
悲剧的诞生 The birth of Tragedy
根据Alf red Baeumler 编的“尼采全集”卷一译出,北京中国人民大学1979年版.
The Birth of Tragedy
Attempt at a Self-Criticism(1886)
First publication, 1872:The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of
Second Edition, 1878: (some textual changes).
Third edition, 1886: &Attempt at a Self-Criticism& added and a new
title, The Birth of Tragedy Or: Hellenism And Pessimism.
Preface to Richard Wagner(1871)
To keep at a distance all the possible scruples, excitements,
and misunderstandings that the thoughts united in this essay
will occasion, in view of the peculiar character of our aesthetic
public, and to be able to write these introductory remarks,
too, with the same contemplative delight whose reflection--the
distillation of good and elevating hours--is evident on every
page, I picture the moment when you, my highly respected friend,
will receive this essay. Perhaps after an evening walk in the
winter snow, you will behold Prometheus unbound on the title
page, read my name, and be convinced at once that, whatever
this essay should contain, the author certainly has something
serio also that, as he hatched these ideas,
he was communicating with you as if you were present, and hence
could write down only what was in keeping with that presence.
You will recall that it was during the same period when your
splendid Festschrift on Beethoven came into being,
amid the terrors and sublimities of the war that had just broken
out, that I collected myself for these reflections. Yet anyone
would be mistaken if he associated my reflections with the contrast
between patriotic excitement and aesthetic enthusiasm, of courageous
seriousness and a cheerful game: if he really read this essay,
it would dawn on him, to his surprise, what a seriously German
problem is faced here and placed right in the center of German
hopes, as a vortex and turning point. But perhaps such readers
will find it offensive that an aesthetic problem should be taken
so seriously--assuming they are unable to consider art more
than a pleasant sideline, a readily dispensable tinkling of
bells that accompanies the &seriousness of life,& just as if
nobody knew what was involved in such a contrast with the &seriousness
of life.& Let such &serious& readers learn something from the
fact that I am convinced that art represents the highest task
and the truly metaphysical activity of this life, in the sense
of that man to whom, as my sublime predecessor on this path,
I wish to dedicate this essay.Basel, end of the
Much will have been gained for
aesthetics once we have succeeded in apprehending directly--rather
than merely ascertaining--that art owes its continuous
evolution to the Apollinian- Dionysian duality, even as the
propagation of the species depends on the duality of the sexes,
their constant conflicts and periodic acts of reconciliation.
I have borrowed my adjectives from the Greeks, who developed
their mystical doctrines of art through plausible embodiments,
not through purely conceptual means. It is by those two art
sponsoring deities, Apollo and Dionysus, that we are made to
recognize the tremendous split, as regards both origins and
objectives, between the plastic, Apollinian arts and the nonvisual
art of music inspired by Dionysus. The two creative tendencies
developed alongside one another, usually in fierce opposition,
each by its taunts forcing the other to more energetic production,
both perpetuating in a discordant concord that agon which the
term art but feebly denominates: until at last, by
the thaumaturgy of an Hellenic act of will, the pair accepted
the yoke of marriage and, in this condition, begot Attic tragedy,
which exhibits the salient features of both parents.
To reach a closer understanding
of both these tendencies, let us begin by viewing them as the
separate art realms of dream and intoxication,
two physiological phenomena standing toward one another in much
the same relationship as the Apollinian and Dionysian. It was
in a dream, according to Lucretius, that the marvelous gods
and goddesses first presented themselves to the minds of men.
That great sculptor, Phidias, beheld in a dream the entrancing
bodies of more than human beings, and likewise, if anyone had
asked the Greek poets about the mystery of poetic creation,
they too would have referred him to dreams and instructed him
much as Hans Sachs instructs us in Die Meistersinger:
The poet's task is this, my friend,
to read his dreams and comprehend.
The truest human fancy seems
to be revealed to us in dreams:
all poems and versification
are but true dreams' interpretation.
The fair illusion of the dream
sphere, in the production of which every man proves himself
an accomplished artist, is a precondition not only of all plastic
art, but even, as we shall see presently, of a wide range of
poetry. Here we enjoy an immediate apprehension of form, all
shapes speak to us directly, nothing seems indifferent or redundant.
