
&&&&&&& 作文是考研英语非常重要的一个考点,作文复习自然很重要,想要写好作文自然少不了平时的积累和训练,下面是小编整理的一系列2017考研英语作文范文(14)之大学生必须去上课吗:
14 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
&&&& Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don't understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don't attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.
&&&& In class they receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.
&&&&& Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they've learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can't learn them just by reading the textbook.
&&&&& Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they're with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.
&&&&& Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.
&&&&& In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.
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ualities College Students should ProcessIn the recent several years, with the development of our society and science, college students should also process some specific qualities so as to shoulder the great responsibilities of our society.
Here i would like to talk about three important qualities as follows, college students should concentrate their minds on studies, the contribution they will make in the future will also be formed by their every bit of knowledge.
The fields of studies is the great foundation for their future development.
Like building a house brick by brick, college students should love their motherland.
Despite the excellent condition of overseas companies, nowadays many Chinese graduates come back to China in the return of their motherland.
We should bear in mind that China is like our own mothers that raise me up.Thirdly, college students should form great confidence and a positive self-image.
Whenever we meet difficulties, we should not back off, instead, we should strive to do our best to solve the problems.
Nothing can be a great obstacle on our way to success so long as we persist in doing what's right.To conclude, there are three above qualities that nowadays college students should have internally.Firstly
we should strive to do our best to solve the problems.
Nothing can be a great obstacle on our way to success so long as we persist in doing what's right.To conclude, there are three above qualities that nowadays college students should have internally, college students should form great confidence and a positive self-image.
Whenever we meet difficulties, we should not back off, instead.篇二:Qualities College Students should ProcessIn the recent several years, with the development of our society and science, college students should also process some specific qualities so as to shoulder the great responsibilities of our society.
Here i would like to talk about three important qualities as follows,these changes will make those who fantasize,shelter.Thirdly.
The fields of studies is the great foundation for their future development.
Like building a house brick by brick,etc, college students should love their motherland.
Despite the excellent condition of overseas companies, nowadays many Chinese graduates come back to China in the return of their motherland.
We should bear in mind that China is like our own mothers that raise me up,often want to deal with food,clothing:After college students to enter society?The main body ability quality in order to adapt ability and creation ability.Adaptability means that graduates to work in psychology,after living and working environment and interpersonal interaction, the contribution they will make in the future will also be formed by their every bit of knowledge.
Secondly, college students should concentrate their minds on studies,working conditions,interpersonal relationship has a very big change.,can quickly recognize,understand and familiar with the external environment,the subject and object and the coordinated ability quality,line,etc all transaction,the independent living ability request is higher.Firstly,first of all,what is the main body of should have ability quality,it's graduates an ability quality training is unable to avoid.Independent living ability.To job.Society compared with the school,the living environment,it mainly includes:Psychology to bear ability,to overcome psychological barriers,make oneself and the external environment to achieve identity on the psychological consciousness,aspiring graduates cause psychological contrast and intense conflict,at this point,the psychological bear ability is one of the first篇一
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11111As we know, with the development of society, more and more students are having cellphone. They are given as presents from parents, friends or relatives. In my opinion, the disadvantages are much more obvious than advantages of using cellphone. Here are my reasons.
First, cellphone will distract us from listening to the teachers in class. For example, while we are having class, and the cellphone rings, no doubt, it will distrub all of us, including teachers and students. So it will have an negative effect on our study.
Second, it is clear to us that using cellphone will do harm to our health and brain, according to the scientific survey. From the point of health,let's stop using the cellphone.
Last but not the least, many of us use cellphone to communicate with our friend. But the question is whether they are all good to you. It may easily lead to us have bad friends.
Cell phone is so cheap that almost all people can afford it. Whenever you go, you see people hold cell phones listening to music, talking on the phone, chatting with their friends by mobile QQ or sending video clip by micro messages. Our life style has changed enormously because of the widespread of mobile phones.
First of all, mobile phones change the way we communicate with others. In the past, we contact with our families, relatives and friend by writing letters or just go to certain area to make a phone call. However, if we want to contact with them, all we need to do is to take out our cell phone, dial numbers and then we can reach them in a minute.
Secondly, the way we contact with our friends is various. For most cell phones, we can download lots of software such as QQ, MSN, and micro message and so on to contact with our friends quite often and know their latest information.
Thirdly, by cell phone, we can take photos and locate ourselves easily. All cell phones have photo taking function. We can take photos anywhere we want and don't need to take our camera. Besides, if we are lost, we can use cell phones to locate ourselves to help us to get the right direction.
In conclusion, cell phones change our life greatly.
