
个性网内容精选:Fling 可谓是同类游戏的鼻祖,益智解谜游戏中的精品,后面抄袭模仿者无数。今天再次限免,以前错过的朋友快收咯。玩家的任务就是让五颜六色的毛毛球通过相互撞击撞飞到屏幕外,最后只剩下一个毛球。
Ice Pop & Popsicle Maker by Bluebear
Ever wonder how ice pops were made? Create your own icepops from scratch with our awesome new app.Choose from a tonne of different flavors and decorations to create the ice pop of your dreams.Chocolate coatings, candy sprinkles, funny face stickers, it's all in there to be explored! Let the fun begin
试试我们的世界的出租车停车场及交通游戏益智游戏帮助出租车司机离开停车场时,客户都在等待他!周游世界六个城市中,60个不同的拼图每个城市。小时的乐趣难题解决了!尝试使用尽可能少的动作尽可能获得出租车司机出了停车场,并在他的工作方式。看到那些神奇的城市: - 新纽约:超过10 000出租车在新纽约,但你需要帮助这一个到达每一个客户。 - 魁北克:很多游客都在等着你来帮助出租车司机出来,使他们可以参观美丽的旧魁北克 - 东京:有很多人在日本的首都,要确保每个人都得到了一辆出租车。 - 巴黎:跑道地段表明在世界时尚之都来看看!你有很多的工作。 - 洛杉矶:不要迷失在天使之城,用了一辆出租车去洛杉矶的最巨星云集的事件 - 迪拜:迪拜你希望看到世界上最惊人的摩天大楼,一定要释放出租车从停车场有时间看到的一切。今天下载免费>>>世界的出租车停车场及交通游戏益智游戏我们会爱你的意见!请给我们您的反馈。让我们知道:
特技仓鼠 Hank Hazard
特技仓鼠-Hank Hazard,一款街机益智游戏,引导汉克,通过越来越具有挑战性的特技课程,同时收集明星和秘密硬币。游戏的操作简单,包括90个级别,快去帮助汉克通关吧!
Draw A Stickman Pro
Dive into the original game that started it all! Draw your very own Stickman, then guide him through the challenges presented in this adventure where creativity is your greatest weapon! Draw a key to unlock prizes, arm your Stickman with a sword to fight off a dragon, and think on your feet against a pack of hungry sharks!Don’t forget to share your Stickman with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, and email!***Awards and Recognition for the Draw a Stickman Series***-2011 Webby Award for Best use of Motion Graphics!-2011 Webby Award for Best use of Motion Graphics (People’s Voice)!-2011 Webby Award for Viral Marketing (People’s Voice)! -2011 Gold Davey Award!-2011 Pixel Award Nominee!-2012 Gold Communicator Award!-2012 Horizon Interactive Award!-Best in Class – Interactive Media Awards!-Featured in Wired Magazine (UK Edition)!-Featured on the Huffington Post!-Featured on Yahoo News (UK)!