Despite the high intensity with which these dream realities
exist for us, we still have a residual sensation that they are
at least such has been my experience-- and the frequency,
not to say normality, of the experience is borne out in many
passages of the poets. Men of philosophical disposition are
known for their constant premonition that our everyday reality,
too, is an illusion, hiding another, totally different kind
of reality. It was Schopenhauer who considered the ability to
view at certain times all men and things as mere phantoms or
dream images to be the true mark of philosophic talent. The
person who is responsive to the stimuli of art behaves toward
the reality of dream much the way the philosopher behaves toward
the reality of existence: he observes exactly and enjoys his
observations, for it is by these images that he interprets life,
by these processes that he rehearses it. Nor is it by pleasant
images only that such plausible connections are made: the whole
divine comedy of life, including its somber aspects, its sudden
balkings, impish accidents, anxious expectations, moves past
him, not quite like a shadow play--for it is he himself, after
all, who lives and suffers through these scenes--yet never without
giving a fleeti and I imagine that many
persons have reassured themselves amidst the perils of dream
by calling out, &It is a dream! I want it to go on.& I have
even heard of people spinning out the causality of one and the
same dream over three or more successive nights. All these facts
clearly bear witness that our innermost being, the common substratum
of humanity, experiences dreams with deep delight and a sense
of real necessity. This deep and happy sense of the necessity
of dream experiences was expressed by the Greeks in the image
of Apollo. Apollo is at once the god of all plastic powers and
the soothsaying god. He who is etymologically the &lucent& one,
the god of light, reigns also over the fair illusion of our
inner world of fantasy. The perfection of these conditions in
contrast to our imperfectly understood waking reality, as well
as our profound awareness of nature's healing powers during
the interval of sleep and dream, furnishes a symbolic analogue
to the soothsaying faculty and quite generally to the arts,
which make life possible and worth living. But the image of
Apollo must incorporate that thin line which the dream image
may not cross, under penalty of becoming pathological, of imposing
itself on us as crass reality: a discreet limitation, a freedom
from all extravagant urges, the sapient tranquillity of the
plastic god. His eye must be sunlike, in keeping with his origin.
Even at those moments when he is angry and ill-tempered there
lies upon him the consecration of fair illusion. In an eccentric
way one might say of Apollo what Schopenhauer says, in the first
part of The World as Will and Idea, of man caught in
the veil of Maya: &Even as on an immense, raging sea, assailed
by huge wave crests, a man sits in a little rowboat trusting
his frail craft, so, amidst the furious torments of this world,
the individual sits tranquilly, supported by the principium
individuationis and relying on it.& One might say that
the unshakable confidence in that principle has received its
most magnificent expression in Apollo, and that Apollo himself
may be regarded as the marvelous divine image of the principium
individuationis, whose looks and gestures radiate the full
delight, wisdom, and beauty of &illusion.&
In the same context Schopenhauer
has described for us the tremendous awe which seizes man when
he suddenly begins to doubt the cognitive modes of experience,
in other words, when in a given instance the law of causation
seems to suspend itself. If we add to this awe the glorious
transport which arises in man, even from the very depths of
nature, at the shattering of the principium individuationis,
then we are in a position to apprehend the essence of Dionysian
rapture, whose closest analogy is furnished by physical intoxication.
Dionysian stirrings arise either through the influence of those
narcotic potions of which all primitive races speak in their
hymns, or through the powerful approach of spring, which penetrates
with joy the whole frame of nature. So stirred, the individual
forgets himself completely. It is the same Dionysian power which
in medieval Germany drove ever increasing crowds of people singing
and dancing we recognize in these St. John's
and St. Vitus' dancers the Bacchic choruses of the Greeks, who
had their precursors in Asia Minor and as far back as Babylon
and the orgiastic Sacaea. There are people who, either from
lack of experience or out of sheer stupidity, turn away from
such phenomena, and, strong in the sense of their own sanity,
label them either mockingly or pityingly &endemic diseases.&
These benighted souls have no idea how cadaverous and ghostly
their &sanity& appears as the intense throng of Dionysian revelers
sweeps past them.