手机对大学生的利弊英文2    〖预览〗随着科技的发达,手机的研发更是变化无穷,原本那笨重的水壶刑大哥大摇身一变,最后变成了一部仅有0.5公分薄的手机。随之,许多的电信公司也不忘有其赚取丰厚的利润,纷纷推出了促销活动来吸引用户。  这种高科技的发明的确为各国的经济发展提升了不少,也为人类带来了许多好处,无论我们身在何处,只须轻轻按下手机键,话机的另一方马上会传来了一把自己期望听见的声音,这就所谓的方便。  手机里所备有的功能很多,当中包括游戏设定,发短信息,闹钟提示,备忘录,电台收听,照相机,计算机等功能。这样多姿多彩的功能在适当的时候使用,好处虽多,一旦月在不正当的地方,它将会是导致作奸犯科的祸首了。  总而言之,手机有很多好处只要我们善于利便能发挥到积极也能让我们感到方便。……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文3    〖预览〗我的爸爸最近一段时间,不知道是怎么一回事?竟然迷上了手机,他把手机总是揣在身边,寸步不离的,就好像是什么宝贝似的。老是看着手机。不信,你就听我讲一讲,我爸爸已经到达痴迷的地步了。  早上,一起床,他就坐在被窝里,拿着手机就在看。我问爸爸:“你到底在看什么?”爸爸不耐烦地说:“我看小说呢!”原来,是这样的呀!我想爸爸一定是迷恋上这部小说了,要不,总是看着手机,到达这样如痴如醉的境界呢!他每天都是如此,床上要看个半个小时,在妈妈的再三催促下,爸爸才起来刷牙,洗脸。爸爸在上厕所的时候,也真是见缝插针呀,坐在马桶上,手里还拿着手机在翻看。接着,是吃早饭了。爸爸还一边吃着饭,一边看着手机。至于,白天爸爸上班有没有看我就不知道了,不过,照这种情况的话,我想爸爸只要有时间,肯定是会看的。到了晚上回家吃晚饭的时候,爸爸也是这样,一边吃饭,一边看手机。爸爸 就连洗脚的时候,也是一边看着手机,一边洗脚。晚上睡觉之前,也还是坐在床上,要看很久才肯罢休,嘴里还嘟囔囔着:“眼睛疼死了。”我想,你眼睛不疼那才叫怪呢!这么长时间对着手机,怎么可能会不疼呢?  你说,我爸爸看手机是不是已经达到痴迷的地步了!我也真是醉了!……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文4    〖预览〗omes smaller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.
People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and uickly. You don t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the net, listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attracti……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文5    〖预览〗随着科技迅猛发展,现代化的东西渗入了人们生活的点点滴滴,使得我们的生活更加便捷和舒适,其中手机就是这个时代的高科技产品,上至七八十岁的老人,下至五六岁的孩子,很多都在用手机。  早上用手机闹铃,睁开眼睛,就要拿手机看一下时间,基本上代替了闹钟的作用,接下来就是捧着手机开始刷微博,看微信……看完八卦,聊完天,打开手机上的游戏软件,玩游戏,或者是看小说。反正这一天吃饭在玩手机,上厕所在看手机,感觉除了睡觉,剩下的时间都和手机粘在一块了。  如果手机不见了,那可就不得了了,把家里翻个地朝天否则不罢休,就算不玩,也要和他在一块,要不然就心烦气燥,事情也做不好。  现在的人越来越离不开手机了,人和人之间的关系,也变得淡漠起来,面对面的时候也没有了话题,感觉时间都荒废在了玩手机上。  我们这样天天玩手机,真的不好,放下手机去看看这个美丽的世界吧!关心关心你身边的朋友吧!……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文6    〖预览〗Model 1
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phone
“手机的利与弊”属提纲式各抒己见类议论文。也有书把此类写作模式的作文归类于匹配对比类或比较对比类作文。写作的套路是“一些人认为―― ;而另一些人认为―― 。我的看法是―― 。”
这是篇提纲式议论文。根据提纲提示,文章可采用三段式行文,也可开篇引出导言段后,再采用四段式行文。经分析,文中所给的三个汉语提示均可视为该段的主题句。全文框架如下,第一段主题句为:Cell phones are getting mor二段主题句提纲点为:advanta第三段的主题句提纲点为……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文7    〖预览〗Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school.
As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them wh……【】手机对大学生的利弊英文8    〖预览〗学生A: As every body knows, mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.
First, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are.Especially when they have something important.It reduces the cost for people dont have to travel a long way to get to know the things in person
Second,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short message.
Third, we can also play games or take photoes or listen to music on the mobiles,late we do many things on them with the development of technolo……【】
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All only by continuously learning to get what he wants, sublimation, to realize his dream, learning not only limited to learn in the school, in social learning communicating, learn to talk way, the study to do a thing called learning, etc.University that is equivalent to a small society. Not only need study the knowledge, also learn how to learn to mature thinking about things to think about his future.10 million can&#39, skills and learning and the teacher classmates learn to wear masks, learn to be a lot ofI think the university is the purpose of study for your own want life.Why to want study? Because only learning to improve yourself


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