domain-theoretic 4396什么意思思

evitable是什么意思 evitable在线翻译 evitable什么意思 evitable的意思 evitable的翻译 evitable的解释 evitable的发音 evitable的同义词
evitable英 ['ev?t?bl] 美 ['ev?t?b?l] evitable 基本解释adj.可避免的evitable 反义词adj.evitable 网络解释1. 可避免的:evisceration 去脏术 | evitable 可避免的 | evite 避开2. 可以避免的:eternal永恒的,无休止的 | evitable 可以避免的 | excessive 过分的,过度的3. 3. 可预测的:You'd better walk on this fucking line.|你最好按照规矩做事 | ...evitable.|可预测的 | You, hey, put the snifter out there that if the BBC ambushes a minister|喂,你,放个酒杯在那 防止BBC暗地里搞署长4. 可以避免:eviscerate 凸出 | eviscerateeviscerationpaunchviscerate 取出内脏 | evitable 可以避免evitable 双语例句1. 1. In the next few hours of talk, I find a evitable factor in his success, that is, constant quest for the dream!&&&&普鲁斯。而在接下来连续几个小时的交流中,让我找到了他成为名导成功路上的必然因素,那就是,不断对于梦想的追寻!2. Methods Economic losing and morbidity status were investigated in inpatients of welder pneumoconiosis, disease burden was scaled by the disability- adjusted life year generally, correlative lactors that affected the DALY were analyzed, evitable losing of economy and healthy life on welder pneumoconiosis prevention was set forth.&&&&调查住院电焊工尘肺患者的经济损失和伤残状况,使用伤残调整生命年全面衡量患者的疾病负担,分析影响伤残调整生命年的有关因素,定量说明预防电焊工尘肺可避免的经济损失和健康寿命损失。3. The developmetn of the west in America history is an in evitable result of
the dvevlopment of the west in China history was actuated by political and military purpose.&&&&美国历史上的西部开发和商品经济相联系,而中国历史上的西部开发则属小农经济的范畴,因此,中美两国西部开发的结局也大不相同。4. In order to be better, flow of teacher is evitable, and the relative stability is also necessary.&&&&教师流动是必然的,教师队伍的相对稳定是必要的。5. With the development of GIS technology, it is evitable to establish the E-Government on GIS.&&&&随着GIS技术的不断完善,建立面向GIS的电子政务系统是发展的必然趋势。6. As a result of open economy, it is evitable for the international industry transfer to upgrade the industrial structure.&&&&国际产业转移是开放经济的产物,是产业结构升级的必然要求。7. 7. As the result of open economy, it is evitable for the international industry transfer to upgrade the industrial structure.&&&&国际产业转移是开放经济的产物,是产业结构升级的必然要求。8. With the development of agricultural management, the commercial computerization has become the evitable trend.&&&&随着农业经营管理的进步与发展,商务电算化已成必然趋势。9. Teachers should play an important role in it and narrow their difference because it is in evitable.&&&&差异和问题的存在是必然的,如何正确对待这种,我们教师应该有所作为。10. The death analysis showed mortality of the critical child patients with respiratory tract infection or complication of respiratory tract infection (evitable causes) reduced significantly (54.9%).&&&&死亡分析,可避免死因中以呼吸道感染或合并呼吸道感染的危重儿死亡减少明显(达54.9%)。11. 11. At the same time China has given proof of progress and capacity for stubborn resistance, and it is inconceivable that there should be fierce attacks by Japan without in evitable resistance by china.&&&&&&在中国一方面,又表现了自己的进步和顽强的抵抗力,不能设想只有日本猛攻,中国没有必要的抵抗力。12. 12. As an evitable phenomenon in the development process of women, the maturation course of spinsters is also an example in women's personality development.&&&&&&她们的成熟路程也必定是女性人格发展的一个范例。13. 13. So it is evitable to study our university sci-tech system reform. So it is a vital topic to research the development and reform of sports science and technology system is very necessary not only to the practice but also to theoretic.&&&&&&因此,对新时期我国大学科技体制改革与发展问题研究,是时代发展的必然要求。因此研究我国体育科技体制改革与发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。14. Convergence is the in - evitable trend of communications and computer networks development.&&&&&&网络融合是现代通信网和计算机网发展的必然趋势。15. This attribute of administrative ethics determines the evitable way to build administrative ethics.&&&&&&行政伦理的这种属性决定了行政伦理建设必须走法治化的道路。16. 16. Because of the limit of network bandwidth and data-packet capacity, the multiple channel transfer is evitable.&&&&&&受网络带宽和数据包容量的限制,多通道传输是不可避免的。17. Results: Most of the patients have basic understanding on medical dispute and think it is evitable.&&&&&&结果:绝大多数患者对医疗纠纷有基本了解,认为医疗纠纷发生不具必然性;18. Hence, the complicated cyclic correlation in time-domain is evitable.&&&&&&因此,避免了在时域采用复杂的循环相关运算。19. Therefore, it is evitable for an English learner to experience ambiguities during the process of learning.&&&&&&因此,英语学习者在英语学习过程中遭遇歧义是不可避免的。20. Systemized ethics is the evitable choice of the history development.&&&&&&制度伦理是历史发展的必然选择。evitable 单语例句evitable1. Liu said even though they have always had the fixed working hours, extra shifts are evitable in heavy snow.evitable 英英释义adj1. capable of being avoided or warded off&&&&Synonym: evitable是什么意思,evitable在线翻译,evitable什么意思,evitable的意思,evitable的翻译,evitable的解释,evitable的发音,evitable的同义词,evitable的反义词,evitable的例句,evitable的相关词组,evitable意思是什么,evitable怎么翻译,单词evitable是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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adj. 理论上的,空谈的.
1.concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations
Theoretical science
theoreticallyEmigration was still theoretically a matter of choice.
Emigration was still theoretically a matter of choice.
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