IAR的ID Code和cubesuite license+的License key怎么获取

petak, 15.05.2009.
All the sharks seem to have vanished
All the sharks seem to have vanished from the Amber Sea. The biologists can’t account for it. What do you think? Ask Tuf about it, will you?” She listened, and felt a faint trickle of alarm.
“Here’s a strange one for you two. Something has been sighted moving back and forth across the Coherine Deep. We’ve had reports from both Sunrazor and Skyknife, and various confirmations from skimmer patrols. A huge thing, they say, a veritable living island, sweeping up everything in its path. Is that one of yours? If it is, you may have miscalculated. They say it is eating barracuda and blisterfins and lander’s needles by the thousands.” Kefira Qay scowled.
15.05.2009. u 20:17 &
Thirty-four days into the war
Thirty-four days into the war, Lord Guardian Lysan told her, “Well, another dead dreadnaught was found today. It must have put up quite a battle. Our scientists have been analyzing the contents of its stomachs, and it appears to have fed exclusively on orcas and blue kraken.” Kefira Qay frowned slightly, then shred it off.
“A grey kraken washed up on Boreen today,” Lord Guardian Moen told her a few days later. “The residents are complaining of the stink. It has gigantic round bite-marks, they report. Obviously a dreadnaught, but even larger than the usual kind.” Guardian Qay shifted uncomfortably.
15.05.2009. u 20:16 &
“Today we heard from Indigo Beach
“Today we heard from Indigo Beach, Guardian Qay. A strange story. Three walkers came rushing out of the water, but it was no attack. They were crazed, staggering about as if in great pain, and ropes of some pale scummy substance dangled from every joint and gap. What is it?”
“A dead dreadnaught washed up on New Atlantis today. Another corpse was sighted by the Sunrazor on its western patrol, rotting atop the water. Various strange fishes were picking it to pieces.”
“Starsword swung out to Fire Heights yesterday, and sighted less than a half-dozen fire-balloons. The Council of Guardians is thinking of resuming short airship flights to the Mud-Pot Pearls, on a trial basis. What do you think, Guardian Qay? Would you advise that we risk it, or is it premature?”
Each day the reports flooded in, and each day Kefira Qay smiled more broadly as she made her runs in the Manticore. But Haviland Tuf remained silent and impassive.
15.05.2009. u 20:15 &
“Guardian Smitt reports the sighting
“Guardian Smitt reports the sighting of strange creatures in the Orange Strait. No sign of dreadnaughts.”
“A dreadnaught has been seen off Batthern, locked in terrible combat with some huge tentacled thing twice its size. A grey kraken, you say? Very well. We shall have to learn these names, Guardian Qay.”
“Mullidor Strand reports that a family of lashtail mantas has taken up residence on the offshore rocks. Guardian Horn says they slice through fire-balloons like living knives-that the balloons flail and deflate and fall helplessly. Wonderful!”
15.05.2009. u 20:13 &
Plants and animals and things that
Plants and animals and things that were both and neither, predators and parasites, creatures dark as night or bright and gorgeous or entirely colorless, things strange and beautiful beyond words or too hideous even for thought, from worlds whose names burned bright in human history and from others seldom heard of. And more, and more. Day after day the Basilisk and the Manticore flashed above the seas of Namor, too swift and deadly for the fire-balloons that drifted up to attack them, dropping their living weapons with impunity.
After each day’s run they would repair to the Ark, where Haviland Tuf and one or more of his cats would seek solitude, while Kefira Qay habitually took Foolishness with her to the communications room so she could listen to the reports.
15.05.2009. u 20:11 &
svibanj, 2009
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<font STYLE="FONT-SIZE: 12px" COLOR="#、选择你所要的产品,我们的是IAR
Embedded Workbench for MSP 430 V3.41A 。
2、点击 GeT ID,多点几下,并将其小写的改为大写,如HOST ID “ 0x27fed ”,将它改为
“ 0x27FED ”。(貌似是固定的一个,把其中的小写字母改成相应的大写字母)
3、点击Generate,多点几下,产生的License number 和 License KEY
4、IAR License Manager里点击install
Liscense 把刚才的License Key 复制进去就可以了
PS:是在出现此错误时Fatal Error[Cp001]: Copy protection check, No
valid license found for this product
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