如何移动PostgreSQL的什么叫大数据分析目录移到新位置上的Ubuntu 16.04

求解 这段代码用java如何编写。_java吧_百度贴吧
求解 这段代码用java如何编写。收藏
1007. To and Fro
DescriptionMo and Larry have devised a way of encrypting messages. They first decide secretly on the number of columns and write the message (letters only) down the columns, padding with extra random letters so as to make a rectangular array of letters. For example, if the message is "There's no place like home on a snowy night" and there are five columns, Mo would write down t o i o y h p k n n e l e a i r a h s g e c o n h s e m o t n l e w x Note that Mo includes only letters and writes them all in lower case. In this example, Mo used the character `x' to pad the message out to make a rectangle, although he could have used any letter. Mo then sends the message to Larry by writing the letters in each row, alternating left-to-right and right-to-left. So, the above would be encrypted as toioynnkpheleaigshareconhtomesnlewx Your job is to recover for Larry the original message (along with any extra padding letters) from the encrypted one. InputThere will be multiple input sets. Input for each set will consist of two lines. The first line will contain an integer in the range 2 . ..20 indicating the number of columns used. The next line is a string of up to 200 lower case letters. The last input set is followed by a line containing a single 0, indicating end of input. OutputEach input set should generate one line of output, giving the original plaintext message, with no spaces. Sample Input5toioynnkpheleaigshareconhtomesnlewx3ttyohhieneesiaabss0Sample Outputtheresnoplacelikehomeonasnowynightxthisistheeasyoneab 代码#include &iostream&#include &cstring&int main(){
int i, j, k,
int numberOfC
cin && numberOfC
char useless[1];
char message[201];
while(numberOfColumn != 0)
int numberOfRow = strlen(message) / numberOfC
for(j=1; message[j * numberOfColumn] &= 'a' && message[j * numberOfColumn] &= 'z'; j++)
if (j % 2 == 0)
for (k = 0;k & numberOfColumn / 2; k++)
temp = message[(j + 1) * numberOfColumn - 1 - k];
message[(j + 1) * numberOfColumn - 1 - k] = message[j * numberOfColumn + k];
message[j * numberOfColumn + k] =
for(i = 0; i & numberOfC i++)
for(j = 0; j & numberOfR j++)
cout && message[numberOfColumn * j + i];
cin && numberOfC
return 0;}
Deye德业除湿机→从家用到工业,帮您解决任何除湿烦恼! 全国联保! 终生维修!
啊啊啊啊啊 求帮助 。刚开始学java 不知道从哪里下手。
public String[] getItemsProperties() {
String itemsProperties[] = new String[getNumberOfItems()];
int i = 0;
for((Iterator) iterator1 = PCBItems.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();)
ProcessPCB stu_Item = (ProcessPCB)iterator1.next();
itemsProperties[i++] = stu_Item.toString();
return itemsP }总在Iterator(红括号括起来的地方)那里提示Iterator is a raw type. References to generic type Iterator&E& should be parameterized求解答
Iterator 改为 Iterator&ProcessPCB &
1.用JDK1.5以前的版本2.或着用@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")3.如果是在Eclipse下开发的话,还可以更改Eclipse的编译属性,在 windows-设定-java-compile-错误和警告 里面有不检查泛型 这个选项。改成无视就行了Eclipse--&首选项---&JAVA--&Compiler--&Errors/Warnings--&Generic types--&下面三个全部改成Ignore就OK了搬来的,自己实践操作下哈


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