Not only does the bond between
man and man come to be forged once more by the magic of the
Dionysian rite, but nature itself, long alienated or subjugated,
rises again to celebrate the reconciliation with her prodigal
son, man. The earth offers its gifts voluntarily, and the savage
beasts of mountain and desert approach in peace. The chariot
of Dionysus is bedecked with
and tigers stride beneath his yoke. If one were to convert Beethoven's
&Paean to Joy& into a painting, and refuse to curb the imagination
when that multitude prostrates itself reverently in the dust,
one might form some apprehension of Dionysian ritual. Now the
all the rigid, hostile walls which
either necessity or despotism has erected between men are shattered.
Now that the gospel of universal harmony is sounded, each individual
becomes not only reconciled to his fellow but actually at one
with him--as though the veil of Maya had been torn apart and
there remained only shreds floating before the vision of mystical
Oneness. Man now expresses himself through song and dance as
the member o he has forgotten how to walk,
how to speak, and is on the brink of taking wing as he dances.
Each of his gestures
through him sounds
a supernatural power, the same power which makes the animals
speak and the earth render up milk and honey.
He feels himself to be godlike
and strides with the same elation and ecstasy as the gods he
has seen in his dreams. No longer the artist, he has
himself become a work of art: the productive power
of the whole universe is now manifest in his transport, to the
glorious satisfaction of the primordial One. The finest clay,
the most precious marble--man--is here kneaded and hewn, and
the chisel blows of the Dionysian world artist are accompanied
by the cry of the Eleusinian mystagogues: &Do you fall on your
knees, multitudes, do you divine your creator?&
So far we have examined the Apollinian
and Dionysian states as the product of formative forces arising
directly from nature without the mediation of the human artist.
At this stage artistic urges are satisfied directly, on the
one hand through the imagery of dreams, whose perfection is
quite independent of the intellectual rank, the artistic development
on the other hand, through an ecstatic reality
which once again takes no account of the individual and may
even destroy him, or else redeem him through a mystical experience
of the collective. In relation to these immediate creative conditions
of nature every artist must appear as &imitator,& either as
the Apollinian dream artist or the Dionysian ecstatic artist,
or, finally (as in Greek tragedy, for example) as dream and
ecstatic artist in one. We might picture to ourselves how the
last of these, in a state of Dionysian intoxication and mystical
self-abrogation, wandering apart from the reveling throng, sinks
upon the ground, and how there is then revealed to him his own
condition--complete oneness with the essence of the universe--in
a dream similitude.
Having set down these general premises
and distinctions, we now turn to the Greeks in order to realize
to what degree the formative forces of nature were developed
in them. Such an inquiry will enable us to assess properly the
relation of the Greek artist to his prototypes or, to use Aristotle's
expression, his &imitation of nature.& Of the dreams the Greeks
dreamed it is not possible to speak with any certainty, despite
the extant dream literature and the large number of dream anecdotes.
But considering the incredible accuracy of their eyes, their
keen and unabashed delight in colors, one can hardly be wrong
in assuming that their dreams too showed a strict consequence
of lines and contours, hues and groupings, a progression of
scenes similar to their best bas reliefs. The perfection of
these dream scenes might almost tempt us to consider the dreaming
Greek as a Homer and Homer as a dreaming G which would
be as though the modern man were to compare himself in his dreaming
to Shakespeare.
Yet there is another point about
which we do not have to conjecture at all: I mean the profound
gap separating the Dionysian Greeks from the Dionysian barbarians.
Throughout the range of ancient civilization (leaving the newer
civilizations out of account for the moment) we find evidence
of Dionysian celebrations which stand to the Greek type in much
the same relation as the bearded satyr, whose name and attributes
are derived from the goat, stands to the god Dionysus. The central
concern of such celebrations was, almost universally, a complete
sexual promiscuity overriding every form of established tribal
all the savage urges of the mind were unleashed on those
occasions until they reached that paroxysm of lust and cruelty
which has always struck me as the &witches' cauldron& par
excellence. It would appear that the Greeks were for a
while quite immune from these feverish excesses which must have
reached them by every known land or sea route. What kept Greece
safe was the proud, imposing image of Apollo, who in holding
up the head of the Gorgon to those brutal and grotesque Dionysian
forces subdued them. Doric art has immortalized Apollo's majestic
rejection of all license. But resistance became difficult, even
impossible, as soon as similar urges began to break forth from
the deep substratum of Hellenism itself. Soon the function of
the Delphic god developed into something quite different and
much more limited: all he could hope to accomplish now was to
wrest the destructive weapon, by a timely gesture of pacification,
from his opponent's hand. That act of pacification represents
the most important event in the history of G every
department of life now shows symptoms of a revolutionary change.
