如何在 Ubuntu 下正确显示 vim-vim airline 安装配置的箭头符号

为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或求vim airline 箭头不显示,如何解决?_百度知道如何在 Ubuntu 下正确显示 vim-airline 的箭头符号_百度知道如何在 Ubuntu 下正确显示 vim-airline 的箭头符号_百度知道ubuntu - Solarized Dark + Gnome Terminal + Vim + Vim-Airline - Super User
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I installed the solarized dark theme for gnome terminal using
and then with
installed . I added these lines to my .vimrc:
" Solarized options
let g:solarized_term = 1
colorscheme solarized
set background=dark
I am also using
installed using Vundle.
The problem is that in Normal mode vim-airline doesn't look great (text is very hard to read):
On my Mac with virtually the same setup it looks perfectly fine:
How do I get vim on my Gnome Terminal to look like it does on my Mac?
I had the same problem with terminator terminal.
Add following to .vimrc worked for me!
let &t_Co=256
I had the same issue too!
-> I installed:
-> Then, I added this to my .vimrc:
let g:airline_theme = 'base16_solarized'
It becomes just like your M)
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