IDEOko 动物气球
对着iPhone的麦克风吹气,或轻触iPod Touch的屏幕,就能赋予气球生命,令它们变成各种稚趣可爱的动物。气球充好气后,摇晃你的iPhone,就能制作出你的动物气球!经过每次摇晃,动物气球也慢慢成形,然后……瞧!你的动物气球已经制作好了。抚摸它,看看它会玩什么花招吧! 这款游戏适合所有年龄段的孩子,提供了11种不同的动物气球,有鱼、霸王龙还有独角兽。有如此丰富叫绝的功能,你一定会爱上这款游戏:- 操作简单:吹气给气球充气,摇晃改变气球的形状,抚摸令动物气球们生动起来!- 每次游戏时,7种动物气球随机出现。- 惊人的图像效果,为你的iPhone带来高品质的3D游戏画面。- 各种有趣的音效,有吱吱声、嘎嘎声和咆哮声。- 经过热情的儿童测试员团队测试,证明极其适合儿童- 趣味无穷- 激发想象力和探索力- 不存在错误玩法- 极为简单,适合五岁以下幼童畅玩- 老少皆宜关于 IDEOko:IDEOko 充气动物精灵的创作团队屡获殊荣,团队中的教育学家、设计师、玩具专家均精通于开发可促进创意的应用程序。 我们的应用程序鼓励孩子们在好奇心、玩乐、想象力方面的天赋,从而赢得了儿童和家长的喜爱。了解我们的其他优秀应用程序:充气动物精灵宝宝, Monster Moves, Magic Creature Creator Sesame Street's Elmo Calls, Cookie Calls, Elmo's Monster Maker, Sesame Street Makes Music, Sesame Street Video Maker, Fisher-Price: See 'n Say 等等。 有问题、评论,或者只想打个招呼? 给我们发个消息吧,邮箱:。
潜水猫 Subcat
快来帮潜水猫「擦」开海底世界迷雾,快手捕抓鱼儿简单游戏「擦」、「点」,小朋友也能快速上手!故事要从一个小港口说起,有两只热爱探险的猫--胡安〈Juan〉和船长赛巴斯钦〈Sebastian〉,在一次岩洞大探险中,发现了一艘搁浅的旧潜水艇,他们高兴的修复它并取名为「鹦鹉螺号」,并驾驶着它四处冒险。但是一次冒险的途中,因为偏离航道而迷失方向,眼看库存的粮食都要吃光了,胡安只好穿上潜水衣,依照赛巴斯钦的指示,踏上寻找食物的旅程!★抓鱼任务在开始海底探险任务前,潜水猫胡安必须先克服潜水镜常常起雾的状态,还要闪避大怪鱼的攻击,才能抓到足够填饱肚子的食物!●用「擦」的进行游戏!「擦」掉潜水镜雾气,看清楚海底世界再瞄准目标●挑战快手!海洋生物乱窜,手指快「点」捕抓目标●凶猛鱼的逆袭!小心误触毙命、或是一片漆黑 ●四大海域共八十关,挑战限时解决任务!★ 海底关卡四大海域共八十关,等你来探险!●第一关 New Sea:明亮的海底,小丑鱼和水母在海底悠游,但是要提防恐怖的黑色灯笼鱼●第二关 Southern Sea:南洋风味的海域,四处充满了珊瑚礁、小猫岩石和众多的海草,小丑鱼悄悄的躲在后面等你来发现●第三关 Ancient Sea:巨大的古代海底遗迹是河豚和乌贼的最爱,小心胀气的河豚和喷墨逃脱的乌贼●第四关 Sea of Crisis:黑暗的海底深沟,潜藏着大乌贼王和善于伪装的寄居蟹,小心四处还有海胆和灯笼鱼在这里★ 支持各机种与操作系统版本iPhone 3GsiPhone 4iPhone 4siPod touchiPad 1iPad 2通通都可以玩Subcat哦!还在等什么!快点跟潜水猫胡安和赛巴斯钦一起潜入深海来冒险吧!欢迎加入粉丝团:/GamaniaMobile分享抓鱼心得与攻略~官方网站:/mobilegame/subcat/cn/index.html★★ 请帮我们留下评价,您的建议是给我们最大的支持! ★★
Celebrity Girl
Become a celebrity in the hottest girl game on the AppStore! Go shopping for hot fashion, go to the hottest parties, and date hot guys.