The two great antagonists have been reconciled. Each feels obliged
henceforth to keep to his bounds, each will honor the other
by the bestowal of periodic gifts, while the cleavage remains
fundamentally the same. And yet, if we examine what happened
to the Dionysian powers under the pressure of that treaty we
notice a great difference: in the place of the Babylonian Sacaea,
with their throwback of men to the condition of apes and tigers,
we now see entirely new rites celebrated: rites of universal
redemption, of glorious transfiguration. Only now has it become
possible to speak of nature's celebrating an aesthetic
only now has the abrogation of the principium individuationis
become an aesthetic event. That terrible witches' brew concocted
of lust and cruelty has lost all power under the new conditions.
Yet the peculiar blending of emotions in the heart of the Dionysian
reveler--his ambiguity if you will--seems still to hark back
(as the medicinal drug harks back to the deadly poison) to the
days when the infliction of pain was experienced as joy while
a sense of supreme triumph elicited cries of anguish from the
heart. For now in every exuberant joy there is heard an undertone
of terror, or else a wistful lament over an irrecoverable loss.
It is as though in these Greek festivals a sentimental trait
of nature were coming to the fore, as though nature were bemoaning
the fact of her fragmentation, her decomposition into separate
individuals. The chants and gestures of these revelers, so ambiguous
in their motivation, represented an absolute novum
in the world of the Homeric G their Dionysian music, in
especial, spread abroad terror and a deep shudder. It is true:
music had long been familiar to the Greeks as an Apollinian
art, as a regular beat like that of waves lapping the shore,
a plastic rhythm expressly developed for the portrayal of Apollinian
conditions. Apollo's music was a Doric architecture of sound--of
barely hinted sounds such as are proper to the cithara. Those
very elements which characterize Dionysian music and, after
it, music quite generally: the heart shaking power of tone,
the uniform stream of melody, the incomparable resources of
harmony--all those elements had been carefully kept at a distance
as being inconsonant with the Apollinian norm. In the Dionysian
dithyramb man is incited to strain his symbolic faculties to
something quite unheard of is now clamoring to be
heard: the desire to tear asunder the veil of Maya, to sink
back into the origin the desire to express
the very essence of nature symbolically. Thus an entirely new
set of symbols springs into being. First, all the symbols pertaining
to physical features: mouth, face, the spoken word, the dance
movement which coordinates the limbs and bends them to its rhythm.
Then suddenly all the rest of the symbolic forces--music and
rhythm as such, dynamics, harmony--assert themselves with great
energy. In order to comprehend this total emancipation of all
the symbolic powers one must have reached the same measure of
inner freedom those powers themselves
which is to say that the votary of Dionysus could not be understood
except by his own kind. It is not difficult to imagine the awed
surprise with which the Apollinian Greek must have looked on
him. And that surprise would be further increased as the latter
realized, with a shudder, that all this was not so alien to
him after all, that his Apollinian consciousness was but a thin
veil hiding from him the whole Dionysian realm.
In order to comprehend this we
must take down the elaborate edifice of Apollinian culture stone
by stone until we discover its foundations. At first the eye
is struck by the marvelous shapes of the Olympian gods who stand
upon its pediments, and whose exploits, in shining bas-relief,
adorn its friezes. The fact that among them we find Apollo as
one god among many, making no claim to a privileged position,
should not mislead us. The same drive that found its most complete
representation in Apollo generated the whole Olympian world,
and in this sense we may consider Apollo the father of that
world. But what was the radical need out of which that illustrious
society of Olympian beings sprang?
