number of functions that feel like they should be a standardised part of the VR experience coming to consumer homes.”
“This is the first program you should buy for your Oculus Rift”
Update 1.0.7 is now live!
This version fixes some compatibility issues with the upcoming Oculus 1.7 runtime and contains stability improvements when swapping in and out of VR games such as Assetto Corsa. It also attempts to fix some stutter issues with the HTC Vive introduced in a recent SteamVR update.
Update 1.0.6 is now live!
This update adds support for animated environments. The
is the first environment using the new functionality. The update also fixes an issue with the Video Player not showing some options on some computers. It also changes some default options: MSAA and Xbox Controller are now disabled by default.
Update 1.0.5 is now live!
This release fixes SBS support on ultra-wide (21:9) monitors and Over-Under on regular (4:3) monitors. It also fixes an issue where the GPU usage could spike when the application was idle with the Rift.
Update 1.0.4 is now live!
This update adds a couple requested features and basic support for various controllers.
Added support for rotated monitors (aka portrait orientation)
Added new Mip Mapping option for Rift users which greatly reduces text aliasing on screen
Added basic mouse emulation with Vive touchpads
Added basic mouse emulation with Xbox controller and Oculus Remote for Rift users
Fixed crash with Over Under option in some environments
Reduced CPU usage and fixed leak when application is idle with Rift
Update 1.0.3 is now live!
This update adds more 3D viewing options, new MSAA settings and some minor fixes:
Simplified 3D / SBS Options panel
Added support for Over-Under 3D movies
Added support for inverted Left-Right eyes for SBS and OU movies
Improved performance when playing full screen 2D games
Added MSAA toggle and slider
Update 1.0.2 is now live!
This update adds a new Environment Store along with small improvements and bug fixes:
which allows artists to create and sell high quality environments. With the launch, 3 very cool environments created by community members are available:
Purchased environments will also be available from the Oculus Home version if you have a Rift but you will need to run Virtual Desktop on Steam first after you've made your purchase. Note: The store only works with Chrome at the moment.
Added ability to delete photos directly from the 360 Photos tab
Fixed issue with subscribed workshop environments not loading when VRD is installed in a non-default location
Fixed certificate issue with some users when pasting YouTube 360 videos
Fixed black screen in home theater when multi-monitor was enabled
Update 1.0.1 is now live!
This update adds Steam Workshop integration along with many improvements and bug fixes:
Steam Workshop integration (Steam will need to run for new environments to be downloaded)
Increased process priority to help with framerates and audio glitches when running games
Executables are now signed which should solve the issues with Anti-Virus software
Added a Force OpenVR option for Rift users (using OpenVR doesn't bring much value at the moment)
Vive controllers will now appear at the right position when the Floating option is checked
The 360 video Open Dialog will now restore the last directory
Now Available!
Virtual Desktop is now available to Play! The first time you launch it, you will be prompted with a key. This key lets you redeem the app on Oculus Home (if you have a Rift) through Settings -& Account -& Redeem Code.
If you encounter any issues, please let me know in the discussions section.
The Workshop integration is partially there: you can create and submit your own environments, users will be able to download them in a future update.
About This Software
Virtual Desktop is an application developed for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive that lets you use your computer in VR. You can browse the web, watch movies, Netflix or even play games on a giant virtual screen.
Other features include:
Hardware accelerated 360 video playback
Ability to play/stream YouTube 360 videos
Browse and view 360 photos
MilkDrop support for music visualization
3D Side-By-Side video support
Game launcher with voice commands
Environment Editor to create custom environments
Steam Workshop integration for environments
System Requirements
OS: Windows 8.x or Windows 10
Processor: i5-2500k
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GTX 640 or ATI HD 7000/Rx 200
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes: Windows 7 is not supported. If you are using a Windows 'N' edition, you will need to install the Media Feature Pack.
OS: Windows 10
Processor: i5-2500k
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GTX 760 or ATI Rx 200
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 500 MB available space
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I got this last night and spent several hours in it. It is pretty cool! Was able to watch 360 3D videos as well as other stuff. It does what it says for the most part!However, there are things that need to improve. For one, there are not many environments currently that come with the program and the fact that they charge extra for environments that other people have created is pretty irritating. The environments should stay free just like the SteamVR environments. I would also like to see the ability to use animated environments.. something like a waterfall, rain, etc.The other things is the program lacks a loop button or the ability to setup a playlist. These things should be added immediately! I am also a little concerned that I haven't seen many updates looking at the history which makes me wonder how much the devs are supporting this or if they are just done with it at this point and don't plan to add more features. For $15 I think it deserves the support and upgrades for free, especially considering there are other options out there. The environments on this should be its selling point but it seems that they aren't running with it yet.
It works really well.
It's by far the most polished of the VR desktop options at the moment, I've been playing Command: Modern Air Naval Operations with it, using a Logitech Trackball I can play the game standing up (using the Windows touch keyboard for entering the odd number etc).It's not as fast as sitting down, but after a long day of sitting down using a normal mouse it's great to stand up and walk around playing a game.