Build up your wardrobe by shopping at the most fashionable stores, then show off your glamorous new clothes at the hottest parties! Pursue your dreams as an actress and become a superstar celeb! You'll live a fabulous life in DreamGirls Celebrity! - Customize your look with the hottest fashion. Go shopping at 5 different stores and choose from 250+ dresses, shirts, purses, shoes, and accessories! Dressup to your liking!- Visit the salon and get a makeover! Choose from over 20 different hairstyles! Customize your hair with 8 possible colors!- Tired from shopping all day? Visit the Cafe for an energy boost from coffee or an iced latte!- Earn your place on the red carpet and become a superstar idol! You might be chased by paparazzi!- Hang out at the coolest nightclubs and meet hot guys!- Find a BOYFRIEND and go out on dates! Kiss your boyfriend and keep him happy!- Enter into the FAME contest and show off your outfits to real players!- Vote on other players' fashion in the FAME section!Follow us on Twitter: @dreamheartgamesLike us on Facebook: /dreamheartgamesCheck out our website at: http://www.dreamheart.co
超级超级好吃的蛋糕来啦。动动手指,拍张照片,你就能成为五星级大厨,制作出最鲜美可口的蛋糕,婚礼蛋糕,生日蛋糕,DIY蛋糕任你选择。颜色多多,口味多多,材料多多,享受无尽的烹饪乐趣。产品特点:- 一款超级有趣的烹饪游戏- 摇身一变成为五星级大厨,为朋友和家人制作美味蛋糕- 敢想,敢创造。使用各种装饰让食物变得充满创造力和诱惑力- ,婚礼蛋糕,生日蛋糕,DIY蛋糕任你选择。随心所欲掌握烹饪技巧。- 享受无尽的烹饪乐趣,尽情搭配,随心享受烹饪的魅力。操作方法:-按照游戏中的手势提示、箭头提示、图标提示等等去一步一步烹饪食物- 拍张照片即可成为大厨,开始烹饪美味蛋糕。- 使用各种真实的工具加入和搅拌各种食物所需要的材料,尽情享受烹饪带来的无限乐趣- 各种五颜六色的糖果,巧克力,美味的酱汁来装饰你的食物。也可以尽情享受DIY乐趣。- 点击拍照按钮拍一张美美的照片分享给朋友和家人。你是最棒的。
会说话的企鹅格温 Talking Gwen the Penguin
企鹅格温是诞生于鹦鹉波利之后的第二个角色.(鹦鹉波利是最早的会说话小动物之一)企鹅格温生活在南极。她俏皮可爱,最喜欢吃鱼。她热爱滑冰,跳舞和欢笑。在闲暇时,格温喜欢钓鱼,但那并不总是一件容易的事。有时,她甚至还需要担心凶猛的大鱼的袭击!事实上,格温的生活并不总是充满乐趣和嬉戏。她经常遇到到污染,饥饿和孤独的困扰。至少您可以做的是陪她聊天,您还等什么呢!主要特点:-尝试着和格温说话吧,她的声音会很有意思!-点击食物图标来给她喂鱼-点击鱼竿图标,可以看到她捕鱼-轻拍她的脑袋,可以看到她高兴的跳跃-轻拍她的肚皮可以看到她欢快的轻笑-滑动她的肚皮可以看到她在冰上打转 -挥动手机可以看到她在冰上打转-你也可以录下自己问候或者道别的话语让格温来说。-设置了不同的语速后格温的声音会有不同的效果哦!拥有了会说话的格温,您可以享受到小企鹅精美生动的3D动画。我们的应用不含诡异,暴力等不健康的内容,非常适合供小朋友们娱乐。
说明驱动超级列车周围的火车轨道,收集火热的轨道器,避免撞上红色火车! 控制超级火车的路径通过触摸连接点按钮切换其方向,并向前和向后调整速度滑块。 不要撞到一个错误切换连接点,不驶入红火车之一! 收集5个火热的人造卫星,并通过各级的进展的方式。 每个级别变得越来越复杂和困难的。 该相机可以切换到火车司机查看和触摸搬来搬去。 这些控件是非常简单的操作,游戏很简单玩,但它是相当掌握它的一个挑战。 ***不会产生应用内购进!***
Marble Mixer