Whoever approaches the Olympians
with a different religion in his heart, seeking moral elevation,
sanctity, spirituality, loving kindness, will presently be forced
to turn away from them in ill-humored disappointment. Nothing
in these deities reminds us of asceticism, high intellect, or
duty: we are confronted by luxuriant, triumphant existence,
which deifies the good and the bad indifferently. And the beholder
may find himself dismayed in the presence of such overflowing
life and ask himself what potion these heady people must have
drunk in order to behold, in whatever direction they looked,
Helen laughing back at them, the beguiling image of their own
existence. But we shall call out to this beholder, who has already
turned his back: Don't go! Listen first to what the Greeks themselves
have to say of this life, which spreads itself before you with
such puzzling serenity. An old legend has it that King Midas
hunted a long time in the woods for the wise Silenus, companion
of Dionysus, without being able to catch him. When he had finally
caught him the king asked him what he considered man's greatest
good. The daemon remained sullen and uncommunicative until finally,
forced by the king, he broke into a shrill laugh and spoke:
&Ephemeral wretch, begotten by accident and toil, why do you
force me to tell you what it would be your greatest boon not
to hear? What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach:
not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing. But
the second best is to die soon.&
What is the relation of the Olympian
gods to this popular wisdom? It is that of the entranced vision
of the martyr to his torment.
①据古希腊神话,铁旦神族是宙斯统治以前的神统,被宙斯推翻,尼采在本文中使 “铁旦”这词,往往指希腊文明时代以前的原始社会的自然状态、自然冲动、自然道德观等等。
Now the Olympian magic mountain
opens itself before us, showing us its very roots. The Greeks
were keenly aware of the terrors and
order to be able to live at all they had to place before them
the shining fantasy of the Olympians. Their tremendous distrust
of the titanic forces of nature: Moira, mercilessly
enthroned beyon the vulture which fed upon
the great philanthropist P the terrible lot drawn
by wise O the curse on the house of Atreus which brought
Orestes to the murder of his mother: that whole Panic philosophy,
in short, with its mythic examples, by which the gloomy Etruscans
perished, the Greeks conquered--or at least hid from view--again
and again by means of this artificial Olympus. In order to live
at all the Greeks had to construct these deities. The Apollinian
need for beauty had to develop the Olympian hierarchy of joy
by slow degrees from the original titanic hierarchy of terror,
as roses are seen to break from a thorny thicket. How else could
life have been borne by a race so hypersensitive, so emotionally
intense, so equipped for suffering? The same drive which called
art into being as a completion and consummation of existence,
and as a guarantee of further existence, gave rise also to that
Olympian realm which acted as a transfiguring mirror to the
Hellenic will. The gods justified human life by living it themselves--the
only satisfactory theodicy ever invented. To exist in the clear
sunlight of such deities was now felt to be the highest good,
and the only real grief suffered by Homeric man was inspired
by the thought of leaving that sunlight, especially when the
departure seemed imminent. Now it became possible to stand the
wisdom of Silenus on its head and proclaim that it was the worst
evil for man to die soon, and second worst for him to die at
all. Such laments as arise now arise over short-lived Achilles,
over the generations ephemeral as leaves, the decline of the
heroic age. It is not unbecoming to even the greatest hero to
yearn for an afterlife, though it be as a day laborer. So impetuously,
during the Apollinian phase, does man's will desire to remain
on earth, so identified does he become with existence, that
even his lament turns to a song of praise.
It should have become apparent
by now that the harmony with nature which we late comers regard
with such nostalgia, and for which Schiller has coined the cant
term na&ve, is by no means a simple and inevitable
condition to be found at the gateway to every culture, a kind
of paradise. Such a belief could have been endorsed only by
a period for which Rousseau's Emile was an artist and Homer
just such an artist nurtured in the bosom of nature. Whenever
we encounter &na&veté& in art, we are face to face with the
ripest fruit of Apollinian culture--which must always triumph
first over titans, kill monsters, and overcome the somber contemplation
of actuality, the intense susceptibility to suffering, by means
of illusions strenuously and zestfully entertained. But how
rare are the instances of true na&veté, of that complete identification
with the beauty of appearance! It is this achievement which
makes Homer so magnificent--Homer, who, as a single individual,
stood to Apollinian popular culture in the same relation as
the individual dream artist to the oneiric capacity of a race
and of nature generally. The na&veté of Homer must be viewed
as a complete victory of Apollinian illusion. Nature often uses
illusions of this sort in order to accomplish its secret purposes.