I can definitely recommend this.
It's great software that put Windows envoriment into your VR and it works very well. Now it's also available on oculus store for free which have steam version!Thanks and keep improving.
Great app - makes VR way more useable. Plus buying it on Steam gives you a key to redeem on Oculus home, what's not to like about that?
30 minutes ina and already the best purchase I've made for vr
Reboots my computer within 5 seconds - related to AMD MX 480 and their drivers. Unusable. Spent 60 hours debugging this app. Getting my money back.
I just use this for VR porn. 10/10 would masturbate again.
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Even though Windows 7 is not supported. This works fine with Windows 7 while using HTC Vive. Virtual Desktop is fantastic tool to watch Twitch, Netflix, Youtube or your kinky content with your VR headset. I live in a small apartment, but with HTC Vive & Virtual Desktop... it feels like there is enormous theater in my home.
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Take google sphere photos of your backpacking trips? This is a great way to share the experience with loved ones - close to actually being there! Want to play Rocket League on a curved screen a foot from your face, or on a theature sized screen and distance? Lots of other cools tricks!
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Product received for free
Big screen ! but low resolution, no thanks.
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VIVE review.
I have tried just about every game I play on Virtual Desktop.
As of now, I give it a 7/10 completion score.
The difference between this and BigScreen Beta is the transparent desktop and customization features. In games, you may run into...THE problem: where the screen strobes to a black screen during menus but not in gameplay -- so before you start messing with your graphics settings, actually try playing the game to see if the black strobing exists.
If it strobes during gameplay, try turning on or off VSync, which almost always fixes it.
If that does not fix your problem, ensure you're not using MSAA in the VIRTUAL DESKTOP settings (as it does nto play nice with AA in games), and possibly consider tweaking your AA in game (I keep Virtual Desktop's MSAA turned off by default, I see no difference with it on anyway).
Still, some games just will not lose the strobe, and it is quite an unplayable experience.
Fix the strobe, and this will the major contender for best premium VR desktop viewer.
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Using this with controller companion is the best vr experience i've had so far. Nearly lag free, and high enough res. to do basically everything that doesn't require reading small text. 10/10 would recommend, a must have for VR owners.
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Pros:Displays desktop.Displays 360 pictures and videos.Can display fullscreened stereoscopic desktop apps in 3D kind of.Can be launched in VR mode outside of Steam VR interface. (Either by using Oculus drivers directly or by having it launch Steam VR with itself.)It's certainly usable -- I'm writing this review in it right now.If you have a nice long ambient 360 YouTube video you can use it as a moving background to your desktop. - at least, until it ends.Cons:Uses the same resolution your physical monitor(s) were using anyway, so you gain no advantage there.360 videos do not currently have a looping option.Does NOT like 4k 360 YouTube videos. (It either pops up with a dialog box that says &Unknown.&, crashes, or both.)Since it's just recording your desktop and streaming it to your virtual monitor(s), the higher resolution your monitor is the lower the framerate it will stream and the more CPU it will use.Cannot create virtual monitors or decouple windows from Windows' windowing system and pull them off into virtual space.Cannot display simple (non-360) stereoscopic content natively in its own floating windows or anything. You have to open the stereoscopic application, fullscreen it, turn off curved desktop display, turn on the correct content display mode (SBS, OU, inverted SBS, etc.) yourself. And even then any non-stereoscopic UI elements will be totally messed up by it, including the Virtual Desktop settings window itself, which is also part of the Windows desktop and not its own little freefloating widget.All the good content on Steam Workshop gets taken off and put up for sale for more dollars.Cannot be used to force Team Fortress 2 VR to play nicely with Oculus Rift CV1 () Similarly, it's too much of a performance drain to try and use it to play Crysis in 3D and the like.Takes up all the F2-F11 keys by default, you'll have to configure new hotkeys to make it play nice with your media players and Steam games and whatnot.In general: Does not suit my particular needs and uses. But I'm keeping it because there is nothing else that's even close to better yet.
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Not useful for the roomscale Vive user.A proper Vive controller support is still not in. I've purchased this at release, back in April '16.Mouse and keyboard is still required to use this.The Vive controller touch pad controls is a bad joke and basically useless. Can't even enter text. Can't move/copy files etc. It's easy to mess up entire folder structures on the harddrive by accidently dragging stuff around that should have only been opened by a button click.Me as a Vive owner, do not use keyboard&mouse much/at all. Since my desktop is partly in a blind spot to the tracking area and I don't have a keyboard/mouse combo on the sofa.I'm better off using the Steam VR Desktop. Better controls, better and quicker usage and works even in games.However watching videos with this VDesktop is an option. But there are many other programs that can do the same. AND there are other VR Desktop tools that are worth comparing as well...
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684 people found this review funny
I use it to watch 3D porn. Excellent software.
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388 people found this review funny
After putting on some music and choosing the &MilkDrop& environment. I swear I dropped acid and was on my way to another dimension.10/10 would become Jimi Hendrix again.
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