打弹珠 (Marble Mixer) 是一款以打弹珠为主题的游戏,没错,就是我们小时候都玩过的弹珠,不过在规则上有一些小小的变化。这款iPad游戏能够支持最多四位玩家同时游戏,并且提供了三种游戏模式,游戏方式同样也是非常简单,用手指触控来将弹珠打出去即可,而且手指移动的快慢可是会跟弹珠的速度有关哦~
单看图标和游戏截图,就觉得很熟悉,似乎有点山寨Home Sheep Home 2(小羊回家2)的味道,进入到游戏中,发现连玩法都相似,就是要控制三只各有所长的小羊协同合作,顺利抵达终点。不过手绘卡通风还是蛮讨人喜欢的,喜欢配合闯关类益智游戏的朋友可以尝试下。
My Little Garden
Happy 2012 Promo - My Little Garden is Free for limited time!---My Little Garden is the most beautiful magical garden simulator for iPhone and iPod Touch--- Plant different flowers, fruits and veggies.Place dozens of fantastic decorations.Get new animals: dogs, cats, frogs, UFOs …---Care for your personal garden---Plant, water and fertilize the plants, help them flourish and make them happy. Use garden tools, summon supernatural rains, warm sunrays or magical smoke. ---Complete hundreds of tasks, achievements and assignments!--- Complete assignments, unlock achievements, upgrade your magical abilities and buy new equipment.Help your friends and receive rewards.Game Features: * beautifully animated flowers, animals and magical spells* 18 joyful plants: flowers, fruits, trees and veggies * friendly helpful pets: dogs, cats, rabbits and more * more than 100 different decorations * freedom of garden design: create your personalized garden
火眼金睛来找茬 免费版
“火眼金睛来找茬”是一款适合各个年龄段人群的经典小游戏。这个版本特别为iPhone手机定制,图片大、点触范围大,使得该游戏在iPhone上更加易于操作。玩家在规定的时间内找出两幅图中的3个不同之处即为过关。* 放大镜工具可以帮助玩家找出一处不同* 时钟工具可以延长时间免费版:包含18组免费的图片。可以通过购买解锁72组新图片。付费版:包含全部的90组图片。
寻找宝石 - Find The Jewelry
"Find The Jewelry" 是一个简单的游戏。这三个帽子洗牌。请棚一个包含饰品。 加快以清除每一个洗牌,更高的难度。 为了保持浓度和高层次的目的是请。 您的结果将刊登在排名。 请欣赏水平竞争的全球玩家。
Smarty: My First Words
A new game from Smarty! Playing "Smarty: My First Worlds" will be great fun for your child aged 1 to 10 years. Like other games Smarty - the game " Smarty: My First Worlds " not only carries beautiful colorful graphics, but also develops your child. The game is directed to: oDevelopment of vocabularyoDevelopment of observation oDevelopment of Memory oDevelopment of fine motor skills oStudy of colorsoStudy
of forms oDeveloping skills of classification and sorting oDevelopment of visual-motor coordination oImproves short-term memory oDevelopment of thinking skills Play time with Smarty is entertaining and educational at the same time!