The true goal is covered over by a phantasm. We stretch out
our hands to the latter, while nature, aided by our deception,
attains the former. In the case of the Greeks it was the will
wishing to behold itself in the work of art, in the transcendence
but in order so to behold itself its creatures had
first to view themselves as glorious, to transpose themselves
to a higher sphere, without having that sphere of pure contemplation
either challenge them or upbraid them with insufficiency. It
was in that sphere of beauty that the Greeks saw the Olympians
as it was by means of that aesthetic mirror
that the Greek will opposed suffering and the somber wisdom
of suffering which always accompanies artistic talent. As a
monument to its victory stands Homer, the na&ve artist.
We can learn something about that
na&ve artist through the analogy of dream. We can imagine the
dreamer as he calls out to himself, still caught in the illusion
of his dream and without disturbing it, &This is a dream, and
I want to go on dreaming,& and we can infer, on the one hand,
that he takes deep delight in the contemplation of his dream,
and, on the other, that he must have forgotten the day, with
its horrible importunity, so to enjoy his dream. Apollo, the
interpreter of dreams, will furnish the clue to what is happening
here. Although of the two halves of life--the waking and the
dreaming--the former is generally considered not only the more
important but the only one which is truly lived, I would, at
the risk of sounding paradoxical, propose the opposite view.
The more I have come to realize in nature those omnipotent formative
tendencies and, with them, an intense longing for illusion,
the more I feel inclined to the hypothesis that the original
Oneness, the ground of Being, ever suffering and contradictory,
time and again has need of rapt vision and delightful illusion
to redeem itself. Since we ourselves are the very stuff of such
illusions, we must view ourselves as the truly non-existent,
that is to say, as a perpetual unfolding in time, space, and
causality--what we label &empiric reality.& But if, for the
moment, we abstract from our own reality, viewing our empiric
existence, as well as the existence of the world at large, as
the idea of the original Oneness, produced anew each
instant, then our dreams will appear to us as illusions of illusions,
hence as a still higher form of satisfaction of the original
desire for illusion. It is for this reason that the very core
of nature takes such a deep delight in the naive artist and
the naive work of art, which likewise is merely the illusion
of an illusion. Raphael, himself one of those immortal &naive&
artists, in a symbolic canvas has illustrated that reduction
of illusion to further illusion which is the original act of
the naive artist and at the same time of all Apollinian culture.
In the lower half of his &Transfiguration,& through the figures
of the possessed boy, the despairing bearers, the helpless,
terrified disciples, we see a reflection of original pain, the
sole ground of being: &illusion& here is a reflection of eternal
contradiction, begetter of all things. From this illusion there
rises, like the fragrance of ambrosia, a new illusory world,
invisible to those enmeshed in the first: a radiant vision of
pure delight, a rapt seeing through wide open eyes. Here we
have, in a great symbol of art, both the fair world of Apollo
and its substratum, the terrible wisdom of Silenus, and we can
comprehend intuitively how they mutually require one another.
But Apollo appears to us once again as the apotheosis of the
principium individuationis, in whom the eternal goal
of the original Oneness, namely its redemption through illusion,
accomplishes itself. With august gesture the god shows us how
there is need for a whole world of torment in order for the
individual to produce the redemptive vision and to sit quietly
in his rocking rowboat in mid sea, absorbed in contemplation.
If this apotheosis of individuation
is to be read in normative terms, we may infer that there is
one norm only: the individual--or, more precisely, the observance
of the limits of the individual: sophrosune. As a moral
deity Apollo demands self-control from his people and, in order
to observe such self-control, a knowledge of self. And so we
find that the aesthetic necessity of beauty is accompanied by
the imperatives, &Know thyself,& and &Nothing too much.& Conversely,
excess and hubris come to be regarded as the hostile
spirits of the non-Apollinian sphere, hence as properties of
the pre-Apollinian era--the age of Titans --and the extra-Apollinian
world, that is to say the world of the barbarians. It was because
of his Titanic love of man that Prometheus had to be devoured
it was because of his extravagant wisdom which
succeeded in solving the riddle of the Sphinx that Oedipus had
to be cast into a whirlpool of crime: in this fashion does the
Delphic god interpret the Greek past.
The effects of the Dionysian spirit
struck the Apollinian Greeks as
could not disguise from themselves the fact that they were essentially
akin to chose deposed Titans and heroes. They felt more than
that: their whole existence, with its temperate beauty, rested
upon a base of suffering and knowledge which had been
hidden from them until the reinstatement of Dionysus uncovered
it once more. And lo and behold! Apollo found it impossible
to live without Dionysus. The elements of titanism and barbarism
fumed out to be quite as fundamental as the Apollinian element.
And now let us imagine how the ecstatic sounds of the Dionysian
rites penetrated ever more enticingly into that artificially
restrained and discreet world of illusion, how this clamor expressed
the whole outrageous gamut of nature--delight, grief, knowledge--even
to t and then let us imagine how the Apollinian
artist with his thin, monotonous harp music must have sounded
beside the demoniac chant of the multitude! The muses presiding
over the illusory arts paled before an art which enthusiastically
told the truth, and the wisdom of Silenus cried &Woe!& against
the serene Olympians. The individual, with his limits and moderations,
forgot himself in the Dionysian vortex and became oblivious
to the laws of Apollo. Indiscreet extravagance revealed itself
as truth, and contradiction, a delight born of pain, spoke out
of the bosom of nature. Wherever the Dionysian voice was heard,
the Apollinian norm seemed suspended or destroyed. Yet it is
equally true that, in those places where the first assault was
withstood, the prestige and majesty of the Delphic god appeared
more rigid and threatening than before. The only way I am able
to view Doric art and the Doric state is as a perpetual military
encampment of the Apollinian forces. An art so defiantly austere,
so ringed about with fortifications--an education so military
and exacting--a polity so ruthlessly cruel--could endure only
in a continual state of resistance against the titanic and barbaric
menace of Dionysus.
Up to this point I have developed
at some length a theme which was sounded at the beginning of
this essay: how the Dionysian and Apollinian elements, in a
continuous chain of creations, each enhancing the other, dominated
the H how from the Iron Age, with its battles of
Titans and its austere popular philosophy, there developed under
the aegis of Apollo the Hom how this &naive&
splendor was then absorbed once more by the Dionysian torrent,
and how, face to face with this new power, the Apollinian code
rigidified into the majesty of Doric art and contemplation.
If the earlier phase of Greek history may justly be broken down
into four major artistic epochs dramatizing the battle between
the two hostile principles, then we must inquire further (lest
Doric art appear to us as the acme and final goal of all these
striving tendencies) what was the true end toward which that
evolution moved. And our eyes will come to rest on the sublime
and much lauded achievement of the dramatic dithyramb and Attic
tragedy, as the commo whose mysterious
marriage, after long discord, ennobled itself with such a child,
at once Antigone and Cassandra.
We are now approaching the central
concern of our inquiry, which has as its aim an understanding
of the Dionysian-Apollinian spirit, or at least an intuitive
comprehension of the mystery which made this conjunction possible.
Our first question must be: where in the Greek world is the
new seed first to be found which was later to develop into tragedy
and the dramatic dithyramb? Greek antiquity gives us a pictorial
clue when it represents in statues, on cameos, etc., Homer and
Archilochus side by side as ancestors and torchbearers of Greek
poetry, in the certainty that only these two are to be regarded
as truly original minds, from whom a stream of fire flowed onto
the entire later Greek world. Homer, the hoary dreamer, caught
in utter abstraction, prototype of the Apollinian naive artist,
stares in amazement at the passionate head of Archilochus, soldierly
servant of the Muses, knocked about by fortune. All that more
recent aesthetics has been able to add by way of interpretation
is that here the &objective& artist is confronted by the first
&subjective& artist. We find this interpretation of little use,
since to us the subjective artist is simply the bad artist,
and since we demand above all, in every genre and range of art,
a triumph over subjectivity, deliverance from the self, the
silencing of every pers since, in fact,
we cannot imagine the smallest genuine art work lacking objectivity
and disinterested contemplation. For this reason our aesthetic
must first solve the following problem: how is the lyrical poet
at all possible as artist--he who, according to the experience
of all times, always says &I& and recites to us the entire chromatic
scale of his passions and appetites? It is this Archilochus
who most disturbs us, placed there beside Homer, with the stridor
of his hate and mockery, the drunken outbursts of his desire.