Pocket Casino
I WANT PLAY CASINO EVERYWHERE!Pocket Casino includes Black Jack, American Roullette, Race and other 7 games in a pack.You can play these games as simple touch.LUCKY SEVENThere are seven games which plays with 7 head of cutty animals."BlackJack with Fox", "Roullette with Honey Bee", "Larva Race", "Thrust the elephant by a needle", "Rock, paper and scissors against Monkey", "Guess the Gorilla’s face" and "Catch the Mole"GAME LEAGUEYou can play among "Silver", "Gold" and "Diamong" leage. Each leage has different chips to bet.You can buy and sell the chips in the store.VARIOUS BONUS GAMESYou can buy three games are now availalbe in App Store pay by the chip in the game.Or
(Time limited) Free ticket which can play any game by the chip.If you lose all the chips?Don't worry, you can play the chip without "Hit the mole". This game bring you the chips!* Pocket Casino support game Center.* Retina display support.* Twitter: /NaraENC
uMatch (UUU)
**中国排名前10!**uMatch是一款内容经典、形式新颖的消除类游戏。完全抛弃一成不变的老旧样式,让游戏随时根据你的心情而改变!放松一下,悠闲地度过下午茶时间,用你的指尖把朋友们和漂亮的照片连成一片。主要特点:* 经典的消消乐游戏,休闲和打发时间的最佳选择。* 只需简单几步,随心所欲地打造专属于你自己的游戏,所有的东西都能因你而改变!* 通过Facebook,Twitter,微博和电子邮件,与所有的朋友分享你的成绩。* 玩游戏的同时享受你iPod里的美妙音乐。更多Camigo游戏:熊猫屁王猪爆弹寻找熊猫屁王Submit关注新浪微博:@Camigo
Paper Telephone
★ Featured in "What's Hot" for Word and Educational games! ★Join in the hilarious group game for everyone and loved by everyone! Based on the popular group game of Telephone Pictionary!Write, draw, and laugh as you attempt to interpret the previous player's form of communication! *The first player will write a phrase. The funnier the better!*The second player will interpret this phrase with a drawing.*The third player will reinterpret this drawing as another phrase.*Around and around it goes, eventually resulting in a hilarious outcome!*View the entire game at the end and laugh at the progression!Play in a local game on one device or with your friends anywhere!Earn achievements, climb the leader boards, save games, and laugh as you ask, "How did they come up with that???"Featuring turn-based gameplay! Play at your convenience, invite your friends, receive notifications of your turns, and view the outcome upon its completion.For support and to view the Hall of Fame, visit Follow us on Facebook!/TelephonePictionary
Word Tree 3D FREE.
Have you every picked apples from a tree to spell a word? now you can, challenge your vocabulary in this brand new type of word game. Your goal for each level may consist of picking apples to make up 3 to 5 letters words to help you move on to the next level. Harvest you orders of apples in quick succession for bonus points.
Complete your entire order before the deadline for even larger points bonuses.As time progresses the apples will ripen and fall from the tree.
Don’t let it rest too long or it will be lost.
Breeze through the days of summer filling your orders.
The season will start slow but as the days progress and harvesting time comes to an end, more and more buyers will rush to purchase your fruit.
How long can you keep up with the orders before missing one?
See how you rate with the rest of the world on the online leader boards.
一个让你自由自在和他人对弈的象棋盘, 免去你旅行、休闲时携带象棋的麻烦和购买费用。无电脑AI,无人机对战,没有走棋的规则约束, 你可以按自己的方式下棋, 让子也好, 摆个残局也好, 随心所欲与他人对局, 不受电脑规则约束的束缚。
Pop Goes The Bubble Lite
It's time to pop the bubbles!!This fun and easy to play game will keep the little one occupied so you can get a moment of rest. The game was developed with a child in mind. It's simple, colorful and fun. Play with the child or let them explore on their own. All they need is some basic hand eye coordination and energy.The Lite version includes one game mode called Tap n' PopTap n’ Pop Mode gives you the ability to tap the blower and blow as many bubbles as fast you’d like while the little ones pop them before they gently float off the screen. Change the background to reflect your mood. Go for the bright and cheerful ball pit or for the calm and relaxing river side walkway.Key Features:oFun for all agesoEasy to useoDesigned for a child, tested and approved by one as welloMulti Touch friendly (point, tap or smack), any gesture will create fun resultsoBright HD backgroundsoRealistic and unpredictable bubble size and movement
Hidden Wonders of the Depths 2
[UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME!]It is up to you to help your crab explore the underwater world in the hit sequel, Hidden Wonders of the Depths 2! Clear a path to the treasure chest in each level to advance to the next stage as you travel the globe. As you advance you’ll play exciting minigames and fun puzzles! Bask in the beauty of the sea and experience the addicting Match 3 gameplay. Can you travel from ocean to ocean and help your friendly crab?☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆? Beautiful and colorful underwater scenes? An astonishing 250 unique levels made up of 5 different game styles? Repair a sunken boat and purchase fish to create your own undersea aquarium? Guide your crab to treasure!☆☆☆ Discover more from Big Fish Games! ☆☆☆We’re big believers that everyone is a gamer at heart and that games are a great source of joy and relaxation. Founded in 2002, Big Fish Games is a developer, publisher and distributor of casual games. We offer a virtually endless selection of interactive games that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Renowned for offering A New Game Every Day!(R) on , Big Fish Games distributes more than two million games per day worldwide.We have many other great iPhone games including:? Time Builders: Pyramid Rising? Flux Family Secrets: The Ripple Effect? Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island? Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors? PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville? Amazon: Hidden Expedition?? Awakening: The Dreamless Castle? Big City Adventure: New York City? Nick Chase: A Detective Story? Azada? Buckingham Palace: Hidden Mysteries?? Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror?? Atlantis Sky Patrol? Cooking QuestYou can always find an updated list at !Try out Big Fish Games' iSplash! newsletter and never miss a sale or new game again! Sign up at: http://bigfi.sh/isplashFollow us on Twitter: http://bigfi.sh/BigFishTwitterBecome a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesMobile
Touch Detective
--------------------------------[notice for iOS 9 users]We found the problem that when this app is played on the device with iOS 9, the lines of characters will not be shown.This problem affects the game progress so please do not download this app if you are using iOS 9.The fixes for this problem is not yet determined.We deeply appreciate your understanding.If you are using iOS8 or before, please refrain from updating the OS version.--------------------------------*********************************Price:[Chapter 1 – Chapter 2, Part 1] Free[Ch. 2 Part 2 – Ch. 3 Part 1] [Ch. 3 Part 2 – Ch. 4 Part 1][Ch. 4 Part 2 – Bonus Chapter: “Funghi Breaks Out!”] $3.99 each[Complete Collection (from Ch. 2 Part 2 on)] $8.99Supporting Devices: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3rd generation or later (excluding 8GB models) and iPad.Required OS: iOS 7.0 or later.* Please note: “Funghi Breaks Out!” is exclusive bonus material for purchasing all chapters of “Touch Detective” for iOS, and is not sold separately.About In App Purchase (To buy additional chapters)- Must be connected to the internet.- If your device has been prohibited IAP, please note you can't buy them.********************************* "Thanks for waiting..."After four years of silence, our Touch Detective is back with all-new features!"Rookie detective Mackenzie and her assistant Funghi solve mysterious cases together in a spooky town!■"Touch Detective" (4 chapters in all)?Become Mackenzie, a fledgling detective, and solve various mysteries in a "Touch Adventure"!?The controls are simple...investigate suspicious items and people with a single touch!!?The items and testimonies you collect are the keys to the mystery...apply your deductive skills and intuition to tough(?) cases!?Capturing a dream thief, rescuing a snow fairy...all four chapters of a mysterious tale with heart!?Loaded with bonus scenarios, too!■Bonus: "Funghi Breaks Out!" (3 chapters in all)?A special escape game, exclusive to the app version... with Funghi as the hero!?One morning, Funghi wakes up to find himself locked in Mackenzie's room!?A mysterious shadow in the attic...Mackenzie and Cromwell plotting in whispers...something is definitely wrong!?Can Funghi escape the worst danger in the history of "Touch Detective"!?■Plenty of extras!?Includes an awesome, "too hardboiled" intro movie!?See another side of Mackenzie with the Touch List!?Back by popular demand from the DS version - enjoy all the background music on the Jukebox!■Get in "touch" with Mackenzie and Funghi with official contents!Special Site/~touchdetectivefacebook fanpage/beeworksgames.enTwitter@BeeworksGames /beeworksgames@ozawarina /ozawarina (Japanese Only)@nameko_nnf /nameko_nnf (Japanese Only)
Style Studio : Fashion Designer
你有没有梦想过在杂志封面上刊登你自己设计的流行衣物?从舒适品味到高级时装, 在Style Studio 这款应用里你可以打造你独特品味的衣物创造自己的流行王国!赶快行动吧。


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