Isn't he--the first artist to be called subjective--for that
reason the veritable non-artist? How, then, are we to explain
the reverence in which he was held as a poet, the honor done
him by the Delphic oracle, that seat of &objective& art, in
a number of very curious sayings?
Schiller has thrown some light
on his own manner of composition by a psychological observation
which seems inexplicable to himself without, however, giving
him pause. Schiller confessed that, prior to composing, he experienced
not a logically connected series of images but rather a
musical mood. &With me emotion is at the beginning without
dea those ideas do not arise until later
on. A certain musical disposition of mind comes first, and after
follows the poetical idea.& If we enlarge on this, taking into
account the most important phenomenon of ancient poetry, by
which I mean that union-- nay identity--everywhere considered
natural, between musician and poet (alongside which our modern
poetry appears as the statue of a god without a head), then
we may, on the basis of the aesthetics adumbrated earlier, explain
the lyrical poet in the following manner. He is, first and foremost,
a Dionysian artist, become wholly identified with the original
Oneness, its pain and contradiction, and producing a replica
of that Oneness as music, if music may legitimately be seen
as a rep however, this music becomes visible
to him again, as in a dream similitude, through the Apollinian
dream influence. That reflection, without image or idea, of
original pain in music, with its redemption through illusion,
now produces a second reflection as a single simile or example.
The artist had abrogated his subjectivity earlier, during the
Dionysian phase: the image which now reveals to him his oneness
with the heart of the world is a dream scene showing forth vividly,
together with original pain, the original delight of illusion.
The &I& thus sounds out o what recent writers
on aesthetics speak of as &subjectivity& is a mere figment.
When Archilochus, the first lyric poet of the Greeks, hurls
both his frantic love and his contempt at the daughters of Lycambes,
it is not his own passion that we see dancing before us in an
orgiastic frenzy: we see Dionysus and the maenads, we see the
drunken reveler Archilochus, sunk down in sleep--as Euripides
describes him for us in the Bacchae, asleep on a high
mountain meadow, in the midday sun--and now Apollo approaches
him and touches him with his laurel. The sleeper's enchantment
through Dionysian music now begins to emit sparks of imagery,
poems which, at their point of highest evolution, will bear
the name of tragedies and dramatic dithyrambs.
The sculptor, as well as his brother,
the epic poet, is committed to the pure contemplation of images.
The Dionysian musician, himself imageless, is nothing but original
pain and reverberation of the image. Out of this mystical process
of un-selving, the poet's spirit feels a whole world of images
and similitudes arise, which are quite different in hue, causality,
and pace from the images of the sculptor or narrative poet.
While the last lives in those images, and only in them, with
joyful complacence, and never tires of scanning them down to
the most minute features, while even the image of angry Achilles
is no more for him than an image whose irate countenance
he enjoys with a dreamer's delight in appearance--so that this
mirror of appearance protects him from complete fusion with
his characters--the lyrical poet, on the other hand, himself
becomes his images, his images are objectified versions of himself.
Being the active center of that world he may boldly speak in
the first person, only his &I& is not that of the actual waking
man, but the &I& dwelling, truly and eternally, in the ground
of being. It is through the reflections of that &I& that the
lyric poet beholds the ground of being. Let us imagine, next,
how he views himself too among these reflections--as non-genius,
that is, as his own subject matter, the whole teeming crowd
of his passions and intentions directed to
and when it now appears as though the poet and the nonpoet joined
to him were one, and as though the former were using the pronoun
&I,& we are able to see through this appearance, which has deceived
those who have attached the label &subjective& to the lyrical
poet. The man Archilochus, with his passionate loves and hates,
is really only a vision of genius, a genius who is no longer
merely Archilochus but the genius of the universe, expressing
its pain through the similitude of Archilochus the man. Archilochus,
on the other hand, the subjectively willing and desiring human
being, can never be a poet. Nor is it at all necessary for the
poet to see only the phenomenon of the man Archilochus before
him as a reflection of Eternal Being: the world of tragedy shows
us to what extent the vision of the poet can remove itself from
the urgent, immediate phenomenon.


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